Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Member the Days?

  • Hurbster
    Levelled Soul Gems, the original wayshrine at Mournhold and that area in the Vulkhel Guard crafting area you could fall through the earth into.
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • BenTSG
    I remember back when I had only started playing, Dark Brotherhood released and I wasn't aware of it.

    It did explain all the dead bodies around Mournhold though!
  • Brrrofski
    When Daedric motif was £££££££ because you couldn't loot it until you were in Caldwell's gold.

    Dwemer motifs were money too. AD players would play a lot, as they couldn't farm them until they'd killed molag bol, as no dwemer delves in AD zone.

    Doors on resource towers in PvP - oh the AP and tears I raked in with those.

    That first month when IC came out - the most fun this game has been in PvP. I still maintain that not letting you res in any zone was a bad decision. The near endless fights in Arena between DC and EP spawn were great. And your alliance holding the main arena and farming the boss with other factions trying to rush in and take over.

    Pink Orinium was a great bug. Getting stuck in Wrothgar until ZOS moved your character wasn't that fun though.

    Then some more painful memories...

    No guaranteed monster helm. Spending 3 hours in vCoA 2 when everyone has crappy gear to NOT get valkyn skoria.... :(

    When Maelstrom had to be done in one go and wasn't a guaranteed weapon drop.
  • Jaimeh
    I remember VR ranks, Doshia, Craglorn wasps terrorizing players, leveleld soul gems, nirnhoned training exchange, trying to save gold to buy a horse, asking for help in zone to clear a dolmen, the prestige of 'Stormproof', doing writs in Wrothgar and Belkarth, resource towers being reduced to rubble, damage mitigation strategies for Aetherian Archive, invigorate trait farming, Bloodspawn substituting for a target dummy, elegant dagger and moondancer sword mages, the overload Molag Kena sorcs, crafting outfits in a given style... even the hardships seem fond now because in the beginning all the players were in it together and trying to shape the game, so reading through the posts was really nice, thank you for making it, OP :smile:
  • Czeri
    The real problem with Doshia was the health regen - if even one orb got back to her she'd get her health back up to 100%. That made the fight a dps check on a level 8 character...

    Remember when the health regen mechanics were far more widely spread: the harvesters, snakes, Vorenor Winterbourne in Spindleclutch, all could go back to 100% unless you had a nightblade in your team to put defile on them just before the regen phase kicked in. That's why the Spindleclutch hard mode requires not killing the hostages. Without a nightblade your best bet was to kill them so Vorenor couldn't sap them and regenerate.

    Remember when nighblades used to have defile...
    Edited by Czeri on February 25, 2023 11:35AM
  • Marcus684
    When the game first dropped and randomly hearing “Ranser! You madman!” all over Rivenspire whenever someone hit a spot in the zone story quest line.
  • Czeri
    Marcus684 wrote: »
    When the game first dropped and randomly hearing “Ranser! You madman!” all over Rivenspire whenever someone hit a spot in the zone story quest line.

    I'm pretty sure that was an audio bug introduced with some update, where the "Ranser! You madman!" line got classified as ambient sound of Riverspire. I have to admit I still half-expect to hear it whenever I visit the zone :smile:
  • mocap
    When there was no group search for dungeons, people would gather near the actual entrance to the dung, waiting for other players to pass by.
  • BenTSG
    mocap wrote: »
    When there was no group search for dungeons, people would gather near the actual entrance to the dung, waiting for other players to pass by.

    I feel like I remember that actually, or something along the sorts outside Banished Cells, unless I am misremembering it. Damn, had completely forgotten about it. I miss the older days of ESO, back when I was just a fresh faced Khajiit bab :c
  • zaria
    BenTSG wrote: »
    mocap wrote: »
    When there was no group search for dungeons, people would gather near the actual entrance to the dung, waiting for other players to pass by.

    I feel like I remember that actually, or something along the sorts outside Banished Cells, unless I am misremembering it. Damn, had completely forgotten about it. I miss the older days of ESO, back when I was just a fresh faced Khajiit bab :c
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Paralyse
    Do you know the old saying? Neither a borrower or a lender be?
    Rubbish! Without borrowers or lenders, how would we ever be able to buy or sell anything?

