Companion Rapport: +150 per hour vs. +1000 per hour

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Hi everyone!

I decided to share on the forum the most optimal way to get the maximum rapport for both companions. But my English is not very good, so sorry in advance for that.

First, I used addons CompanionInfo and LootDrop Reborn to track rapport changes.

Here's the basics:
  • Your starting rapport for each companion is 1000.
  • The maximum rapport is 5500 for each, but you only need to get 5000 to unlock achievements.
  • In the process, you will also unlock two quests for each companion. Each quest will give +500 rapport upon completion (+1000 for each of the companions). Quests are unlocked when the companion rapport is between 2000 and 3000. Sorry, I don't remember exactly.
  • So in total you need to get only +3000 for each companion or +6000 for both.

There are many ways to get rapport in the game, but they all give very low values and have cooldowns. For example for Mirri:
  • Killing a snake: +1 rapport / 5 min* cooldown
  • Killing a goblin: +1 rapport / 5 min* cooldown
  • Making alcohol: +1 rapport / 5 min cooldown
  • Book reading: +1 rapport / 30+ min (?) cooldown
  • Excavations: +5 rapport / 5 min cooldown
  • Psijic portals: +5 rapport / 5 min (?) cooldown
  • Visit to a Daedric srine: +10 rapport / 30 min cooldown
  • Numani-Rasi daily quests (Ald’ruhn camp): +125 rapport / 24 hours (?) cooldown
*Sometimes these cooldowns don't work correctly for me (+/- 1 min)

All of these methods are good for the atmosphere of the game. But getting rapport this way will take forever. Even if we build a good route, it will be difficult to get more than + 2-3 rapport per minute (correct me if I'm wrong). If we constantly do only this, then we will receive approximately +150 rapport per hour for one companion. So to get 6000 points for both companions, we will need to spend about 40 hours or more.

Therefore, the fastest way to get rapport is daily guild quests, because they give +125 rapport and do not have a cooldown (or some small cooldown of about five minutes). Let me remind you:
  • Bastian. Mages Guild Quests. +125 rapport each
  • Mirri. Fighters Guild Quests. +125 rapport each

All you need is a real companion who will share daily quests with you. Every day your character can do 15 quests for each guild. The algorithm of actions is very simple. Step one: your main character finishes quests. Step two: you switch to another character, take new quests and share it with a friend. Step three: you switch to the main character and your friend shares quests with you. And so on.

All these actions (Mages Guild quest - Fighters Guild quest - relogs) take about 15-20 minutes. So we can get 750-1000 (375-500 for each companion) rapport per hour. In total, you need to complete 24 quests for each of the two guilds to get maximum rapport for Bastian and Mirri (and don't forget about companion quests!). The only problem is that your character can do only 15 quests per guild per day, so it will take two days anyway.

+150 per hour vs. +1000 per hour or 40+ hours vs. 6-8 hours :) Take care of your time!

  • PeachVsEggplant
    Could you break down this part a bit more?

    "Every day your character can do 15 quests for each guild"

    I only have one mages guild daily, one undaunted daily, and one fighters guild daily in my alliance capital city. Do you mean with sharing the quests with a friend?
  • khyrkat
    Like... I'm not in a hurry, what's the point in rushing things? it's MMO, it will never end, it's not like it's going anywhere. I just do usual stuff and to my surprise I got first quest from Bastian yesterday. I'm curious about the rest but I'm taking my time.
    Why does everybody in these days have to rush somewhere? Both in games and in real life, for that matter O_o Is the world ending soon and I just didn't notice announcement?
  • Shantu
    Ugh...rapport grinding. :/

    Pretty soon we'll be grinding for a randomly generated chance to grind something else.
  • FootprintsInTheAsh
    I only have one mages guild daily, one undaunted daily, and one fighters guild daily in my alliance capital city. Do you mean with sharing the quests with a friend?

    Yes, your friends can share these quests with you if your daily quests are different. For example, if you finished the fighters guild quest "Dark Anchors in Grahtwood" your friends can share any other quest with you except this one.
    khyrkat wrote: »
    Like... I'm not in a hurry, what's the point in rushing things?

