Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Member the Days?

  • Suddwrath
    I member
    -When Mage Light was a toggle, and when toggled ‘On’ a floating orb of light would continuously circle your character.
    -When Flames of Oblivion would create a swirling aura of flames around your character.
    -When Bound Armor was a toggle, and when toggled “On” a dark magic aura emanated from your character.
    -When Energy Orb could be spammed to create a line of glowing orbs.
    -When Fiery Grip could be used to pull enemy players off keep walls.
    -When the story began with you being awoken/rescued from a cell in Coldharbour by The Prophet.
    -When bosmers were stealthy.
    -When jute nodes were visually nearly indistinguishable from other grass/shrubbery.
    -When duels had to be organized in Cyrodiil.
    -When Meteor could be reflected.
    -When sorcerers had a third bar.
  • Saint-Ange
    JKorr wrote: »
    Saint-Ange wrote: »
    I remember when no one pickpocketed poor wretched NPCs. When their own corpses weren't piling at their feet .. When no murder were being commited in front of us, powerless useless "heroes".
    That's the worst point in this game whom first claim is to be an immersive roleplay game. A crime system without a proper justice system is unacceptable and a terrible example for the youth.

    I remember how some really vocal players were advocating for the "proper justice system", and many people kept pointing out the many possible ways to exploit the "proper justice system" to break the game and troll/grief players. The devs did say they wouldn't release the "proper justice system" because there was no way to stop players from exploiting it.

    Surely "Think it through" is not their motto. Also, I have no doubt you'll know what to do with your "really vocal players" vs "people pointing out" as you seem to enjoy dirty tricks.

    Edit: If they could not come up with a solution for the justice system then they should have adandoned the crime one too.
    Edited by Saint-Ange on March 1, 2023 5:03AM
  • SatanicSister
    Saint-Ange wrote: »
    JKorr wrote: »
    Saint-Ange wrote: »
    I remember when no one pickpocketed poor wretched NPCs. When their own corpses weren't piling at their feet .. When no murder were being commited in front of us, powerless useless "heroes".
    That's the worst point in this game whom first claim is to be an immersive roleplay game. A crime system without a proper justice system is unacceptable and a terrible example for the youth.

    I remember how some really vocal players were advocating for the "proper justice system", and many people kept pointing out the many possible ways to exploit the "proper justice system" to break the game and troll/grief players. The devs did say they wouldn't release the "proper justice system" because there was no way to stop players from exploiting it.

    Surely "Think it through" is not their motto. Also, I have no doubt you'll know what to do with your "really vocal players" vs "people pointing out" as you seem to enjoy dirty tricks.

    Edit: If they could not come up with a solution for the justice system then they should have adandoned the crime one too.

    Just for the sake of argument, what would be the "proper justice system"? Essentially PVP? Where other players could attack or collect bounty from the guilty ones? That will probably be a major turnoff for many people who are enjoying the content now. I certainly won't be doing any Thieves' Guild or Dark Brotherhood quests anymore. Isn't it really enough that witnessed crime will get you a bounty and guards will seize you or attack you? Even NPC, being pickpocketed, can attack you if you are being noticed. And both TG and DB were part of Oblivion and Skyrim (I haven't played Morrowind or Arena). It's obvious why they are in this game too.

    I remember when there wasn't either TG or DB in this game. NPC-s still got killed in misfire, you could still pickpocket them. Safeboxes could be looted, containers too. Legerdemain skill did exist (at least it was already there when I started playing early 2015). I remember being totally annihilated by a guard in Davon's Watch because I killed a bantam guar behind the bank and couldn't get in outlaw's refuge fast enough.
    "If we are going to play the waiting game, the guy who has been around for 10000 years is going to win."
  • Saint-Ange
    Saint-Ange wrote: »
    JKorr wrote: »
    Saint-Ange wrote: »
    I remember when no one pickpocketed poor wretched NPCs. When their own corpses weren't piling at their feet .. When no murder were being commited in front of us, powerless useless "heroes".
    That's the worst point in this game whom first claim is to be an immersive roleplay game. A crime system without a proper justice system is unacceptable and a terrible example for the youth.

