Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

What is going on with game performance lately? Desyncs/Lag/Loading Screens/Booted...

  • Tyralbin
    What is needed (imo) is an uptodate to the servers and/or physical structure.

    I may be wrong has this isn't my area of knowledge by any means.
    Live a little love a lot send all your gold to this Imperials pot.
  • Iron_Warrior
    Good to hear it's not only me, for the last week or two lag has been so bad and i'm not talking about cyrodill, right now even in overland i get lag spikes.
  • Tenthirty2
    I agree with others that performance has been hit or miss, not just recently but for awhile now.
    But in the last month or two I've noticed definite increase in skill lag, even things like HA and LA not firing or feeling "stuck".
    I've even noticed it when farming nodes, I'll have to do an extra key press or two before my character actually harvests the node.

    I usually start my sessions with a few dragon fights in NE as a warm-up and notice it most there.
    Sometimes 3-4 taps on the mouse to fire my bow, after the 4th tap then it fires. Some skills occasionally double-fire, esp with bow.
    To be clear these are not dragon fights with like 30+ ppl. Maybe 8-10 on avg.
    Dragon movements are erratic. I can be standing behind one and suddenly it snaps 180 degrees to now face ME, that's fun, especially when it happens mid-dragon breath or Fus :open_mouth:

    I have a magsorc that I play with often and notice these same things with her too, lightning staff HA getting "stuck", some spells double-firing, etc.

    Feels a lot like the server is trying to play catch-up syncing with the client.
    Like the OP I've checked my hardware, router\net and can find no faults on my end.

    There has been an influx of new players to the game, which is awesome.
    But on a server that can no longer keep up, not awesome.
    So I really hope Matt and the team can make good on their plans that he mentioned in his pinned thread.
    • "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs - horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
    • "When my time comes, I will smile. And that will be all." -Sir Nathain Galien
    • IGN: TenThirty2 (PC/PS: NA, PC/PS: EU)
  • etchedpixels
    Youyouz06 wrote: »
    I am writing to you quite frustrated, myself.
    End game raiding (is what it is with its 'human' issues too) is a lot of waiting on people who have crashed at various moments of the raid. Then it's dealing with bugs like bosses disappearing, not being able to resurrect team mates and over time 'slow combat' with 'low fps'.

    The resurrection thing also used to be a Cyrodiil bug and now shows up all over the place.

    The rest yes - the bosses (and even sometimes random other mobs) vanishing/reappearing/vanishing/reappearing has gone from 'it does that in Arx' to 'it does that everywhere'. The newer one we keep getting now is the dungeon finder putting half the people in the dungeon, not porting the others and then telling both halves the other half is offline and stopping anyone getting back into the group properly.

    The whole game is quite literally falling to bits.

    Too many toons not enough time
  • EdmondDontes
    They keep squeezing more and more content and more and more new thingies into the game without increasing server capacity.

    What do they think is going to happen over time with this business model?
    Edited by EdmondDontes on February 12, 2022 4:52PM
  • Kwoung
    Jaimeh wrote: »
    I don't know if it's acoincidence or not, but in the past few weeks I've gotten quite a few black loading screens, with just the ouroboros logo in the bottom, that took a few minutes at a time, as well as either complete freezes, or semi-freezes (where there's no sound, no icons on the map, some Ui elements missing) that take some time and then the game resumes with a rush of all the sounds/things that happened during the freeze, coming in fast motion. These happen almost daily now.

    That is an interesting bug to resurface, I guess they only applied the fix to Cyrodiil 2 years ago. Used to get the mini-load screens all the time there riding around. Well, I guess it just shows that the rest of the game is just deteriorating to the point Cyrodiil hit years ago. BTW, it will do nothing but get worst. Unfortunately, unlike Cyrodiil where players learned to live with the lag and rotations aren't as much of a thing, PVE will probably be mostly ruined. Imagine fighting a trial boss and your skills are only going off every 2-4 seconds, 1/4 of your group being frozen in rollback and 1/3 of them getting booted from the game constantly. Won't be pretty.
  • BazOfWar
    Un-bsub and stop buying content, it's the only message Zos understands. I have just cancelled my eso+ sub which i have had since i started playing, it's going to hurt because i like my craft bag but i refuse to kneel before this money grabbing company.

