Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »gold mats are runaway crazy stupid expensive now, at least on PC. I'd rather see ZOS increase the supply of gold mats to reduce the market pricing, than to change the game mechanics
The problem is that they have increase the supply of gold mats and increase chances of getting them overtime, but the prices keep going up. That's a community problem that ZOS can't really do anything about, unless they really want to add a new feature that would destroy the community's economy (such as removing guild traders in favor of a central exchange place).
I could solve the problem in an instant, see my above post for context.
Remove gold currency rewards from crafting writs, and increase gold mat drop rate slightly to compensate.
What would happen?
Well, for people like myself that are swimming in both gold currency and gold mats, now my easy supply of gold currency is turned off. This does two things. One, it would be a much needed source of downward pressure on inflation, because there is less new currency entering the economy every day. That alone would reduce prices. But also, it would be an incentive for me to sell the thousands of gold mats in my crafting bag when I need gold that I no longer easily get every day, which increases supply and lowers price. Also the increase in gold mat drop rate as compensation is also an increase in supply and a downward pressure on prices.
The problem we have now is that the best source of gold mats is also the best source of printing new gold currency (crafting writs), so the people with the gold mats have no incentive to sell them. I have thousands of gold mats and millions and millions of gold currency, far more than I need, and pretty much all is from writs.
Selling my excess gold mats makes no sense whatsoever. Its the real life equivalent of keeping all your wealth in your 0% interest checking account. If I log off for 3 months, the amount of gold in my bank doesn't change, but the value of my gold mats will absolutely increase. If I didn't get gold currency from writs rewards, I would be required to sell my excess mats when I need an influx of currency. I have NEVER sold a gold mat in all my time in ESO because it is financially a foolish decision as long as my gold currency supply is meeting my needs, and thanks to gold currency from writs, it always does.
Would it be a popular move at first? No, people would rage, but it would go a long way to solving both the broader inflation issue and the more specific issue of gold mat prices being through the roof.
No because ZoS using their standard operational procedure will not buff purple but nerf gold weapons down to 5% above purple.StarOfElyon wrote: »If none of you even use purple weapons, why does it bother you if purple weapons are made better? And literally why are people claiming this is a nerf thread when I explicitly asked for buffs?
Because it's effectively nerfing gold gear.
"Well, for people like myself that are swimming in both gold currency and gold mats, now my easy supply of gold currency is turned off. "
and those new to the game, how do they go about making gold? Early in the game that bit of gold revenue really helps.
I_killed_Vivec wrote: »Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »gold mats are runaway crazy stupid expensive now, at least on PC. I'd rather see ZOS increase the supply of gold mats to reduce the market pricing, than to change the game mechanics
The problem is that they have increase the supply of gold mats and increase chances of getting them overtime, but the prices keep going up. That's a community problem that ZOS can't really do anything about, unless they really want to add a new feature that would destroy the community's economy (such as removing guild traders in favor of a central exchange place).
I could solve the problem in an instant, see my above post for context.
Remove gold currency rewards from crafting writs, and increase gold mat drop rate slightly to compensate.
What would happen?
Well, for people like myself that are swimming in both gold currency and gold mats, now my easy supply of gold currency is turned off. This does two things. One, it would be a much needed source of downward pressure on inflation, because there is less new currency entering the economy every day. That alone would reduce prices. But also, it would be an incentive for me to sell the thousands of gold mats in my crafting bag when I need gold that I no longer easily get every day, which increases supply and lowers price. Also the increase in gold mat drop rate as compensation is also an increase in supply and a downward pressure on prices.
The problem we have now is that the best source of gold mats is also the best source of printing new gold currency (crafting writs), so the people with the gold mats have no incentive to sell them. I have thousands of gold mats and millions and millions of gold currency, far more than I need, and pretty much all is from writs.
Selling my excess gold mats makes no sense whatsoever. Its the real life equivalent of keeping all your wealth in your 0% interest checking account. If I log off for 3 months, the amount of gold in my bank doesn't change, but the value of my gold mats will absolutely increase. If I didn't get gold currency from writs rewards, I would be required to sell my excess mats when I need an influx of currency. I have NEVER sold a gold mat in all my time in ESO because it is financially a foolish decision as long as my gold currency supply is meeting my needs, and thanks to gold currency from writs, it always does.
