What is going on with game performance lately? Desyncs/Lag/Loading Screens/Booted...

I've looked at everything from my side, my ping is solid, my FPS is solid, I deactivated all my addons, I went through all the recommendations...I get constant desyncs/lag/occasional loading screens/and get booted when I logout to character screen...I thought it was an issue I was just having but i'm hearing similar things from all different people in groups. It used to be these things were mainly in PvP, but its allover PvE as well...I don't know how many people are having these same issues, but I do know it is more than just me....and i'm 99% sure it isn't from my side. My computer hasn't changed, I've tried reinstalling the entire game, I have run w/o any addons...there is something going on with ZOSs side.
Edited by ZOS_Bill on March 8, 2022 1:04AM
  • Ulvich
    So it's just not me, then? I have made a couple posting in the forums about this and nothing evolved.
    - BETA Group: 85 b 9
    - Monster Slayer
    - Savior of Nirn
    - Adventurer Across a Decade
    - Hit hard. Hit Fast. Hit Often.
  • katanagirl1
    It’s been that way for for months.

    Actually, now that I think about it, it hasn’t been as bad since our last update on PS.

    (I hope I haven’t jinxed myself now...)
    Khajiit Stamblade main
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP
    Dark Elf Magden
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Khajiit Stamina Arcanist

    PS5 NA
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    Since the last major update, I've been getting VERY noticeable ability delay.
  • Rishikesa108
    Very often my game freezes for a few seconds, then restarts. It often happens when I talk to the merchant or the bank, when I craft (especially jewelry), or when I open rewards, such as daily writs rewards. This is going on since the last patch (Deadlands).
    Man did not weave the web of life – he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself
  • SammyKhajit
    Game freezes. Weapon or class skills not firing, sometimes unable to interact with NPC who is the quest giver. Also, if using mad tinkerer set, enemies sometimes get stuck and die on the ceiling.
  • Tyralbin
    Same here as well.

    When logging off get kicked to password screen then entering password boots me completely.

    have to close launcher and restart from scratch.
    Live a little love a lot send all your gold to this Imperials pot.
  • Thalmor-Nordmaster
    I am experiencing most of the same with the addition of using a skill and then attempting use another so let us say focus on three then potl on 4 so I cast three hit 4 nothing happens hit 4 again nothing hit 4 again finally. Very irritating .

    My normal ping is around 57 I can be in the middle of nowhere and ping climbs to 450 even in an empty house like snugpod. then it will slowly go back to 57.

    On my sorc it can be something silly like mages wrath not activating until I do a bar swap top resto then back to front bar and poof I can now cast MW.

    I don't remember if this is happening in MA but I will check again because I have to continue that to fill the sticker book. I have the inferno staff now so I am relieved but I must fill the sets to get the best transmute cost reduction.

    Has any seen if this happens on the DPS dummies?

    Where were you and what were you doing when you first noticed this?

    thank you for this thread op
  • Wolfpaw
    As of recently (PS5) in Cyrodiil I've been getting the slow bug, all I can do is take one step at a time. Only way to fix is find a way to kill myself.

    Even the forums the last couple weeks have been freezing a few seconds at a time, or page bounce.
  • Nomadic_Atmoran
    Was just wondering if this was something I was exclusively experiencing. Bar swapping and abilities not popping. It doesnt matter where it is or who Im with. It seems the game is just struggling to keep up.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry - Laerinel Rhaev - Enrerion - Caius Berilius - Seylina Ithvala - Signa Squallrider - H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Yynril Rothvani - Tenarei Rhaev - Bathes-In-Coin - Dazsh Ro Khar - Aredyhel - Reads-To-Frogs - Azjani Ma'Les
    Kheshna gra-Gharbuk - Gallisten Bondurant - Aban Shahid Bakr - Etain Maquier - Atsu Kalame - Faulpia Severinus
  • Dalsinthus
    What I'm seeing is lag spikes and major drops in frame rate in dungeon content. It usually happens with medium sized ad pulls or where there are a lot of AOE animations on the ground from the enemies. This never used to be a thing but now I see it regularly.
  • jasonhunter
    Same here. Abilities not firing, objects not responding when I try to interact with them...
  • Nanfoodle
    Its another year of updating. They have found another problem and its going to take a year to fix is whats been posted.
  • Dojohoda
    I experience plenty of problems in Cyrodiil, it's part of the action packed experience, I guess. :#

    Within the past few months, PVE areas seem to be increasingly affected with what, I cannot know. Overland is typically fine when I play there. Below are listed some issues that I have been having. The first two are common.
    -The game stutters when approaching the Vivic City wayshrine.
    -Especially in Craglorn, logging off usually results in the game timing out and going to the login instead of character select.

    In overland, character action related issues are occurring. The most common is "skills not firing".
    -The character completely freezes into a pose, like it's a statue, and all that I can do is to slide it about.
    -The character being repositioned/moved quite a ways from where it was.
    - The ole "skills not firing" for a few seconds

    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • phileunderx2
    I'm crashing quite a bit in combat.
    I engage, cast a few skills bar swap and I'm on the desk top.
    Happens mostly if I'm on a tank. Some days are worse than others. I've got my addons to a minimum and it seems nothing helps.
  • endgamesmug
    I got loaded into white gold yesterday and had no menu or controls, so i couldnt even quit 😆 had to alt f4
  • neferpitou73
    Covid is delaying the shipments of hamster food.
  • Thalmor-Nordmaster
    Well if its the Hamster food now then that could mean cat fur in the coffee filters at Zos HQ soon(tm). Now that is also a crisis no body likes Orange Tabby Dark Roast. Coming soon to a ZoS coffee shop near you!!

