Overland Content Feedback Thread

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  • Sylvermynx
    Er. Well. I could probably DO harder content. I'd probably die a lot. That's not what I think is fun though.
  • Vhozek
    spartaxoxo wrote: »

    The majority of people in this game do not want higher difficulty. Do not like higher difficulty. And are NOT capable of doing harder content, because they do not want to research anything. The companions are the way they are because that is how they have to be tuned to be just below the average player in dungeons. Those players aren't gonna force themselves to do it. They will just leave. The current state of Overland IS zos catering to the majority.

    People who want harder overland or who want to flag for PvP are in the minority.

    As Rich said, the numbers don't lie.

    I agree with all that but don't you agree everything being the same level as you is stale and boring?
    𝗡𝗼𝘁 𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆, 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝘀. 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗕𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴.
  • Sylvermynx
    Vhozek wrote: »

    I agree with all that but don't you agree everything being the same level as you is stale and boring?

    I don't. By the time I'd spent a decade in first WoW and then RIFT, I was so deathly TIRED of having to grind levels then gear then go into new raids.... SO not fun....

  • Vhozek
    I don't think overland mobs are supposed to cater to higher level players, but they are supposed to add some depth and/or engagement to the story and leveling journey, so they must be tweaked in such a way that makes leveling not seem like it's just a delay to end game because that's all it is right now. Starting a new character is just being put in a queue to max level. There's not really much you gotta do except kill the things you know you can kill.

    I'll be honest, I do not know what I want. I do not know how to phrase it and neither do many people. It's one of those universal truths. We don't know what we want, but we do know what we do NOT want.
    It is hard for me to put into words what I want without me myself creating a conflicting opinion because there is an argument for everything and I accept this as fact and will not be dishonest with myself.

    I do not want:
    • mobs to level along with me
    • me to level to mobs
    • mobs to oppose no challenge to me
    • being low level to allow me to play the entirety of the game without at least a consequence (example of what is ok: i can enter a very difficult zone but it will be very difficult)
    • loot rate increase
    • skill spamming (this one is a bit more unpopular I'm sure)
    • quest mobs to not feel like quest mobs
    • mobs to not fit the weight of the situation (if it's the end of the world, they must bring me the end of the world)

    I also don't think that forcing difficulty onto the entire playerbase is a good idea, not only because it's non-optional, but because I think the people that play this game are specifically one-trick ponies at ESO and the game has other issues that prevent new players from joining. I've heard enough about blurry textures and poor sound design in combat. I'm on that train btw.
    One thing I do know I want is sharper textures and more weight behind attacks either through sound or camera effects.
    𝗡𝗼𝘁 𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆, 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝘀. 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗕𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴.
  • Sylvermynx
    @Vhosek - that's a very honest open statement.

    But.... I think that ship has sailed (on all points really). So.... I don't think the devs are going to redo the entire game to "fit". What could they do that would make things better for you, without making them worse for me (and others like me)?

    As far as the graphics and sound.... eh, I really don't notice that sort of thing. The whole time I'm playing, I'm seeing/hearing the world as I expect to see/hear it - and that has zero to do with the "real in game" graphics and sound.
    Edited by Sylvermynx on November 2, 2021 3:40AM
  • SilverBride
    Vhozek wrote: »
    ...don't you agree everything being the same level as you is stale and boring?

    Not in the least. I find it a great stress reliever to aggro a mob and beat the heck out of them.

    When I want a challenge I go after World Bosses and Dragons and Harrowstorms, or solo a dungeon. But I do not want a challenge in every single thing I do.
  • jle30303
    The thing is that you already have an "optional difficulty slider": It's called "go and do the content that is already designed to be more difficult, instead of demanding that the content which is purposely designed to be easy should be changed to be more difficult just for your own benefit".

    Overland, in particular, is what you go through when trying to get *to* quests. A lot of the time, you're actually trying to avoid engaging the overland monsters while zipping past them on a way to an objective. Difficulty isn't what overland is *for*.

    If you want "harder overland content"... Then either you want bonus rewards for taking the harder, or you don't.

    If you want bonus rewards, you're locking other players out of those rewards if they *don't* want veteran-level content.

    If you want harder content but without bonus-level rewards... then I would like to wonder why, in particular, Craglorn's "Group Areas of Interest", such as Inazzur's Hold, Scorpion Ravine, Taborra's Camp, Thunder Falls Camp, are always completely empty? That's just to mention four overland, non-instanced areas with a boss that has big hits and mechanics, which are technically soloable with difficulty...

