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The best radiant apex mount

Soul Shriven
So some of us are gettin close to 16k endeavors. Im sure some poeple have been saving them for a radiant apex mount and there are my questions:
What radiant apex mount is your favourite and why?
Which one has the best visuals in your opinion?
Edit: You can choose from all the radiant apex mounts, not only from the ones that are available now ;)
Edited by Ferecik on January 17, 2022 12:02PM
  • Tra_Lalan
    I really like the Ram from current celestial crates. I checked all the radiants from past seasons to decide if I want to buy it or wait for something better (you can find them at site). The only ones that I liked the same are those from psijic crates (the wolf esspecialy).
    Then ZOS said psijic crates will be coming back in january.. so yeah it's going to be hard choice for me :)
  • the1andonlyskwex
    Honestly, after looking through the Radiant Apex mounts just now, I think I might spent my endeavors on regular Apex mounts instead.
  • rauyran
    Probably will hold onto the endeavours until later in the year. But I'll avoid the oversize mounts because the running animation is so janky. Those huge beasts should stride and bound across the landscape but instead they scamper like their tiny legs can't keep up.
  • DaiKahn
    EDIT: Uh, I think I've misread your question =/ The best Radiant mount from these current crates for me is the Starchaser Senche. All the Apex mounts are beautiful. All the mounts in the Celestial crates have have great visuals too, both from summoning to pressing space
    Edited by DaiKahn on January 17, 2022 11:50AM
    I'm just a man
    Hail Sithis
  • MiyukiShiba
    Best radiant apex mount imo is Shadow-Rider Senche, would be perfect for my magblade :)
    I am saving endeavors just for it.

    PC/EU @MiyukiShiba
    My main is a beautiful Khajiit Magblade

    My Wishlist 2024
  • Ye_Olde_Crowe
    I really like the radiant apex Ram from last season, the one with the roses. That‘s one I would spend my endeavor coins on. As this will take a while to return, I will be able to save for a bit 🤭.
    Apart from that I really love the Celestial ram… but I was lucky to have saved up enough jewels when it was published so I could buy it.

    And I generally don‘t even have a thing for rams. Prefer horses by far. It‘s just the RA rams being so grand …
    PC EU.

    =primarily PvH (Player vs. House)=
  • Vaoh
    Phantom Ice Wolf. Though imo it depends on your character too.

    Sand themed characters might go for a Baandari crate apex or the Anka Ra radiant apex mounts. Nature themed characters may go for Wild Hunt apex mounts or the Green Graht Senche radiant apex. Sunspire themed character would want to use the Godslayer mount.

    My idea to avoid buying ESO crown store stuff I won’t use for more than a day is to determine a theme for my character outfit/appearance and then stick to it.

  • dinokstrunz
    Best radiant apex mount imo is Shadow-Rider Senche, would be perfect for my magblade :)
    I am saving endeavors just for it.

    I know so many players waiting for that mount lol
  • BloodyStigmata
    I like the completely non-existent radiant apex guar that ZOS has as of yet refused to make. Although I am kind of glad there hasn't been one because that's a hell of a lot of endeavors, money or gold to spend.

    Real answer; I like the Sanguivarian Howler, the Cursebound Senche-raht Duskfang i think it's called, the Dark Aeon Wolf and a few others. I'm going to have to wait another year though or so before I have enough for one. I spent most of mine on the Frost Atronach Kagouti.
    Edited by BloodyStigmata on January 18, 2022 2:42PM
    Owner and proprietor of the Northern Elsweyr Guar Reserve and The Hunting Grounds Guar Reserve, Tamriel's home to all things guar.
    See the embedded brochures for all information regarding our reserves, as well as our collection status!
  • MiyukiShiba
    Best radiant apex mount imo is Shadow-Rider Senche, would be perfect for my magblade :)
    I am saving endeavors just for it.

    I know so many players waiting for that mount lol

    i just hope it's not coming too soon so i have enough time to collect the endeavors i need xD

    PC/EU @MiyukiShiba
    My main is a beautiful Khajiit Magblade

    My Wishlist 2024
  • M_Volsung
    Honestly, none of them, I have a regular old dwarven horse that means more to me than any other mount I could have.

