Companion Rapport: +150 per hour vs. +1000 per hour

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  • FootprintsInTheAsh
    Such fun stay standing around waiting for a dolmen to spawn.

    Yes, dolmens are the most tedious and boring part. I have been playing since late 2017 but only now have these achievement unlocked: Stay Out Of Tamriel (Complete 30 Dark Anchor contracts for Cardea Gallus). Now my plan is to forget about dolmens for the next few years. :)

    However, quests with dolmens can be done faster with a partner. I found a player who helped me. Each time we teleported to different dolmens. If one of them is active, then one player has teleported to the other, and if both of them are inactive, then we met on the third. So we usually didn't wait too long.
    Insightful post, though, OP. I had no clue about the exact numbers involved. Thanks!

    You're welcome! But my post contains a couple of small mistakes. For example, the starting rapport is 700, not 1000. And only some of the Numani-Rasi daily quests add +125 rapport, not all of them.
  • bmnoble
    red_emu wrote: »
    Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob, while the PC can wipe 20+ of them in a few seconds.

    They're nice for providing commentary though. Reminds me of the Augur 😊

    Only time mine have died is when they use up there 2 dogerolls and stay standing in the red area effects on the ground like in that group challenge in Zenithar's Abbey Mirri died about 4 times to the ground based AOE traps but we still got through it just the two of us.

    Took Mirri through normal Spindle 1 just for the kill a dungeon boss achievement, I know its as easy dungeon but had no issues she did not die once, she was level 13 at the time all in white gear, still holding off gearing them until I am 100% certain that gear disappearing bug is fixed.

    I find adding that undaunted altar they unlock to there bar really helps keep themselves alive, I will occasionally have to apply a heal over time to them or throw down my own blood altar but that is about it.

    As for leveling Rapport I am in no rush if it takes a bit under a month doing one guild daily for each of them then that is no big deal hardly the longest grind in the game.
  • cyclonus11
    So far I got this for Bastian. The timers make it challenging to just go and collect this info lol

    Reading a Book on a Bookshelf: +1
    Attacking Dolmen Cultists: +1
    Killing a Bandit: +1
    Rescuing a Villager in Murkmire: +10
    Visiting Artaeum: +10
    Visiting Eyevea: +10
    Mage's Guild Daily Quest: +125
    Edited by cyclonus11 on June 9, 2021 2:07AM
  • Red_Feather
    I am not eager to grind, so I'll skip that, but thank you for sharing that ashlander daily gives mirri a chunk. That's pretty cool and I will have to use her as companion next time I do the ashlander dailies. 😲
  • khyrkat
    Reverb wrote: »

    I want to dispute this a bit. I set my Bastian up as a tank and have been testing him in Public dungeons, and Craglorn delves and dailies. He has never died while tanking public dungeon mobs or bosses. He only died once to a crag delve boss, and he dies every time on the last bosses of the School of Warriors, Elinhir, spellscar, and Skyreach Catacombs, but he lives through the fights up to that point.

    He does decent at keeping taunt up and controlling mobs with talons, and his interrupt game is on point. He does need recalled (Right-click +Y) to get out of the red, but all in all he’s better than many pug tanks. After all the bashing on the forums I was expecting him to get one-shot all the time and it’s simply not true.

    Yep, all this negative commentary made me wonder about companions but I really like them. Him, I mean, as Mirri annoys me and I didn't level her much, I run with Bastian. He died couple of times yeah but overall I like doing stuff with him. Mostly questing (and no, he doesn't die to mobs, rarely to really tough world bosses) but we do dungeons too, so far normal base game as I'm trying different builds. And I agree, his interrupts are on point, I was pleasantly surprised.
    The issue some people have is, imho, they want companions to replace players. This will never happen and if you accept that companion is to complement you, not act like human, you'll see things different. And oh, my Bastian is level 13 now, in mostly white gear. Currently being my healer and doing the job well.
  • LadyLethalla
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    So far I got this for Bastian. The timers make it challenging to just go and collect this info lol

    Reading a Book on a Bookshelf: +1
    Attacking Dolmen Cultists: +1
    Killing a Bandit: +1
    Rescuing a Villager in Murkmire: +10
    Visiting Artaeum: +10
    Visiting Eyevea: +10
    Mage's Guild Daily Quest: +125

    I read loads of books with Bastian accompanying me and only noticed a rapport increase once.
    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • Abigail
    red_emu wrote: »
    Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob, while the PC can wipe 20+ of them in a few seconds.

    To what mobs are you referring?

    I've been doing normal dungeons, public dungeons, quests, world bosses, quests and dolmens with Bastion and he died only one time, back when he was in all white gear and super low-level. He hasn't died since -- I don't heal him. Moreover, in doing overland content Bastion kills trash mobs in about five seconds. I must be doing something wrong as to not get your results.

  • Cireous
    You may find this PTS thread of use. It's being updated daily.

