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Overland Content Feedback Thread

  • spartaxoxo
    summ0004 wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »

    It was a failure for as long as it was level-gated and more difficult - what made it successful was opening up the world with One Tamriel and scale content to be rather easy - that made it sucessful - and that is not pointing to combat-centric at all.

    Commercial success does not equate to critical success, and what was the situation 7 years ago does not represent the situation now or that of the future.

    The game has changed partly as a result of powercreep, knowledge and somewhat dumbing down of things on ZOS end since the introduction of one tamriel update.

    It is very apparent that some sort of change is required in ESO to make it suitable to more players in relation to overland content.

    Sure. But one of the most common feedbacks they heard was specifically that it was too difficult. Saw a lot of that same feedback when they did the Halloween boss, which I dusted fairly quickly when I was alone on my main, but it was somewhat harder on my low power toon.

    This is actually still the case. This game has a large majority casual base that is just not into the harder stuff. That's only a reason that we cannot make it forced though and just upgrade the entire Overland imo. I don't think it's a good reason not to introduce a way to optionally increase Overland difficulty.

    I accept that players like me are in the minority. I don't accept that being a minority base means we deserve to get literally nothing. PvP is a minority, it's getting a whole re-architecture. Housing enthusiasts are a minority, but lots of changes have made the housing system better including being able to precision edit embedded items and more furniture that's already cluttered to save on space.

    So yes, we are the minority. I don't think any of us have any standing to argue with Rich on that. He's the one with the player numbers, so he is the authority on that. I accept that as objective truth. Why should that mean we get nothing? I don't think it does. So I agree with you that some kind of change is needed.
  • Psiion
    Greetings all,

    Once again, this is a reminder to keep the Forum's Community Rules in mind when participating on the Forums. While we understand disagreements and debate are natural when discussing changes to such a large portion of ESO, however the discussion should always stay on-topic and respectful to other members. Provoking conflict, baiting, inciting, mocking, etc. is never acceptable in the official The Elder Scrolls Online community. If you do not have something constructive or meaningful to add to a discussion, we strongly recommend you refrain from posting in that thread, and find another discussion to participate in instead.

    Moving forward, please keep the Forum's Community Rules in mind.
    Staff Post
  • MudcrabAttack
    I can’t really get into overland content anymore with the same feeling I had several years ago.

    I have fond memories of working out strategies to beat old story content bosses like Faolchu for the first time, stuck with the only equipment I had at the time, white or green non-matching gear. It felt great to finally beat those simple bosses on my own. And the associated storyline was also more memorable since it felt like a challenge.

    Solo gameplay is the best time to dig into the game’s lore, but it’s so hard to stay focused on it these days because everything is dying so fast. My character could be running around punching things in their underwear, but that seems weird, like they should be on the shivering isle rather than Tamriel
  • M0ntie
    There was a thread closed pointing to this one that included the suggestion from Skinny cheeks for a single housing crafting station. Being able to craft, and search for, all housing items at one station would be a huge QOL improvement. Currently it makes no sense to have beds under multiple stations, for example.
  • colossalvoids
    Pretty sure closure of that thread was a mistake, only small bit of it was about overland. A ton of good suggestions anyway that people are dying for.
  • summ0004

    Skip to around 8:30 for overland.

  • Arunei
    At this point ZOS should just make an official poll, maybe through the website, and link to it from all their available platforms. Put a blurb about it in the launcher, make it an Announcement in-game. If they're serious about taking into consideration how people feel about Overland difficulty, then the best thing would be to get as much feedback as possible from as many people. Then they could more realistically see if it would be worth the effort of making X or Y change, or if the population wanting harder Overland isn't big enough to warrant that sort of time.

    Either way, nothing is liable to change this year, given how ZOS is (supposedly) going to start reworking base game code to work on problems with Cyrodiil.
    Character List [RP and PvE]:
    Stands-Against-Death: Argonian Magplar Healer - Crafter
    Krisiel: Redguard Stamsorc DPS - Literally crazy Werewolf, no like legit insane. She nuts
    Kiju Veran: Khajiit Stamblade DPS - Ex-Fighters Guild Suthay who likes to punch things, nicknamed Tinykat
    Niralae Elsinal: Altmer Stamsorc DPS - Young Altmer with way too much Magicka
    Sarah Lacroix: Breton Magsorc DPS - Fledgling Vampire who drinks too much water
    Slondor: Nord Tankblade - TESified verson of Slenderman
    Marius Vastino: Imperial <insert role here> - Sarah's apathetic sire who likes to monologue
    Delthor Rellenar: Dunmer Magknight DPS - Sarah's ex who's a certified psychopath
    Lirawyn Calatare: Altmer Magplar Healer - Traveling performer and bard who's 101% vanilla bean
    Gondryn Beldeau: Breton Tankplar - Sarah's Mages Guild mentor and certified badass old person
    Gwendolyn Jenelle: Breton Magplar Healer - Friendly healer with a coffee addiction
    Soliril Larethian- Altmer Magblade DPS - Blind alchemist who uses animals to see and brews plagues in his spare time
    Tevril Rallenar: Dunmer Stamcro DPS - Delthor's "special" younger brother who raises small animals as friends
    Celeroth Calatare: Bosmer <insert role here> - Shapeshifting Bosmer with enough sass to fill Valenwood