    My friends know I love anything dwemer in this game, and when I first started playing they kept throwing crates at me until I had enough crown gems to get one... they also bought the game for me as I was deadass broke at the time. (still am but to a slightly lesser degree now)
    "In the Deep Halls, Far from Men;
    Forsaken Red Mountain, Twisted Kin;
    Hail the Mind, Hail the Stone;
    Dwarven Pride, Stronger than Bone"

    —Dwemer Inquiries I-III, Thelwe Ghelein
  • Sylvermynx
    I don't like any of the radiant apex mounts. They all make me shudder.
  • Danikat
    The only one I like is the purple horse from the psijic crates.

    Sadly I won't have enough seals to buy it when it comes back later this month, so I'll probably be waiting about a year to get it (if I have enough seals then, if other things I want come back first I'll get those instead).

    I expected to like the opaline steed from the frost atronach crates too, but I was disappointed with how it looks in-game.
    Edited by Danikat on January 17, 2022 3:39PM
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • SilverBride
    I don't care for flashy mounts or pets or anything for that matter. I wish they would offer some more "realistic" mount options, like maybe a pure white horse with a flowing blood red mane and tail. I'd spend seals on something like that.
  • Snamyap
    Say no to disco (mounts)!
  • Defeatist
    Snamyap wrote: »
    Say no to disco (mounts)!

    Haha, honestly agreed.

    My favorite apex radiant is the Anka-Ra Senche- Lion because it's got unique sandy particle effects without the excessive disco lights and sparkles. I'll probably wait until Baandari Crates return to buy that with my endeavors. But I also guiltily admit to liking the Auric Sabre Cat Duskstalker, I'm a fan of the sabre cat model and the particle effects on the rider are cool.

    Wish ZOS would focus their energy on making new mount models instead of reskinning over and over though. Where're my wamasu and boar mounts already.
    "Even the ducks here are ugly." - Unidentified Wrothgar Patron
  • phairdon
    Viridian Iron Steed
    Psijic Spectral Steed
    Lambent Shadowmane courser

    ...... So many nice mounts.
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Wolfpaw
    Edited by Wolfpaw on January 17, 2022 9:21PM
  • SkaraMinoc
    Best in slot: Cursebound Senche-Raht Darkfang


    Honorable mention: Black Forge Iron Sench

    PC NA
  • OldStygian
    I don't care for flashy mounts or pets or anything for that matter. I wish they would offer some more "realistic" mount options, like maybe a pure white horse with a flowing blood red mane and tail. I'd spend seals on something like that.

    Agree with this. Visuals having been getting way to fairy-tale for my tastes.

    Need more normal looking stuff and for zone specific species to be available from the stables where they're on display. I mean if you they have them on display why can't you buy one??
  • emilyhyoyeon
    I'm not big on flashy mounts in general but my main OC is a spirit healer and conjuror whose signature color is dark purple, so the psijic spectral steed from the psijic crates is perfect for her, so I'll be using my seals on that.
    But I think the best objective radiant apex is the cursebound lichsteed from the nightfall crates. Again I don't really like flashy mounts, but I think this one is a good balance of uniqueness and ''realistic'' relative to the TES world. The theme and the color palette on it are great.

    I won't save up another 16k seals for the lichsteed though since it doesn't suit any of my characters. I won't be buying any more radiant apex mounts after the psijic steed. I prefer the regular apex ones.
    Edited by emilyhyoyeon on January 18, 2022 12:26AM
    IGN @ emilypumpkin, imperial pumpkin seller & ghost hunter
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Adremal
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »

    Agreed, really love the Cursebound Senche-Raht, I was playing a vampire when I got it and some additions (e.g. dark shaman costume, last years' deadlands markings) turned out to be a perfect fit.


    The Black Forge is a close favourite for Coldharbour-styled characters and the summoning effect and sound. Guess I like dark anchors and harrowstorms.
  • Fischblut
    My most favourite mount in ESO is Shadow Atronach Senche. Not because of his current rarity, but because of the look, voice and effects combo <3
    My beautiful star traveler, my cuddly Alien:


    My next favourite is Shadow Rider Senche.
    I really love the Frostbane Sabre cat model, so I would want to own every version if more were released.


    Only part of his coolness is in his rarity, so I would go for him even if he wasn't Radiant. Sadly, this mount's beautiful muzzle was broken more than a year ago :'( There was some stealth change to the way lights work in ESO, so now the light source (bright dot) can be seen through some objects (including walls and rocks). And in case of this mount, the red dot can be seen through his head...