Would it be a popular move at first? No, people would rage, but it would go a long way to solving both the broader inflation issue and the more specific issue of gold mat prices being through the roof.
I am in a similar situation, but even if writs gave no gold I don't think it would affect me so much that I'd need to start selling off tempers in significant amounts (occasionally I sell some, but only if I see value in the market, and that isn't often).
But take away the gold from writs and there would be people complaining that you took their money from them, how are they supposed to make some gold?
Some of us will never participate in the market in this game. I'm not going to be happy to have my reward gold from writs cut in half or removed. If that happens, in an apparent attempt to force participation in the crap guild seller setup in this game, I'll just find a different game to play.
Some of us will never participate in the market in this game. I'm not going to be happy to have my reward gold from writs cut in half or removed. If that happens, in an apparent attempt to force participation in the crap guild seller setup in this game, I'll just find a different game to play.
katanagirl1 wrote: »Some of us will never participate in the market in this game. I'm not going to be happy to have my reward gold from writs cut in half or removed. If that happens, in an apparent attempt to force participation in the crap guild seller setup in this game, I'll just find a different game to play.
I do participate in the game markets and do crafting writs on several toons and I’m not a new player. My main source of gold is the daily crafting writs since furnishing plan drop rates in the current zone (whichever it happens to be) is so astronomically low that I can’t get enough duplicates to sell.
Don’t take that income away from me.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Some of us will never participate in the market in this game. I'm not going to be happy to have my reward gold from writs cut in half or removed. If that happens, in an apparent attempt to force participation in the crap guild seller setup in this game, I'll just find a different game to play.
To be frank, I don't think we should be balancing the game around people that don't participate in the economy.
And lets also be clear. If you don't participate in the markets, you don't need gold, unless you literally only buy things from NPC merchants, which is doubtful. You do participate in the markets, you just do it in a one sided manner. This is why we have rampant inflation, especially on PC.katanagirl1 wrote: »Some of us will never participate in the market in this game. I'm not going to be happy to have my reward gold from writs cut in half or removed. If that happens, in an apparent attempt to force participation in the crap guild seller setup in this game, I'll just find a different game to play.
I do participate in the game markets and do crafting writs on several toons and I’m not a new player. My main source of gold is the daily crafting writs since furnishing plan drop rates in the current zone (whichever it happens to be) is so astronomically low that I can’t get enough duplicates to sell.
Don’t take that income away from me.
Again, I said it would not be a popular decision, but it would be good for the economy. I am not suggesting taking away your income, I am suggesting that perhaps its not unreasonable for someone to list some of their gold mats in zone chat or a trader to capture said income, again, I am suggesting the gold mat rewards be increased to compensate. Crafting writs are the number one reason we have rampant inflation on PC. It is simply too easy to print money out of thin air, and because there is so much gold coming in, it incentives people that have gold mats to hoard them.
I would also suggest that if they eliminate or at least reduce the gold currency reward, it is balanced differently on console. Its not nearly as much of an issue there. On PC, writs have destroyed our economy.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Some of us will never participate in the market in this game. I'm not going to be happy to have my reward gold from writs cut in half or removed. If that happens, in an apparent attempt to force participation in the crap guild seller setup in this game, I'll just find a different game to play.
To be frank, I don't think we should be balancing the game around people that don't participate in the economy.
And lets also be clear. If you don't participate in the markets, you don't need gold, unless you literally only buy things from NPC merchants, which is doubtful. You do participate in the markets, you just do it in a one sided manner. This is why we have rampant inflation, especially on PC.katanagirl1 wrote: »Some of us will never participate in the market in this game. I'm not going to be happy to have my reward gold from writs cut in half or removed. If that happens, in an apparent attempt to force participation in the crap guild seller setup in this game, I'll just find a different game to play.
I do participate in the game markets and do crafting writs on several toons and I’m not a new player. My main source of gold is the daily crafting writs since furnishing plan drop rates in the current zone (whichever it happens to be) is so astronomically low that I can’t get enough duplicates to sell.
Don’t take that income away from me.