    PC - NA - EP - CP1000+
    Avid RPer. Hit me up in-game @Ras_Lei if you're interested in getting together for some arr-pee shenanigans!
  • Lysette
    Arunei wrote: »
    At this point ZOS should just make an official poll, maybe through the website, and link to it from all their available platforms. Put a blurb about it in the launcher, make it an Announcement in-game. If they're serious about taking into consideration how people feel about Overland difficulty, then the best thing would be to get as much feedback as possible from as many people. Then they could more realistically see if it would be worth the effort of making X or Y change, or if the population wanting harder Overland isn't big enough to warrant that sort of time.

    Either way, nothing is liable to change this year, given how ZOS is (supposedly) going to start reworking base game code to work on problems with Cyrodiil.

    hm, the better way would be an actual survey - they have the email addresses of accounts - a quite random selection among those accounts which have been recently active (as in within the last month or something like this) asked to take part in a survey would give a better prediction about how people feel about it - if it is just done via media, it might give a quite biased view on the matter.
  • Vulkunne
    Arunei wrote: »
    At this point ZOS should just make an official poll, maybe through the website, and link to it from all their available platforms. Put a blurb about it in the launcher, make it an Announcement in-game. If they're serious about taking into consideration how people feel about Overland difficulty, then the best thing would be to get as much feedback as possible from as many people. Then they could more realistically see if it would be worth the effort of making X or Y change, or if the population wanting harder Overland isn't big enough to warrant that sort of time.

    Either way, nothing is liable to change this year, given how ZOS is (supposedly) going to start reworking base game code to work on problems with Cyrodiil.

    Yeah especially given the fact there are even more proc sets being used in Cyrodill now, which that in and of itself has kind of gotten out of hand as the typical Cyrodiil gameplay experience feels more like Battlegrounds now instead of as it were from before.

    Edited by Vulkunne on January 27, 2022 5:18PM
    The legend has retired
  • Vulkunne
    summ0004 wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »

    It was a failure for as long as it was level-gated and more difficult - what made it successful was opening up the world with One Tamriel and scale content to be rather easy - that made it sucessful - and that is not pointing to combat-centric at all.

    Commercial success does not equate to critical success, and what was the situation 7 years ago does not represent the situation now or that of the future.

    The game has changed partly as a result of powercreep, knowledge and somewhat dumbing down of things on ZOS end since the introduction of one tamriel update.

    It is very apparent that some sort of change is required in ESO to make it suitable to more players in relation to overland content.

    Don't forget all the new proc sets and to some extent mythic items which feels like it plays the game for you. :D
    The legend has retired
  • Vulkunne
    Arunei wrote: »
    At this point ZOS should just make an official poll, maybe through the website, and link to it from all their available platforms. Put a blurb about it in the launcher, make it an Announcement in-game. If they're serious about taking into consideration how people feel about Overland difficulty, then the best thing would be to get as much feedback as possible from as many people. Then they could more realistically see if it would be worth the effort of making X or Y change, or if the population wanting harder Overland isn't big enough to warrant that sort of time.

    Either way, nothing is liable to change this year, given how ZOS is (supposedly) going to start reworking base game code to work on problems with Cyrodiil.

    Well you have to be careful with transparency. So in other words, what if the poll does really well and then the Dev Team runs into some technical hurtle.

    I said it before, that things like this have to start with the Dev Team, although its great to also get buy-in from the player base as well. Ergo, under-promise and over-deliver.
    The legend has retired
  • Ronin37
    Can't take the new expansion seriously. With the overland the way it is those islands are about as dangerous as a dragon fly.
  • AlexanderDeLarge
    More companions to make the 15-20 hour long quest chain even easier and a trading card game if that's your thing. I look forward to playing High Isle content... When I don't one shot every enemy in it.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 7 paid expansions. 22 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the vast majority of this game.

