Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

What the community really wants

ESO is one of the biggest titles in the MMO scene. The fantasy lore is medieval in its core, with magic, elves, orcs, dragons and knights. And always has been. Freeroaming and the option to play what you want and how you want in this world while staying close to a lot of other similar fantasy universes (f.e. D&D) makes a lot of fantasy fans happy, since you don't have anything close to what ESO already does in one package. Which is a good thing. You can do solo questing in overland PvE. Many different stories big or small are to be told there. You can make friends via guilds or group finder and do some dungeon diving or harder content with even more other players by going through trials. You have the option solo queue for small scale PvP aka battlegrounds. You got a semi PvP/PvE mixture called imperial city. Or the biggest PvP option with large scale battles of 3 factions which is Cyrodiil. You can mix and match classes, pick between different playstyles wether its sword and board, bow, a caster or a healer. Combine the sets you want to get closer to master what you aiming for. Make it effective via finding some of the best gear through the minigames (like Antiquities) or upgrade your things via crafting. Could also just lean back without fighting and play the auction house game (or in this case, guild trader game). Or just buy a house from the crown store, build or buy the furniture and make a place you can call home for your ingame character. And there is so much more that I didn't list.

With all these things in mind, the game made it through the last 8 years. With ups and downs. To the point where we are at now. Everything sounds cool on paper. It sounds cool if you tell your friends about every details you can do. Until you notice that its already so heavily packed with stuff to do, that with every new content that came with DLC's and updates the game got more and more bugged, unreliable, and chaotic. Two of the most important details are what leads to the current hate as well as to a more or less unhappy feeling about what coming with the High Isle:

First comes the server stability causing huge impact on the gameplay experience itself. Many content of the game gets close to unplayable without this getting fixed. All the cool builds and playstyles have to adjusted to what the server actually allows you to do.

Next comes the balancing. There is more than just your race and class playing a role with how effective you can be in either PvE or PvP. The sets you pick, the glyphs you put on them, the traits, the skills you chose, the CP you got and the CP talents you equip, the potions you drink and the buff food you eat. General survivability, damage capability, mobility or flexibility. All these things come together to the point where people run what the community knows under the term Meta (Most effective tactic available). Since this game is so heavily packed with different options, you could get the impression that something like a Meta sounds pretty restricting. And it is. Because if you are not part of the Meta, you risk not being accepted by the community itself to do all the nice content that you have available. So in short; you have to do the same if you want certain achievements, you have to do the same if you want to be on the winning side of PvP, you even have to adjust depending on the different situations to get the harder PvE content done. All in all you can also just leave behind what you think is not your cup of tea. But in the end you are forced to certain builds to not somehow mess things up. All comes down to the Meta again.
The thing with the Meta though is, its always shifting. New sets mean, new Meta. A change of the combat system for whatever reason means, new Meta. Animation cancelling, light attack weaving, line of sight. Just to name a few details that play a role there. The root problem of some of these points can be found when looking at the unreliable stability.

So, what does the community really want now?

To sum it up: Server stability, bugs getting fixed (in time), balancing, new classes, new weapons, and truely organzied group play in an epic PvE and PvP adventure paired with different playstyle options and action that lets people shiver in their favorite game makes us want more and keeps your players playing and paying.

Going through in detail, the absolute most important thing to everyone (and I think I can speak for everyone in this case) is three words: A working product.
Without having a fluently functioning game, the whole gaming experience will lead to a tough time. It should be a fun time, though. Regardless of what you are interested in doing within the game, right? Well, then the servers have to get taken care of once and for all. Its bottlenecking everyones gaming experience! Moreso in PvP than in PvE. Even though we could see many trial guilds as a whole needed to completely cancel their plans on running your content. And in terms of PvP, it leads to players leaving Cyrodiil out of frustration once they see ball groups stacking heals and buffs and causing lag for others on purpose to bomb them down soon after. Call it exploiting, call it tactic. I call it a mess. And we all either gotta adjust to these things once more, or (the more likely option) people just quit and play something else that is at least working reliably in its core content.

We need a functioning and fluent PvE experience. We need a functioning and fluent PvP experience. Classes got promised. Weapons got promised. PvP content got promised. Performance got promised. Balancing got promised. Where is it? That's what players were asking for. Its nowhere to be seen. Why? No answer on these. The community feels ignored at the most important topics. Now a card game is part of the newest DLC main feature instead. Card games are of a niche sort anyways. Nobody asked for it. But now we get it. More content is a good thing in general. But the absolute majority of ESO players didn't even finish half of what the game already has to offer right now! Its so packed with things to do, you need days to read through all the guides and use addons to even understand about all the possibilites we have.

