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Galen is literally covered by wayshrines, so you have to TP there to view the map. ZOS please

  • virtus753
    In gamepad mode, I find it is much more natural to use the world map to navigate, especially as zooming in and out enters and exits sub-maps, a feature which does not seem to exist in keyboard mode. (You can use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out within a single map, but zooming out in a local map will not change your map to the view of the province, then Tamriel, then the Aurbis, for example.)

    No matter the mode, though, if ZOS offers the world map as a visual way to navigate, they need to provide proper support for that. I’m glad that Gina acknowledged this.
  • Grizzbeorn
    it's what I prefer and should be possible like the rest of the map is.

    Nobody here has said it shouldn't be possible.
      PC/NA Warden Main
    • Tandor
      Thanks for the various explanations, I understand the issue now.
    • luen79rwb17_ESO
      The story of Betnikh...

      V16 sorc - V16 temp - V16 dk - V1 nb - V1 temp - V1 dk
    • BlueRaven
      Tandor wrote: »
      I don't understand the problem. Is it really the case that some players insist on accessing wayshrines from the world map instead of the zone map (which you can zoom in on if there are several overlapping icons)? Why?
      BlueRaven wrote: »
      Tandor wrote: »
      I don't understand the problem. Is it really the case that some players insist on accessing wayshrines from the world map instead of the zone map (which you can zoom in on if there are several overlapping icons)? Why?

      Yeah. I am baffled by this as well. I am really intrigued about what the answer would be.

      I've been playing since 2016, I'm pretty sure I've never used that listing on the side for anything. I've always clicked the map, I'm not familiar with what options there are over in that side thing, because I don't pay attention to it at all. Just seemed the thing to do. Maybe because that's how just about every other game behaved, so I kept doing it? /shrug

      This is what my world map looks like:


      I do not use this for everyday navigation. It's too crowded, even places like Glenumbra are awkward.

      This map is fine if I am going to an area for the first time. (Or on a new character.) But after that...

      If I want to go to the Gold Coast, I go to the Gold Coast Map. Not through here. I only use this if I forget the name of a location want to go, find the name, THEN I just go to the local map.

      I am still baffled that this is an issue for some people. It's just weird to me. I feel if you are using this map to navigate you are doing it the hard way.
    • SilverBride
      Grizzbeorn wrote: »
      it's what I prefer and should be possible like the rest of the map is.

      Nobody here has said it shouldn't be possible.

      I never said anyone did. I said using the world map to travel to this location should be possible like the rest of the map is.
      Edited by SilverBride on November 3, 2022 5:18PM
    • deleted221205-002626
      Barto92 wrote: »
      There is zero space to zoom click Galen map without using wayshrines.


      All they need to make the map complete is a few HUGE housing icons too!!
    • Snamyap
      BlueRaven wrote: »
      I am still baffled that this is an issue for some people. It's just weird to me. I feel if you are using this map to navigate you are doing it the hard way.

      We'll just have to agree to disagree then.

    • kind_hero
      Vulsahdaal wrote: »
      The way I deal with this is from list on right side, choose 'Location' (looks like pin) at the top then select area you wish to go to. I dont know if gamepad looks differently.


      North East lava geyser is a pain to get to, there should be a wayshrine nearby.
      [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
    • kevkj
      I'm actually illiterate and cannot read the zone list, so I find it easier to do a quick half zoom in and select the exact wayshrine I want from the world map without going into the zone map.

      Hope this clears up any lingering concerns or confusion.
      Edited by kevkj on November 3, 2022 6:40PM
    • blktauna
      kevkj wrote: »
      I'm actually illiterate and cannot read the zone list, so I find it easier to do a quick half zoom in and select the exact wayshrine I want from the world map without going into the zone map.

      Hope this clears up any lingering concerns or confusion.


      This is fascinating. I would never use the world map to navigate to a zone. I just look on the right or port to someone from guild in that area.

