Maintenance for the week of February 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 17
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)

What is going on with game performance lately? Desyncs/Lag/Loading Screens/Booted...

  • ck37090
    So...just things today, vSS i get like a 10-15 second delay before trash mobs are visible for me, I do the portals at the end and when I come back up it takes 10-15 seconds before I can see the dragon and/or the mobs. I ran some normal randoms...people are constantly not being pulled in to the instance and then booted out when they manually enter....did Mazzutun, couldn't interact with any of the alters on the calendar part....did white gold mobs just decided to stop spawning so had to abandon the random 1/2 through....

    Again, i'm sure this is all in direct relation to them preparing and adding for the next expansion...but how is it ok to continuously degrade the game performance to facilitate what point do we say its too much? I did cancel my subscription, I didn't want to because the craft bag is a huge convenience and I don't really want to stop playing the game, but out of principle I can't pay them to play this game in its current state.
  • madrab73
    They are aware that they ned to restructure the server to improve performance but there hasn't been an update in over a month on the likely empty promises here
  • PrimusTiberius
    I've been getting the blue screen when I've been thieving usually. I started noticing it when I was in Wretched Spire (Deadlands) while I was thieving. I was rotating my characters and it seamed like every 20 minutes, I got the blue screen. When I stopped thieving and went on to other activities, the blue screen stopped bugging me out of the game. I figured there was some algorithm trying to prevent me from thieving.

    Just last night I was playing the Blackwood main quest on one of my Alts, again I was thieving in Gideon and blue screen kicked me several times. I go back to playing the main blue screen.

    After several months of this, I'm convinced there's something going on with where the program sees you thieving for a prolong amount of time and kicks you.
    Everyone is going in one direction, I'm going the other direction
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    madrab73 wrote: »
    They are aware that they ned to restructure the server to improve performance but there hasn't been an update in over a month on the likely empty promises here

    Would like an update before the release of the next DLC, yes.

    The community needs clear information of the steps that will be taken in regards to the restructure of the server.
    How? Why? When?
    I think we deserve this and they say it themselves 'we are a great community' *squints*
  • ADarklore
    Youyouz06 wrote: »
    madrab73 wrote: »
    They are aware that they ned to restructure the server to improve performance but there hasn't been an update in over a month on the likely empty promises here

    Would like an update before the release of the next DLC, yes.

    The community needs clear information of the steps that will be taken in regards to the restructure of the server.
    How? Why? When?
    I think we deserve this and they say it themselves 'we are a great community' *squints*

    As noted in the link posted, "We completely understand the frustration many of you are feeling, especially with lack of information about our PvP plans. This was a huge decision to make and we needed to make sure we had exhausted all other possibilities before announcing this. Thanks for bearing with us, and we will give you periodic updates about the re-architecture progress over the course of the year."

    They said 'over the course of the year', which I don't think means 'every month', probably more quarterly updates or as progress has been made.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • unjulation
    Returning player - I've definitely noticed what you guys are talking about, desychs abound and I'm finding it a right royal pain in the arse to talk to a few quest givers, open some doors and the occasional treasure chest
  • xXSilverDragonXx
    I returned to the game a bit over two months ago. Had pretty much no issues until maybe last week or the last several days. Not sure when but it was recent, because one of the times I left was because of these sort of issues, and I would not have continued playing for long if it had been consistent.
  • Grizzbeorn
    [Quoted post has been removed.]

    It has never been an issue for me in this game until just recently, with no changes made to my machine.
    I'm experiencing everything that others have described on these three pages, much of which I used to see only attributed to the PvP zones, now spread to all of the PvE zones.

    I mean, yeah, these things have always been an issue for some people, but now, just recently, they've become an issue for LOTS more folks who never had problems.
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on February 16, 2022 9:37PM
      PC/NA Warden Main
    • Bradyfjord
      ck37090 wrote: »
      I've looked at everything from my side, my ping is solid, my FPS is solid, I deactivated all my addons, I went through all the recommendations...I get constant desyncs/lag/occasional loading screens/and get booted when I logout to character screen...I thought it was an issue I was just having but i'm hearing similar things from all different people in groups. It used to be these things were mainly in PvP, but its allover PvE as well...I don't know how many people are having these same issues, but I do know it is more than just me....and i'm 99% sure it isn't from my side. My computer hasn't changed, I've tried reinstalling the entire game, I have run w/o any addons...there is something going on with ZOSs side.

