Anyone that does want more skills than what ESO allows can just go play one of the games that let you have near-infinite action bars, there are enough of them.I hate that poor excuse. I am LOVING this game, but I hate the restrictions in skills in MMOs these days. And to say it's based on strategy is total non sense. Some of us like variety and don't like being limited. If you want that fake brand of strategy, you can do it yourself. The rest of us shouldn't have to suffer. HOWEVER, in this game, it's not so bad. Anyone who's played the single player games knows how limited your skills were, so for Elder Scrolls, these extra "moves" are just fine by me.
I have to say that this is very disappointing. There are so many skills that have to be activated. There's nothing strategic about picking 5 skills when the specific class trees have double that for one weapon type. I don't want a clone of another MMO with 500 slots but 10 available at one time would be more than enough. This game is awesome but this feels way too restrictive for a PC MMO. However thank you all for the quick responses.
Who could argue that WoW does not have a very transparent and functional menu design? I would even argue it has the best UI there is. I am not saying this game should copy that 1 to 1, but I would definitely love a bit less immersiveness and more pragmatism in eso's menu design!
Fransiscus wrote: »I thougt somebody told us before when u slot the pet in both bars the pet stays correct me if im wrong please
Grimntonnic wrote: »I believe that this was made this way as the game is going to be console and pc. It seems after playing some that it could give the advantage to console players.
Console gamers have their own Servers and a completely different UI.shapelyzombie wrote: »Keep in mind that this game will also be available on consoles. It is not PC exclusive. Zenimax has been very clear that they want a level playing field for everyone, and I absolutely commend them on that stance. Having ten skills on your bar in the PC version would be very unfair to console gamers.
IS there am add on to give you a second bar for your quickslot items, (potions, etc etc). The "wheel" method, while good for the console version is stupid and terrible for mouse and keyboards.
MerlinCorey wrote: »All i would want is to have an option to preset few combat options, and then chose which ones i use at some given time, because what is annoying to me is that i need to reset the skills depending to what i am doing, if i am soloing i have 12 skills, and then i get a group and become main healer i want use different 12 and for pvp i have slightly different setup and this constant resting is annoying, i should have predefined sets, that i could activate out of the combat, and use them when i need them, without the fuss to reset bloody skill every time i need to do something, and this still wouldn't go against the policy to have 12 active skills you can swap in combat, but frankly it would get my life a lot easier
this was done because the game will also be for console users. one, the dev's are either too lazy to develop 2 ui's for the different platforms. or two, they're worried about console users crying that the pc users have an "unfair advantage" over them because they have a fully functioning ui. which they would have an advantage. wake up, pc's are real computers with full use of their function, consoles are neutered calculators meant for playing cod over and over.
personally i think its the first one. they simply had no desire to use more dev time creating 2 separate ui's. it still boggles the mind that each new game goes back to square one with the ui, and we're stuck waiting years for them to catch up to the other games. it's like the dev's have done no research at all as to what features other games have incorporated into theirs. rift is the only game i can think of off hand that had a fully functioning ui at release.
which annoys me greatly. the ui is the entire way to interface with the game (duh, ui=user interface) and if you find it annoying to play or look at the game, it shortens how long you're willing to play that game. it all works itself out in the end. people who like the limited ui will keep playing. people who don't, won't.