Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Upcoming PC NA Datacenter Hardware Replacement

  • Tornaad
    Gaeliannas wrote: »
    Zuboko wrote: »
    When I first read this I replaced word data center with the word server. And started to do a quick search on line to see how long server hardware lasts. Thankfully, after a few minutes of getting a lot of conflicting information, I realized what I did and then started to do a search for how long datacenter hardware lasts, and one of the top results I found claims that data center hardware will last between 10 to 15 years. Which means that Zos is in the average range for replacing their hardware.

    You looked up when to rebuild a data center, which is the building where ZOS puts all their hardware. You need to look up the average lifespan of servers, storage arrays and network equipment, which is considerably shorter, like 2/3 shorter for servers. Historically somewhere in the 5-7 year range it becomes less expensive to replace your equipment than to renew the maintenance contracts on it, because even the manufacturer knows it is going to constantly break after that point. Yes, it can last much longer with a lot of part replacements, but is usually a poor choice to push it this far.

    Here is a start:

    So what is the difference between a data center and a server?
  • dPilgrim
    "So what is the difference between a data center and a server?"

    Difference Between Server and Data Centre
    • ____________________________________________________________________
    • Size doesn't matter! Effort and Fun does!
    • In vino veritas, moniti estis!
    • Clan Elder of Clan Wulf since May 21, 2001 --- MO player since 1981
  • FlopsyPrince
    Gaeliannas wrote: »
    Zuboko wrote: »
    When I first read this I replaced word data center with the word server. And started to do a quick search on line to see how long server hardware lasts. Thankfully, after a few minutes of getting a lot of conflicting information, I realized what I did and then started to do a search for how long datacenter hardware lasts, and one of the top results I found claims that data center hardware will last between 10 to 15 years. Which means that Zos is in the average range for replacing their hardware.

    You looked up when to rebuild a data center, which is the building where ZOS puts all their hardware. You need to look up the average lifespan of servers, storage arrays and network equipment, which is considerably shorter, like 2/3 shorter for servers. Historically somewhere in the 5-7 year range it becomes less expensive to replace your equipment than to renew the maintenance contracts on it, because even the manufacturer knows it is going to constantly break after that point. Yes, it can last much longer with a lot of part replacements, but is usually a poor choice to push it this far.

    Here is a start:

    Some companies are more aggressive in their rotations, something like 3-5 years instead. That can make sense in many cases.
  • FlopsyPrince
    dPilgrim wrote: »
    "So what is the difference between a data center and a server?"

    Difference Between Server and Data Centre

    Don't need a whole article:

    A server is a single "computer" (real or virtual) that hosts something. A datacenter will have a BUNCH of computer hardware "boxes" with wiring, power and such connecting them all to each other and the outside.

    (Simplistic definition.)

    It is basically a 1 vs the entire population question.

    Kind of like what is the difference between a character and an alliance.
  • Elsonso
    dPilgrim wrote: »
    "So what is the difference between a data center and a server?"

    Difference Between Server and Data Centre

    Don't need a whole article:

    A server is a single "computer" (real or virtual) that hosts something. A datacenter will have a BUNCH of computer hardware "boxes" with wiring, power and such connecting them all to each other and the outside.

    (Simplistic definition.)

    It is basically a 1 vs the entire population question.

    Kind of like what is the difference between a character and an alliance.

    The difference between furniture and a house. :smile:
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Gaeliannas
    Is this still happening this evening? I don't see a maint announcement about it, other than this thread.
  • TechMaybeHic
    Gaeliannas wrote: »
    Is this still happening this evening? I don't see a maint announcement about it, other than this thread.

    There's a banner for me at community home.
  • remosito
    Replacing 10 year old hardware without getting performance improvements? Quite the achievement..
    ShutYerTrap (selectively mute NPC dialogues (stuga, companions); displayleads (antiquity leads location); UndauntedPledgeQueuer (small daily undaunted dungeon queuer window)
  • TechMaybeHic

    Really seems confusing. Replacing 2012 servers according to the OP but tweet says data center and no new servers.

    Maybe just DC switches and not drives or actual servers? Neat.
  • blktauna
    seems odd they'd be responsible for DC infrastructure... I mean that's why you house in one right????
  • Elsonso
    Gaeliannas wrote: »

    Really seems confusing. Replacing 2012 servers according to the OP but tweet says data center and no new servers.

    Maybe just DC switches and not drives or actual servers? Neat.

    That post literally makes zero sense on so many levels. The most glaring being there is no such thing as a mega-server, it is simply a term used to describe how they are linking their "actual" servers together to host the game world. They really need to let a systems engineer write these sort of things, because their marketing folks are making them look like they don't have a clue.

    The Tweet is a bit poorly worded, but only when talking about "new/more megaservers". I think that merely means that they do not intend to add another megaserver, or in the case of PC NA, do something like split Japan/Asia off onto their own megaserver.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Gaeliannas
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Gaeliannas wrote: »

    Really seems confusing. Replacing 2012 servers according to the OP but tweet says data center and no new servers.