    They keep on feeding us lies that they are fixing things and it only ever gets worse not better.
  • SimonThesis
    Performance in general has gotten bad across the board and its only getting worse.
  • Kwoung
    I am curious to see how ZOS handles this. Historically with the PVPers they simply alienated, ostracized and called them cry-babies, while outright lying about fixing anything. That doesn't seem like such a good tact to follow now that the entire game is experiencing these long term performance issues. Not to mention they are about to add yet another chapter and associated DLC's to the servers that obviously aren't up to the task of running what's already on them... and the next big performance fix (if it even ever happens) is over a year out.

    It is like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
  • Lebkuchen
    It is really bad on playstation eu, gray host, cyrodiil.

    I would actually pay a lot of money to see zos employees play together, live on twitch. Between 17:00 an 23:00, from a real home, with real accounts. I am sure after 5 minutes 90% of them would burst into tears, quit their job and beg for forgiveness.
  • Wolfpaw
    Lebkuchen wrote: »
    It is really bad on playstation eu, gray host, cyrodiil.

    I would actually pay a lot of money to see zos employees play together, live on twitch. Between 17:00 an 23:00, from a real home, with real accounts. I am sure after 5 minutes 90% of them would burst into tears, quit their job and beg for forgiveness.

    PS5 NA GH

    I have not seen it this bad in awhile. One hour queue, and played for one hour just to give up. Half my skills are not firing, the skills that do work are with a delay & no visual/delayed visual.

    I hope we can get some fix on the 16th.
    Edited by Wolfpaw on February 13, 2022 5:41AM
  • Knockmaker
    It has been like that for months. In fact, it has gotten so worse over the last few months (worsened over the already-bad state) that I can't even come back to eso after my long break (again, mainly due to the very same issues) even if I wanted to. Because, my base ping in Cyrodiil jumped from 100ish to a solid 233 with insane spikes, not to mention all that skills not firing issues etc.

    "We are working on it" statements aren't cutting it for me anymore. I just don't play anymore (because I am unable to play due to these issues that a lot of other players also have), except for certain daily logins for 10 seconds, maximum.
    Edited by Knockmaker on February 13, 2022 5:50AM
  • Wolfpaw
    Knockmaker wrote: »
    It has been like that for months. In fact, it has gotten so worse over the last few months (worsened over the already-bad state) that I can't even come back to eso after my long break (again, mainly due to the very same issues) even if I wanted to. Because, my base ping in Cyrodiil jumped from 100ish to a solid 233 with insane spikes, not to mention all that skills not firing issues etc.

    "We are working on it" statements aren't cutting it for me anymore. I just don't play anymore (because I am unable to play due to these issues that a lot of other players also have), except for certain daily logins for 10 seconds, maximum.

    I got my PS5 back in October I believe, and performance drastically improved til the past 3 or 4 weeks for me. Yesterday was real bad, tonight literally unplayable.
    Edited by Wolfpaw on February 13, 2022 8:10AM
  • unholy_nox
    Yes i observed that too , my dk sometimes casts Igneous Weapons twice in a row or after delay of few seconds.
  • etchedpixels
    BazOfWar wrote: »
    Un-bsub and stop buying content, it's the only message Zos understands. I have just cancelled my eso+ sub which i have had since i started playing, it's going to hurt because i like my craft bag but i refuse to kneel before this money grabbing company.

    They keep on feeding us lies that they are fixing things and it only ever gets worse not better.

    I won't be renewing my sub or buying the new chapter. I'm still hoping they rescue the mess they've made (or Microsoft parachutes in a team to help them and protect their investment) and that it'll recover from this wobble but right now I'm having rather more fun in SWTOR and some other games.
    Too many toons not enough time
  • ADarklore
    Having created/deleted numerous alts and played through the Main and AD quests many many times... I was doing the Khenarthi's Roost quests yesterday and multiple times a quest objective would not be there when I arrived. One example, in Hazak's Hollow, I go into the room to fight Hazak... and he's not there. I wait, and wait and wait because I know he normally respawns quickly... but nothing. After about five minutes I decided to exit the room and re-enter, but when I got to the door another player comes in, so I follow them back and sure enough, NOW Hazak appeared. Another, when I went into the embassy to decide Ulondil's fate with the Green Lady... NEITHER of them appeared. I had to exit the embassy on the balcony, re-enter, and then they appeared. WHAT is going on with this game? I've been absent about three to four months from the game, and it wasn't like this before I left.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • xDeusEJRx
    Wolfpaw wrote: »
    Lebkuchen wrote: »
    It is really bad on playstation eu, gray host, cyrodiil.