      As a matter of interest, are those of you who do use the world map old Skyrim players? It seems that's the way its done there and it would be what those players are used to.
    • Vevvev
      blktauna wrote: »
      kevkj wrote: »
      I'm actually illiterate and cannot read the zone list, so I find it easier to do a quick half zoom in and select the exact wayshrine I want from the world map without going into the zone map.

      Hope this clears up any lingering concerns or confusion.


      This is fascinating. I would never use the world map to navigate to a zone. I just look on the right or port to someone from guild in that area.

      As a matter of interest, are those of you who do use the world map old Skyrim players? It seems that's the way its done there and it would be what those players are used to.

      Not just Skryim but Oblivion did it to.

      I never used that right side list for bringing up a zone and got very good at navigating the map with right and left clicks. If anything if the wayshrine is isolated I don't even need to bring up the zone and just click on it which is far easier imo.

      High Isle and Galen both are smaller on the large map than they are in the zoomed in one which is why they're so compact and hard to click compared to the other zones.
      PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
    • Soarora
      blktauna wrote: »

      As a matter of interest, are those of you who do use the world map old Skyrim players? It seems that's the way its done there and it would be what those players are used to.

      I am! Interesting connection, could be a reason why. Skyrim doesn’t really have nesting maps like ESO but memorizing where things are on the map to teleport to is certainly a thing.
      PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • Kiralyn2000
      blktauna wrote: »
      This is fascinating. I would never use the world map to navigate to a zone. I just look on the right or port to someone from guild in that area.

      Yeah, I don't do that, either. Not in any guilds, and no-one on friends list.
      As a matter of interest, are those of you who do use the world map old Skyrim players?

      Yep. And Oblivion, Morrowind, FO3/NV/4. Plus plenty of other MMOs and single-player games with map travel.

      I think the only thing I travel to by list is houses. But that's from the Collections list, not the map screen.

    • K9002
      All Bethesda games from Morrowind onwards had separate maps for DLC zones like Solstheim and Shivering Isles though. That's why I found it completely natural to use individual zone maps instead of the big world map in ESO.
    • whitecrow
      The world map is worthless. Who can remember where everything is?
    • SilverBride
      whitecrow wrote: »
      The world map is worthless. Who can remember where everything is?

      I can and it's the only way I've ever gotten around Tamriel.
    • virtus753
      whitecrow wrote: »
      The world map is worthless. Who can remember where everything is?

      Many people are primarily visual learners and process things more quickly that way than by using a printed verbal list, especially one that is in alphabetical order, which does not represent or reflect the geographical (and resulting other types of) connections between zones.

      Please don't suggest we don't exist simply because your brain doesn't work the same way.
    • Heartrage
      It wouldn’t hurt if they reworked the world map to be more accurate to the actual zones sizes and to make zooming on it easier and with more zoom for those little zones with lots of wayshrines/icons.
    • ArchangelIsraphel
      Tandor wrote: »
      I don't understand the problem. Is it really the case that some players insist on accessing wayshrines from the world map instead of the zone map (which you can zoom in on if there are several overlapping icons)? Why?
      BlueRaven wrote: »
      Tandor wrote: »
      I don't understand the problem. Is it really the case that some players insist on accessing wayshrines from the world map instead of the zone map (which you can zoom in on if there are several overlapping icons)? Why?

      Yeah. I am baffled by this as well. I am really intrigued about what the answer would be.

      I've been playing since 2016, I'm pretty sure I've never used that listing on the side for anything. I've always clicked the map, I'm not familiar with what options there are over in that side thing, because I don't pay attention to it at all. Just seemed the thing to do. Maybe because that's how just about every other game behaved, so I kept doing it? /shrug

      I do this as well for the same reasons, also because it's more immersive to me to imagine the character actually using the map rather than using a side bar.

      That and...I just really enjoy maps in general (irl and in games) and looking at them/interacting with them rather than scrolling through a boring list. It has visual appeal.
      Legends never die
      They're written down in eternity
      But you'll never see the price it costs
      The scars collected all their lives
      When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
      Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
      Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
      Legends never die
    • whitecrow
      virtus753 wrote: »
      whitecrow wrote: »
      The world map is worthless. Who can remember where everything is?