    "ESO doesn't need a harder overland" on YouTube for a video of a naked level 3 character AFKing in front of a bear for a minute and a half before dying
  • Harvokaan
    oh yeah, next time when someone will tell me "the time devs would spend on vet overland they could use for other systems" i will remind those ppl that devs decided to waste it for card game in 2022.
    What a joke
  • spartaxoxo
    The main time being spent next year is on PVP performance. They are doing a rearchitecture of the game in order to improve the most neglected part of the game. That's the biggest project and they explicitly stated they wouldn't be doing anything big this chapter due to not having the time due to Covid.
    We’ve been planning this for the last quarter and we’re starting work on it right now. But, as you can imagine, changing the fundamentals of a huge live game such as ESO is a delicate and multi-stepped process, so expect this to take up much of 2022. Much of the early work is going to happen behind the scenes and we are definitely not going to rush it. A re-architecture of this magnitude will require the entire game to be re-tested and evaluated, as this particular code is the foundation on which the game is built. It will take tons of QA and testing time as well, and I’m sure that when the time comes, we’ll do as large a test as we can on the PTS.

    Maybe in 2023 things will be different but they don't have the same ability to huge things they did prepandemic and their big project is this. They warned about that before the chapter ever released.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on January 27, 2022 11:54PM
  • Ronin37
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    The main time being spent next year is on PVP performance. They are doing a rearchitecture of the game in order to improve the most neglected part of the game. That's the biggest project and they explicitly stated they wouldn't be doing anything big this chapter due to not having the time due to Covid.
    We’ve been planning this for the last quarter and we’re starting work on it right now. But, as you can imagine, changing the fundamentals of a huge live game such as ESO is a delicate and multi-stepped process, so expect this to take up much of 2022. Much of the early work is going to happen behind the scenes and we are definitely not going to rush it. A re-architecture of this magnitude will require the entire game to be re-tested and evaluated, as this particular code is the foundation on which the game is built. It will take tons of QA and testing time as well, and I’m sure that when the time comes, we’ll do as large a test as we can on the PTS.

    Maybe in 2023 things will be different but they don't have the same ability to huge things they did prepandemic and their big project is this. They warned about that before the chapter ever released.
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    The main time being spent next year is on PVP performance. They are doing a rearchitecture of the game in order to improve the most neglected part of the game. That's the biggest project and they explicitly stated they wouldn't be doing anything big this chapter due to not having the time due to Covid.
    We’ve been planning this for the last quarter and we’re starting work on it right now. But, as you can imagine, changing the fundamentals of a huge live game such as ESO is a delicate and multi-stepped process, so expect this to take up much of 2022. Much of the early work is going to happen behind the scenes and we are definitely not going to rush it. A re-architecture of this magnitude will require the entire game to be re-tested and evaluated, as this particular code is the foundation on which the game is built. It will take tons of QA and testing time as well, and I’m sure that when the time comes, we’ll do as large a test as we can on the PTS.

    Maybe in 2023 things will be different but they don't have the same ability to huge things they did prepandemic and their big project is this. They warned about that before the chapter ever released.

    But they had time to implement a Magic the gathering game which is a system last I checked.
  • AlexanderDeLarge
    If they have any intent on ever addressing this, they could just give us a debuff memento that gives us a +XP/Gold modifier and make it very clear that this is a temporary solution to a problem that needs more time for a proper solution and implementation.

    Just to be clear, I wouldn't be happy with that as a permanent solution but at least I would be able to use it to stomach the game until 2023 when they presumably would have the time to figure out and properly implement such a feature. Until something is done, I have practically zero incentive to touch the game besides FOMO event ticket rewards.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 7 paid expansions. 22 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the vast majority of this game.

    "ESO doesn't need a harder overland" on YouTube for a video of a naked level 3 character AFKing in front of a bear for a minute and a half before dying
  • spartaxoxo
    Ronin37 wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    The main time being spent next year is on PVP performance. They are doing a rearchitecture of the game in order to improve the most neglected part of the game. That's the biggest project and they explicitly stated they wouldn't be doing anything big this chapter due to not having the time due to Covid.
    We’ve been planning this for the last quarter and we’re starting work on it right now. But, as you can imagine, changing the fundamentals of a huge live game such as ESO is a delicate and multi-stepped process, so expect this to take up much of 2022. Much of the early work is going to happen behind the scenes and we are definitely not going to rush it. A re-architecture of this magnitude will require the entire game to be re-tested and evaluated, as this particular code is the foundation on which the game is built. It will take tons of QA and testing time as well, and I’m sure that when the time comes, we’ll do as large a test as we can on the PTS.

