The current racial passives are outdated when it comes to game balance, and also are not all lore friendly. I thought I would make a list of what I would give each race in ESO, trying my best to account for lore, game balance, uniqueness, and flavor, while also keeping every race useful for magicka and stamina builds. I took inspiration from the strengths of each race in Morrowind and Oblivion, as well as the Skyrim active abilities as well as current ESO passives. Each race should have a damage stat, a defensive passive or proc, and a sustain passive or proc, as well as some added utility or mobility as well. I know not all of these will be as useful for a healer or tank role, but I tried to include at least something for each race that would help those roles.
Let me know what you think!
For Argonians, Resistance to disease has always been their thing in all TES games, as well as high speed stats. Hist regeneration is a flavorful ability from skyrim and makes for a nice defensive addition here. The resourceful passive is a unique way to sustain, and I feel that outweighs the annoyance of needing to drink potions.
1/1 Amphibian - 50% swim speed. 5% move speed.
3/3 Hist skin - Regenerate 10k health over 5 seconds when struck below 40% HP, this has a 30 second cooldown. 3500 Disease resistance, -30% duration on Diseased status effect.
3/3 Reptilian Claws - 6% Critical Chance
3/3 Resourceful - When drinking a potion, regenerate 3200 magicka and stamina.
For Bretons, they have always been the clear defensive magicka race. They have spell resist as their defensive passive, as well as sustain benefits from taking damage. This should provide more sustain than your average racial if damage intake is consistent. I'm not sure how powerful 10% buff duration would be, this number can obviously be tuned if thats too good for support roles.
1/1 Magicka Affinity - 15% extra experience gained for Light Armor and Restoration Staves. 10% duration increase on major and minor buffs you apply.
3/3 Resist Magicka - 3200 Spell resistance
3/3 Dragonskin - When taking damage, restore 600 magicka and stamina. 4 second cooldown.
3/3 Gift of Magnus - 230 Spell and Weapon Damage
Dunmer are all about their flame resistance, and also their history of being proficient in melee weapons and destruction magic. They also have very high speed stats. The Resource sustain from light and heavy attacks is designed to roughly equate to 250 recovery stats, but a little higher due to the need to be constantly attacking.
1/1 Well-Rounded - 15% extra experience gained for Destruction Stave and Dual Wield. 5% move speed.
3/3 Dynamic - 800 magicka and stamina. 98 spell and weapon damage. 3% critical chance.
3/3 Resist Fire - 3500 Flame Resistance. -30% duration on Burning status effect. -50% damage from environmental lava.
3/3 Balanced Attacks - 140 magicka and stamina restored on successful light attacks. This bonus is tripled on successful full charged heavy attacks.
Highborn power from Skyrim gives Altmer a different way to sustain. The defensive trait here is all about damage shields and casting spells, but both can be utilized by stamina builds as well. Unique utility comes from being able to give others stronger shields.
1/1 Elemental Talent - 15% extra experience to Destruction Stave. 10% extra inspiration to Enchanting.
3/3 Highborn - When you fall below 50% of your dominant resource, gain 500 recovery to that resource for 10 seconds. 20 second cooldown.
3/3 Syrabane's Boon - 230 Spell and Weapon Damage.
3/3 Magicka Channeler - Take 6% less damage while channeling or casting a spell, or while you have a damage shield active on you. Damage shields you cast are 8% larger.
Imperials have always been about personality, speechcraft, and also are known for fighting with sword and shield, as well as being trained in restoration magic. I tried to give them sustain, group sustain as their utility, and a balanced stat.
1/1 Diplomat - 1% extra alliance gains. 1% extra gold find.
3/3 Legion Training - 5% Damage reduction while blocking. 5% cost reduction to blocking, bashing, and dodging.
3/3 Versatile - 1100 Penetration. 98 Spell and Weapon Damage. 800 magicka and stamina.
3/3 Battle Healer - 4% Healing taken. Whenever you are healed, restore 300 magicka and stamina. Whenever you heal an ally, they restore 50 magicka and stamina. 3 second cooldown per target.
Jumping higher I'm not sure is even possible to implement, but I thought it was cool. Khajiits have always been the acrobatic burglar race, with high agility and skills in lockpicking. They also have catseye which makes sense for stealth detection.
1/1 Cutpurse - 10% extra experience to Legerdemain. 5% increased success chance at pickpocketing and forcing locks. Increases stealth detection slightly.
3/3 Lunar Blessings - 195 stamina and magicka regeneration.
3/3 Feline Claws - 12% critical damage and healing.
3/3 Natural Acrobat - Dodging reduces all damage taken by 6% for 6 seconds. You jump 20% higher.
Nords are high in strength and fortitude, so they get a pure damage stat as well as some health, the classic resistance to cold, and I couldn't take away their ultimate gen. For their sustain I gave them a straight cost reduction and a small increase to heavy attack restore because Nords take big swings!
1/1 Reveler - 15% extra experience to Two handed. Increased duration on Drinks and Food.
3/3 Heavy Strikes - 3200 Penetration
3/3 Resist Cold - 1500 Health. 3500 Frost Resist. -30% duration on Chilled Status effect.
3/3 Endurance - 6% cost reduction to stamina and magicka abilities. Heavy attacks restore 10% more resources. Generate 5 ultimate when taking damage. 10 second cooldown.
Orcs are also high strength and fortitude but they are also known for being proficient in heavy armor, and for being spiteful due to how their race was created. Also berserker rage is a fitting ability from skyrim, but I had to remove the damage taken portion. Some of these might be too strong but could be tuned.
1/1 Armorer - 15% extra experience for Heavy Armor. 10% extra inspiration to Blacksmithing.
3/3 Heavy Armor - 3200 Physical Resistance
3/3 Berserker Rage - 440 Weapon and Spell Damage for 5 seconds when taking damage or dealing a critical strike. 8 second cooldown.
3/3 Spiteful - 10% increased duration to major and minor debuffs you apply. Sustain passives from all Armor skills increased by 35%.
Redguards are another Strength and fortitude Race. I wanted to keep their unique proficiency in weapon skills, but instead gave them a boost to weapon traits, making their damage racial a versatile one. Adrenalin Rush is a classic redguard ability, and in this case proccing from critical strikes just makes sense as far as triggering adrenalin.
1/1 Sword Singer - 15% extra experience to Two-Handed and Dual Wield.
3/3 Adrenalin Rush - After dealing or receiving a critical strike, restore 300 of your dominant resource every second for 10 seconds. 20 second cooldown. Sprinting costs 10% less.
3/3 Martial Training - Increases the effectiveness of Weapon traits by 40%. 1400 Penetration.
3/3 Desert Fortitude - 1500 Health. 320 Health recovery. 15% duration reduction to snares and root effects.
Ah Wood Elves. I wouldnt dare post a new racial idea without giving them their classic stealth skill increase. Also while they historically resist disease and poison, disease is already claimed, so poison it is. Their sustain passive is a % increase instead of a raw number to be different, hopefully with typical recovery numbers it comes out close to the same.
1/1 Natural Marksmen - 15% extra experience to Bows. 5% move speed.
3/3 Forest stalker - 3400 Poison Resistance. -30% duration on Poisoned Status effect. Fall damage reduced. Stealth skill increased slightly.
3/3 Agile Attacks - 3% critical chance. 6% critical damage and healing.
3/3 Blessing of Yffre - 12% increase to stamina and magicka recovery. You are healed for 4% of all damage you take from enemy attacks over 3 seconds.