      Many people are primarily visual learners and process things more quickly that way than by using a printed verbal list, especially one that is in alphabetical order, which does not represent or reflect the geographical (and resulting other types of) connections between zones.

      Please don't suggest we don't exist simply because your brain doesn't work the same way.

      I don't understand. If you want to go to a zone, and know the alphabet, just find it in the list.

      Is that not quicker and easier than memorizing the entire geography of Tamriel?
    • virtus753
      whitecrow wrote: »
      virtus753 wrote: »
      whitecrow wrote: »
      The world map is worthless. Who can remember where everything is?

      Many people are primarily visual learners and process things more quickly that way than by using a printed verbal list, especially one that is in alphabetical order, which does not represent or reflect the geographical (and resulting other types of) connections between zones.

      Please don't suggest we don't exist simply because your brain doesn't work the same way.

      I don't understand. If you want to go to a zone, and know the alphabet, just find it in the list.

      Is that not quicker and easier than memorizing the entire geography of Tamriel?

      Not for me. Some of us think in visuals (like maps) first, not sounds or words. And for those of us who use or learned on gamepad mode, the list is far less accessible again.

      If you don’t understand, it’s because our brains work differently. Please respect that instead of continuing to suggest the way yours works is the best way for everyone.
    • Soarora
      whitecrow wrote: »
      virtus753 wrote: »
      whitecrow wrote: »
      The world map is worthless. Who can remember where everything is?

      Many people are primarily visual learners and process things more quickly that way than by using a printed verbal list, especially one that is in alphabetical order, which does not represent or reflect the geographical (and resulting other types of) connections between zones.

      Please don't suggest we don't exist simply because your brain doesn't work the same way.

      I don't understand. If you want to go to a zone, and know the alphabet, just find it in the list.

      Is that not quicker and easier than memorizing the entire geography of Tamriel?

      It is not quicker and easier for everyone. I could probably find the zones I commonly go to with my eyes closed. Can't do that with a list.
      PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • The_Boggart
      One annoyance is going to a house in a town, the camera should default to local instead of wide view which hides the house under wayshrines etc.
    • SilverBride
      whitecrow wrote: »
      I don't understand. If you want to go to a zone, and know the alphabet, just find it in the list.

      Is that not quicker and easier than memorizing the entire geography of Tamriel?

      I find reading a list more time consuming than opening the map and clicking the zone I want to go to. I didn't have to memorize the Tamriel map any more than I had to memorize where the grocery store is in the real world. I just learn these naturally as I travel to them.
    • TX12001rwb17_ESO
      Why is the map so small on the World Map anyway? just make High Isle as large as Summerset, no reason to say that it is not that big lorewise when ingame it clearly appears that it is.
    • Vynera
      I'm using addons to change this, but should be actually a base game feature to have a usable map..
      Would never play without these addons anymore

      - Highly Detailed World Map (to get textures on the map)
      - World Map Wayshrines Controller (to hide everything on tamriel map except main city wayshrine/houses, the area map is untouched and shows everything)
      - Votan's Tamriel Map (to get the zone names + main city names on the map)


    • McMasterx
      Thanks for the feedback and ideas, everyone. We've been looking at ways we can remedy this as well since there are so many icons in such a small area.
      The modules in this addon:

      `Option to do not display Wayshrines on Tamriel map or only those of Main Cities`
      `Option to do not show Unowned houses on map`

      Would be phenomenal as features baked into the base game.
    • EmEm_Oh
      I've been using the map since 2015. It's only a few islands that are problematic. Why do I use the map? Location and area of reference. If more such small areas are in works, a solution is definitely needed.

      Maybe a "breakout" map that zooms the smaller area to 5x the size or something.
    • APGaming
      Barto92 wrote: »
      There is zero space to zoom click Galen map without using wayshrines.


      They need to make it like Blackreach, have a bubble we can click on to zoom into the Systres Archipelago then we can pick between High Isle and Amenos vs Galen and Y'ffelon
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