They could have made it Minor Berserk. Because DKs tend to slot FoO instead of Camo. But no, straight to Major. I can't.
Wolf_Watching wrote: »
They could have made it nothing. It should have stayed the same if anything or have been nerfed.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Ease up forums. This is one of the more interesting changes in the patch notes. Let's at least try it before jumping to claims of overpowered DK.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Ease up forums. This is one of the more interesting changes in the patch notes. Let's at least try it before jumping to claims of overpowered DK.
acastanza_ESO wrote: »DK simply doesn't need in-class access to Major Berserk at all the class simply does not need a buff, any buff, at all.
Was it really necessary to put Major Berserk in there? DK already have high burst. I don't want other core DK abilities to get nerfed later just because a gap closer gives 10% damage boost.
Give it damage shield, recovery bonus or anything less harmless, like Major Cowardice on enemy or something.
i assume this annoyance is from a pvp perspecitive?
Yes. From a PvP perspective giving DKs major berserk is lunacy.
And for the record Mr. Mash I do agree with you that thematically it makes sense to put on that skill. For the reasons you said and also for the reasons they gave in the patch notes. But balance-wise it's... Yup, you guessed it, lunacy.