    And in MA the glitch appeared on the Argonian scream phase and It actually was a good thing for if shards had of fired off I would of killed the last mender. The last of my stamina to roll into the bubble whew !

  • ck37090
    This is just frustrating, they keep adding crap to the game (which is fine) but what is not ok is that they keep breaking the game in the process...what good is all the crap if the game performance just keeps getting worse and worse. Right now even with no addons on I can go through Sunspire and I can't even see the trash mobs (they are invisible), same if I go to a doleman, can't see any of the mobs there either...ontop of that my audio is constantly cutting out...this is all stuff that played perfectly a month ago, now its basically unplayable.
  • ADarklore
    What I have noticed mostly, is the sound... sometimes I get stuttering sounds just riding along on my mount.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • skyrimfantasy
    I have a brand new laptop with a 3080 and 64 ram so you would think the game would run awesome, but I too am getting the stuttering lag, desyncs, various things not working at all, or just CTDs out of the blue.
  • EdmondDontes

    ZOS keeps adding new zones and all kinds of things without increasing their server capacity. What do people think is going to happen?

    Last night I crashed 5 times in 10 minutes before deciding it wasn't worth it.
    Edited by EdmondDontes on February 11, 2022 4:00PM
  • blktauna
    Welcome to the lagfest!

    I started getting the non rendering mobs on EU yesterday. The lag has been getting steadily worse.
  • Ilumia
    I experience many crashes daily while using wayshrine or traveling to player, or worst of all, changing instance by using doors in dungeons. I don't know if an addon - like beam me up - is to blame, but it is excessively frustrating.
  • Kwoung
    Well last night, I was standing in Vardenfell chatting with friends & guildies while queued for Cyrodiil, for 45 minutes, I thought I was queuing in, then I was staring at the login screen, as the game apparently decided to dump me. I logged back in, and I had lost my place in queue.

    Sorry ZOS, but ESO isn't "that good" that I am going to waste 1.5 hours standing in line to play with my friends, so I logged out and watched a movie instead... Fix the dang game.
  • Jaimeh
    I don't know if it's acoincidence or not, but in the past few weeks I've gotten quite a few black loading screens, with just the ouroboros logo in the bottom, that took a few minutes at a time, as well as either complete freezes, or semi-freezes (where there's no sound, no icons on the map, some Ui elements missing) that take some time and then the game resumes with a rush of all the sounds/things that happened during the freeze, coming in fast motion. These happen almost daily now.
  • etchedpixels
    Definitely getting worse and worse

    It was CP cyrodiil that was totally hosed, but then noCP cyrodiil became unplayable, now the same random lag spikes., no firing skills, lost connections and vanishing/flicking mobs is leaking into PvE more and more

    Something is very very wrong with this game. No add on changes, no problems with other games including other MMOs like SWTOR.

    Too many toons not enough time
  • madman65
    I still have trouble with Desync`s however when I deleted the user settings in the Live folder under the Elder Scroll Online. I got better Latency and FPS, downside you will have to go through the prompts just like beginning the game all over. You will have to setup your addons and tweak your settings in the game. The reason i`m sharing this is because I got a little better on the lag and desync`s. I have tested Cat5e, Cat6 and Cat8 ethernet cable and I found the Cat8 gave better FPS and Latency. I hope this helps, my game does not run the best but it is improved.
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    Definitely getting worse and worse

    It was CP cyrodiil that was totally hosed, but then noCP cyrodiil became unplayable, now the same random lag spikes., no firing skills, lost connections and vanishing/flicking mobs is leaking into PvE more and more

    Something is very very wrong with this game. No add on changes, no problems with other games including other MMOs like SWTOR.

    Agreed, but you forgot about unresolved bugs.

    I am writing to you quite frustrated, myself.
    End game raiding (is what it is with its 'human' issues too) is a lot of waiting on people who have crashed at various moments of the raid. Then it's dealing with bugs like bosses disappearing, not being able to resurrect team mates and over time 'slow combat' with 'low fps'.

    Then there's PvP...BUT can't go there between 6pm until 11 pm (PC EU)..

    So where do we go, Zos? @ZOS_Kevin

    *genuine question from a concerned citizen*
  • Merforum
    Yes I can confirm, all zones, all activities are lagged out, just stop with or without a cutscene (like just walking up to a wayshrine and happens every time in VVardenfal? so not random glitch). Also I crashed 10 days in a row and 4 times doing a vMA yesterday, one time the screen just locked up while eso was still running had to go out to windows and manually close app, another crash had message to send report to ZOS and 2 other times just crashed to desktop no message. Also it doesn't matter if you're in the middle of big fight with bunch of effects, talking to the vendor or literally step away from game for 1 minute and come back to a CRASH.

    I quit playing when New World came out and didn't play for a couple months but since I came back to playing ESO daily it has been a real mess. I don't know what happened but it is worse than anything I have ever seen in the game. Guess I'll have to go play Lost Ark.
  • ck37090
    I just don't understand... They say they are constantly working on performance but yet it is constantly getting worse and worse with every new change and added content... It's a constant request to improve performance but they can't even maintain the performance we had.
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