    As others have said: This is my game, I am the Hero, I don't want to constantly have to be afraid of agroing more than one mudcrab at a time. I should be able to blast through ordinary monsters, in fact, in fewer hits than I *do* already take. Having them level up with me is already a pain in the proverbial asterisk. Monsters that levelled up with the player and did not allow the player to out-level and overpower them were one of the worst things about TES IV: Oblivion, and to a lesser extent TES V: Skyrim.
    Edited by jle30303 on November 2, 2021 3:50AM
  • phaneub17_ESO
    The game is so much better now that we no longer have any soft caps, the option to use companions alongside us, go to any zone in any order, and are able to play with more than our own factions. It's not as restrictive as it once was with the old Cadwell's Silver and Gold, the game is a lot more free and open.

    Whatever plan of action you take, I would like to be able to have the option of taking additional companions active with me. If it comes to the Silver and Gold implementation or any similar multi-level difficulty, I would like to be able to use 2 active companions in Silver mode and 3 active companions in Gold mode, while playing solo.
  • spartaxoxo
    Vhozek wrote: »

    I agree with all that but don't you agree everything being the same level as you is stale and boring?

    No. I find it relaxing. When I want a challenge I will go look for challenging content. And when I just want to zone and relax, maybe listen to a story, I do Overland. It's nice to me to be able to have both experiences in the same game. It's like I have both Dark Souls and Journey in the same game. It's nice.

    I do agree that the story boss fights are anti-climatic though.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on November 2, 2021 5:29AM
  • myskyrim26
    I'm playing since 2016. My main is CP 1155, petsorc. I use all golden gear, golden moster set, golden glyhps, proper food and potions. My skills and rotation are based on Alcast's solo build. I use Bastian, lvl 16.

    Overland is hard for me.
    I can cope with quest bosses. I can solo public dungeons and even some non-DLC world bosses. It takes me long, it is hard, yet doable now. I can't oneshot anything, even smallest mobs like skeewers.

    I don't need any harder overland.
    Should overland become harder, I'll just have to quit the game. I don't need an unplayable game. A game is meant to bring relaxation and fun, not sufferings, hard efforts and disappointment.

    I'm not against an OPTIONAL harder overland.
    If a harder overland can be an option for those who want it - let them have it. But just as an option providing nothing more than a harder overland. No diffirenet gear, no collectables, no benefits compared to a normal overland. Maybe a harder overland should give more xp, though.

  • DMuehlhausen
    It is far to easy. I'm not looking for punishing overland like Everquest days where you could kill 2 things then had to rest for 30 minutes.

    However, being able to just run through areas and just to quest markers kill the 20 mobs that descend on you w/o taking any damage really is just silly.

    I know people hate hearing about the game, but World of Warcraft had a really good balance on this at it's launch. You could solo basically everything, but there were some quests with elites that you needed to see out help for, which is what an MMO should be about. There are people I'm still friends with nearly 20 years later simply cause I said hey can you help me out with blah blah quest and vice versa.

    As you level in a RPG you should feel stronger (something TES games aren't particularly good at since the world levels with you) but but not so strong that you completely unstoppable without even trying.
  • spartaxoxo
    I know people hate hearing about the game, but World of Warcraft had a really good balance on this at it's launch. You could solo basically everything, but there were some quests with elites that you needed to see out help for, which is what an MMO should be about.

    I would quit any game that made me need a group to do every little thing. It would be a really easy uninstall. For me, being able to do the quests on my own is non-negotiable.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on November 2, 2021 6:23AM
  • HalfRain216
    It’s the fact most causal players like me didn’t even know half these mechanics existed for delve bosses and story bosses.

    Like any game you go in guns blazing and take out the enemy.

    Can’t remember what delve it was but I checked my phone while in the fight and this boss started throwing out all these moves I’ve never seen before and thought this would be sick if they had that bit more health do I got to see the mechanics which would then make the boss harder.

    ZOS has obviously put a lot of coding, time and effort into the bosses for most to not even know the mechanics exist.

    I think the whole conversation has been twisted from what I have seen 90% of people asking for harder overland actually mean they want the story content to be harder and delve bosses etc because the good mechanics are wasted…
  • Aliniel
    Cadwell's Silver/Gold pre One Tamriel

    Regarding Cadwell's Silver and Gold back before the One Tamriel, the zones were empty because there were 3 separate instances of each!