Again, I said it would not be a popular decision, but it would be good for the economy. I am not suggesting taking away your income, I am suggesting that perhaps its not unreasonable for someone to list some of their gold mats in zone chat or a trader to capture said income, again, I am suggesting the gold mat rewards be increased to compensate. Crafting writs are the number one reason we have rampant inflation on PC. It is simply too easy to print money out of thin air, and because there is so much gold coming in, it incentives people that have gold mats to hoard them.
I would also suggest that if they eliminate or at least reduce the gold currency reward, it is balanced differently on console. Its not nearly as much of an issue there. On PC, writs have destroyed our economy.
Given the very widely spread dislike of the trader economy seen here and (much more prominently) elsewhere in social media, including the apparently huge number of people who refuse to participate in it at all, on the contrary I *do* think 'we' should be balancing the game around people who don't participate in the economy. Because the economy, as set up, completely ignores a very substantial subset of the player base (and quite possibly the majority of it).
You rightly point out that that leads to players only participating from the buy side. You can address that by removing barriers on the sell side.
Crafting writs really shouldn't be the way to do that, though, but instead a complete rethink of the linkage between traders and player-controlled guilds and / or the creation of proper mechanics for players who don't want to sell via guild traders to access the economy, rather than the joke solution of spamming chat.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Some of us will never participate in the market in this game. I'm not going to be happy to have my reward gold from writs cut in half or removed. If that happens, in an apparent attempt to force participation in the crap guild seller setup in this game, I'll just find a different game to play.
To be frank, I don't think we should be balancing the game around people that don't participate in the economy.
And lets also be clear. If you don't participate in the markets, you don't need gold, unless you literally only buy things from NPC merchants, which is doubtful. You do participate in the markets, you just do it in a one sided manner. This is why we have rampant inflation, especially on PC.katanagirl1 wrote: »Some of us will never participate in the market in this game. I'm not going to be happy to have my reward gold from writs cut in half or removed. If that happens, in an apparent attempt to force participation in the crap guild seller setup in this game, I'll just find a different game to play.
I do participate in the game markets and do crafting writs on several toons and I’m not a new player. My main source of gold is the daily crafting writs since furnishing plan drop rates in the current zone (whichever it happens to be) is so astronomically low that I can’t get enough duplicates to sell.
Don’t take that income away from me.
Again, I said it would not be a popular decision, but it would be good for the economy. I am not suggesting taking away your income, I am suggesting that perhaps its not unreasonable for someone to list some of their gold mats in zone chat or a trader to capture said income, again, I am suggesting the gold mat rewards be increased to compensate. Crafting writs are the number one reason we have rampant inflation on PC. It is simply too easy to print money out of thin air, and because there is so much gold coming in, it incentives people that have gold mats to hoard them.
I would also suggest that if they eliminate or at least reduce the gold currency reward, it is balanced differently on console. Its not nearly as much of an issue there. On PC, writs have destroyed our economy.
katanagirl1 wrote: »You know, upon reflection, I have to add to this post.
It turns my stomach that players who probably do daily writs on 5385926 toons with add-ons suggest that everyone should get their gold nerfed. I only know one player, tmbrinks, who actually suggest that others could make gold by doing lots of writs the way he does. Not my cup of tea, but he isn’t calling for nerfs.
On PC, you guys have made your own problems, yet I bet no one does writs without an add-on.
I admit you said consoles should be treated differently but I bet you know as well as I do that ZOS would not do things different and nerf us both.
If you have more gold than you know what to do with, donate more to your guild or help out a new player in some way to pay it forward.
xdDrNukenstein wrote: »Especially since the high performance players that generate mass amounts of gold mats seem to have gone on an exodus
lusshtgarel wrote: »What a terrible idea. That is the entire point of gold materials. And gold weapon mats are easy enough to get if you're willing to dedicate some time to it. I'm strongly against nerfing gold gear because some people can't be bothered to get more mats.
lusshtgarel wrote: »All that's being asked is to make purple weapons a little stronger so the difference in quality is more comparable to the difference everything else makes. The question shouldn't be "why," it should be "why not
Because it's already balanced as is? Obviously weapons matter more for your damage than armor. You don't whack enemies with your helmet or rings. So gold weapons making more difference for damage specifically makes more sense.
StarOfElyon wrote: »Yeah, it seems to be more like people are afraid their earnings will take a hit.
StarOfElyon wrote: »
StarOfElyon wrote: »Yeah, it seems to be more like people are afraid their earnings will take a hit.