    There is no point in listing the reason. Different people choose a different pace of the game and that's fine. :)
  • Pauls
    [*] Numani-Rasi daily quests (Ald’ruhn camp): +125 rapport / 24 hours (?) cooldown
    Thats not bad, is there similar daily for Bastian?
  • ApoAlaia
    Thanks for the information.

    I didn't realise that the Ashlander daily gave rapport too. I have been taking Mirri to various daedric locations for that sweet sweet rapport but is only +5 for those and after the Vvardenfell/Clockwork 'celebration' I am feeling a bit 'done' with those areas. I guess is revisit time :wink:

    I can't do what you suggest myself - regarding the MG/FG dailies - because I have 16 characters that would like to get better acquainted with her who are already 'feeding on a daily rich diet' anyway; there are just not enough hours in the day to use that 'strategy' with each one of them but is a good 'tip' if you want to 'max out' just one quickly.

    It would seem that is going to be 'rapport on the slow lane' for me, at least for the foreseeable future, but not as slow as I predicted thanks to Numani-Rasi ;) I guess being a Clanfriend has its perks.
    Edited by ApoAlaia on June 8, 2021 3:04PM
  • Starshadw
    It would be great to have a similar list for Bastian's rapport as the one in the OP for Mirri.

    I have no interest in grinding out max rapport quickly - but I would like to know what things they like/dislike so that I can pay better attention when I have one or the other out.
  • Mythreindeer
    Recent interaction with Bastian:

    Mythreindeer: harvests Jute
    Bastian: What will you make with that?
    Mythreindeer: Why I am going to make a noose Bastian.
    Notification: you lost rapport with Bastian
  • red_emu
    Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob, while the PC can wipe 20+ of them in a few seconds.

    They're nice for providing commentary though. Reminds me of the Augur 😊
    PC - EU:
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    Falathren Infernis - AD MagDK
    Your-Ex - AD MagBlade
  • FootprintsInTheAsh
    Pauls wrote: »
    Thats not bad, is there similar daily for Bastian?
    Starshadw wrote: »
    It would be great to have a similar list for Bastian's rapport as the one in the OP for Mirri.

    I was focused on Mirri when I tested all this, so I don't know anything about Bastian, sorry. But somewhere in the other forum thread there was a list. I've seen this somewhere, but I can't remember where.
  • FrancisCrawford
    red_emu wrote: »
    Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob, while the PC can wipe 20+ of them in a few seconds.

    They're nice for providing commentary though. Reminds me of the Augur 😊

    What kind of mobs are killing your companions that quickly? I don't think I've ever had one die in an overland fight. Very underleveled and undergeared companions didn't even die much when we took them to nWGT.

    Are you trying to use them in vet DLC dungeons or something like that?
  • Tinolyn
    I've noticed Killing the worm cultists that start the dolmens in base-game zones make Bastian happy. He also seems to have a shorter cooldown on book-reading rapport than Mirri.

    I've noticed Bastian tends to approve of scrying, not digging antiquities. Mirri seems to be the opposite -- I never get scrying rapport, but I do get digging rapport.

  • FootprintsInTheAsh
    red_emu wrote: »
    Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob, while the PC can wipe 20+ of them in a few seconds.

    I guess it all depends on your playing style. For some it will work fine, for others it won't. I've tried using Mirri in normal dungeons and everything works fine for me. I wrote about it here. Here is a quote:
    City of Ash II. Mirri died only once. Ash Titan burned her, but it was my fault.
    Falkreath Hold. No deaths for Mirri. I've been killed twice by trash mobs.
    Banished Cells II. No deaths for Mirri. I was killed once when I tried to disable the interface and take a screenshot during the battle with High Kinlord Rilis. So I can't show the process, just the afterparty.

  • ApoAlaia
    I have just done Numani-Rasi's daily and it did not yield any rapport.

    Not sure what is up with this... odd.
  • FootprintsInTheAsh
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    I have just done Numani-Rasi's daily and it did not yield any rapport.