    For Daggerfall Covenant:
    - DC zones - sub 50
    - AD zones - 0-8 VR
    - EP zones - 9-14 VR

    For Aldmeri Dominion:
    - DC zones - 9-14 VR
    - AD zones - sub 50
    - EP zones - 0-8 VR

    For Ebonheart Pact
    - DC zones - 0-8 VR
    - AD zones - 9-14 VR
    - EP zones - sub 50

    Therefore, saying the world was empty due to low interest is simply a lie. It was different design back then.
    Furthermore, people were kind of burnt out from doing their first zones. I remember finally finishing the end zone in Daggerfall Covenant only to discover I can now do other zones too. I did them, just not right away. I wanted the end-game, awesome Cyrodiil war, not to go back to questing for another month or two.
    The game was fairly new then, and people wanted to try different things. Excuse us for not rushing straight back into questing when we finally got to the endgame.


    Let's not confuse early Craglorn design with optional overland difficulty increase. Craglorn was designed to be a group zone. You were forced to group-up! That's why majority evaded it. Not because it was hard to solo, but because it was impossible to solo.

    Please, let's stop comparing apples and oranges.

    The key word is "OPTIONAL"

    Please, stop being emotional about how this would ruin the game for you. No one said we want ESO to become the Dark Souls (I read all comments and literally no one said it should be mandatory as to "cull out the weak").
    After reading the comments, it is fairly clear everyone who wants it, wants it to be:
    • Optional
    • No extra reward, or only minor increase (e.g. blue item instead of green, maybe extra xp)
    • To affect mainly boss fights - let's be honest, even Disney princesses have more engaging fights with their nemesis than we do in ESO.

    Buffing DMG/HP won't fix this

    I think this is somewhat wrong.
    Right now, we're in a state where we can roll our faces on the keyboard and watch the world burn. OK, maybe a bit of an overstatement. The point is, the majority of the mechanics don't even live to see the light of day. Yes, the cast times are often slow, easy to dodge, etc. But the dmg is so low that even if the projectile hits you, nothing happens. You don't even need to use the shield (shield was my most often used spell back in the day).

    Buffing HP will make the fights last longer. This may not be always desired. E.g., when we're farming mats.
    Buffing DMG makes the fights more dangerous. We will have to be more careful. E.g., use shield/heal, actually dodge stuff, not pull the all the denizens of Narnia.

    This is why I think the adjustable difficulty property debuffs might be a really good start.
    Aliniel wrote: »
    (See my comment on page 1 for more info.)

    [edit]: Added section on "HP/DMG increase"
    Edited by Aliniel on November 2, 2021 8:12AM
  • colossalvoids
    In general personally i find current overland experience as not engaging. Speaking mostly about time on quest or doing the main stories as primarily looking for lore relevant parts there but when some enemy is said to be a threat or possess some artifact I'd assume he can stand up a fight and not be dead while their first line is spoken still. It's pretty hard to immerse when every time you should undergear and lose all the feeling of progress you've made all the time.

    Main problem for me with this is how fast thing dies and how many time it spends doing nothing as their reaction times are aimed for a absolute new player I'd assume. If I'd be the one trying to change how things work it would be a challenge banner, a scroll or any other means to buff the encounter if it's instanced. We already have solo arena standards to apply here making it way less forgettable encounter. If it's not instanced currently then it should be looked at in a future so no such mistakes are made, people seem generally dislike when they're on a quest and someone already killing their "bad guy" in couple of pokes. Why invest into content that most people are doing once? Make it repeatable. Personally would love to be able to re-run some stories again after completing them years ago on the same character.

    Also with current event we saw an interesting idea of a delve+ again where encounter is already possess some difficulty but can be taken as a group alternatively. Could be a potential option for a main /side quest encounter in the furniture.

    Utilising our group setting difficulty can be another way of telling what said player prefers, like if we're set to veteran a quest instance might be a different one according to veteran dungeon standards as instancing is already a thing.

    Can be also some more engaging zones overall moving forward with dlc or chapters content, for example adding some delves plus to the menu or small zones with increased difficulty in actual open overland more like Craglorn did previously (especially in dlcs without any vet content like dragonhold or current one with no mini-trial nor arena added) so there's at least some feel of threat in exploration (IC sewers is the only place in game currently for me having some Elder Scrolls feel to it when not zerged) to be had.
    Ultimately zos should know better how to implement those things if feeling necessary and how to minimise all the downsides it can come with.

