No, I don't play ToT anymore. I found it boring from the beginning, to be honest, but, wanting to give it a chance at least, thought I might at least level it up a bit and see if it gets more interesting on higher levels. Then Firesong was released, I decided to focus on the new story quests first and continue levelling ToT later... But never took it up again since that. No motivation. And somehow I doubt that will change.
Lockpicking as a mechanism makes sense though, as boxes containing valuables won't just lay around open (and if you don't like it, you can just try to break locks at the cost of 1 lockpick, with very good chances if you improve the lockpicking skill in the legerdemain skill line).
Excavations add much to the lore through the descriptions of the antiquities. Of course not everyone cares for that, but I think it was an interesting new method of storytelling.
If it's necessary to force people to do it to get mythic items is another question, though. I think things should be kept seperate. No one should be forced to get an item useful for PvP though excavations, no one should have to play ToT to progress in a non-ToT-related storyquest (as it was on Galen), and basic furniture items shouldn't be locked behind group dungeons (prestige objects like sculptures - I'm fine with that; but not basic things like windows). I know they want to "motivate" players to try different things, but I find it rather frustrating (and not motivating at all) if I have to do things I don't enjoy to get something I want/need that's related to a completely different thing.
MidniteOwl1913 wrote: »I'm not fond of PVP and it's a good way to get additional transmute crystals.
Agenericname wrote: »
It is PvP unless you only play against NPCs. So is Chess.
Stinkyremy wrote: »I damn well know they will add mythic leads to it at some point so i want to try and keep the games function in my memory.
SeaGtGruff wrote: »
I seriously doubt that they'll ever add mythic leads to ToT. I honestly wish they would, but a lot of players raised such a stink about ToT even being a thing in the first place, and insisted that they must never, ever be required to play ToT in order to get some highly-desired gear, that they effectively crippled the potential rewards that can be obtained by playing ToT.
The answer is no, but the question is 'Have you ever played ToT?'
I keep meaning to try but heard it's complicated.
I really can't understand why people keeps crying and nagging about one single unique hiper mega super ultra easy quest, that requires no skills, it's played only one time and it's done forever, while if you don't like scrying and excavating you'll still have to do it at least one million times to get mythic items. [snip]Yeah! It's not perfect, but those excuses are the worst.
[edited for minor baiting]
What excuse? I think game systems should be kept seperate, plain and simple, because players should not be forced to do things they don't care for in a game, to get things for another activity they are interested in. I explained this in detail in the post you quoted. And this also goes for things I personally enjoy such as the antiquity system, by the way. It's a matter of principle for me, not just "Nah, I don't want activity xy". In my opinion it's bad design, same as having an unmuteable screaming npc advertising an activity not everyone is interested in. Do you want to be forced to do things you don't enjoy in a game, or why do you criticize this?
Really??? One single super easy forced match is a bigger problem than the infinite awful mini-games of the antiquity system?
Now, explain me: What do I miss if I don't play those infinite forced scrying and excavating things? What do you miss if you don't play that insanely easy and ultra fast ToT match only one time in one quest?
I am only doing the intro ToT quest on my alts to shut up the carnival barker Sorinne Gaerard that is in multiple zones.
SaliciaKeyz wrote: »
Gods yes! That NPC sounds wayyy out of place and it wiggs me out of my RPG. She has this real money-grabby sound to her voice.