    Maybe in 2023 things will be different but they don't have the same ability to huge things they did prepandemic and their big project is this. They warned about that before the chapter ever released.
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    The main time being spent next year is on PVP performance. They are doing a rearchitecture of the game in order to improve the most neglected part of the game. That's the biggest project and they explicitly stated they wouldn't be doing anything big this chapter due to not having the time due to Covid.
    We’ve been planning this for the last quarter and we’re starting work on it right now. But, as you can imagine, changing the fundamentals of a huge live game such as ESO is a delicate and multi-stepped process, so expect this to take up much of 2022. Much of the early work is going to happen behind the scenes and we are definitely not going to rush it. A re-architecture of this magnitude will require the entire game to be re-tested and evaluated, as this particular code is the foundation on which the game is built. It will take tons of QA and testing time as well, and I’m sure that when the time comes, we’ll do as large a test as we can on the PTS.

    Maybe in 2023 things will be different but they don't have the same ability to huge things they did prepandemic and their big project is this. They warned about that before the chapter ever released.

    But they had time to implement a Magic the gathering game which is a system last I checked.

    Yes. But it's not a major change. They had time to make small changes but not big ones. They are literally just throwing us a bone because new chapters are expected to have something new.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on January 28, 2022 1:53AM
  • Harvokaan
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Ronin37 wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    The main time being spent next year is on PVP performance. They are doing a rearchitecture of the game in order to improve the most neglected part of the game. That's the biggest project and they explicitly stated they wouldn't be doing anything big this chapter due to not having the time due to Covid.
    We’ve been planning this for the last quarter and we’re starting work on it right now. But, as you can imagine, changing the fundamentals of a huge live game such as ESO is a delicate and multi-stepped process, so expect this to take up much of 2022. Much of the early work is going to happen behind the scenes and we are definitely not going to rush it. A re-architecture of this magnitude will require the entire game to be re-tested and evaluated, as this particular code is the foundation on which the game is built. It will take tons of QA and testing time as well, and I’m sure that when the time comes, we’ll do as large a test as we can on the PTS.

    Maybe in 2023 things will be different but they don't have the same ability to huge things they did prepandemic and their big project is this. They warned about that before the chapter ever released.
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    The main time being spent next year is on PVP performance. They are doing a rearchitecture of the game in order to improve the most neglected part of the game. That's the biggest project and they explicitly stated they wouldn't be doing anything big this chapter due to not having the time due to Covid.
    We’ve been planning this for the last quarter and we’re starting work on it right now. But, as you can imagine, changing the fundamentals of a huge live game such as ESO is a delicate and multi-stepped process, so expect this to take up much of 2022. Much of the early work is going to happen behind the scenes and we are definitely not going to rush it. A re-architecture of this magnitude will require the entire game to be re-tested and evaluated, as this particular code is the foundation on which the game is built. It will take tons of QA and testing time as well, and I’m sure that when the time comes, we’ll do as large a test as we can on the PTS.

    Maybe in 2023 things will be different but they don't have the same ability to huge things they did prepandemic and their big project is this. They warned about that before the chapter ever released.

    But they had time to implement a Magic the gathering game which is a system last I checked.

    Yes. But it's not a major change. They had time to make small changes but not big ones. They are literally just throwing us a bone because new chapters are expected to have something new.

    Not really. Even balancing this stuff will be a nightmare (and you need to balance it when they said it will include pvp and rankings). It is more work to keep this new system up then companions/antiquities or even proposed overland changes. Why they thought about it as a good idea, is beyond me. It won't be a selling point for most players and will be hard to maintain. Giving it as a major feature of Q4 or as a secondary feature for chapter, yeah, sure, if you can sustain it then why not. But as a main selling point? [snip]

    [Edit for Bashing.]
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on January 28, 2022 2:17AM
  • tonyblack
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    The main time being spent next year is on PVP performance. They are doing a rearchitecture of the game in order to improve the most neglected part of the game. That's the biggest project and they explicitly stated they wouldn't be doing anything big this chapter due to not having the time due to Covid.
    We’ve been planning this for the last quarter and we’re starting work on it right now. But, as you can imagine, changing the fundamentals of a huge live game such as ESO is a delicate and multi-stepped process, so expect this to take up much of 2022. Much of the early work is going to happen behind the scenes and we are definitely not going to rush it. A re-architecture of this magnitude will require the entire game to be re-tested and evaluated, as this particular code is the foundation on which the game is built. It will take tons of QA and testing time as well, and I’m sure that when the time comes, we’ll do as large a test as we can on the PTS.

    Maybe in 2023 things will be different but they don't have the same ability to huge things they did prepandemic and their big project is this. They warned about that before the chapter ever released.