      For me, it seems to have started back during late Summerset. It's been getting worse and worse since then. Some days are better/worse than others of course. It's sad that a free to play game (Lost Ark) has better performance than ESO, since I've subbed to the game even before ESO+(with breaks here and there).
    • jones911
      Soul Shriven
      I have only actively played ESO over the last 2 months, so I do not know if there is a history of latency issues with the game. However, I can say for sure that skills don't always fire, ping jumps a lot, lag in playing the game is always an issue....etc....etc. I really hope this is not what I can look forward to since I really love and enjoy the game.
      Edited by jones911 on February 17, 2022 5:42PM
    • EdmondDontes
      It looks like ZOS reallocated their server resources during Monday's maintenance. So more resources are going to PvP for the time being, and PvE gets to have a tiny taste of what lag is like in PvP 100% of the time.

      This is one way we know more server resources does help performance. ZOS chooses not to invest in more/better servers anyway.
    • Rogue_WolfESO
      I'm not an IT tech, but I assume if ZoS would setup a dedicated server for PVP and seperate it from all things PVE, there would be much less issues. Server lag being the top of the list!
      Just think, sets and skills could be adjusted based on server instead of the current system of nerfing everything and effecting pve play that is unrelated to pvp issues.
      I had a ton of fun last night during the 7 hours I spent in Cyrodiil. There is no reason this zone and gameplay can't always be as good as it is during an event. I believe more players would play pvp if there was a dedicated server.
    • Jusey1
      Since the last major update, I've been getting VERY noticeable ability delay.

      In normal zones, I don't get this but after grinding Battlegrounds for a whole day yesterday (I wanted to get my Alliance War skills from 6 to 10 finally so used this event's boost to help that out)... I have strongly notice this myself. Heals don't go off sometimes when inputted, abilities just not working causing me to just light attack twice when I was trying to use an ability, and oh... The absolute worst: being unable to break out of crowd control despite being full with stamina. That happen way too much for me, and it was getting annoying real quick.
    • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
      We had 200+ ping at 2:30pm on Grayhost PC EU today.
      That's a first I suppose, and only 40 players on screen.
    • phileunderx2
      Still crashing in dungeons or anywhere where I have some intense combat.
      Crashed in a bg yesterday. Got deserter penalty.. totally not my fault
    • Chaos2088
      The other night, just had to stop playing. Every time I logged I had super bad lag for 10mins then got kicked. Logged into the game 7 times and the same…just left it.

      Still having super bad lag spikes… unplayable in pvp, which is ironic there is an event on for it atm…
      @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
    • Thunda
      Let's be honest, complaints regarding gameplay performance have been a consistent trend on these forums for many years. While ZOS may have made small fixes (less loading screens, less crashing, etc), the primary issues (lag, skills not working, etc) have not improved or at least not improved to the point you would expect after all this time.

      Given their track record with announcing performance improvements but not following through, I personally have low expectations that performance will noticably improve. I hope I am wrong but I have been disappointed too many times. I unsubscribed from ESO plus over a year ago because I did not feel this game was worth the subscription price in it's current state.

      ZOS is well aware at this point that that a portion of their player base is unhappy with performance. Time will tell whether they actually do something about it or continue the same course they have been on.
      Edited by Thunda on February 18, 2022 5:39PM
    • Folkb
      I get some slight lag here and there but otherwise its fine for me.
    • etchedpixels
      Climb ladder, bong, you are already queued
      Climb ladder, bong you are already queued
      Cllmb ladder, bong you are already queuied

      is getting a bit painful - seems to be worse under load.

      Now getting infinite loading screens for IC and having to restart the client.

      I know there is an event on but the total steam user count doesn't seem particularly high and indeed most of my guild appear ot be playing Lost Ark instead.
      Too many toons not enough time
    • Jaraal
      Climb ladder, bong, you are already queued
      Climb ladder, bong you are already queued
      Cllmb ladder, bong you are already queuied

      Yeah, the District ladder desyncs have been annoying for years. I can't even recall the last time I gathered all six quests before dropping down into the Districts without at least one ladder failure. And to think that somebody thought it was a good idea for us to zone 11 times before we could actually begin all six quests at the same time....
    • madrab73
      What has happened to the improved performance during mayhem? Was it cancelled with the renaming of event?

      Severe lag at 3 way fight in Cyro leading to disconnect then bluescreen when I tried to restart and load back in.

      Next keep 3 way fight again, severe lag and disconnect. Got to load back in eventually, it was unusually long, only for sever lag and disconnect again. Next attempt to load back timed out or as ZOS call it "unable toconnect to server"

      Why let the event go ahead with such poor performance?