    So bad that there was at one point an addon to mute this banker only (in Daggerfall)

    I played in the Mephala and Sanguine beta waves and ever since then. Still even have a couple of beta screenshots.

    Old school stuff:

    - The original UI didn't have things like nameplates for NPC's or players. The devs stated that they wanted it to feel more immersive, like Skyrim.

    - The little red and white cubes being placeholders for missing textures, and the blue and white floors and ceilings when you glitched out of bounds.

    - Players lined up outside of the last part of the Wyrd Tree quest and finding out that the quest was broken and would not allow you to kill the boss.

    - Players and bots stacked heavy on boss spawn points in delves when delve bosses were 100% guaranteed to drop their unique loot.

    - Battle levelling did not exist. If you were level 10 and wandered into a level 35 zone, you were going to die. A lot.

    - On the flip side, all group content was set to the level of the zone in which it was located. This meant that a public dungeon or 4 man dungeon that was part of a level 15 zone was trivially easy to solo for level 30-40 players. You could walk into Banished Cells or Fungal Grotto and clear them out solo with nothing but a swing or two of your weapon. This also made it easy to get achievements by just skipping content until you greatly out-levelled it.

    - Craglorn, on the other hand, was nearly impossible to solo. Even the trash packs were brutal. I have a deep-rooted hatred of Welwas for this reason.

    - Tougher overland mobs such as Wamasu and Haj Mota were still quite deadly to players caught unawares. Mammoths and Giants could bring the pain. In dungeons and delves, in the Main Quest instances, and overland, Watchers and Harvesters were lethal if not dealt with correctly.

    - End-of-faction bosses (Vox, etc) were actually semi-challenging fights, especially since they were forced solo content.

    - Molag Bal was a VERY challenging fight originally, often requiring a lot of funky setups to get through if you were playing on a weaker class (I remember having to level Restoration and run a resto staff backbar to beat the fight on my sorcerer.)

    - Players only had 3-5k hp, and "dps" was 500-1k

    - Only Imperial Edition came with a mount, other players had to grind a LOT of gold (10k? 20k?) to get their first Horse (and horses were the only mount type.)

    - There were separate red, yellow, and blue runestone nodes, not just one type of node.

    - With regards to nodes, node spawns were levelled just like zones were, not based on your skill level. If you wanted to get a certain level of material (ore, wood, cloth) you had to go to the zone which was the same level range as the mats you wanted to farm.

    - There was a trait on items for increased gold gain (later replaced by the one that boosted recovery)

    - Falling through the floor and to your death when entering buildings in high population areas

    - A shortage of Seaweed and Potatoes, which were actually sold on trade chat and farmed

    - No trials, so the vet rank dungeons (nowadays FG2, BC2, COA2, etc) were the hardest group content in ESO until Craglorn and Trials went in

    - There was no quest sync of any kind, and lots of quest content wasn't groupable. This made grouping really difficult -- it was easy to get "separated" from your partner/groupmate if they got one step ahead or behind of you on a quest chain; since each step was phased, they would not be visible to you (nor you to them) and could not be interacted with.

    - There was no justice system nor theft or assassination. You could not take all of the things laying around you in the open world or anywhere else, unless they were inside containers such as crates or barrels or backpacks.

    - Much more variety in PvE builds to suit playstyles. Imperial Nightblade tanks running daggers and sword/board. Heavy Armor sorcerers with bows, or healer Sorcs with resto/destro staves. No Necros. No Wardens.

    - RP hotspots that were very active, such as the Evermore tavern, the inn in Rawl'kha, the inn at Fell's Run, etc. Also being out in the world and seeing vampire, WW, or all kinds of other RP taking place at shrines, lakes, scenic views, etc

    - The staggeringly large number of glitches in Cyrodiil that allowed players to use terrain and buildings to become un-targetable or leave the map, or end up inside of keep walls using things like Blink

    - Discord wasn't a thing prior to 2016, and not really a BIG thing until 2017. Prior to that, Craglorn zone chat was THE main place to find groups for content apart from the Undaunted hub cities.

    - Speaking of the Undaunted, keys opened Undaunted Chests, because there were no coffers yet. (The chests are still there, but cannot be interacted with.)