PvE is important. Trials are a fun addition for larger scaled groups. The organization part can messy sometimes though. Spare your players some of the hassle to organize it and implement a well thought out trial finder (players fear fake tanks and healers there though, so might as well adjust the system to recognize true tank and healer specs with it). But PvP is just as well. Never underestimate the potential of your PvP again. One of the biggest PvP titles out there in the MMO scene is a proof in itself that money can be successfully made with PvP alone, and that is Albion. Millions of players worldwide. Main focus is indeed PvP. Do you want your community to play games like this instead? I highly doubt it. So why not polish the PvP system as a whole? A rework. An overhauled Cyrodiil. Overhauled battlegrounds. You could even go for a light version of this. High Isle and its knightly Orders would be the perfect atmopshere to implement things like new kinds of faction wars. Dark Knights vs Paladins for example. Noble vs lower class. Intrigue systems with players getting involved. A return of the thieves guild and dark brotherhood in a medieval world. A minigame that is related to fighting with the characters a lot of players spent a lot of time, effort and money into finetuning would have gotten accepted way better and would have fit much nicer into the medieval Breton-Knight theme than dueling someone with cards. You already stated medieval history are your inspiration. It was a dark age. But somehow you got the idea to plant sunflowers all over the place? Doesn't seem very intimidating if you ask me. Druids fit there indeed. Volcanos though? It seems out of place. Graveyards with undead constantly raising from its rest and attacking and threatining their citizens would be. A truely dark atmosphere (The Dark Souls series is not successful for its difficulty alone, but rather for its dark knightish medieval and dangerous atmosphere. High Isle could fill this hole for the MMO RPG fans out there since the devs of this series didn't yet offer that kind of thing yet).

If you ask me, if I can at least understand the basics of what the community wants at an absolute minimum and can also bring up ideas to polish what is already in the game, then I am sure qualified workers can do even better. ESO has the potential to grow again to an absolute epic level of fun. All you gotta do is listen to your community, implement what the community asked for after all these years, and when things got polished then additions like this card game would find at least a somewhat better acceptance within your community too.
  • Pevey
    How do you know what the entire community wants? I want the new content. It looks great to me. If they fixed all bugs and instability but added nothing new, I would get bored and leave. Everyone has their own opinions.
  • VaranisArano
    I feel like "I want to be able to reliably log in and play a working game no matter what content I prefer" is a pretty basic assumption to make about what most players want.
  • Kalle_Demos
    This. Many players have been very vocal across various media about what we want, don't want and are willing to pay for.

    No one asked for a card game.


    "If I am to be Queen, I must look fear in the face and conquer it. How can I ask my people to have faith in me if I don't have faith in myself?" - Queen Ayrenn
  • VaranisArano
    This. Many players have been very vocal across various media about what we want, don't want and are willing to pay for.

    No one asked for a card game.

    Eh, there were definitely requests for card games and other mini games. Maybe not as the only new feature of the Chapter, true, but people have been asking.

    I blame The Witcher.

  • Synaptic

    Well said OP, thank you for taking the time to lay all this out and bring it to ZOS's attention, I really hope this gets looked at.
    Edited by Synaptic on April 15, 2022 4:03PM
  • ArchMikem

    Pretty sure that picture I made a long time ago is wanted by more people than how many wanted a Card Game.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    This. Many players have been very vocal across various media about what we want, don't want and are willing to pay for.

    No one asked for a card game.


    Definitly saw tavern games being ask a few time
    So yes there was people asking for this, like ot or not
    Edited by Dark_Lord_Kuro on April 15, 2022 4:31PM
  • dinokstrunz
    This. Many players have been very vocal across various media about what we want, don't want and are willing to pay for.

    No one asked for a card game.


    Definitly saw tavern games being ask a few time
    So yes there was people asking for this, like ot or not

    There has been legions of posts & people asking for new classes, skill lines and functioning pvp systems, when will they finally get heard? Nah lets listen to the 6 people asking for tavern mini games because our MMO cannot handle massive new features that the masses want.
  • kargen27
    This. Many players have been very vocal across various media about what we want, don't want and are willing to pay for.

    No one asked for a card game.


    Definitly saw tavern games being ask a few time
    So yes there was people asking for this, like ot or not

    There has been legions of posts & people asking for new classes, skill lines and functioning pvp systems, when will they finally get heard? Nah lets listen to the 6 people asking for tavern mini games because our MMO cannot handle massive new features that the masses want.