    Maybe this only works for some of the seven quests, but not for each of them. It still needs testing.
  • ApoAlaia

    Maybe this only works for some of the seven quests, but not for each of them. It still needs testing.

    Yeah, I will keep trying, it only takes a few minutes to complete.

    The one I got today was Yasammidan.

    EDIT: If I have time I will try with other characters, see if I get a different one and what is the outcome.
    Running a bit late with my dailies today so not sure I will manage.
    Edited by ApoAlaia on June 8, 2021 5:20PM
  • Onyx_Werewolf_Gnome
    Hi everyone!

    I decided to share on the forum the most optimal way to get the maximum rapport for both companions. But my English is not very good, so sorry in advance for that.

    First, I used addons CompanionInfo and LootDrop Reborn to track rapport changes.

    Here's the basics:
    • Your starting rapport for each companion is 1000.
    • The maximum rapport is 5500 for each, but you only need to get 5000 to unlock achievements.
    • In the process, you will also unlock two quests for each companion. Each quest will give +500 rapport upon completion (+1000 for each of the companions). Quests are unlocked when the companion rapport is between 2000 and 3000. Sorry, I don't remember exactly.
    • So in total you need to get only +3000 for each companion or +6000 for both.

    There are many ways to get rapport in the game, but they all give very low values and have cooldowns. For example for Mirri:
    • Killing a snake: +1 rapport / 5 min* cooldown
    • Killing a goblin: +1 rapport / 5 min* cooldown
    • Making alcohol: +1 rapport / 5 min cooldown
    • Book reading: +1 rapport / 30+ min (?) cooldown
    • Excavations: +5 rapport / 5 min cooldown
    • Psijic portals: +5 rapport / 5 min (?) cooldown
    • Visit to a Daedric srine: +10 rapport / 30 min cooldown
    • Numani-Rasi daily quests (Ald’ruhn camp): +125 rapport / 24 hours (?) cooldown
    *Sometimes these cooldowns don't work correctly for me (+/- 1 min)

    All of these methods are good for the atmosphere of the game. But getting rapport this way will take forever. Even if we build a good route, it will be difficult to get more than + 2-3 rapport per minute (correct me if I'm wrong). If we constantly do only this, then we will receive approximately +150 rapport per hour for one companion. So to get 6000 points for both companions, we will need to spend about 40 hours or more.

    Therefore, the fastest way to get rapport is daily guild quests, because they give +125 rapport and do not have a cooldown (or some small cooldown of about five minutes). Let me remind you:
    • Bastian. Mages Guild Quests. +125 rapport each
    • Mirri. Fighters Guild Quests. +125 rapport each

    All you need is a real companion who will share daily quests with you. Every day your character can do 15 quests for each guild. The algorithm of actions is very simple. Step one: your main character finishes quests. Step two: you switch to another character, take new quests and share it with a friend. Step three: you switch to the main character and your friend shares quests with you. And so on.

    All these actions (Mages Guild quest - Fighters Guild quest - relogs) take about 15-20 minutes. So we can get 750-1000 (375-500 for each companion) rapport per hour. In total, you need to complete 24 quests for each of the two guilds to get maximum rapport for Bastian and Mirri (and don't forget about companion quests!). The only problem is that your character can do only 15 quests per guild per day, so it will take two days anyway.

    +150 per hour vs. +1000 per hour or 40+ hours vs. 6-8 hours :) Take care of your time!

    I bloody love you. And your English is fine (I come from the country that invented it ;) )

    PS Bookmarking this
  • starkerealm
    Pauls wrote: »
    Thats not bad, is there similar daily for Bastian?

    Mage's Guild.

    Also, worth noting, that cooldown is wrong. It's probably the same 5 or 10m cooldown as the rest. You can stack multiple guild dailies (up to a theoretical limit of 15) in a single day. You can't do the same one multiple times, but you can take the other 14 Dolmen quests if they're shared to you.