    It's really the inconsistencies of some of these rapport numbers that are driving me the most crazy. Also, why some daedric pets and not all? Why does an Ashlander daily give rapport one day and not the next? How can I make any sense of these seemingly randomly generated negative rapport numbers for pickpocketing and murdering? Where is Bastian's extra daily? Are boats giving rapport losses or not? What about giving to the poor like in the trailer? Are there even poor who except gifts in ESO? Why do most helpful random events give Bastian 10 rapport but some give 11? Why did I just get -2 rapport for grabbing a torch bug for Mirri when the last 100 of them were -1? Why are we getting +10 rapport for simply entering the guild with the portal to Eyevea instead of for using the actual portal and going to Eyevea? My grievances have no end. :disappointed:
  • ApoAlaia
    Abigail wrote: »

    To what mobs are you referring?

    I've been doing normal dungeons, public dungeons, quests, world bosses, quests and dolmens with Bastion and he died only one time, back when he was in all white gear and super low-level. He hasn't died since -- I don't heal him. Moreover, in doing overland content Bastion kills trash mobs in about five seconds. I must be doing something wrong as to not get your results.

    Must say, I was expecting companions to merely be 'flavour' so I have found myself pleasantly surprised.

    Not sure if they are on the 'sweet spot' for me yet but the fact that they can get through dragon fights (as long as the fight doesn't drag on that is), harrowstorms and soloing DLC WBs (all situations where there are AoEs and other 'stupid' flying all over the place) and still chip in and do their thing is quite remarkable.

    On a couple of occasions Mirri brought me back from the brink of a soul tear I had left unattended for too long, that is twice as much as I was expecting.

    I guess having very low expectations does help here.
  • ApoAlaia
    Today's daily from Numani-Rasi was in Assarnatmat

    Got rapport and triggered the first quest from Mirri at 1596.
  • langewapper
    i put my old troll king back on and it keeps mirri very well alive
    in normal dungeons (doing it to level her up, she is lvl14 now)
    got here first quest at around 1540 it adds 2x500 points -> to 2540
    she is much better than a sorc pets (more dps, and she heals me)
    now finding better gear will take some grinding i gues

  • cyclonus11

    I read loads of books with Bastian accompanying me and only noticed a rapport increase once.

    It's on a 30 minute timer I believe.

    Two more to add:

    Completing a Scry: +5
    Visiting a Mages' Guild: +10 (24 hr timer)

    Also, visiting Eyevea and Artaeum are on the same timer, and I believe it's 24 hours.
    Edited by cyclonus11 on June 10, 2021 12:13AM
  • Carcamongus
    I did a quest for Numani Rasi and Mirri got no rapport increase. It was the first time in months I did that daily and she was with me when I turned it in.

    Edit: the next day I tried again and got rapport.
    Edited by Carcamongus on June 12, 2021 10:13PM
    Imperial DK and Necro tank. PC/NA
    "Nothing is so bad that it can't get any worse." (Brazilian saying)
  • Grandchamp1989
    Very good info, thx!
  • Starshadw
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    So far I got this for Bastian. The timers make it challenging to just go and collect this info lol

    Reading a Book on a Bookshelf: +1
    Attacking Dolmen Cultists: +1
    Killing a Bandit: +1
    Rescuing a Villager in Murkmire: +10
    Visiting Artaeum: +10
    Visiting Eyevea: +10
    Mage's Guild Daily Quest: +125

    The dolmen cultists are Worm Cult, so I would guess any worm cultist anywhere in the world should trigger that one. Can the Artaeum and Eyevea ones trigger more than once? Are they once daily??

    I discovered another really good one for Bastian quite by accident - I happened across one of the old world "Lightbringer" achievements (where you come across two people who can't light a fire. You light the fire, you get xp), completed it and BOOM, a hefty chunk of rapport for Bastian (I want to say it was 185??). I'd be willing to bet another of the world achievements, where you can give money to the NPC in need (can't remember the name, sorry) would also give the rapport. And I bet if you did the Crime Pays, you'd get negative rapport from him, since that one involves essentially mugging a passing merchant to take their money.
  • SammyKhajit
    UESP has all the locations for the random world interactions
  • Starshadw
    UESP has all the locations for the random world interactions

    They are also part of several add-ons: Map Pins and Destinations both place icons at the map locations. Give to the Poor is the one I couldn't quite remember the name for - and I bet that one will give positive Bastian rapport. Hopefully someone can report back on whether these achievements also give good rapport from Mirri
  • Casdha
    This has made curious, I wonder what happens if you have them when you meet the hooded figure on a new character?
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • ectoplasmicninja
    Starshadw wrote: »
    I discovered another really good one for Bastian quite by accident - I happened across one of the old world "Lightbringer" achievements (where you come across two people who can't light a fire. You light the fire, you get xp), completed it and BOOM, a hefty chunk of rapport for Bastian (I want to say it was 185??). I'd be willing to bet another of the world achievements, where you can give money to the NPC in need (can't remember the name, sorry) would also give the rapport. And I bet if you did the Crime Pays, you'd get negative rapport from him, since that one involves essentially mugging a passing merchant to take their money.