    They’ve been fixing pvp performance for years now and the fact that there was minimal communication about it before “wah wah” incident doesn’t bring much hope of them addressing it anytime soon. Not in this or next year at least. In case it wasn’t just a PR damage control.

    In any case this thread is about pve and we’re still getting a new zone, which targeted exclusively for new and casual players with easy quests, useless cards feature and 2 new companions. Nothing for vet players but 1 trial. Big let down if you ask me. I don’t set my expectations high but I’d hope for at least some small improvement.
    Edited by tonyblack on January 28, 2022 2:21AM
  • spartaxoxo
    tonyblack wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    The main time being spent next year is on PVP performance. They are doing a rearchitecture of the game in order to improve the most neglected part of the game. That's the biggest project and they explicitly stated they wouldn't be doing anything big this chapter due to not having the time due to Covid.
    We’ve been planning this for the last quarter and we’re starting work on it right now. But, as you can imagine, changing the fundamentals of a huge live game such as ESO is a delicate and multi-stepped process, so expect this to take up much of 2022. Much of the early work is going to happen behind the scenes and we are definitely not going to rush it. A re-architecture of this magnitude will require the entire game to be re-tested and evaluated, as this particular code is the foundation on which the game is built. It will take tons of QA and testing time as well, and I’m sure that when the time comes, we’ll do as large a test as we can on the PTS.

    Maybe in 2023 things will be different but they don't have the same ability to huge things they did prepandemic and their big project is this. They warned about that before the chapter ever released.

    They’ve been fixing pvp performance for years now and the fact that there was minimal communication about it before “wah wah” incident doesn’t bring much hope of them addressing it anytime soon. Not in this or next year at least. In case it wasn’t just a PR damage control.

    In any case this thread is about pve and we’re still getting a new zone, which targeted exclusively for new and casual players with easy quests, useless cards feature and 2 new companions. Nothing for vet players but 1 trial. Big let down if you ask me. I don’t set my expectations high but I’d hope for at least some small improvement.

    They talked about it in streams long before they made the statement on the forums. If that wasn't true and was just damage control, then they'd have be able to predict the future. Obviously, that's not the case therefore it was not just damage control. I suspect that they made official statement on the forums sooner as a result of that incident, but they were definitely working on it long before that. There are people who have known and posted it about it on social media since November.

    The card system is an entirely new system, and if we don't know if it will have content for vet players or not. We actually know very little about it. There are definitely people who are able to play card games at a higher level. It is basically a non-combat form of PVP. There will be casuals at it and they were likely be people who are vets at it.

    Things like this take time and we haven't even gotten our official statement yet from @ZOS_Kevin so there is no way even a smaller change would have made it into the chapter.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on January 28, 2022 2:29AM
  • FeedbackOnly
    Scale mobs to cp 1200
  • spartaxoxo
    Scale mobs to cp 1200

    That would force the entire player base to deal with them instead of making it an option. Not everyone can handle veteran content, especially new or casual players, but also some people with disabilities or bad internet as well. Therefore, I think that it should not be forced. Beyond that, it's just not good for business. Most likely a lot of people would just leave, as they already like the game the way it is.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on January 28, 2022 2:58AM
  • tonyblack
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    tonyblack wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    The main time being spent next year is on PVP performance. They are doing a rearchitecture of the game in order to improve the most neglected part of the game. That's the biggest project and they explicitly stated they wouldn't be doing anything big this chapter due to not having the time due to Covid.
    We’ve been planning this for the last quarter and we’re starting work on it right now. But, as you can imagine, changing the fundamentals of a huge live game such as ESO is a delicate and multi-stepped process, so expect this to take up much of 2022. Much of the early work is going to happen behind the scenes and we are definitely not going to rush it. A re-architecture of this magnitude will require the entire game to be re-tested and evaluated, as this particular code is the foundation on which the game is built. It will take tons of QA and testing time as well, and I’m sure that when the time comes, we’ll do as large a test as we can on the PTS.

    Maybe in 2023 things will be different but they don't have the same ability to huge things they did prepandemic and their big project is this. They warned about that before the chapter ever released.

    They’ve been fixing pvp performance for years now and the fact that there was minimal communication about it before “wah wah” incident doesn’t bring much hope of them addressing it anytime soon. Not in this or next year at least. In case it wasn’t just a PR damage control.

    In any case this thread is about pve and we’re still getting a new zone, which targeted exclusively for new and casual players with easy quests, useless cards feature and 2 new companions. Nothing for vet players but 1 trial. Big let down if you ask me. I don’t set my expectations high but I’d hope for at least some small improvement.