    There's a lot of ways to at least address it in some ways, all we can say is that there's a problem for some players and it might need to be addressed. Not all the time we have a group available at hand to run trials or dungeons at our preferred difficulty and solo arenas are few to say the least. Not even saying about repetition. Overland is the biggest chunk of content we're getting and it's lacking for a portion of playerbase.

    If talk strictly about overland and not questing can bet a lot of us can even name cases when we're inviting a friend or couple to check eso out on a free events and they leave shortly because overland is virtually the same and they don't even feel the need to progress having zero reasons to play the game. They leave long before can try a dungeon or an arena because vast zones with same bland content are simply feel boring and pointless to them.
  • Iron_Warrior
    Yes overland is too easy and it's hurting the story because you don't get any sense of accomplishment from defeating the big baddy of the story. So here is what i want: overland enemies should stay the same, i don't have the time to have intense fight with every no name bandit in the game, even the normal adds on vet vateshran are not that hard, i'm the vestige and i fought molag bal i should be able to cut through the normal enemies. But the bosses are a different story, a whole zone is talking about them and everybody are scared from them so they should be able to give me a challenge so here is the solution, make bosses instanced and put an undaunted banner near them similar to vet dungeons and when you activate it, it buffs the boss and put a healing and damage shield debuff on you and since the bosses are instanced you can get creative with it and maybe add multiple banners for people with different levels of play.maybe even a banner that suited for 2 players so you can group up with your friend and enjoy questing together. No better rewards needed. Also if you can add an instanced options for the delves and public dungeons it would be even better because as someone that loves questing, i want to be able to correctly explore this places and nothing is more frustrating than seeing a guy sprint through all the adds and kill the bosses so you must wait for them to respawn

    Here are the pros of this suggestion:

    It doesn't split the player base and everyone can see each other except the boss fight zones, so 99% of the overland would be the same

    It's optional and it doesn't force players to do something that they don't like

    Players that don't want the challenge don't feel like missing out because there is no better rewards

    It's also rewarding for the people that wants a challenge because they can take the story seriously and enjoy questing again
  • Hallothiel
    There needs to be some clarification of terms.

    When speaking of ‘Overland’, are people referring to the enemies you get all over the wild (wolves, guar, senche, mudcrabs, the odd bandit) or the ones you have to kill as part of a questline (usually bandit or whatever mobs)?

    I would support (& have mentioned before) having a separate instance for quest bosses that can be an optional hard mode. That is a solution that is not overly complicated, nor would it take too much developer time & resources to implement.

    But for general overland, the one I troll through happily doing surveys etc, or getting from a to b? Hell I already avoid a lot of the beasties as not interested in fighting them - them being harder would probably stop me playing, as would affect my limited playtime. And re-doing the whole overland for a vet instance - on these servers?! No. For so many reasons.
  • kamimark
    At a bare minimum, having every delve, PD, quest "dungeon" have a Normal/Veteran dialog at the door, and scaling up the content in the Veteran instance to something reasonable, would make the game tolerably interesting for those of us with skills & gear, and leave things unchanged for the casuals. A full-on Veteran Zone option would be even nicer; port to a zone would give you the same Normal/Veteran dialog, and everything would be scaled up.

    Statements like "nobody played the VR zones in 2014" are just absolutely false. That was where I spent most of my game time in the first couple years. AD char, so I was grinding VR 10 Bangkorai forever until Craglorn became possible. It was much less populated than the non-veteran world because it was split into 3 factions (remember, you couldn't even group with "hostile" factions!), but everyone skilled in your faction was up there.

    Remember, too, at the time of launch this was supposed to be another DAOC clone, because imitating failed PVP MMOs is a good business plan to someone. So what they *wanted* you to do was play normal content, then go to Cyrodil. Just like now, Cyrodil was unplayable, unbalanced trash, and only a few people did it.
    Kitty Rainbow Dash. pick, pick, stab.
  • spartaxoxo
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    There needs to be some clarification of terms.

    When speaking of ‘Overland’, are people referring to the enemies you get all over the wild (wolves, guar, senche, mudcrabs, the odd bandit) or the ones you have to kill as part of a questline (usually bandit or whatever mobs)?

    I would support (& have mentioned before) having a separate instance for quest bosses that can be an optional hard mode. That is a solution that is not overly complicated, nor would it take too much developer time & resources to implement.

    But for general overland, the one I troll through happily doing surveys etc, or getting from a to b? Hell I already avoid a lot of the beasties as not interested in fighting them - them being harder would probably stop me playing, as would affect my limited playtime. And re-doing the whole overland for a vet instance - on these servers?! No. For so many reasons.