    We got new classes. We got new skill lines. They are working to improve performance.

    I've seen quite a few people over time ask for some type of mini game to be added. That aside the forums is not an accurate data base for what people want in the game. ZoS sends out surveys asking about a variety of things in game and about what people would like to see going forward. I'm guessing those surveys led in big part to this decision.

    I probably won't participate beyond an early curiosity but if the card game is well designed I'm sure it will be popular.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    [snip] and blackjack? Oh and hideable armour pieces for outfits.

    [edited for minor inappropriate content]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on April 15, 2022 6:19PM
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • Sylvermynx
    You don't speak for me OP. I don't have any issues with performance etc. in the content I play - which does NOT include groups or pvp - and I'm very happy for upcoming new content.
  • dinokstrunz
    kargen27 wrote: »
    This. Many players have been very vocal across various media about what we want, don't want and are willing to pay for.

    No one asked for a card game.


    Definitly saw tavern games being ask a few time
    So yes there was people asking for this, like ot or not

    There has been legions of posts & people asking for new classes, skill lines and functioning pvp systems, when will they finally get heard? Nah lets listen to the 6 people asking for tavern mini games because our MMO cannot handle massive new features that the masses want.

    We got new classes. We got new skill lines. They are working to improve performance.

    I've seen quite a few people over time ask for some type of mini game to be added. That aside the forums is not an accurate data base for what people want in the game. ZoS sends out surveys asking about a variety of things in game and about what people would like to see going forward. I'm guessing those surveys led in big part to this decision.

    I probably won't participate beyond an early curiosity but if the card game is well designed I'm sure it will be popular.

    Last time I personally got a ESO survey was like One Tamriel I think.
  • SilverBride
    Pevey wrote: »
    How do you know what the entire community wants? I want the new content. It looks great to me. If they fixed all bugs and instability but added nothing new, I would get bored and leave. Everyone has their own opinions.

    I agree with this 100%.
  • Tenthirty2
    All I really want, is some patience; a way to calm the angry voice.
    • "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs - horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
    • "When my time comes, I will smile. And that will be all." -Sir Nathain Galien
    • IGN: TenThirty2 (PC/PS: NA, PC/PS: EU)
  • Kiralyn2000
    "The Community" is a widely varying group.

    Outside of stable servers & bug fixes, I'm pretty sure nothing else can be assigned to all of them/us.

    kargen27 wrote: »
    That aside the forums is not an accurate data base for what people want in the game.

    That, too.

    The difference between what the vocal online crowd want/do, and what the general playerbase does, can be large.

    (one of my main examples of that has always been Mass Effect. Online, it was pretty much a given that Jen Hale's FemShep was the superior option, with much better acting than "boring" Mark Meer's MaleShep.
    Then Bioware put out those Game Statistics articles after ME3, which showed that 80% of players played MaleShep.)
  • NettleCarrier
    I just want new classes to try, new skill lines, or new weapons. I don't PvP so the game works well enough for me the majority of the time, in the few days a year we have server issues I just play something else. At CP2100+ all I really care for is trying new things. New chapters/features are "okay" but their long term contributions are always kinda short lived. Something like a new class, skill line, or weapon affects every aspect of the game and is definitely a permanent "plus" to the game. If we are going to continually limit the game based on older hardware then perhaps it is time to move on to games that don't.
    GM of Gold Coast Corsairs - PCNA
  • everseeing_njpreub18_ESO
    "To sum it up: Server stability, bugs getting fixed (in time), balancing, new classes, new weapons, and truely organzied group play in an epic PvE and PvP adventure paired with different playstyle options and action that lets people shiver in their favorite game makes us want more and keeps your players playing and paying."
    I'm sure your post makes some good points and this isn't an argument, just another point of view. As I am a member of the community I'm not looking for any of these. I want to keep playing because i like the world, the play style (the way i play it at least), the lore and the characters, housing, quests and story. So more of what I've been getting is good for me.

    I have no server issues, never do, i almost never see bugs and in a game this size i feel that's impressive.

    I don't PVP so i don't care about "balance" between classes, if i am enjoying my class I'm good, and i do. This goes for group play as well, i play solo in a more RPG sense so for me i dont care about organized group stuff.

    I have no interest in new classes because i only play my main and prefer to do everything on a single character, starting a new one to go through so much content again isn't something i want to do. That's how I've played every MMO i have ever played.