    Maybe just DC switches and not drives or actual servers? Neat.

    That post literally makes zero sense on so many levels. The most glaring being there is no such thing as a mega-server, it is simply a term used to describe how they are linking their "actual" servers together to host the game world. They really need to let a systems engineer write these sort of things, because their marketing folks are making them look like they don't have a clue.

    The Tweet is a bit poorly worded, but only when talking about "new/more megaservers". I think that merely means that they do not intend to add another megaserver, or in the case of PC NA, do something like split Japan/Asia off onto their own megaserver.

    I deleted my post, but it is in fact a new megaserver, since all the parts that it is made of will be new. But it is par for the course, much like no performance increase, so I give up, their explanations make my head spin.
  • Tenthirty2
    Thank you Matt for the update, very appreciated!
    Improved stability and fewer maintenance sessions will be well received by players and I suspect, by your teams as well :)
    Thanks again for the communication!
    • "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs - horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
    • "When my time comes, I will smile. And that will be all." -Sir Nathain Galien
    • IGN: TenThirty2 (PC/PS: NA, PC/PS: EU)
  • AyeshaBelladonna
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Can we ask why you're doing PC NA first, when PC EU historically has, by far, the most problems? Particularly with unplanned maintenance, which you say this will help to solve?

    It did cause me to raise an eyebrow too.

    PC/EU is the most populous and the most troublesome of all the megaservers.

    Oh well, at least we won't have maintenance on May Day so we have that going for us I guess.

    NA had some worse problems of late then EU.

    Not sure about that, both Jester's and Anniversary were pretty ropey in PC/EU.

    Regardless, that is irrelevant to the matter at hand because:

    timelines for ordering/sourcing server hardware is still incredibly long

    Which means that this was a decision that was made a long time ago. Replacing the hardware in the NA datacentre first that is.

    As mentioned, it was planned for during the pandemic. Now, whether or not this decision was made BEFORE pandemic hit I can't say.... but the US was FAR more _lax_ (no, not a good thing...but in regards to the upgrades planned ....) with lockdowns and other restrictions than EU, which might have been why they planned to do those first. They would have had a better chance at getting a limited staff into the building together to install the hardware. That side of the pond just happened to get their orders filled first then, because their orders were made first.

    Another possible angle if the decision was made pre-pandemic... most of EU has one Primetime load. so PTS is the basic test to try it on NA, and NA is the acid test to work out any remaining kinks before the MEGA load that is EU. As NA spans several timezones and as such has a much more evenly distributed load. This is also why EU has historically had more issues and failures than na.
    NA EP CP1200+
    Original: Mag/Templar Erestem Nightblossom (Tank/Healer Hybrid, Alchemist, general nuisance)
    Alt's? at this many to play, so little time!

    **RED or DEAD** Long Live EP!

    Leather Lace- GM, ESO Grand Designs GM, Ankle Biter for Lone Wolf United, CO-GM of Tower of Wayreth,
    Master Furnisher & Housing fanatic, PvP junkie
    Beta Tester, part of the 2013 Club
  • Tiggledorf
    Soul Shriven
    Reapply that thermal paste, give it a good dusting and you're good.
  • moleculardrugs
    this is so exciting!! thank you for posting this :D
  • heinousmoz
    Decides to refresh the NA server first.
    EU server craps istelf the same day as the maintenance.

    Yep sounds about right...
  • EramTheLiar
    This is always the most terrifying part of an upgrade or migration...
  • Elsonso
    This is always the most terrifying part of an upgrade or migration...

    I always found the most terrifying part of a major system upgrade was when the coffee machine stopped working.
    To me, it feels like most of the time I am sitting around waiting for something to finish. Backups. Restores. POST. etc. Gotta have my coffee.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • ph8te
    So here's my assumption regarding the performance:

    If ZOS promises performance improvements to individual users, and these then don't come to pass, because of some obscure local configuration, they will have a massive backlash. So, they don't promise any noticeable performance improvement and then the users that to get a bump are happy, whilst those that don't, have nothing to complain about.
    @ph8te >> PC/MAC NA Server
    PSN: Trixter0909 >> PS4 EU Server
  • fgoron2000
    Tiggledorf wrote: »
    Reapply that thermal paste, give it a good dusting and you're good.

    And don't forget to reboot, LOL.
  • mekops_ESO
    Back in my day we stuffed one of the days newspapers in the server so future generations could look back and see what was going on when the place was built.