    I would actually pay a lot of money to see zos employees play together, live on twitch. Between 17:00 an 23:00, from a real home, with real accounts. I am sure after 5 minutes 90% of them would burst into tears, quit their job and beg for forgiveness.

    PS5 NA GH

    I have not seen it this bad in awhile. One hour queue, and played for one hour just to give up. Half my skills are not firing, the skills that do work are with a delay & no visual/delayed visual.

    I hope we can get some fix on the 16th.

    The fix is quite literally gonna be, not being able to get into gray host because of 200+ player queue times and being forced to go to another server
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • Wolfpaw
    Any news on a incoming fix, or aware of recent performance drops specifically on PlayStation @ZOS_Kevin ?
  • neferpitou73
    At the rate the performance is declining the game is going to be unplayable by the summer, at least in Cyrodiil.
  • EdmondDontes
    At the rate the performance is declining the game is going to be unplayable by the summer, at least in Cyrodiil.

    It's already unplayable on weekends, even at 05:00 my time, which is when scheduled guild raid begins for me.

    This is why I made the post asking if ZOS is planning on phasing out the game or at least cyrodiil. Cyrodiil won't make it another year without performance improvements. So it does seem they've decided to just let Cyrodiil die or whatever might happen with no fixes.
    Edited by EdmondDontes on February 13, 2022 6:24PM
  • Merforum
    Tyralbin wrote: »
    What is needed (imo) is an uptodate to the servers and/or physical structure.

    I may be wrong has this isn't my area of knowledge by any means.

    I work in IT mostly infrastructure and it is inconceivable that they haven't upgraded the servers at least once if not twice in all these years. I can distinctly remember that lag and weird stuff disappeared every time they had MYM and remember them mentioning about adding more server resources for those events. But that stuff instantly reappeared as soon as event was over even with less people playing there, because they took away the extra server resources.

    There are many bugs too, like the cutscene stuff, or walking up to VVardenfal wayshrine and it hesitates like it is about to go to cutscene but doesn't, and that happen every single time. That seems like a bug. So new/better/more servers can NOT fix software bugs but having INADEQUATE servers WILL cause problems for sure. Being bought out by Microsoft I happen to know for a fact they have unlimited amount of servers, even just repurposing some 3-4 year old equipment that M$ is going to throw away would be better than what they probably have now.

    First thing I would do if I was them is to build the new servers to be at least double the maximum resources needed to run everything at peak load right now. I heard Rich scoffing at the idea of 'just upgrading the servers' and I think he said that it was too hard. As someone who does that for a living I can say that is BS. It is done ALL THE TIME, like every 3-4 years, in all big companies. If it is too hard they need to hire new people. And as I said, better servers will not fix the bugs but rewriting the code and running it on the same old servers that aren't good enough also will not work, they must do BOTH.

    BTW I have noticed the game speed has been getting faster and faster over the years too. Like they just tweaked everything to make it faster without testing the impact on the server. I don't know why this simple test wasn't done during all those other PVP tests, just slow things down a bit back to where they used to be.
    Edited by Merforum on February 13, 2022 7:39PM
  • etchedpixels
    Merforum wrote: »
    I heard Rich scoffing at the idea of 'just upgrading the servers' and I think he said that it was too hard. As someone who does that for a living I can say that is BS. It is done ALL THE TIME, like every 3-4 years, in all big companies. If it is too hard they need to hire new people. And as I said, better servers will not fix the bugs but rewriting the code and running it on the same old servers that aren't good enough also will not work, they must do BOTH.

    The footage I saw of Rich saying that was in the context of 'it's not that simple', which having worked on large complex multi-node systems is true. They will need to rebuild and retune extensively to make use of the much higher CPU density available, plan how to load balance it to avoid the performance gains being lost in inter node messaging (which hasn't improved on the same scale) and much more.

    All the refusal to promise better performance or talk about how much strikes me as nothing but sensible.
    Too many toons not enough time
  • ck37090

    The footage I saw of Rich saying that was in the context of 'it's not that simple', which having worked on large complex multi-node systems is true. They will need to rebuild and retune extensively to make use of the much higher CPU density available, plan how to load balance it to avoid the performance gains being lost in inter node messaging (which hasn't improved on the same scale) and much more.

    All the refusal to promise better performance or talk about how much strikes me as nothing but sensible.