    I remember how some really vocal players were advocating for the "proper justice system", and many people kept pointing out the many possible ways to exploit the "proper justice system" to break the game and troll/grief players. The devs did say they wouldn't release the "proper justice system" because there was no way to stop players from exploiting it.

    Surely "Think it through" is not their motto. Also, I have no doubt you'll know what to do with your "really vocal players" vs "people pointing out" as you seem to enjoy dirty tricks.

    Edit: If they could not come up with a solution for the justice system then they should have adandoned the crime one too.

    Just for the sake of argument, what would be the "proper justice system"? Essentially PVP? Where other players could attack or collect bounty from the guilty ones? That will probably be a major turnoff for many people who are enjoying the content now. I certainly won't be doing any Thieves' Guild or Dark Brotherhood quests anymore. Isn't it really enough that witnessed crime will get you a bounty and guards will seize you or attack you? Even NPC, being pickpocketed, can attack you if you are being noticed. And both TG and DB were part of Oblivion and Skyrim (I haven't played Morrowind or Arena). It's obvious why they are in this game too.

    I remember when there wasn't either TG or DB in this game. NPC-s still got killed in misfire, you could still pickpocket them. Safeboxes could be looted, containers too. Legerdemain skill did exist (at least it was already there when I started playing early 2015). I remember being totally annihilated by a guard in Davon's Watch because I killed a bantam guar behind the bank and couldn't get in outlaw's refuge fast enough.

    Even during the medieval or antiquity periods taking into your hands, as a commoner, the killing of a bandit or murderer made you one yourself so that's a no for the PvP part.

    For now what works:
    Guards see the thief or the NPC succeeds to give the alarm.

    What does not work:
    We players witness robbery or blood crime, we can't give the alarm nor go to guards and point them in the direction.

    What could work:
    • Invisibility is now activated toward other players in PvE like in PvP unless in the same group/raid.
    • 1 Quickslot item/action: 3 actions that auto switch sequencialy. Eyeing, Alarm, Point.
    • I witness a crime: I target the thief with Eyeing: I get the buff Witness linked to the thief ID for a duration.
    • Direct interaction: I have in my line of sight both the thief and a guard then I target the guard (Alarm) then the thief (Point): the guard pursuits for a duration.
    • Tracking: I know where the thief hides then I find and target a guard, use Alarm: short dialog with RNG: agree/disagree/intimidate (can backfire)/persuade. If success the guard follow me for a duration until I point at the thief or the duration ends.
    • Outlaw's refuges remain out of reach.
    Edited by Saint-Ange on March 1, 2023 9:26AM
  • xilfxlegion
    Member selling raid gear in Guild Stores?

    Member when the Ebon Armory set came from Maw of Lorkhaj?

    on xbox na i used to get half a mill for an ebon shield --- the good old days lol
  • JKorr
    Saint-Ange wrote: »
    JKorr wrote: »
    Saint-Ange wrote: »
    I remember when no one pickpocketed poor wretched NPCs. When their own corpses weren't piling at their feet .. When no murder were being commited in front of us, powerless useless "heroes".
    That's the worst point in this game whom first claim is to be an immersive roleplay game. A crime system without a proper justice system is unacceptable and a terrible example for the youth.

    I remember how some really vocal players were advocating for the "proper justice system", and many people kept pointing out the many possible ways to exploit the "proper justice system" to break the game and troll/grief players. The devs did say they wouldn't release the "proper justice system" because there was no way to stop players from exploiting it.

    Surely "Think it through" is not their motto. Also, I have no doubt you'll know what to do with your "really vocal players" vs "people pointing out" as you seem to enjoy dirty tricks.

    Edit: If they could not come up with a solution for the justice system then they should have adandoned the crime one too.

