YandereGirlfriend wrote: »Best change that they've announced.
I hope the code is smart enough to still give you loot if you've collected everything.
It'd be a real shame if the game checks, sees you have no missing pieces, and just drops nothing.
ssewallb14_ESO wrote: »Did they mention whether or not Cyrodiil town quest reward coffers will get weighted RNG?
They won't, also treasure chests, simple mob drops and some other specific things won't. It's mostly for dungeon, arena, trials main loot I guess.Did they mention whether or not Cyrodiil town quest reward coffers will get weighted RNG?
BloodyStigmata wrote: »Yep, and now I'm not farming anything until update 32. Once it hits though, I'm farming everything.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »
They addressed this on the stream and said that, in this instance, your loot would default back to current, non-weighted RNG.
Luke_Flamesword wrote: »They won't, also treasure chests, simple mob drops and some other specific things won't. It's mostly for dungeon, arena, trials main loot I guess.
redspecter23 wrote: »
I agree. I feel a bit better now since I didn't farm vMA too much during the event. I'll take weighted drops over double drops all day long.
colossalvoids wrote: »So the last nail into RNG complaints with this one, drops would be adjusted according to what you already collected so no more 10 resto staves in a row for some of ya. Just making sure people are informed about something good nowadays.