    I wasn't able to replicate your experience with this. I came across a Lightbringer encounter and lit the fire, and he received XP but no rapport increase. I also sought out a Give to the Poor encounter (the one with the beggar) and there was no rapport increase there either.
    PC NA, CP2200+. Character creation is the true endgame.
  • ApoAlaia
    Left it 24 hrs, did Maelkashishi today, got rapport.

    I have no idea if it matters or not but both times I got rapport I did the Ashlander daily before doing the FG one.

    The day I did not get rapport I did the FG one first.
  • Starlight_Whisper
    😂 don't need a real companion if you got a stadia plus another account.
  • Wolfenbelle
    red_emu wrote: »
    Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob, while the PC can wipe 20+ of them in a few seconds.

    They're nice for providing commentary though. Reminds me of the Augur 😊

    Actually, I have been doing delves and public dungeons with my Bastian and he has not died once. I have, but he hasn't. He's only level 9. I have him set up with a destro staff and have two heals on his bar. The only issue I have with him is that he uses his knock-back to kick an enemy far away from me. He does take time to kill an enemy one-on-one though.
  • code65536
    Initial rapport is 750, not 1000.
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

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  • ApoAlaia
    I have just done another Ashlander daily, this time Assurnabitashpi.

    Got rapport for Mirri.

    Once more I handed the quest before the FG one.
    Edited by ApoAlaia on June 11, 2021 4:37PM
  • NoxiousBlight

    Maybe this only works for some of the seven quests, but not for each of them. It still needs testing.

    Probably. I got the rapport for the first two days but not the next two. Unsure if you are only allowed to do it twice? Anyone get rapport more than two times on the Ashlander quests?
  • ApoAlaia

    Probably. I got the rapport for the first two days but not the next two. Unsure if you are only allowed to do it twice? Anyone get rapport more than two times on the Ashlander quests?


    Day 1, Yasammidan, no rapport.
    Day 2, Assarnatmat, did get rapport.
    Day 3, Maelkashishi, did get rapport.
    Day 4, Assurnabitashpi, did get rapport.
  • Mujuro
    red_emu wrote: »
    Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob, while the PC can wipe 20+ of them in a few seconds.

    They're nice for providing commentary though. Reminds me of the Augur 😊

    I took Mirri through the nBRP XP grind loop and she did just fine in terms of staying alive. Now going off and attacking flame atros ... that's a whole different story.

    Link to video of Mirri staying alive through the entire grind loop:!AhsEk8fRuBvd6H11SfIDvferz3eb?e=xo4QFi
    Edited by Mujuro on June 11, 2021 6:14PM
  • Mujuro

    Probably. I got the rapport for the first two days but not the next two. Unsure if you are only allowed to do it twice? Anyone get rapport more than two times on the Ashlander quests?

    For Mirri, the Ashlander relic daily shares the same cooldown as the Fighter Guild dolmen daily for YOU. In other words, let's say you do YOUR Fighter Guild dolmen daily (the one the quest giver provides to YOU directly) and get the +125 bump, if you subsequently do the Ashlander relic quest that YOU receive from the quest giver, you won't get a 2nd +125 rapport bump.

    That said, if you get a SHARED, DIFFERENT dolmen/relic quest, you will get +125 from those. So you're able to do multiple dolmen AND relic quests dailies each day, with each giving +125. The cooldown only applies to the ones YOU receive each day.

    On a tangential but related note, has anyone found a comparable "second" +125 quest for Bastian (in addition to the Mage Guild daily)?
    Edited by Mujuro on June 11, 2021 6:20PM
  • ApoAlaia
    Mujuro wrote: »

    For Mirri, the Ashlander relic daily shares the same cooldown as the Fighter Guild dolmen daily for YOU. In other words, let's say you do YOUR Fighter Guild dolmen daily (the one the quest giver provides to YOU directly) and get the +125 bump, if you subsequently do the Ashlander relic quest that YOU receive from the quest giver, you won't get a 2nd +125 rapport bump.

    That said, if you get a SHARED, DIFFERENT dolmen/relic quest, you will get +125 from those. So you're able to do multiple dolmen AND relic quests dailies each day, with each giving +125. The cooldown only applies to the ones YOU receive each day.

    On a tangential but related note, has anyone found a comparable "second" +125 quest for Bastian (in addition to the Mage Guild daily)?

    Not in my experience.

    This might be an unintended glitch but the times where I have handed over the ashlander quest first I have gotten rapport from both. On the same character.
  • Mujuro
    ApoAlaia wrote: »

    Not in my experience.

    This might be an unintended glitch but the times where I have handed over the ashlander quest first I have gotten rapport from both. On the same character.

    I've literally just been getting shares from others and on one day got 8x 125 from them, but once I turn in one of "mine", I don't get the bump when turning in the other (received and turned in the same day prior to the 2am eastern "reset"; turning them in AFTER the reset you get the bump for BOTH because they're considered from a "different" day I believe).
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