    Oh dear. "I seem to enjoy dirty tricks". How shocking. See, I recall when no one pickpocketed npcs, because they couldn't. Anyone could go into npc houses and loot desks, bookcases, boxes, crates, anything and everything while the npcs watched, because there were no "owned" items; there was no justice system at all. Besides the point however. I was not one of the posters declaring they were going to rack up a huge bounty, then have their friend/s kill them, and share the bounty, then their friend would rack up a huge bounty, and get killed by the justice system bounty hunters and share the bounty, rinse and repeat to get millions in gold. I wasn't one of the posters who were planning on going after any player who got a bounty while doing game content they paid for, like Thieves' guild or Dark Brotherhood, essentially griefing them constantly. There are people who find their fun by making other players miserable, and the devs realized that a player enforced "proper justice system" would provide a grand time for those types of players and ruin the game for everyone else.

  • JKorr
    Saint-Ange wrote: »
    Saint-Ange wrote: »
    JKorr wrote: »
    Saint-Ange wrote: »
    I remember when no one pickpocketed poor wretched NPCs. When their own corpses weren't piling at their feet .. When no murder were being commited in front of us, powerless useless "heroes".
    That's the worst point in this game whom first claim is to be an immersive roleplay game. A crime system without a proper justice system is unacceptable and a terrible example for the youth.

    I remember how some really vocal players were advocating for the "proper justice system", and many people kept pointing out the many possible ways to exploit the "proper justice system" to break the game and troll/grief players. The devs did say they wouldn't release the "proper justice system" because there was no way to stop players from exploiting it.

    Surely "Think it through" is not their motto. Also, I have no doubt you'll know what to do with your "really vocal players" vs "people pointing out" as you seem to enjoy dirty tricks.

    Edit: If they could not come up with a solution for the justice system then they should have adandoned the crime one too.

    Just for the sake of argument, what would be the "proper justice system"? Essentially PVP? Where other players could attack or collect bounty from the guilty ones? That will probably be a major turnoff for many people who are enjoying the content now. I certainly won't be doing any Thieves' Guild or Dark Brotherhood quests anymore. Isn't it really enough that witnessed crime will get you a bounty and guards will seize you or attack you? Even NPC, being pickpocketed, can attack you if you are being noticed. And both TG and DB were part of Oblivion and Skyrim (I haven't played Morrowind or Arena). It's obvious why they are in this game too.

    I remember when there wasn't either TG or DB in this game. NPC-s still got killed in misfire, you could still pickpocket them. Safeboxes could be looted, containers too. Legerdemain skill did exist (at least it was already there when I started playing early 2015). I remember being totally annihilated by a guard in Davon's Watch because I killed a bantam guar behind the bank and couldn't get in outlaw's refuge fast enough.

    Even during the medieval or antiquity periods taking into your hands, as a commoner, the killing of a bandit or murderer made you one yourself so that's a no for the PvP part.

    For now what works:
    Guards see the thief or the NPC succeeds to give the alarm.

    What does not work:
    We players witness robbery or blood crime, we can't give the alarm nor go to guards and point them in the direction.

    What could work:
    • Invisibility is now activated toward other players in PvE like in PvP unless in the same group/raid.
    • 1 Quickslot item/action: 3 actions that auto switch sequencialy. Eyeing, Alarm, Point.
    • I witness a crime: I target the thief with Eyeing: I get the buff Witness linked to the thief ID for a duration.
    • Direct interaction: I have in my line of sight both the thief and a guard then I target the guard (Alarm) then the thief (Point): the guard pursuits for a duration.
    • Tracking: I know where the thief hides then I find and target a guard, use Alarm: short dialog with RNG: agree/disagree/intimidate (can backfire)/persuade. If success the guard follow me for a duration until I point at the thief or the duration ends.
    • Outlaw's refuges remain out of reach.