    EDIT: I did a dumb, and didn't see that was already covered in the original post.
    Edited by starkerealm on June 8, 2021 6:07PM
  • Reverb
    red_emu wrote: »
    Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob

    I want to dispute this a bit. I set my Bastian up as a tank and have been testing him in Public dungeons, and Craglorn delves and dailies. He has never died while tanking public dungeon mobs or bosses. He only died once to a crag delve boss, and he dies every time on the last bosses of the School of Warriors, Elinhir, spellscar, and Skyreach Catacombs, but he lives through the fights up to that point.

    He does decent at keeping taunt up and controlling mobs with talons, and his interrupt game is on point. He does need recalled (Right-click +Y) to get out of the red, but all in all he’s better than many pug tanks. After all the bashing on the forums I was expecting him to get one-shot all the time and it’s simply not true.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Kiralyn2000
    red_emu wrote: »
    Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob, while the PC can wipe 20+ of them in a few seconds.

    Uh, maybe you can, but...

    I suspect Companions are more aimed at the people who can't remotely do that well.
  • SteveCampsOut
    Recent interaction with Bastian:

    Mythreindeer: harvests Jute
    Bastian: What will you make with that?
    Mythreindeer: Why I am going to make a noose Bastian.
    Notification: you lost rapport with Bastian

    You mean talking to them gains or loses rapport?!?
    Sanguine & Psijic Group Beta Tester.

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  • FootprintsInTheAsh
    red_emu wrote: »
    Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds

    In addition to my previous answer. Today my character finished the nBRP with Mirri. In some arenas and rounds, she did not die even once (including the fight with the final boss). I wrote about this in more detail here.

  • cyclonus11

    Mage's Guild.
    No, because Mirri has Fighter's Guild. Has to be another random daily somewhere out in Tamriel.
  • HumbleThaumaturge
    Should be moved to the Player Guildes forum
  • hundergrn
    Quick question:

    How did you get your companions to start at 1000 rapport? Mine started at 700 with the completion of the unlocking quests.
  • FootprintsInTheAsh
    hundergrn wrote: »
    Quick question:

    How did you get your companions to start at 1000 rapport? Mine started at 700 with the completion of the unlocking quests.

    I could be wrong. Maybe I did some quests before installing CompanionInfo addon or something else.. So this information should be checked.

    UPD: Yes, I am wrong. I remembered that I unlocked Mirri for several characters and did a couple of quests for each of them to improve her fighters guild skills. So I got a little more rapport for each character at the beginning. So thanks for catching this.
    Edited by FootprintsInTheAsh on June 8, 2021 8:47PM
  • DarcyMardin
    For the first couple of days, my husband and I did this (sharing the guild quests to get more) and switching to a couple of alts who had also acquired Mirri), but it got old fast. Such fun stay standing around waiting for a dolmen to spawn. Now I’m just doing one of these Fighter’s Guild quests a day and not really caring about rapport. I’ve done too much reputation grinding in other games.

    Insightful post, though, OP. I had no clue about the exact numbers involved. Thanks!
  • ADarklore
    red_emu wrote: »
    Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob, while the PC can wipe 20+ of them in a few seconds.

    They're nice for providing commentary though. Reminds me of the Augur 😊

    People that say this are clearly players who NEVER actually use them but have only read some of the other negative opinions, most from early PTS. On LIVE, as with so many others, I have NEVER had a companion die in any content I've played... open world, delves, public dungeons and world bosses. This is with them in poor gear, mostly whites with a couple green and blue. So if some people are having problems, it's clearly THEM and not the Companion.
    Edited by ADarklore on June 8, 2021 10:56PM
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • vallisas
    For those getting Bastian up I know a place where both cultist AND bandits spawn right next to each other, so you can kill them and get rapport up twice in a row each time the cooldown drops
  • vallisas
    red_emu wrote: »
    Why would anyone bother? Even with good gear, companions die in 2 seconds to easiest mobs and it takes them 5+ minutes to kill one mob, while the PC can wipe 20+ of them in a few seconds.

    They're nice for providing commentary though. Reminds me of the Augur 😊

    Then you're building yours wrong lol, Bastian should not be dying to mobs even on weaker gear
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