    New weapons, again no real need. New content is always nice but I've never felt i was missing some choice there.
  • Aldoss
    To all the apologists in this thread saying:

    "They're working on performance"

    Imagine if your car broke down 8-9 out of 10 times. There's only one mechanic who knows how to fix your car. You bring your car to them, and instead of solving your engine issues, they add a few trinkets to your dash and some bumper stickers and charge you for it.

    Your car continues to break down 9 out of 10 drives.

    You call the mechanic to complain. They say, "we're working on it. Please be patient."

    Years go by. You still don't have a working car, but they give you a card game that you can play while you wait for the tow truck to come the next time your car breaks down...

    We just want a working car.
  • HonestLoverr
    @Sylvermynx Doesn't change the fact that major content aspects of the game don't work reliably. Which means the majority of the playerbase is affected. Adding in niche additions to fit a niche taste of a minority of the community as a whole is why the current hate is going on. The polls in this forums are a good indicator of whats happening. Could also ask around somewhere else and the result is the same. Sure, you will always have those people who will always like whatever you throw at them. But thats not the point.

    The thing is, why pay for a subpar addition in an expansion for an MMO with a whole different main aspect in its core anyways, if you could just buy a well thought out and functioning to its fullest established card game instead? Its just a small addition in ESO with a lot of work and marketing that got put into it to make it sell somehow. It falls on deaf ears for the most of the community with good reason. If you couldn't even play and thus enjoy the things you currently do now you would maybe understand.

    If every single player could easily be made happy and kept playing/paying by just throwing new content at them, then this game would be No.1 in the MMO business. Since its release 8 years ago we got constantly flooded with content. So why did the playerbase shrink to its lowest then? Because new content wasn't ever the problem to begin with.

    The problem was the stability problems, bugs, gameplay balance issues, undelivered promises since the beginning up to this date as well as ignoring the MOST asked for things and instead adding something new over and over while doing so and adding new/old stability problems, bugs gameplay balance issues and undelivered promises again. This is going on for 8 years and reached its peak by draining the last motivation of a lot of ESO veterans until even they couldn't take it anymore. Having such a huge amount of players gone for good is not a sign of success. Its a sign of failure and making wrong decisions.

    Zos listens and reads. Yet they rather extent their house for their guests offering tasty food and drinks and clothes without fixing its broken state. Until their guests decide leave. The guests talked though and they tiped. But keep getting ignored.

    After 8 years a simple "we are working on it" here and "we are working on it" there is not enough anymore. Delivering on made promises is needed. A card game should have been the very last thing on their list to put work into.
  • kargen27
    Aldoss wrote: »
    To all the apologists in this thread saying:

    "They're working on performance"

    Imagine if your car broke down 8-9 out of 10 times. There's only one mechanic who knows how to fix your car. You bring your car to them, and instead of solving your engine issues, they add a few trinkets to your dash and some bumper stickers and charge you for it.

    Your car continues to break down 9 out of 10 drives.

    You call the mechanic to complain. They say, "we're working on it. Please be patient."

    Years go by. You still don't have a working car, but they give you a card game that you can play while you wait for the tow truck to come the next time your car breaks down...

    We just want a working car.

    Imagine letting a mechanic paint your car. Imagine letting a body man rebuild your transmission. Imagine any of those designing next years model.

    Now imagine design engineers working to design the new car, a mechanic to keep the car running after it is built, a body man to take care of the cosmetics of the car all available to do what they have been trained to do as needed.

    As an aside performance became an issue in large part because a portion of the player base decided using cheat engine would be a fun thing to do. We have seen obvious attempts to fix performance since that change. Some worked better than others but none worked as well as we wish. They can't go back to having all those calculations client side though or the cheats come back so they keep looking for another solution.

    You make it sound like you can't get your oil changed because your tires are bald.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • HonestLoverr
    kargen27 wrote: »
    We got new classes. We got new skill lines. They are working to improve performance.

    [snip] Don't even try. Classes in this game are the core aspect of everyones character. The one thing people spent their most time with. Playing the character you made with the class and skill lines you picked. Thats what you use to bring into whatever content there is.