    They talked about it in streams long before they made the statement on the forums. If that wasn't true and was just damage control, then they'd have be able to predict the future. Obviously, that's not the case therefore it was not just damage control. I suspect that they made official statement on the forums sooner as a result of that incident, but they were definitely working on it long before that. There are people who have known and posted it about it on social media since November.

    The card system is an entirely new system, and if we don't know if it will have content for vet players or not. We actually know very little about it. There are definitely people who are able to play card games at a higher level. It is basically a non-combat form of PVP. There will be casuals at it and they were likely be people who are vets at it.

    Things like this take time and we haven't even gotten our official statement yet from @ZOS_Kevin so there is no way even a smaller change would have made it into the chapter.

    I didn’t say they aren’t working on it, but from their manner of communication about it I doubt they set realistic timelines and we might see the results only in a few years. Meanwhile pve content still being released and there are less and less effort to appeal to veteran players.

    I don’t expect anything grand but It would invalidate existence of this thread for me if Ascendant lord and his big minions would melt just as easily as Vandacia and Dagon. Challenge banner for them would be a bare minimum. And I think it’s important to mention it now, because once chapter itself hit pts there would be little point of giving any feedback about it.
  • spartaxoxo
    tonyblack wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    tonyblack wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    The main time being spent next year is on PVP performance. They are doing a rearchitecture of the game in order to improve the most neglected part of the game. That's the biggest project and they explicitly stated they wouldn't be doing anything big this chapter due to not having the time due to Covid.
    We’ve been planning this for the last quarter and we’re starting work on it right now. But, as you can imagine, changing the fundamentals of a huge live game such as ESO is a delicate and multi-stepped process, so expect this to take up much of 2022. Much of the early work is going to happen behind the scenes and we are definitely not going to rush it. A re-architecture of this magnitude will require the entire game to be re-tested and evaluated, as this particular code is the foundation on which the game is built. It will take tons of QA and testing time as well, and I’m sure that when the time comes, we’ll do as large a test as we can on the PTS.

    Maybe in 2023 things will be different but they don't have the same ability to huge things they did prepandemic and their big project is this. They warned about that before the chapter ever released.

    They’ve been fixing pvp performance for years now and the fact that there was minimal communication about it before “wah wah” incident doesn’t bring much hope of them addressing it anytime soon. Not in this or next year at least. In case it wasn’t just a PR damage control.

    In any case this thread is about pve and we’re still getting a new zone, which targeted exclusively for new and casual players with easy quests, useless cards feature and 2 new companions. Nothing for vet players but 1 trial. Big let down if you ask me. I don’t set my expectations high but I’d hope for at least some small improvement.

    They talked about it in streams long before they made the statement on the forums. If that wasn't true and was just damage control, then they'd have be able to predict the future. Obviously, that's not the case therefore it was not just damage control. I suspect that they made official statement on the forums sooner as a result of that incident, but they were definitely working on it long before that. There are people who have known and posted it about it on social media since November.

    The card system is an entirely new system, and if we don't know if it will have content for vet players or not. We actually know very little about it. There are definitely people who are able to play card games at a higher level. It is basically a non-combat form of PVP. There will be casuals at it and they were likely be people who are vets at it.

    Things like this take time and we haven't even gotten our official statement yet from @ZOS_Kevin so there is no way even a smaller change would have made it into the chapter.

    I didn’t say they aren’t working on it, but from their manner of communication about it I doubt they set realistic timelines and we might see the results only in a few years. Meanwhile pve content still being released and there are less and less effort to appeal to veteran players.

    I don’t expect anything grand but It would invalidate existence of this thread for me if Ascendant lord and his big minions would melt just as easily as Vandacia and Dagon. Challenge banner for them would be a bare minimum. And I think it’s important to mention it now, because once chapter itself hit pts there would be little point of giving any feedback about it.

    Once they have already done the teasers and stuff that content is already pretty much done. They make more minor adjustments and fix bugs now, most likely. I doubt they'd add something like challenge banners to it. The earliest you could expect to see any changes would most likely be the for the Q4 DLC and only if the change is a small one, like challenge banner on the Q4 Boss only.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on January 28, 2022 3:03AM
  • Ronin37
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Ronin37 wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    The main time being spent next year is on PVP performance. They are doing a rearchitecture of the game in order to improve the most neglected part of the game. That's the biggest project and they explicitly stated they wouldn't be doing anything big this chapter due to not having the time due to Covid.
    We’ve been planning this for the last quarter and we’re starting work on it right now. But, as you can imagine, changing the fundamentals of a huge live game such as ESO is a delicate and multi-stepped process, so expect this to take up much of 2022. Much of the early work is going to happen behind the scenes and we are definitely not going to rush it. A re-architecture of this magnitude will require the entire game to be re-tested and evaluated, as this particular code is the foundation on which the game is built. It will take tons of QA and testing time as well, and I’m sure that when the time comes, we’ll do as large a test as we can on the PTS.