    - ZOS GM server-wide announcements when ban waves went out for bots. Also, the same, for when rolling restarts happened, along with the ever-present danger of rollbacks.
    Paralyse, Sanguine's Tester - Enjoying ESO since beta. Trial clears: vSS HM, Crag HM's, vRG Oax HM, vMoL DD, vKA HM, vCR+1, vAS IR, vDSR, vSE
  • Paralyse
    Also, one particularly notable glitch where all NPC text was showing up in German, even though you had everything set to English.
    Paralyse, Sanguine's Tester - Enjoying ESO since beta. Trial clears: vSS HM, Crag HM's, vRG Oax HM, vMoL DD, vKA HM, vCR+1, vAS IR, vDSR, vSE
  • BoraxFlux
    When there were no collapsable bridges or gates in Cyrodiil:
    When a scroll-run looked like this, mainly horses (and a lost pupper :P )
  • WiseSky
    I remember buying Crowns for 80:1 on pc/na
    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • Mrtoobyy
    Man some things were really good back in the day in this game... I mean some things are really good now of course but I miss how many things were back then.
  • aaisoaho
    BenTSG wrote: »
    mocap wrote: »
    When there was no group search for dungeons, people would gather near the actual entrance to the dung, waiting for other players to pass by.

    I feel like I remember that actually, or something along the sorts outside Banished Cells, unless I am misremembering it. Damn, had completely forgotten about it. I miss the older days of ESO, back when I was just a fresh faced Khajiit bab :c

    I also remember playing emotes outside of the banished cells waiting for a group to form up. And we got an emperor to help us with it!
  • Saint-Ange
    I remember when no one pickpocketed poor wretched NPCs. When their own corpses weren't piling at their feet .. When no murder were being commited in front of us, powerless useless "heroes".
    That's the worst point in this game whom first claim is to be an immersive roleplay game. A crime system without a proper justice system is unacceptable and a terrible example for the youth.
  • Supreme_Atromancer
    I remember my pve guildmates all jumping in to protect Chillrend, because that was our buff campaign.

    I remember coming home from work every day to just grind dolmens for many weeks to obtain the OG Lich gear- Dylora's Staff and Gedna Relvel's stuff. That was particularly brutal because it was RNG upon layer of RNG.

    I remember grinding Imperial City Prison for weeks to get my set of Scathing Mage. I remember the feeling of getting my final piece. I thought I would never have to grind ever again.

    I remember sitting with guildmates in teamspeak. Iron Peat. Coloured rune nodes. OG Wailing Prison. Not being able to dye gear, so looking like the godawful basegame stuff. Struggling with the Orc miniboss dude in Craglorn, and it being a big accomplishment to finally beat him solo, while some random watched and gave tips. I remember someone crafting me OG Willow's Path for my magsorc. Having to make an EP alt so that I could play with newfound friends because we were all faction-locked back then, and the levelling process being this huge, daunting activity you'd prepare for well in advance, having to do an over-nighter in order to achieve it.
    Edited by Supreme_Atromancer on February 26, 2023 8:03PM
  • cyclonus11
    I remember having to port to VoM and exit to advance the Coldharbour quest because it bugged out (you used to be able to port to a dungeon, then leave and appear outside of the front door instead of where you ported from)

    ALL harvesters were #^&$%R^&*. There was one quest - may have been the main quest - where there was a harvester in a hallway, and you couldn't pop the bubbles because they were in the walls so it would always reset its health. So I just let it kill me and ghost-ran to the end of the hallway.
  • Zenzuki
    • DK Wings
    • There being all three types of Runestones
    • Mudcrabs and Wasps being deadly
    • Everyone wearing Red Gear with Pink Weapons
    • Everyone running around on the White Imperial Horse
    • Running that "cage" room in the prison during the Great Tamriel Worm Shortage, when they changed what Zombies dropped and "forgot/replaced" adding them back to the loot tables. (Still have that farming toon sitting in that room, forever a prisoner). lol
    Can Open...
  • SatanicSister
    Jaimeh wrote: »
    ...doing writs in Wrothgar and Belkarth...

