Their attitude is... "we want to give them something to keep them playing the game"... instead they give us content that makes us want to QUIT the game! They really need to get a grasp between 'time well spent' and 'wasting player's time'. MMOs are meant to include some grind, not a virtual dead end. Basically, it feels like them saying, "let's dangle something in front of them, but put it behind a wall that only a few die-hard players will actually be able to get". It's not fun, it's not 'time well spent' and it's not even a "grind"... it's a WALL!!
MovesLikeJaguar wrote: »Still haven't gotten the coil lead from Mage's Guild dailies, done it every day on 9 characters since release.
RisenEclipse wrote: »MovesLikeJaguar wrote: »Still haven't gotten the coil lead from Mage's Guild dailies, done it every day on 9 characters since release.
There's a lead from mages guild dailies? XD I literally got the 30 day achievement for that one, just to get the achievement. Didn't get a single lead. Didn't even know there was one. That's pretty bad LOL
Didn't buy the DLC and I don't intend to at all this time around. The model is/has losing/lost it's appeal.
(Honest opinion of a 8 year eso vet)
Alinhbo_Tyaka wrote: »Didn't buy the DLC and I don't intend to at all this time around. The model is/has losing/lost it's appeal.
(Honest opinion of a 8 year eso vet)
I feel the same. I was going to wait for the fall sale but at this point I'm planning to wait for it to become a DLC when the next chapter comes out. I will pay for a month of ESO+ service to run the quests and dungeons and call it done.
MovesLikeJaguar wrote: »RisenEclipse wrote: »MovesLikeJaguar wrote: »Still haven't gotten the coil lead from Mage's Guild dailies, done it every day on 9 characters since release.
There's a lead from mages guild dailies? XD I literally got the 30 day achievement for that one, just to get the achievement. Didn't get a single lead. Didn't even know there was one. That's pretty bad LOL
The lead is for the Sea Serpent's Coil, which came out with High Isle. So it's only been a couple days.
BlakMarket wrote: »Bought High Isle in anticipation of certain mythic items,
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »Who would buy a chapter just for the mythics?
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »Who would buy a chapter just for the mythics?
BlakMarket wrote: »NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »Who would buy a chapter just for the mythics?
[snip] most end game players.
BlakMarket wrote: »NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »Who would buy a chapter just for the mythics?
[snip] most end game players.
Why would he Troll?
ESO isn't WoW dude the Hyper-Competitive community is rather small comparatively. ESO caught all those players that didn't want a Raid or Die game . I mean sometimes I believe the devs wish raiding was larger but the game is what it is.
Not one single person I know in game would waste time farming for any mythic, I mean to me why do it ? There isn't any story locked behind raids, and you can craft the most Badass looking gear.
But as I said you do you.Plenty of room for all of us.
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »If you're buying an expansion for a couple pieces of loot, you probably shouldn't be buying it anyway. /shrug
BlakMarket wrote: »NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »Who would buy a chapter just for the mythics?
[snip] most end game players.