Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.3.2 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EST (13:00 UTC).

No-Proc No-Cp Set List

  • CaperGuy
    @CaperGuy I wonder if wretched vitality would work then

    Hmm...I think because it has to keep track of a 15s cooldown/timer to tell if it's up or down, it probably wouldn't. Eternal Vigor only ever had to look at your own current health percentage and directly affected your stat sheet.

    Trivalaur - Breton Templar(Healer)
  • gariondavey
    CaperGuy wrote: »
    @CaperGuy I wonder if wretched vitality would work then

    Hmm...I think because it has to keep track of a 15s cooldown/timer to tell if it's up or down, it probably wouldn't. Eternal Vigor only ever had to look at your own current health percentage and directly affected your stat sheet.

    Balls. That would make sense. Thanks
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • Kartalin
    Ahh, I thought Eternal vigor was on your list already. But that’s good it was mentioned regardless. I’ve been using it for a specific group oriented build for a bit.
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  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    CaperGuy wrote: »
    I also just tested Eternal Vigor at the Alliance gate as well as outside a keep in Ravenwatch, and it does give me the 305 recovery above 50%, and using blood frenzy to get below 50%, it does give me the health recovery below 50%. So... I guess Eternal Vigor seems to work in no-proc as well @Alcast

    Added it to the list too, thanks. Weird that this one works. Feels like these things are all over the place - Builds & Guides - Sets, Skills, Guides & News - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

  • CaperGuy
    I agree. I was amazed that there were 4 more sets found that weren’t on the list. I tried to take another look through the collections menu yesterday to see what else might be worth testing to see if it works. Maybe Dro’Zakar? That set seems to be worded kind of similarly to Witch Knight, which works. I don’t have a lot of Dro’Zakar atm though to test it and I don’t want to lose the transmute stones.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno we are months into the No Proc No CP decision and still finding out after the fact that there are multiple sets that were missed in the patch notes which do work, with my hobbled together collection based on patch notes, testing and forum reports and Alcast’s site being the only centralized reference that I’m aware of. Surely there is a better solution than this? I can’t imagine being a new player wanting to dip my foot into PvP and reading the description in game of Ravenwatch campaign and trying to understand what a ‘process set’ is without any other in game info to clarify it.

    Trivalaur - Breton Templar(Healer)
  • malistorr
    Couldn't agree more. It's unacceptable that someone at ZOS couldn't take 10-minutes to put a list and post together for their whole players base that this would affect.
  • Zabagad
    malistorr wrote: »
    Couldn't agree more. It's unacceptable that someone at ZOS couldn't take 10-minutes to put a list and post together for their whole players base that this would affect.

    It will take them much more then 10 minutes, because they dont know it either.
    They guessed which sets would work in the patch notes of the implementation patch (U28 or U29?) and were never able to make one list since then. They never react on any comment on that topic - it doesnt matter if you ask submissive or rude.

    There are two possibilities - they dont want to invest 10min or they dont know themself.
    I'm pretty confident that they changed some rules in the code and now for all sets which are effected by these rules, there is no server calculation needed. So they are calculated on the client side only.
    Which sets work or not work based on the changed rules in the code, is even for them sometimes a surprise I guess :)

    But maybe Im wrong with my speculation and they only are to lazy to spent 10 minutes...
    Edited by Zabagad on March 2, 2022 9:19AM
    PC EU (noCP AD) Grey/Grau AD
    Please raise the population caps.
    @ZOS - Convert the heal on "Hardened Ward" into a HoT pls.
  • Xarc
    does Dro'Zakar's Claw work ?

    5th bonus is : For every bleed effect you have on an enemy, increase your Weapon and Spell Damage by 97 against them.
    could be a condition but i dont know really
    Edited by Xarc on March 2, 2022 9:46AM
    @xarcs FR-EU-PC -
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  • CaperGuy
    Xarc wrote: »
    does Dro'Zakar's Claw work ?

    5th bonus is : For every bleed effect you have on an enemy, increase your Weapon and Spell Damage by 97 against them.
    could be a condition but i dont know really

    I was curious about Dro’Zakar and about Ulfnor’s Favor but I didn’t feel like wasting transmutes to make them since I don’t have them completely collected. I might run the dungeons for 5 pieces of them and try to get them tested, unless someone has them that could give them a test in RW?

    Trivalaur - Breton Templar(Healer)
  • malistorr
    I very seriously doubt either of those 2-sets will work. If they do something is definitely wrong with the ZOS logic as those are both proc sets. But we all know it's up to us to test this since ZOS doesn't seem to care whether their players know what works or not.
  • CaperGuy
    Maybe not really an update, but just because the new Rallying Cry set seemed to suggest it might be active at all times when battle spirit was in effect I thought I would test it in Ravenwatch no proc. Just to see.

    It did not work for me, at least while alone or while out fighting a bear in the wilderness. In CP Imp City it was easy to proc on myself even at the gate. In Ravenwatch it was a no go as I kind of suspected

    Trivalaur - Breton Templar(Healer)
  • CaperGuy
    I won’t be able to test new sets for no proc until Console gets High Isle. If anyone tests and confirms anything new working in no proc lemme know. I suspect Oakensoul for example will probably work but won’t know for sure until I get the patch and collect it and test.