    Remember, before Wrothgar, when doing writs in Belkarth, every writ had different "note". I particularly liked alchemy one, that was something like "Our soldiers deserve the best, so your leaf water will have to do. Just kidding, your wares have finest quality, keep up the good work". It probably was different, I can't remember the exact wording but the "leaf water" bit always made me laugh. I kept looking forward to that message.

    I think it was after Orsinium came out that we started getting only one message at the end. The same one that can be seen now, when finishing writ quest.

    Oh, and there was no option to choose "quest only" when crafting. How many times did I accidentally craft a wrong piece or did the right one with wrong material...
    "If we are going to play the waiting game, the guy who has been around for 10000 years is going to win."
  • Dovetail_Stormrider
    You mean when people played this game, actually were around instead of green dots, couldn't see buildings because tags were so deep, Cyri was flooded with color and movement, the sewers were the *** to run wasted, you couldn't make out a word anyone was saying in guild chat it was so loud, crazy, and needy, undermeshing was the "like a boss" ***?

    We were one of the fist guilds on the server.
    I believe Aldmeri's Trading hit create June 2015 days before we did, and was growing fast and hard.
    I guess it sticks to me because personally, we respected them but pushed hard to try to top them lol.

    Seas of red and guild tabbords being enough to start a fight.

    God I miss it.
    House of Morningstar Gaming Community Co Creator and Co Founder -- visit us on the web at: (Discord linked there to contact, PS4 messages welcome) PS4 NA Server Guildmaster: HOM Invicta -- PS4 Gamertag: Dove_SMPDSM (current) -- aka theophannia (originally)
  • xilfxlegion
    when nirncrux first came out and you could only farm it in half of craglorn

    i had just reached vet 1 so i could go there --- but the enemies were vet 13 -- and they had the red skull above their heads which meant you couldnt kill them but they would kill you ---- remember sneaking around craglorn trying to get nodes without getting murdered by wasps and welwas
  • Blackbird_V
    Member selling raid gear in Guild Stores?

    Member when the Ebon Armory set came from Maw of Lorkhaj?
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game.
  • Haenk
    In hindsight, I'm really still mixed about One Tamriel. Craglorn scared the **** out of me, not so much today. It's great to be able to run around everywhere. However that's also boring.
    Doshia and Molag Bal brought up the "Ouch. 3 ranks up, try again" strategy, that's completely pointless today.
  • JKorr
    Saint-Ange wrote: »
    I remember when no one pickpocketed poor wretched NPCs. When their own corpses weren't piling at their feet .. When no murder were being commited in front of us, powerless useless "heroes".
    That's the worst point in this game whom first claim is to be an immersive roleplay game. A crime system without a proper justice system is unacceptable and a terrible example for the youth.

    I remember how some really vocal players were advocating for the "proper justice system", and many people kept pointing out the many possible ways to exploit the "proper justice system" to break the game and troll/grief players. The devs did say they wouldn't release the "proper justice system" because there was no way to stop players from exploiting it.
  • Blood_again
    Member when the Ebon Armory set came from Maw of Lorkhaj?

    Also Shroud of the Lich set came from Cyrodiil dolmens
  • Brrrofski
    When like 3 piece martial knowledge and 2 piece adroitness was the best way to stack spell damage.

    Adroitness only dropped pieces in certain levels if I remember, like a level 32 belt and VR12 chest, so you had to get a specific piece like Lich, but it was way more specific.
  • ArchMikem
    Member Twice Born Star being the hotness.

    Member when the player that beat you in Cyrodiil PvP would do /Honor, instead of bag.

    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • wenchmore420b14_ESO
    Remember Remember the 5th of November..... :)
    Drakon Koryn~Oryndill, Rogue~Mage,- CP ~Doesn't matter any more
    NA / PC Beta Member since Nov 2013
    GM~Conclave-of-Shadows, EP Social Guild, ~Proud member of: The Wandering Merchants, Phoenix Rising, Imperial Trade Union & Celestials of Nirn
    Sister Guilds with: Coroner's Report, Children of Skyrim, Sunshine Daydream, Tamriel Fisheries, Knights Arcanum and more
    "Not All Who Wander are Lost"
    “When the people that can make the company more successful are sales and marketing people, they end up running the companies. The product people get driven out of the decision making forums, and the companies forget what it means to make great products.”

    _Steve Jobs (The Lost Interview)
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