I am a Console player so I do not have access to the PTS, and I'd like to watch a Live and the PTS Vet Trial to compare the two, and I personally do not care about parsing.
I've seen Vet Dungeon runs on PTS, but I'd like to go ahead and see a Trial run as well.
Have ya'll done Vet Trials on the PTS, or know of a streamer/content creator who has and has posted video of it?
I am a Console player so I do not have access to the PTS, and I'd like to watch a Live and the PTS Vet Trial to compare the two, and I personally do not care about parsing.
I've seen Vet Dungeon runs on PTS, but I'd like to go ahead and see a Trial run as well.
Have ya'll done Vet Trials on the PTS, or know of a streamer/content creator who has and has posted video of it?
Even better, live stream:
Sorry, they just cleared. But they will post their logs, I'm sure. I saw gilliamtherogue watching, but only for about the first 15 minutes.
Sorry, they just cleared. But they will post their logs, I'm sure. I saw gilliamtherogue watching, but only for about the first 15 minutes.
Yeah, I got tuned it right after they finished.
I'm just listening to them talk about it.
Sounds like this won't affect regular top tier Vet Trial raiders in such a large way as everyone thinks, but the tiers directly below the top tier is going to be affected negatively.
SeaUnicorn wrote: »
Execute is abit sus, no mistakes done by me or healers - staying in HOTs, got multiple ticking, also got heals from tanks, still died.
Maybe, but then would they double the damage? Or would damage then just be ~half (depends on encounter), because only ticks every 2s?
If the damage is the same but just comes in 2s burst, it is all one-shot.
Not surprising. HOTs are now every 2 seconds, but the boss damage rate didn't change.
Sorry, they just cleared. But they will post their logs, I'm sure. I saw gilliamtherogue watching, but only for about the first 15 minutes.
Yeah, I got tuned it right after they finished.
I'm just listening to them talk about it.
Sounds like this won't affect regular top tier Vet Trial raiders in such a large way as everyone thinks, but the tiers directly below the top tier is going to be affected negatively.
I think the point a lot of endgame players have been trying to make is that this will hurt most the players that ZOS says they are trying to help.
Some people are somewhat supportive of the changes because of the stated goal: To make content more accessible to more people. But the changes do the opposite. How is nerfing damage and healing going to help players complete content they were struggling to complete before?
The logs will be instructive. The overhealing, way less. The fight longer. The deaths higher. They cleared, yes. But this was not one of the HMs people were seriously concerned about clearing. It is for the data that will hopefully be instructive to ZOS. This will not make anything more accessible.
Not surprising. HOTs are now every 2 seconds, but the boss damage rate didn't change.
Shows that this combat overhaul was either not well thought out, or is incomplete, tbh.
From what I understand, ZOS does not have a history of updating Bosses along with combat changes, but I think these changes are big enough to warrant exceptions to the rule.