    Original Shadow Rider senche, where only his eyes were glowing brightly:


    Modern abomination:



    Yes, I reported it many times in game and even once here. No, nothing will be done with it - they will have to revert changes to the way lights work. I guess that ugly red blob works for showing off, but it really ruins the mount.

    I have some beautiful screenshots with his original eyes, in his old beauty:





    Nowadays I mostly ride it because he still looks good overall and because he is very rare. If this crate season returns someday, I think I will no longer use this mount as much :/ Of course, if the bug with lights will be fixed, I will use the mount even then :)

    But there are also radiant Apex mounts which are my favourite for their outstanding summons/roars.
    Planemeld Courser remains Radiant Apex mount with the most impressive effects. Nothing can beat meteors falling from the sky :)

    And I also love Black forge Iron senche. His summoning sound/effect combo is very satisfying. And I love the implementation of different dark anchor sounds when he roars, and ambient sound when he idles <3

    There is also Dark Opaline Steed, which has IMO very unpleasant summoning/rearing up sound... but I fell in love with his trail effect! For my taste, current Celestial mounts don't come close to that beauty:


    I own many radiants so that not all of them can be placed at the same house anymore. Some of them I love mostly for rarity (until their seasons return and everyone will have them too), some of them I love for other reasons.


    My other collection of mounts which might become as rare as original Radiants were intended to:


    Developers took away our vet Maelstrom weapons, now they are slowly taking away rarity of old Radiant Apex mounts by making them available for seals... Leave something for old grumpy Collectors! :D
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    I dislike most apex mounts for being too flashy and strange, so not a fan of the radiants who seem to get flashier with every season. I prefer more "normal" looking mounts that fits better into the world and wouldn't cause people to gasp or scream.

    The only radiants I don't dislike are the Ram of Dark Delights, which I mainly like for being one of the rare Sanguine themed things and it could be without the shadow effects, and Anka-Ra Sandcamel. It's just the baandari camel with a ghosty sand effect on, which makes me think it could be some Yokudan legend.
    I don't have a single character that could use either, though, because they are so unusual. Not even my Sanguine worshipping character would ride on a giant, evil looking ram with roses on it and shrouded with darkness. A bit too eye-catching. Not that he'd even think it was real and just assume it was a drunken/high vision.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • Toxic_Hemlock
    I honestly don't know what is the best to buy, but I will buy the most generic one so it suits all my characters. Later on if I get the endeavors to do it I might buy another, but BTH I can see my endeavors going toward other things instead.
  • FlopsyPrince
    DaiKahn wrote: »
    EDIT: Uh, I think I've misread your question =/ The best Radiant mount from these current crates for me is the Starchaser Senche. All the Apex mounts are beautiful. All the mounts in the Celestial crates have have great visuals too, both from summoning to pressing space

    I like that too, because I like cat and wolf mounts. It is far too expensive however.
  • DaiKahn
    Since mayhaps I actually did understand the original question my original post was:

    I have a few that I love and own, but my favourite is not a Radiant Apex, it's the Striped Senche-Tiger

    I'd love the chance to own:
    • Shadow-Rider Senche
    • Senche of Scarlet Regret
    • Hollowjack Daedra Skull Wolf (unobtainable iirc but still a want)
    Best visuals? Hmm, the summoning visuals are great for the Black Forge Iron Senche, Sunflare Iron Wolf, Celestial Ram, and the Cursebound Senche-raht Darkfang

    The Apex mounts from the Celestial crates are absolutely beautiful when you press space at night-time. Probably the best Apex mounts in the game in my honest opinion
    I'm just a man
    Hail Sithis
  • WuffyCerulei
    I managed to save up enough crown gems to get the Starchaser Senche. I wanted it really badly cuz it completely fits the vibe of all my characters. But there are a few I’m looking forward to being able to get in the future:
    -Chilling Senche-Lizard
    -Cold Flame Atronach Wolf
    -Galvanic Storm Steed
    -Shadowcap Cave Senche
    -Silver Nimbus Wolf
    For the love of Kyne, buff sorc. PC NACP 2100+Star-Sïnger - Khajiit Magicka Sorc - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror vMA/vBRP/vDSA no death/vHel Ra HM/vAA HM/vSO HM/vMoL HM/vHoF HM/vAS +2/vCR+3/vSS HMs/vKA HMs/vVH/vRG Oax HM/vDSR
  • gariondavey
    Has there ever been a radiant guar? Please @ me if you reply
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
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