Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

What Happened to Whitestrake's Mayhem?

During ESO Live, Whitestrake's Mayhem was announced for Mid-March, after the Season of the Dragon event, but before Jester's Festival
But today during the Global Reveal Event, Mayhem was omitted, with the calendar skipping straight from Season of the Dragon, to Jester's.
Now, admittedly, those both say that the scheduled is subject to change, but it's only been a couple weeks between the two announcements. What happened? Is this just an oversight on the later schedule?

Mayhem is one of the few bright spots in the year for those of us who main PVP, and losing it without any information why hurts.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin anything you can tell us?
  • johnjetau
    That's what some of us in our PVP Guilds are wondering too.

    We have so little to look forward to these days, they better have not scrapped it.
  • React
    Also wondering about this.
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • endgamesmug
    Ive been prepping characters for that yeesh 😣, hope we get something
  • Fruity_Ninja
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom are we able to get clarity? Whitestrake’s Mayhem is a huge 2 weeks for the PVP community, sad to see it removed today.
  • DirtyDeeds765
  • jaws343
    We got that first image like earlier this week or late last week. That second image really just looks to be highlighting the less niche things. Looks like they keep the graphic at 3 events. And the ESO plus trial was the highlight. And the other two events are more universal across the player base than mayhem is.

    Just looking way too much into this.
  • acastanza_ESO
    jaws343 wrote: »
    We got that first image like earlier this week or late last week. That second image really just looks to be highlighting the less niche things. Looks like they keep the graphic at 3 events. And the ESO plus trial was the highlight. And the other two events are more universal across the player base than mayhem is.

    Just looking way too much into this.

    Hopefully, but can you really blame us who PVP for having trust issues? lol
  • shadyjane62
    No trust issues here. I don't trust any of it.
  • Jaraal
    Can we get Rich to do an in-home livestream discussing this?
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Fruity_Ninja
    jaws343 wrote: »
    We got that first image like earlier this week or late last week. That second image really just looks to be highlighting the less niche things. Looks like they keep the graphic at 3 events. And the ESO plus trial was the highlight. And the other two events are more universal across the player base than mayhem is.

    Just looking way too much into this.

    Don’t know man, PVP tends to get the short end of the stick, so trust issues exist for a lot of us. I hope you’re right though.

    Would still go a long way for @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_Kevin to confirm for us all!
  • LarsS
    For many PvP endgame players only one issue matters, performance. Yesterday’s absence of the Whitestrake's Mayhem from the event list is thus very worrying for us. It signals another delay before all new servers are live. In the studio directors December message, he said that all servers would be updated late Feb./March. He also stated that the EU servers would be updated first, and that nearly all hardware needed were available. Thus, the mid-March Mayhem would have been after all servers have been updated.

    There is thus an urgent need for new information and preferably a tentative schedule when the individual servers are planed to go live. To be more precise are the EU server upgrades still on track?
    Edited by LarsS on January 26, 2023 8:51AM
    GM for The Daggerfall Authority EU PC
  • ApoAlaia
    There are only two PvP centric events a year (the two instances of Mayhem).

    From a very selfish point of view there is quite a bit of stuff 'gated' behind PvP and for those like myself that generally do not engage in PvP in any meaningful way these events are the only occasions where progress towards that 'stuff' is made.

    I hope they still keep them as they were.
  • Tranquilizer
    Maybe ZOS is going to get the new server hardware ready before Whitestrake's Mayhem.

    In the Studio Director's letter they announced the new server hardware for EU datacenter for late February or March:
    Almost all the hardware should be delivered and in place by December and then we'll need a month or two to install and test everything before we shift over to the new hardware. Please note that we will be prioritizing all three Realms in the EU datacenter first, and then will return to the NA datacenter to finish moving Xbox and PlayStation Realms there. We are as frustrated as you that this has taken so long—but it is happening and will be done and ready for all players, probably in late February or March of 2023.

  • Atrael7
    Hopefully it's just an oversight by whoever made the livestream graphic, I was looking forward to Mayhem in March. @ZOS_Kevin can we get any confirmation it's still happening, is it delayed after Jester's etc. ?
  • ForumBully
    I think the few PvPers who still play regularly would have a heart attack if they actually devoted more than one sentence of an announcement to PvP. Nothing is the norm.
  • React
    jaws343 wrote: »
    We got that first image like earlier this week or late last week. That second image really just looks to be highlighting the less niche things. Looks like they keep the graphic at 3 events. And the ESO plus trial was the highlight. And the other two events are more universal across the player base than mayhem is.