    Trivalaur - Breton Templar(Healer)
  • YandereGirlfriend
    Serpent's Disdain does NOT work - I tested this myself last night.

    I think that the whole world is waiting on word from Oakensoul but that last Murkire lead is beyond toxic to acquire right now.
  • M0R_Gaming
    One of my friends who got the ring just confirmed that oakensoul does work in raven.
    Edited by M0R_Gaming on June 8, 2022 1:40AM
    • PC/NA - PvP/PvE AD Magsorc main
    • Former Emp, All HMs but DSR
    My addons
  • YandereGirlfriend
    Order's Wrath also does NOT work in Ravenwatch - despite being the most obvious "No-Proc" set from the current patch.

    This strikes me as a fairly clear bug (along with Serpent's Disdain - since that is basically Elf Bane but for status effects and Elf Bane works in Ravenwatch).
  • YandereGirlfriend
    Did anyone ever find out if Coral Riptide works?

    Grasping at straws here for usable sets from the expansion.
  • EF321
    Oakensoul works. Pog.
  • CaperGuy
    I tried Draugrkin due to the new wording, since I thought it looked like maybe a flat bonus and flat healing debuff now but my tooltips did not change in Ravenwatch and the flat damage and negative healing taken doesn’t appear. So it still does not work in no proc.

    Trivalaur - Breton Templar(Healer)
  • CaperGuy
    Druid's Braid craftable set works in No Proc.

    Trivalaur - Breton Templar(Healer)
  • CaperGuy
    Order's Wrath also does NOT work in Ravenwatch - despite being the most obvious "No-Proc" set from the current patch.

    This strikes me as a fairly clear bug (along with Serpent's Disdain - since that is basically Elf Bane but for status effects and Elf Bane works in Ravenwatch).

    I tested, and you're right, Order's Wrath doesn't work. That surprised me a little bit as well since it looked like flat bonuses, but I guess that's not how it's done on the back end.

    Trivalaur - Breton Templar(Healer)
  • CaperGuy
    Tested Serpent's Disdain, which does not work in No Proc either, YandereGirlfriend is correct.

    Trivalaur - Breton Templar(Healer)
  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    CaperGuy wrote: »
    So there may yet be more sets that work despite the official list.

    Did ZOS ever update their list? Usually they just post a thread and leave it be, I wouldn't be surprised that they haven't touched it since they posted it. Oakensoul seems to be a bit overpowered in that environment but no surprise that it works because these are all sticky buffs.

    I updated the list accordingly on eso hub.
    Edited by Alcast on June 27, 2022 2:00PM - Builds & Guides - Sets, Skills, Guides & News - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

  • CaperGuy
    I think their only post that had a list of sets for the second No Proc that had more than the 19 of them was the incomplete list in the original patch notes. If it weren’t for us keeping this thread and your site updated, it would come completely down to testing/trial and error to figure out what works.

    Trivalaur - Breton Templar(Healer)
  • doesurmindglow
    Yeah what gets me about this is they've rolled out new sets over a few patches now with no update to the original list and no communication in the patch notes introducing those sets as to whether or not they would fire in No CP.

    It's basically like they forgot a No Proc campaign exists as they've introduced new sets.

    No Proc is a cool idea for an alternative approach to conventional PVP, but this implementation seems sloppy.
    Guildmaster : The Wild Hunt (formerly Aka Baka) : AD PC/NA
  • CaperGuy
    I know that at least @ZOS_Kevin had stated in another thread that he was going to see about getting a list done up, though I dunno if that’s proving more challenging than was initially thought, or what exactly the holdup is.

    For now I’ll do what I can. I also rely on others to advise, cause while I have a lot of completed sets and lots of transmutes, I can only test so many things. And there are some sets that I don’t have yet I.E. the new trial sets.

    Trivalaur - Breton Templar(Healer)
  • Mannjdyr
    Hi ! tests on pts/news for Order's Wrath Set in PvP NOCP ?
  • YandereGirlfriend
    Two of my guild mates are finally able to confirm that Coral Riptide does NOT work in Ravenwatch.
  • CaperGuy
    Mannjdyr wrote: »
    Hi ! tests on pts/news for Order's Wrath Set in PvP NOCP ?

    I had tested on live on June 24th and it was not working. The PTS doesn’t tend to have a no proc Cyrodiil in it and I didn’t see any patch notes or comments from ZOS anywhere about that set, so for now we can only assume it’ll stay non functional in there.
    Edited by CaperGuy on July 19, 2022 5:34PM

    Trivalaur - Breton Templar(Healer)
  • sbam66
    CaperGuy wrote: »
    Mannjdyr wrote: »
    Hi ! tests on pts/news for Order's Wrath Set in PvP NOCP ?

    I had tested on live on June 24th and it was not working. The PTS doesn’t tend to have a no proc Cyrodiil in it and I didn’t see any patch notes or comments from ZOS anywhere about that set, so for now we can only assume it’ll stay non functional in there.

    Are you guys serious? this set is not working??? I’ve been using it in no proc bc I thought it was approved

  • MajorSnakeFox
    But Oakennoob Ring…..
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