    Overland is story quests, side quests, world bosses, world events, delves, and public dungeons. Basically anything that isn't instanced for groups/solo (arenas, dungeons, etc) and the story quest instances.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on November 2, 2021 10:32AM
  • Hallothiel
    Lol public dungeons too??

    Whilst I can solo them on most of my characters, there are some I am not so proficient at playing and get my [Snip] handed to me on some bosses!

    [Edited for minor profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on November 2, 2021 5:30PM
  • spartaxoxo
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Lol public dungeons too??

    Whilst I can solo them on most of my characters, there are some I am not so proficient at playing and get my [Snip] handed to me on some bosses!

    Yeah. It's a lot of content. Basically when you open the zone guide, that's the overland stuff.
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on November 2, 2021 5:30PM
  • LashanW
    What reason does a veteran geared high CP player have for doing veteran overland beyond leveling a new character? Overland story quests are something you do once per character. And if they are there to farm resources or collect surveys for example, do they really want to have a 5 minute fight with the wolf standing in front of the node? I'm pretty sure they would just use normal overland for those tasks, so what would veteran overland be used for?
    Short answer: Questing.

    A veteran geared high CP player doesn't mean they have done overland quests. I have most of the best gear in the game and have over 2000CP with 15 characters. Only 1 of them have done a fair bit of overland and other quests. Other 14 characters have only done dungeon and trial quests. I have never done any Chapter quests, not even Morrowind. Quests can have a lot of replayability if you have multiple characters.

    I'd love to do multiple playthroughs with my other characters if there was an optional veteran overland. Because the difference of combat ability across these characters will have an actual impact on my questing experience so it will be a different experience every time.
    ---No longer active in ESO---
    Platform: PC-EU
    CP: 2500+
    Trial Achievements
    Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Tick-Tock Tormentor, Immortal Redeemer, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, vMoL no death

    Arena Achievements
    vMA Flawless, vVH Spirit Slayer

    DLC Dungeon Trifectas
    Scalecaller Peak, Fang Lair, Depths of Malatar, Icereach
  • CP5
    It’s the fact most causal players like me didn’t even know half these mechanics existed for delve bosses and story bosses.

    Like any game you go in guns blazing and take out the enemy.

    Can’t remember what delve it was but I checked my phone while in the fight and this boss started throwing out all these moves I’ve never seen before and thought this would be sick if they had that bit more health do I got to see the mechanics which would then make the boss harder.

    ZOS has obviously put a lot of coding, time and effort into the bosses for most to not even know the mechanics exist.

    I think the whole conversation has been twisted from what I have seen 90% of people asking for harder overland actually mean they want the story content to be harder and delve bosses etc because the good mechanics are wasted…

    Exactly. There are many interesting enemies we encounter, who are made of thin paper sat next to a torch, and just getting near them is enough to put them out for good. In elsweyr there is a mender variant that channels a subtle healing spell, that, if strong enough to impact the fight, would be an interesting enemy to face. They, like the people they're healing, fall over without much effort however and that cool skill is wasted. Same with the newer fire mages that summon the flaming daedroth illusion, cool attack, but then you remember you can strafe and without backup the mage looks more a fool than anything.

    And for those against the idea, citing "I don't want to have to deal with this" as a reason, ZOS uses the tech to make this optional everywhere, and it was implemented in overland back when the game launched. ZOS would never compromise the casual player base, but adding an option for those who want it is well within their reach. Beyond personal preference against the idea, what other reasons against it do you have?

    And for Silver, in regards to the comment about all enemies being the same difficulty-wise. I go to Wayrest docks and clock some thugs' upside the head, easy fight like it should be. I go into the deadlands, and fight dremora, under the direct leadership of mehrunes dagon, and they're exactly the same. That undermines the whole sense of going to a dangerous and exciting local when the same could be accomplished by staying in Wayrest and setting a nearby pile of crates on fire for atmosphere.
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    I am very against the idea of veteran overland, optional or otherwise, for reasons I will list below:

    Overland is the story and is for all players of all levels and experience... low level players and those new to ESO would struggle in a harder overland.

    Why would you be against options?

    Overland is the story and is not currently for all players of all levels and experience, at the moment it is catering for people who like story only or like it super easy. My money is just as good as yours.
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    I would like to add that I do support some type of toggle to make the main story bosses more difficult for those who enjoy a more challenging fight, so those players can feel more immersed in the story.