    Maybe in 2023 things will be different but they don't have the same ability to huge things they did prepandemic and their big project is this. They warned about that before the chapter ever released.
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    The main time being spent next year is on PVP performance. They are doing a rearchitecture of the game in order to improve the most neglected part of the game. That's the biggest project and they explicitly stated they wouldn't be doing anything big this chapter due to not having the time due to Covid.
    We’ve been planning this for the last quarter and we’re starting work on it right now. But, as you can imagine, changing the fundamentals of a huge live game such as ESO is a delicate and multi-stepped process, so expect this to take up much of 2022. Much of the early work is going to happen behind the scenes and we are definitely not going to rush it. A re-architecture of this magnitude will require the entire game to be re-tested and evaluated, as this particular code is the foundation on which the game is built. It will take tons of QA and testing time as well, and I’m sure that when the time comes, we’ll do as large a test as we can on the PTS.

    Maybe in 2023 things will be different but they don't have the same ability to huge things they did prepandemic and their big project is this. They warned about that before the chapter ever released.

    But they had time to implement a Magic the gathering game which is a system last I checked.

    Yes. But it's not a major change. They had time to make small changes but not big ones. They are literally just throwing us a bone because new chapters are expected to have something new.

    How do you know haw major of a change it was? Are you a secret dev there? Do you have access to the code base? I promise you slapping on that "mini game" was not a minor change.
  • Ronin37
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Scale mobs to cp 1200

    That would force the entire player base to deal with them instead of making it an option. Not everyone can handle veteran content, especially new or casual players, but also some people with disabilities or bad internet as well. Therefore, I think that it should not be forced. Beyond that, it's just not good for business. Most likely a lot of people would just leave, as they already like the game the way it is.

    Last time I checked humans had the ability to learn and improve. And bad internet has been a thing since quake and planet side 1 but somehow we casuals learned to play games with what we had. ZOS can up the difficulty from toddler to somewhat annoying. I don't think it is going to kill anyone.
  • spartaxoxo
    Ronin37 wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Ronin37 wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    The main time being spent next year is on PVP performance. They are doing a rearchitecture of the game in order to improve the most neglected part of the game. That's the biggest project and they explicitly stated they wouldn't be doing anything big this chapter due to not having the time due to Covid.
    We’ve been planning this for the last quarter and we’re starting work on it right now. But, as you can imagine, changing the fundamentals of a huge live game such as ESO is a delicate and multi-stepped process, so expect this to take up much of 2022. Much of the early work is going to happen behind the scenes and we are definitely not going to rush it. A re-architecture of this magnitude will require the entire game to be re-tested and evaluated, as this particular code is the foundation on which the game is built. It will take tons of QA and testing time as well, and I’m sure that when the time comes, we’ll do as large a test as we can on the PTS.

    Maybe in 2023 things will be different but they don't have the same ability to huge things they did prepandemic and their big project is this. They warned about that before the chapter ever released.
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    The main time being spent next year is on PVP performance. They are doing a rearchitecture of the game in order to improve the most neglected part of the game. That's the biggest project and they explicitly stated they wouldn't be doing anything big this chapter due to not having the time due to Covid.
    We’ve been planning this for the last quarter and we’re starting work on it right now. But, as you can imagine, changing the fundamentals of a huge live game such as ESO is a delicate and multi-stepped process, so expect this to take up much of 2022. Much of the early work is going to happen behind the scenes and we are definitely not going to rush it. A re-architecture of this magnitude will require the entire game to be re-tested and evaluated, as this particular code is the foundation on which the game is built. It will take tons of QA and testing time as well, and I’m sure that when the time comes, we’ll do as large a test as we can on the PTS.

    Maybe in 2023 things will be different but they don't have the same ability to huge things they did prepandemic and their big project is this. They warned about that before the chapter ever released.

    But they had time to implement a Magic the gathering game which is a system last I checked.

    Yes. But it's not a major change. They had time to make small changes but not big ones. They are literally just throwing us a bone because new chapters are expected to have something new.

    How do you know haw major of a change it was? Are you a secret dev there? Do you have access to the code base? I promise you slapping on that "mini game" was not a minor change.

    Because said before it was announced that this year was gonna be smaller in scale as they worked on hardware upgrades and performance, as they dealt with the realities of the pandemic. As a new system it's certainly quite a bit of effort, but not nearly as much as stuff in the past, which is what everyone expected.
    Ronin37 wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Scale mobs to cp 1200

    That would force the entire player base to deal with them instead of making it an option. Not everyone can handle veteran content, especially new or casual players, but also some people with disabilities or bad internet as well. Therefore, I think that it should not be forced. Beyond that, it's just not good for business. Most likely a lot of people would just leave, as they already like the game the way it is.