    So adding new classes and skill lines bring A LOT of fresh air to everyones play session. It keeps people playing, paying. it attracts old veterans getting them to return and it attracts new player alike. Playing a different healer, with different skills, different lore and background. A less paladin-ish more priest-ish route maybe? Why its not there yet? Or a true warrior tank, closer to what people know from other RPG's. Why its not there yet? Or a real melee fighter, closer to being a real fighter in its very nature, a berserker maybe? Why its not there yet? Some people like pet classes a lot. Something like a hunter or animal tamer. A unique reward system on top with mounts only useable by taming things in the wilds. Why its not there yet? Then you can also chose whatever role on whichever of the new classes on top. A lot of replayabilty to be offered through these. The more the better. Always.

    As to skill lines, weapons come to mind. No spears? No crossbows? Throwing daggers as usable weapons? Morning stars? Different attempt on sword and board, like parrying dagger as shields? Small shields? Tower shields? Or throwing shields with a parrying crossbow? The options are near endless what the devs could do there. But dont forget the balance!

    As you can see you can do a lot just by adding new classes and skill lines. Its this kind of additions people make new characters for. People get hyped for. Playing different classes, with different weapons, experimenting with builds and playstyles and doing RP with. This is what people want to see more of (myself included). Make it happen!

    [edited for minor bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on April 16, 2022 12:54PM
  • bachpain
    I agree with this 100%.

    I am tired of new when the whole is in shambles. I got my High Isle pre order refunded and have canceled my subscription to eso plus. I will not spend money until there is a consistent working product regardless of how many new systems are added to the failing architecture or events to distract from the dismal communication. Until the community does the same then the community is getting what it pays for.
    Edited by bachpain on April 15, 2022 7:12PM
  • duagloth
    we already have a slot machine for gambling, i can see why they added a card game. definilty dont like either of them
  • kargen27

    No trick. Didn't say that. I said we have been given new classes and new skill lines and we have. Expecting that to happen every year along with the other development is unrealistic. At some point other than cosmetics and animations they all get redundant anyway.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on April 16, 2022 12:54PM
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • LanteanPegasus
    So, what does the community really want now?

    To sum it up: Server stability, bugs getting fixed (in time), balancing, new classes, new weapons, and truely organzied group play in an epic PvE and PvP adventure paired with different playstyle options and action that lets people shiver in their favorite game makes us want more and keeps your players playing and paying.

    Server stability - Yes. I have that 99% of the time, though, so I'm good.

    Bugs getting fixed (in time) - They should work on that, yes.

    Balancing, new classes, new weapons, and truely organzied group play in an epic PvE and PvP adventure paired with different playstyle options and action that lets people shiver in their favorite game - Not really. Don't need, don't care, some of it I actually don't want.

    Of course I'm just one person. So I'm not the whole community. But I'm part of it, so be careful in throwing around assumptions about what said community wants without a shadow of a doubt.
  • Dexter411
    Glitches and bug fixes, server stability/improved performance, far behind is everything else depending on each group(pvp,pve, endgame pve and so on)

    Everyone want bug fixes and not another pointless 2 4-man dungeon that breaks more things than it should.
  • Kidgangster101
    kargen27 wrote: »
    This. Many players have been very vocal across various media about what we want, don't want and are willing to pay for.

    No one asked for a card game.


    Definitly saw tavern games being ask a few time
    So yes there was people asking for this, like ot or not

    There has been legions of posts & people asking for new classes, skill lines and functioning pvp systems, when will they finally get heard? Nah lets listen to the 6 people asking for tavern mini games because our MMO cannot handle massive new features that the masses want.

    We got new classes. We got new skill lines. They are working to improve performance.

    I've seen quite a few people over time ask for some type of mini game to be added. That aside the forums is not an accurate data base for what people want in the game. ZoS sends out surveys asking about a variety of things in game and about what people would like to see going forward. I'm guessing those surveys led in big part to this decision.

    I probably won't participate beyond an early curiosity but if the card game is well designed I'm sure it will be popular.

    The problem with people here (I used to support this game so much but have moved on for over a year now) is new classes do get released...... Once in a while and when they do they are always busted op upon release and or broken upon release. So take what this game has released for classes compared to say final fantasy 14. Every 2 years we get 2-3 jobs added to the game at once. Along with that they release epic storylines that have 5-6 massive zones each and literally create 50+ hours of just the basic story quests. Meanwhile eso barely releases new jobs, they release 1 zone that you have to pay 40 bucks for....... Ff 14 has their expansion for 40 bucks as well.