    So basically program a whole new system, with all of the possible glitches, issues, and exploits that could incur. And you still aren't addressing the problem of "targeting" a player who is playing game content they paid for, like the Thieves' Guild and Dark Brotherhood.
  • MaleAmazon
    I remember:

    -When you had to level your character to get the next MQ mission.
    -When I was happy I found a blue quality item.
    -When I first tried PvP and took 3% off my enemy´s health with my super combo.
    -When Molag Bal didn´t imprison me with all my gold gear still on.
  • kip_silverwolf
    I remember when

    Subscription was mantatory
    There was no Eso + or Crown Store
    There were no guild traders
    It seemed as though only white horses could be bred, with the occasional odd brown one
    GM's were present and could be called upon for bot removal

    "I'm going to live forever..or at least die trying"

    drunken Nord & Tamriel streaker since Arena

  • OtarTheMad
    It was such a different game back then. I remember:

    - Having a DK bar for when you ran into one
    - Tricking people into getting too close to the keeps inner edge and leaping inside
    - Streaking with the scroll
    - Grinding in Craglorn to get to the next VR level
    - When AD had all the PvP guilds
    - Going into Reaper's March way under-leveled and getting completely destroyed by mobs. (Zones were leveled)

    A part of me misses that game, but I don't think that game would have survived as long as the ESO that was birthed with One Tamriel.

  • Cundu_Ertur
    pepperidge farm remembers
    Taking stealth away from the Bosmer is like taking magic away from the Altmer, making Nords allergic to mead, or making Orcs pretty.
  • RedFireDisco
    I remember:

    Mercenary contracts you could place a hundred in a keep to help you defend as a solo emp

    Weapon speed trait that made attacks faster

    When Dark Elves had +7% fire damage

    Invisible DK cheat

    Unlimited meteor cheat

    Sorcs stacking 4 shields

    3.7 second cloak

    Haderus & Trueflame campaigns
  • Brrrofski
    I remember:

    Mercenary contracts you could place a hundred in a keep to help you defend as a solo emp

    Weapon speed trait that made attacks faster

    When Dark Elves had +7% fire damage

    Invisible DK cheat

    Unlimited meteor cheat

    Sorcs stacking 4 shields

    3.7 second cloak

    Haderus & Trueflame campaigns

    True, the weighted trait.

    What other traits are gone? Prosperous gave more gold. I had to talk a guildy out of golden a set in prosperous to farm gold. He was convinced buying all the gold mats was worth it to make money easier. It would've taken a long time to recoup that investment. Then they changed it to invigorating I think?

    Also, nirn on weapons ignored like 14-18% of armour. Pretty sure armour was a % amplifier too
  • Brrrofski
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Member Twice Born Star being the hotness.

    Member when the player that beat you in Cyrodiil PvP would do /Honor, instead of bag.

    I also remember there was an exploit where you could get every mundus at once using the set. Shortly after VMA came out I think, as top of leaderboards were people who used the exploit.
  • Khrogo
    I remember the days when groups would frantically block and the healer would spam Breath of Life when the final boss of Spindleclutch 2 would do his teleport/swipe mechanic. Lol.

  • Hawco10
    Silent cold fires Nothing better than dropping a cold fire ballista on some people standing on a rss flag and watching them die silently.
  • zaria
    JKorr wrote: »
    Saint-Ange wrote: »
    I remember when no one pickpocketed poor wretched NPCs. When their own corpses weren't piling at their feet .. When no murder were being commited in front of us, powerless useless "heroes".
    That's the worst point in this game whom first claim is to be an immersive roleplay game. A crime system without a proper justice system is unacceptable and a terrible example for the youth.

    I remember how some really vocal players were advocating for the "proper justice system", and many people kept pointing out the many possible ways to exploit the "proper justice system" to break the game and troll/grief players. The devs did say they wouldn't release the "proper justice system" because there was no way to stop players from exploiting it.
    As in New World tried that it it was an spectacular fail. People mass reported officers in enemy PvP guilds to ban them from PvP. While claiming it was no automatic bans.
    yes it might had worked someway but not worth it.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
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