    Last time I checked humans had the ability to learn and improve. And bad internet has been a thing since quake and planet side 1 but somehow we casuals learned to play games with what we had. ZOS can up the difficulty from toddler to somewhat annoying. I don't think it is going to kill anyone.

    Diminished physical capabilities have nothing to do with a lack of ability to learn and improve, neither does desire. Another game tried this and lost the most players they'd had ever lost at once and had to nerf a bunch of the content. People have been playing this game for years, they have made purchases based on it being a game that they already enjoyed. Most players do not want the harder difficulty. They will just leave. And some of them will be forced out because they can't do it any harder.

    Forcing a change is literally the worst option they could possibly choose IMO. A ton of players leaving the game because they can't or don't enjoy the game anymore, and it's not the product they bought into is a bad decision. Difficulty increase should be optional.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on January 28, 2022 4:25AM
  • treadwyckb14a_ESO
    Overland is far, far too easy. Ditto for story content.

    This game is terrible at ramping up the difficulty to prepare players interested for things like Arenas, Dungeons and Trials, particularly the Vet versions. One never has to learn weaving, rotation or builds playing the majority of the content. One can pretty much ignore the scant few mechanics that exist in overland content. Blocks and interrupts I think a lot of casual players learn aren't worth worrying about when you can just DPS NPCs down quickly. Its more efficient to ignore the basic mechanics you tell us are important in the tutorial.

    What's worse is this lack of challenge makes the game's combat seem worse and more boring than it is (and it isn't that great, IMO). Difficulty can be its own reward if handled correctly. Just because ZOS tried with Veteran Ranks and Craglorn in years past, doesn't necessarily mean they did it right.

    At a minimum I'd like to see story encounters that actually had engaging and fun mechanics that determined if you win or lose. And no, invincibility phases don't count. ZOS has given us some great villains that deserve more than the short shrift they were given in terms of combat. I don't just mean the chapter bosses, either. It's very disappointing to have a villain be built up to be a major threat or a worthy foe only for it to feel like a trash encounter with 50% more hit points and periods of being untouchable. Because mechanically challenging encounters add to the tension and make villains feel like actual, worthy threats instead of cardboard cutout bad guys. All the high quality story-telling and character building in the world doesn't change this.

    It's not just bosses though. Regular mobs could stand to be more interesting to fight, both in terms of more hit points and more abilities that do a bit more damage. Elites (like overland trolls) should have a particularly devastating attack or two that must be blocked, interrupted or evaded. NPC attack skills should be more varied and require different tactics to deal with. Figuring out how to best use your abilities should be key to winning, not just spamming whatever does the most damage.

  • Ronin37
    Overland is far, far too easy. Ditto for story content.

    This game is terrible at ramping up the difficulty to prepare players interested for things like Arenas, Dungeons and Trials, particularly the Vet versions. One never has to learn weaving, rotation or builds playing the majority of the content. One can pretty much ignore the scant few mechanics that exist in overland content. Blocks and interrupts I think a lot of casual players learn aren't worth worrying about when you can just DPS NPCs down quickly. Its more efficient to ignore the basic mechanics you tell us are important in the tutorial.

    What's worse is this lack of challenge makes the game's combat seem worse and more boring than it is (and it isn't that great, IMO). Difficulty can be its own reward if handled correctly. Just because ZOS tried with Veteran Ranks and Craglorn in years past, doesn't necessarily mean they did it right.

    At a minimum I'd like to see story encounters that actually had engaging and fun mechanics that determined if you win or lose. And no, invincibility phases don't count. ZOS has given us some great villains that deserve more than the short shrift they were given in terms of combat. I don't just mean the chapter bosses, either. It's very disappointing to have a villain be built up to be a major threat or a worthy foe only for it to feel like a trash encounter with 50% more hit points and periods of being untouchable. Because mechanically challenging encounters add to the tension and make villains feel like actual, worthy threats instead of cardboard cutout bad guys. All the high quality story-telling and character building in the world doesn't change this.

    It's not just bosses though. Regular mobs could stand to be more interesting to fight, both in terms of more hit points and more abilities that do a bit more damage. Elites (like overland trolls) should have a particularly devastating attack or two that must be blocked, interrupted or evaded. NPC attack skills should be more varied and require different tactics to deal with. Figuring out how to best use your abilities should be key to winning, not just spamming whatever does the most damage.

    This right here!
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