    Just looking way too much into this.

    I mean, they just cancelled the last PVP event. I don't think it is unreasonable at all to be suspicious about this one being cancelled too, given the contrast between the two graphics.

    @ZOS_Kevin could you please confirm whether or not the PVP event is planned for mid March, before the jesters festival?
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Dr_Con
    Honestly it should happen in February, this makes it 7 months out of the year where there's no significant PVP event, and 5 months between for the others (assuming MYM is in July, and it should be)
  • SpacemanSpiff1
    it went to live on a farm where it runs free and plays with other events
  • fizl101
    Dr_Con wrote: »
    Honestly it should happen in February, this makes it 7 months out of the year where there's no significant PVP event, and 5 months between for the others (assuming MYM is in July, and it should be)

    I suspect they are avoiding feb after the completion of the Elsweyr event due to the server upgrades on EU for other events, hence pushing Whitestrakes to March
    Soupy twist
  • sharquez
    I was so excited... man what a let down. It's like Christmas or Hanukah for me every year. A holy week(s) of indulging in the glory's of battle.

    I hope this is addressed in some way.
  • Kartalin
    it went to live on a farm where it runs free and plays with other events

    And the deer that used to roam Cyrodiil...
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 33
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    We can confirm the event graphic that was shown during yesterday's Global Reveal is accurate and the most up-to-date. We'll have more information about all this very soon, but in the meantime, please know there will still be a Whitestrake's Mayhem event scheduled in the future.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • VaranisArano
    I guess I'll wait to pencil in "Update my Whitestrake's Mayhem guide" on the calendar...
    Edited by VaranisArano on January 26, 2023 5:18PM
  • NettleCarrier
    Well it was a good few days hype I guess.
    GM of Gold Coast Corsairs - PCNA
  • React
    We can confirm the event graphic that was shown during yesterday's Global Reveal is accurate and the most up-to-date. We'll have more information about all this very soon, but in the meantime, please know there will still be a Whitestrake's Mayhem event scheduled in the future.

    Wow, that is crushing to hear. This is the second PVP event in a row now that has been cancelled or postponed.

    Is there any word on whether double telvar will make a return as part of whitestrake's/midyear, like Kevin mentioned in another thread?

    Have you considered doing weekend double tel var events, like the battlegrounds ones?

    It feels like zenimax doesn't even want to acknowledge pvp these days, despite citing "the best open world pvp experience arouns" during their global reveal. We aren't even getting the bare minimum anymore.
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Dr_Con
    fizl101 wrote: »
    Dr_Con wrote: »
    Honestly it should happen in February, this makes it 7 months out of the year where there's no significant PVP event, and 5 months between for the others (assuming MYM is in July, and it should be)

    I suspect they are avoiding feb after the completion of the Elsweyr event due to the server upgrades on EU for other events, hence pushing Whitestrakes to March

    I doubt that the event organizer has to account for server upgrades for EU when planning.
  • dinokstrunz
    PvP is cancelled at this point, rip ESO 2023 hype lol
  • SaffronCitrusflower
    We can confirm the event graphic that was shown during yesterday's Global Reveal is accurate and the most up-to-date. We'll have more information about all this very soon, but in the meantime, please know there will still be a Whitestrake's Mayhem event scheduled in the future.

    When is the Whitestrake's Mayhem scheduled to happen then please? The vague "in the future" answer is foreboding and makes it seem like PvP is slowly but surely being phased out of ESO.
  • Stamicka
    We can confirm the event graphic that was shown during yesterday's Global Reveal is accurate and the most up-to-date. We'll have more information about all this very soon, but in the meantime, please know there will still be a Whitestrake's Mayhem event scheduled in the future.

    So will it just be the normal summer event, or will we still be getting 2 Whitestrake events this year? I don't mind a postpone since you guys will be getting installing new servers soon, but please give us more than 1 double AP this year.
    PC NA and Xbox NA
  • acastanza_ESO
    We can confirm the event graphic that was shown during yesterday's Global Reveal is accurate and the most up-to-date. We'll have more information about all this very soon, but in the meantime, please know there will still be a Whitestrake's Mayhem event scheduled in the future.

    Thanks for the update. I'm sure that this has to do with getting the EU hardware upgrade in place before putting a ton of strain on Cyrodiil - and we totally understand if that's the case. But this is still devastating to hear.
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