    I also support a debuff for players who want a more difficult overland experience in general.

    Big Kiss for that , thank you thank you :)
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    LonePirate wrote: »
    For all of these people wanting challenging overland content, where were you back in 2014 when this game went live and during May, June and early July of that year, the VR Gold zones (and to a lesser extent the VR Silver zones) along with most of Craglorn, were dead zones that nobody played? We've already been down this road and the public voted No by not playing the challenging overland content.

    We are still here, we played those zones and we loved it. We want to get some of that back
    Edited by martinhpb16_ESO on November 2, 2021 11:54AM
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • Araxyte
    • Quest reward overhaul: Receive a reward chest at the end of a quest depending on the type of quest you have completed. The reward chest rolls on a drop table for various material, motif, cash, furniture or armour set rewards. Each chest has access to the same drop table with the greater chests having a better chance of better loot.
    • An optional challenge mode toggle for overland quests: A list of debuffs are afflicted onto your character depending on the challenge you have selected. A collectible tool can toggle these effects on and off in case you decide it is too difficult, or you need to go do something else entirely. Cancelling the challenge will fail the challenge however. Upon completion of the quest and challenge you receive a better rewards chest which has a slightly increased drop chance of better loot from the same drop table as the other chests, a little something for your efforts.
    • Increase the difficulty and complexity of objectives and puzzles when making new quests. Currently we are spoon-fed the objectives in a quest as if they were made for toddlers. This would be another way to make questing more engaging without touching combat.
    • Other rewards: This suggestion will be a bit more controversial as some people don't like the 'pressure'. Include achievements, skins and titles for those who wish to complete quests using the challenge toggle. For example, complete all quests in a certain zone using the 'half HP' toggle and receive the 'something something' title.

    To summarize: this would make certain quest boss fights feel more significant for those players that manage to cut them down before they even finish their evil speech about taking over the world. The reward chests would be a nice touch for everyone as the current quests rewards are awful. And the suggestion of achievements, skins and titles would give the overland a bit more excitement and incentive to do quests. Many players like my self love the story of a quest, it does however feel a bit disappointing when the big bad world-ending demigod dies in a matter of seconds. I don't see how having a toggle option for debfuffs inflicted on yourself would alter the experience of other players. Everyone wants a different experience when questing, I believe this is a way to do it.
    | All classes | PC EU |
  • Fermian
    LonePirate wrote: »

    You obviously were not around in the spring of 2014. Vet zones (the VR 1-10 zones) were the precursors, not an expansion, to One Tamriel. Prior to the content nerf in July of 2014, the best gear in the game dropped from these high end zones and people still refused to play them. Whether you think it is lame or not, that was the end game. I would recommend investigating and learning history before commenting on things you did not experience.

    I did play them. The concept of those vet zones was completely different.

    Adding a vet layer to the current system doesnt make it like the situation of 2014. It wont be THE endgame. It just gives you the option to complete the quests in vet mode or normal mode.

    Anyway, they can just start with one zone and see how it works.
  • Blackbird_V
    Fermian wrote: »

    I did play them. The concept of those vet zones was completely different.

    Adding a vet layer to the current system doesnt make it like the situation of 2014. It wont be THE endgame. It just gives you the option to complete the quests in vet mode or normal mode.

    Anyway, they can just start with one zone and see how it works.

    If they did that for the next chapter, with rewards, titles etc. then that'd be a great start. If it doesn't work, then it can stay as a niche(?) mechanic for that chapter.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game.
  • Khenarthi
    Araxyte wrote: »
    [*] Quest reward overhaul: Receive a reward chest at the end of a quest depending on the type of quest you have completed. The reward chest rolls on a drop table for various material, motif, cash, furniture or armour set rewards. Each chest has access to the same drop table with the greater chests having a better chance of better loot.
    [*] An optional challenge mode toggle for overland quests: A list of debuffs are afflicted onto your character depending on the challenge you have selected. A collectible tool can toggle these effects on and off in case you decide it is too difficult, or you need to go do something else entirely. Cancelling the challenge will fail the challenge however. Upon completion of the quest and challenge you receive a better rewards chest which has a slightly increased drop chance of better loot from the same drop table as the other chests, a little something for your efforts.

    See, I do not see why you should have "a little something for your efforts" as you put it for choosing the harder mode. If the point is that overland is too easy and not engaging, then getting better rewards than the plebs doing it on normal mode should not be necessary. Your reward is doing it on the difficulty you want.

    This to me is a huge point of contention.
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