    Keep an eye out.
  • mabdastardseb17_ESO
    I'm sitting' on me computer seat
    waiting for the update to complete
    replete with datacenter new
    I am sat here waiting just for you
    And every step i've neatly planned
    For my warrior's from Eso's lands

    I wish I was
    Tamriel bound
    Eso, where my thought's escaping
    There, where the music's playing
    Where the Castles lie waiting
    Silently for me

    Everyday's an endless stream
    Of Castle walll's and resourcing
    And each town looks the same to me
    The fodder and the cavalry
    And every stranger's place I see
    Reminds me that I long to be

    Tamriel bound
    I wish I was
    Tamriel bound
    but I am here where my thought's escaping
    Here, where my music's playing
    To be there, where the castle's lie waiting
    Silently for me.
  • Vonkarolinas
    ph8te wrote: »
    So here's my assumption regarding the performance:

    If ZOS promises performance improvements to individual users, and these then don't come to pass, because of some obscure local configuration, they will have a massive backlash. So, they don't promise any noticeable performance improvement and then the users that to get a bump are happy, whilst those that don't, have nothing to complain about.

    This was exactly my thinking. But, never underestimate the ability of the some in the fanbase to find something to complain about.
  • Vonkarolinas
    fgoron2000 wrote: »
    Tiggledorf wrote: »
    Reapply that thermal paste, give it a good dusting and you're good.

    And don't forget to reboot, LOL.

    Yes, definitely turn it off and back on again.
  • mekops_ESO
    I'm sitting' on me computer seat
    waiting for the update to complete
    replete with datacenter new
    I am sat here waiting just for you
    And every step i've neatly planned
    For my warrior's from Eso's lands

    I wish I was
    Tamriel bound
    Eso, where my thought's escaping
    There, where the music's playing
    Where the Castles lie waiting
    Silently for me

    Everyday's an endless stream
    Of Castle walll's and resourcing
    And each town looks the same to me
    The fodder and the cavalry
    And every stranger's place I see
    Reminds me that I long to be

    Tamriel bound
    I wish I was
    Tamriel bound
    but I am here where my thought's escaping
    Here, where my music's playing
    To be there, where the castle's lie waiting
    Silently for me.

    This was a lot better than it had any business being XD
  • deleted221205-002626
    ph8te wrote: »
    So here's my assumption regarding the performance:

    If ZOS promises performance improvements to individual users, and these then don't come to pass, because of some obscure local configuration, they will have a massive backlash. So, they don't promise any noticeable performance improvement and then the users that to get a bump are happy, whilst those that don't, have nothing to complain about.

    This was exactly my thinking. But, never underestimate the ability of the some in the fanbase to find something to complain about.

    Well ZOS has a plan for where ESO is going and alot of the new features are great but unfortunatly decrease performance at the same time theyre trying to improve it leaving us where we've always been.

    Things like more proc set and companions etc will strain the system more but are also great to have and more fun. ESO has highly accurate positioning, mechanics avoidance and effects etc which increases the data load as well which IMO is the main culprit which we just cant do without.

    * By highly accurate I'm talking about things like NEVER seeing people facing the wrong directions or effects going backwards etc etc like u do often in many games.. Only weird thing I have seen is people standing ONTOP of they're horse rarely otherwise its near perfection.
    Edited by deleted221205-002626 on May 3, 2022 2:32PM
  • folko
    Will EU servers also be getting a hardware update sometime in the future?
  • Vonkarolinas
    I'm sitting' on me computer seat
    waiting for the update to complete
    replete with datacenter new
    I am sat here waiting just for you
    And every step i've neatly planned
    For my warrior's from Eso's lands

    I wish I was
    Tamriel bound
    Eso, where my thought's escaping
    There, where the music's playing
    Where the Castles lie waiting
    Silently for me

    Everyday's an endless stream
    Of Castle walll's and resourcing
    And each town looks the same to me
    The fodder and the cavalry
    And every stranger's place I see
    Reminds me that I long to be

    Tamriel bound
    I wish I was
    Tamriel bound
    but I am here where my thought's escaping
    Here, where my music's playing
    To be there, where the castle's lie waiting
    Silently for me.

    Near Aetherius, Western Skyrim, Druadach Mountains, icy Karth River
    Life is old there, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze

    ESO, take me home to the place I belong
    Datacenter, refreshed hardware, take me home, ESO

    All my memories gather round her, gamer's lady, stranger to fresh air
    Dark and dusty, P.C. rarin' to go, misty taste of Dewshine, teardrop in my eye

    ESO, take me home to the place I belong
    Datacenter, refreshed hardware, take me home, ESO

    I hear her voice in the morning hour, she calls me,
    ouroboros reminds me of my home far away
    And sitting at my desk I get a feeling that I should have been home yesterday, yesterday

    ESO, take me home to the place I belong
    Datacenter, refreshed hardware, take me home, ESO

    ESO, take me home to the place I belong
    Datacenter, refreshed hardware, take me home, ESO

    Take me home, ESO
    Take me home, ESO
  • Vonkarolinas
    folko wrote: »
    Will EU servers also be getting a hardware update sometime in the future?

    Yes, that is the plan.
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