      Why has ther been no update on improvements in over a month?

      Why pretend to want to improve communication then fail to communicate anything?
    • Jaraal
      madrab73 wrote: »
      What has happened to the improved performance during mayhem? Was it cancelled with the renaming of event?

      It's a well known fact that most of the performance issues started when they began using the Akamai anti-DDoS filtering service. Tracerts have shown data transmission bottlenecks at the Akamai servers. Just do a search for "Akamai" in the forums, you'll get pages and pages of information about it.

      Why is this relevant? It's been theorized that they may have been running a "lighter" version of anti-DDoS during the PvP events, which has increased data flow (thereby improving performance) until the event ends, at which time the ping and lag returns to it's usual disruptiveness. However, players have noticed that this year's event, as well as last year's, have not seen any sort of performance improvement.

      So what changed? Well, what we do know for sure is that the negative change in event performance occurred after the Microsoft acquisition. And it is reasonable to assume that Microsoft would not extend any contracts with a competing DDoS service like Akamai, when they can do it in house with Microsoft Azure.

      Coincidence? Perhaps. But I challenge you to provide a more logical explanation.

      Edited by Jaraal on February 19, 2022 6:45PM
    • Wolfpaw
      Since getting a PS5 crashes are extremely rare, that's not to say performance issues are non existent.

      I don't expect any major improvements for last gen consoles, it may be not possible anymore.
    • hellhound223
      I have been fighting all day to stay in the game, getting booted sometimes enough that I’ll spend twenty minutes to half an hour at a time trying to log back in with varying degrees of success. Fortunately when this happens I don’t have to queue back into Cyrodiil…until this last time, when I got booted back out to Vvardenfell. Now I have to wait another hour+ to get back in and it’s so exhausting. I’m remembering why I stepped back from the game late last year—performance is terrible and it’s absolutely ridiculous. All I want to do is enjoy the event!
    • etchedpixels
      Jaraal wrote: »
      madrab73 wrote: »
      What has happened to the improved performance during mayhem? Was it cancelled with the renaming of event?

      It's a well known fact that most of the performance issues started when they began using the Akamai anti-DDoS filtering service

      Except that the EU traces don't go via Akamai and the lag there is as bad if not worse.

      I've seen the threads about Akamai and trace numbers, but those numbers simply aren't relaible or a valid way of measuring what the performance through their various layers of magic is. You need to look at the TCP round trip times. If it's like EU then all the lag isn't in the network. Here for example my actual network RTT is about 23ms to the ESO EU megaserver boundary. The actual game lag is at best about 70ms and frequently spikes far higher *without the network RTT changing* particularly in PvP. In other words many of the lag spikes are the servers. Sure some are network hiccups too.
      So what changed? Well, what we do know for sure is that the negative change in event performance occurred after the Microsoft acquisition. And it is reasonable to assume that Microsoft would not extend any contracts with a competing DDoS service like Akamai, when they can do it in house with Microsoft Azure.

      Nope - the standard service offered on Azure for anti-DDoS is Akamai. They are partners with Microsoft.

      Too many toons not enough time
    • Jaraal

      Nope - the standard service offered on Azure for anti-DDoS is Akamai. They are partners with Microsoft.

      Thanks for the clarification!

    • Hapexamendios
      Performance had been terrible last couple days. Multiple blue screens, lag, ultra long loading screens and invisible NPCs. Needs to be addressed and not ignored.
    • jao0199
      I would like to thank you all for the information provided on this post. I was just thinking on come back to eso after almost 1 year break (funny fact: I Left because of performance issues on pvp)
      And now I know that i should keep my ass away from eso for at least another year
    • Thunda
      jao0199 wrote: »
      I would like to thank you all for the information provided on this post. I was just thinking on come back to eso after almost 1 year break (funny fact: I Left because of performance issues on pvp)
      And now I know that i should keep my ass away from eso for at least another year

      Yeah, if you previously left because of performance then no point in coming back right now. It's the same if not worse and based on the latest statement from ZOS don't expect it to improve for at least a year.

      If you don't mind not being able to use skills or having basic functions work or are some of the lucky ones where performance is acceptable then pvp can be enjoyable.
    • ZOS_Bill
      For anyone running into desyncs or latency issues, please try the troubleshooting below.

      Connection Troubleshooting - Technical Support - The Elder Scrolls Online
      The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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