    So in a nutshell no, the devs clearly aren't pushing out nearly what they could to make the game better. Along with all these changes if there is a huge bug in ff14 the game gets a maintenance to fix it. Meanwhile this game has bugs in it from launch...... And they release dlc every freaking time with known bugs or issues. I love this game 100% but just can not justify playing it at all due to poor decisions from their end of not even trying to put out enough content. No lie I purchased elsewhere and I literally beat the main story in 1 sitting i think it took me 4 hours............ So not worth my time to play anymore.
  • Molydeus
    I feel like "I want to be able to reliably log in and play a working game no matter what content I prefer" is a pretty basic assumption to make about what most players want.

    Are people still really unable to log into the game? I've had no problems at all aside from that one patch several weeks ago.
  • HonestLoverr
    kargen27 wrote: »

    No trick. Didn't say that. I said we have been given new classes and new skill lines and we have. Expecting that to happen every year along with the other development is unrealistic. At some point other than cosmetics and animations they all get redundant anyway.

    Nobody here mentioned anything about expecting these things to happen every year. But now that you mention it, the competition does exactly what you stating there. I would also gladly take it, if Zos decides to get on par with their competition. So this should invalidate your argument about it being unrealistic. And what is possible to do for the developers and what is not, that's something only Zos can answer themselves.

    All the mentioned points have been asked for countless times for a long time. Since so many people were not 100% satisfied with either the writing of quests nor the rest of the content that got added in the past years, they could have just added classes and combat relevant skill lines coupled with fixes and it would have had a deeper and more positive impact on all around fun (and fun in this case means profit for Zos) within the community it seems. Player population fluctuates from time to time. But it would be a shame not being able to login anymore just because the game dies due to ignored feedback.

    @LanteanPegasus Its not assumptions if its facts. I already said it before, there are always people that are happy with whatever you throw at them. While some are happy with a new fancy pet, others would like to see big gameplay changes to happen. And some others don't need anything at all. Well, can't make everyone happy, right? Yea. Kinda. BUT you can try. And you can clearly see that this is also exactly what Zos is trying to do. They just don't try it hard enough. Some people spent thousands on this game and I did too, and I will keep expressing my concerns with the game whenever I feel like.

    This thread is a reminder to the devs to stop ignoring serious concerns and feedback about the game many of their paying customers would like to see finally getting sorted out, so they can make their product better for everyone. It doesn't matter if our opinions differ. Players make the community. My intention is to do my little part to make it good.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on April 16, 2022 12:55PM
  • kargen27
    kargen27 wrote: »
    This. Many players have been very vocal across various media about what we want, don't want and are willing to pay for.

    No one asked for a card game.


    Definitly saw tavern games being ask a few time
    So yes there was people asking for this, like ot or not

    There has been legions of posts & people asking for new classes, skill lines and functioning pvp systems, when will they finally get heard? Nah lets listen to the 6 people asking for tavern mini games because our MMO cannot handle massive new features that the masses want.

    We got new classes. We got new skill lines. They are working to improve performance.

    I've seen quite a few people over time ask for some type of mini game to be added. That aside the forums is not an accurate data base for what people want in the game. ZoS sends out surveys asking about a variety of things in game and about what people would like to see going forward. I'm guessing those surveys led in big part to this decision.

    I probably won't participate beyond an early curiosity but if the card game is well designed I'm sure it will be popular.

    The problem with people here (I used to support this game so much but have moved on for over a year now) is new classes do get released...... Once in a while and when they do they are always busted op upon release and or broken upon release. So take what this game has released for classes compared to say final fantasy 14. Every 2 years we get 2-3 jobs added to the game at once. Along with that they release epic storylines that have 5-6 massive zones each and literally create 50+ hours of just the basic story quests. Meanwhile eso barely releases new jobs, they release 1 zone that you have to pay 40 bucks for....... Ff 14 has their expansion for 40 bucks as well.

    So in a nutshell no, the devs clearly aren't pushing out nearly what they could to make the game better. Along with all these changes if there is a huge bug in ff14 the game gets a maintenance to fix it. Meanwhile this game has bugs in it from launch...... And they release dlc every freaking time with known bugs or issues. I love this game 100% but just can not justify playing it at all due to poor decisions from their end of not even trying to put out enough content. No lie I purchased elsewhere and I literally beat the main story in 1 sitting i think it took me 4 hours............ So not worth my time to play anymore.

    The jobs in FF14 are basically armor sets so ESO provides that with each chapter.

    "Since so many people were not 100% satisfied with either the writing of quests nor the rest of the content that got added in the past years, "

    These forums make up a very tiny percentage of the player base and in no way provide an accurate indication of what the player base may or may not like. A handful of players here have posted they didn't like the story line. Not near enough to see a trend.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
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