Will southern elsweyr have a discount on this event? Thanks!
If you don’t own Elsweyr or Dragonhold, you can acquire both from the in-game Crown Store on sale during the event period, with 50% off the Elsweyr DLC (and 50% off the Elsweyr Collector’s Pack!) as well as the new addition of the Season of the Dragon mega-pack, which includes the Dragonhold, Wrathstone, and Scalebreaker DLCs.
Pyr0xyrecuprotite wrote: »
Hm... you're right, the announcement isn't explicitly clear if Dragonhold DLC will have a 50% discount - unless you get it in the megapack.
StabbityDoom wrote: »Can you clarify what color this guy is?
Is he red? brown? I hear some people say black? The picture makes it unclear, because i'm nto sure if we see the sky reflection, or what?
StabbityDoom wrote: »Can you clarify what color this guy is?
Is he red? brown? I hear some people say black? The picture makes it unclear, because i'm nto sure if we see the sky reflection, or what?
Kelinmiriel wrote: »Can the Northern Elsweyr ticket also be gotten from the Weekly trial quest in Sunspire?
Duplomancer wrote: »Will there be an Exp boost as well? Asking for a friend
There is a better picture of it in this thread.
Kelinmiriel wrote: »
There's no reason to expect one. Full 100% XP boosts can be found during four annual events:
- Jester's Festival (March, Pie of Misrule)
- Anniversary Jubilee (April, Cake)
- Witches Festival (October, Cauldron)
- New Life Festival (December, Breda's Mug).
There's also a double xp during the Mid-Year Mayhem event, which will be called "Whitestrake's Mayhem" in the future, but it only applies to player kills in Cyrodiil. (That one is generally held during January and June; the buff is from using the Scroll of Pelinal's Fury.)
If I wanted to start a new character right now, and wasn't in a hurry to play it, I'd do mount training on it every day until the Witches Festival. For your "friend".
corrosivechains wrote: »... Was honestly kind of hoping Blackwood was going on sale like chapters usually do this time of year ...
Duplomancer wrote: »
Thanks, I was aware, but you forgot about the surprise XP event they had a couple months ago. It is the only reason I was asking. I was only half joking about the friend thing, I am in a pretty good spot, but a bit of a CP boost would be nice. XP events seem to bring people out of the woodwork though, and that would be a welcome sight.
I wonder if loot in Moongrave Fane dungeon will be doubled too - since it's part of Northern Elsweyr zone
@wtlonewolf20 pretty sure its just for elsweyr zones and survey nodes wouldnt be included...i had the same thought process back when they first announced double resource nodes