PeachVsEggplant wrote: »I only have one mages guild daily, one undaunted daily, and one fighters guild daily in my alliance capital city. Do you mean with sharing the quests with a friend?
Like... I'm not in a hurry, what's the point in rushing things?
Thats not bad, is there similar daily for Bastian?FootprintsInTheAsh wrote: »[*] Numani-Rasi daily quests (Ald’ruhn camp): +125 rapport / 24 hours (?) cooldown
Thats not bad, is there similar daily for Bastian?
It would be great to have a similar list for Bastian's rapport as the one in the OP for Mirri.
Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob, while the PC can wipe 20+ of them in a few seconds.
They're nice for providing commentary though. Reminds me of the Augur 😊
Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob, while the PC can wipe 20+ of them in a few seconds.
City of Ash II. Mirri died only once. Ash Titan burned her, but it was my fault.
Falkreath Hold. No deaths for Mirri. I've been killed twice by trash mobs.
Banished Cells II. No deaths for Mirri. I was killed once when I tried to disable the interface and take a screenshot during the battle with High Kinlord Rilis. So I can't show the process, just the afterparty.
I have just done Numani-Rasi's daily and it did not yield any rapport.
FootprintsInTheAsh wrote: »
Maybe this only works for some of the seven quests, but not for each of them. It still needs testing.
FootprintsInTheAsh wrote: »Hi everyone!
I decided to share on the forum the most optimal way to get the maximum rapport for both companions. But my English is not very good, so sorry in advance for that.
First, I used addons CompanionInfo and LootDrop Reborn to track rapport changes.
Here's the basics:
- Your starting rapport for each companion is 1000.
- The maximum rapport is 5500 for each, but you only need to get 5000 to unlock achievements.
- In the process, you will also unlock two quests for each companion. Each quest will give +500 rapport upon completion (+1000 for each of the companions). Quests are unlocked when the companion rapport is between 2000 and 3000. Sorry, I don't remember exactly.
- So in total you need to get only +3000 for each companion or +6000 for both.
There are many ways to get rapport in the game, but they all give very low values and have cooldowns. For example for Mirri:*Sometimes these cooldowns don't work correctly for me (+/- 1 min)
- Killing a snake: +1 rapport / 5 min* cooldown
- Killing a goblin: +1 rapport / 5 min* cooldown
- Making alcohol: +1 rapport / 5 min cooldown
- Book reading: +1 rapport / 30+ min (?) cooldown
- Excavations: +5 rapport / 5 min cooldown
- Psijic portals: +5 rapport / 5 min (?) cooldown
- Visit to a Daedric srine: +10 rapport / 30 min cooldown
- Numani-Rasi daily quests (Ald’ruhn camp): +125 rapport / 24 hours (?) cooldown
All of these methods are good for the atmosphere of the game. But getting rapport this way will take forever. Even if we build a good route, it will be difficult to get more than + 2-3 rapport per minute (correct me if I'm wrong). If we constantly do only this, then we will receive approximately +150 rapport per hour for one companion. So to get 6000 points for both companions, we will need to spend about 40 hours or more.
Therefore, the fastest way to get rapport is daily guild quests, because they give +125 rapport and do not have a cooldown (or some small cooldown of about five minutes). Let me remind you:
- Bastian. Mages Guild Quests. +125 rapport each
- Mirri. Fighters Guild Quests. +125 rapport each
All you need is a real companion who will share daily quests with you. Every day your character can do 15 quests for each guild. The algorithm of actions is very simple. Step one: your main character finishes quests. Step two: you switch to another character, take new quests and share it with a friend. Step three: you switch to the main character and your friend shares quests with you. And so on.
All these actions (Mages Guild quest - Fighters Guild quest - relogs) take about 15-20 minutes. So we can get 750-1000 (375-500 for each companion) rapport per hour. In total, you need to complete 24 quests for each of the two guilds to get maximum rapport for Bastian and Mirri (and don't forget about companion quests!). The only problem is that your character can do only 15 quests per guild per day, so it will take two days anyway.
+150 per hour vs. +1000 per hour or 40+ hours vs. 6-8 hoursTake care of your time!
Thats not bad, is there similar daily for Bastian?
Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob
Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob, while the PC can wipe 20+ of them in a few seconds.
Mythreindeer wrote: »Recent interaction with Bastian:
Mythreindeer: harvests Jute
Bastian: What will you make with that?
Mythreindeer: Why I am going to make a noose Bastian.
Notification: you lost rapport with Bastian
Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds
No, because Mirri has Fighter's Guild. Has to be another random daily somewhere out in Tamriel.starkerealm wrote: »
Mage's Guild.
Quick question:
How did you get your companions to start at 1000 rapport? Mine started at 700 with the completion of the unlocking quests.
Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob, while the PC can wipe 20+ of them in a few seconds.
They're nice for providing commentary though. Reminds me of the Augur 😊
Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob, while the PC can wipe 20+ of them in a few seconds.
They're nice for providing commentary though. Reminds me of the Augur 😊