    .. But how"sensible"is it to keep adding content and making changes that are continuously degrading game performance without any plan to offset it? If you can't even maintain the game performance we had when you add content then you probably shouldn't be adding content. I mean how bad will they allow it to get before it's addressed?

    ...I mean if "it's not that simple" to improve game performance then why is it so simple for them to add content and make changes that are obviously making game performance much worse...but we know the reason (more money), which would be fine...everyone wants more content...and they need to make profit...but not at the expense of performance...if they can't improve or at the very least maintain performance do they really have any business adding content to increase revenue at the expense of performance and their player base?
    Edited by ck37090 on February 14, 2022 4:17AM
  • sorcmag01
    ck37090 wrote: »
    I've looked at everything from my side, my ping is solid, my FPS is solid, I deactivated all my addons, I went through all the recommendations...I get constant desyncs/lag/occasional loading screens/and get booted when I logout to character screen...I thought it was an issue I was just having but i'm hearing similar things from all different people in groups. It used to be these things were mainly in PvP, but its allover PvE as well...I don't know how many people are having these same issues, but I do know it is more than just me....and i'm 99% sure it isn't from my side. My computer hasn't changed, I've tried reinstalling the entire game, I have run w/o any addons...there is something going on with ZOSs side.

    I have noticed that all my chars(4) are freezing after using my heavy attack, then followed by noticeable lag once in a while. Sadly, I bet nothing is done until update 33. The reason I say this is because I didn't notice these issues when testing on PTS this week.

    I stopped soloing Dungeons I normally visit for stuff I need because the game seems too unstable when using heavy attacks. PvP is even worse. One work around I am doing is left clicking my mouse once after using my sword or staff heavy attacks so I can continue to fight. Good luck!
    Edited by sorcmag01 on February 13, 2022 11:18PM
  • ClevaTreva
    To top it all off, the EU server is down as I write...
  • Jaraal
    ck37090 wrote: »
    I just don't understand... They say they are constantly working on performance but yet it is constantly getting worse and worse with every new change and added content... It's a constant request to improve performance but they can't even maintain the performance we had.

    Yes, it seems to be getting worse by the week. Press H for mount, character freezes for 2 seconds, then jump on invisible mount and ride off, looks ridiculous. Get to a resource in Cyrodiil, charge the guards, press skills... nothing happens. Guard stands there for 3 seconds as if I'm not even there, my proc set procs, but my skills still don't fire. Bar won't swap. Heavy attack, character tries to swing, but can't. Light attack, same thing. Run into the tower to stay alive, and get hit with 10 guard abilities at once, almost killing me.

    This happens every single day, and gets worse by the week. Whatever they are doing to fix performance, it seems to have the opposite effect.
  • Huyen
    ck37090 wrote: »
    I've looked at everything from my side, my ping is solid, my FPS is solid, I deactivated all my addons, I went through all the recommendations...I get constant desyncs/lag/occasional loading screens/and get booted when I logout to character screen...I thought it was an issue I was just having but i'm hearing similar things from all different people in groups. It used to be these things were mainly in PvP, but its allover PvE as well...I don't know how many people are having these same issues, but I do know it is more than just me....and i'm 99% sure it isn't from my side. My computer hasn't changed, I've tried reinstalling the entire game, I have run w/o any addons...there is something going on with ZOSs side.

    On the xbox its mostly skills going off twice in a row, when you only press the button once. Really annoying.... Also targeting with a lightningstaff heavy attack is currently bugged.
    Huyen Shadowpaw, dedicated nightblade tank - PS4 (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, nightblade dps - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Lightpaw, templar healer - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, necromancer dps - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, dragonknight (no defined role yet)

    "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again. Only this time, more wisely" - Uncle Iroh
  • Jaraal
    I noiticed that after today's patch maintenance, everything is noticeably worse. Loading screens are twice as long, getting mid zone loading screens now when riding, and even screen freezes that last 10 seconds.
  • Mrtoobyy
    Yeah the current state of the game is really bad right now... I notice that skills won't fire, weapon swap won't work sometimes the animation and sound don't even show =).

    Been playing since BETA and LOVE this game, spent thousand of hours in it but if this year doesn't improve performance or balance some things PVP wise I think it's time ESO and I part ways for a long time.
  • EmEm_Oh
    We call it "Code Creep". Not a person, but I suppose it could be!

    This happens when laying more code over initially bad core code or code that cannot handle the additional expressions/commands.
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