Red_Feather wrote: »I liked zenithar abbey a lot and wish overland enemies had abilities that I had to think about and react to as well. It would make things more entertaining!
Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.
Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.
Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.
You don't need to know the name of the other MMO to understand what I meant. I stated all the issues i had with ESO. This was not a post to compare the two, i mentioned the other MMO only to give slight context. Knowing the name of the MMO literally has 0 effect of the rest of what I wrote. And if did you read what I wrote, you would see me say that the story and voice are amazing as those are not the issues.
mate i defeated molag baal allright..... if i die to a *** skeever there is smthing wrong.
vateshran and some other content is pretty good tho and some overland bosses have a more complex mechanic.
vateshran boss combat comes close to dark souls with all the boss attacks u have to watch out for the reason why it doesnt feel as exciting as dark souls fight is the presentation eso designers rly suck at that right now. (can also be seen in poor design of oblivion gates 0 effort in graphical presentation)
when i think back for example vaults of madness i consider extremly well designed dungeon they even toyed with ppl that had acrophobia.
they have some rly good designers and some are mediocre at best but its understandable its a big mmo so 1 can not handle everything.
just sharing my opinion here of course rly subjective and even misses the point a little of the thread.
Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.
You don't need to know the name of the other MMO to understand what I meant. I stated all the issues i had with ESO. This was not a post to compare the two, i mentioned the other MMO only to give slight context. Knowing the name of the MMO literally has 0 effect of the rest of what I wrote. And if did you read what I wrote, you would see me say that the story and voice are amazing as those are not the issues.
and I am saying that the context seems lost on me since I have no idea what the comparison actually is. For all, we know you are speaking or an awful F2P MMO that merely has the one thing going for it and will never be considered a top MMORPG in the context of WoW, FF14, or ESO.
So I am merely pointing out that context is lost. Oh, and I think ESO's questing is fabulous.
Adding more context here. We are all entitled to our opinions just as we are able to choose which games we want to play and which ones are not worthy of our time. In the end, I enjoy these well-made MMORPGs as I can chill to a good story then get my game on for the content designed for those who enjoy a challenge.
Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.
Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.
VampReworkFailed wrote: »Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.
Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.
There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.
clearly, it is that good of a game lol. PvP sucks tho 100% agree with you there. But that's the thing. The game has way more players and is way more popular than ESO despite having *** PvP. That's uh, kind of insane considering one of ESO's biggest draws is the PvP.
Also their quest design is WAY better than ESO. You don't do 'side' quests to level, you just do the main story and it feels like you're playing a climatic single player rpg at some points. Also, their quests are actually challenging and have memorable story bosses.... where as ESO? Yeah, I don't even remember the final story boss's name from last year.
@Noctus , you defile DS by even hinting at a comparison.mate i defeated molag baal allright..... if i die to a *** skeever there is smthing wrong.
vateshran and some other content is pretty good tho and some overland bosses have a more complex mechanic.
vateshran boss combat comes close to dark souls with all the boss attacks u have to watch out for the reason why it doesnt feel as exciting as dark souls fight is the presentation eso designers rly suck at that right now. (can also be seen in poor design of oblivion gates 0 effort in graphical presentation)
when i think back for example vaults of madness i consider extremly well designed dungeon they even toyed with ppl that had acrophobia.
they have some rly good designers and some are mediocre at best but its understandable its a big mmo so 1 can not handle everything.
just sharing my opinion here of course rly subjective and even misses the point a little of the thread.
LeonAkando wrote: »Honeymoon: If you want my honest opinion, I’ve played A LOT of MMOs. Every time you play a new one you get a sort of high from exploring and learning about it. I think you’re in your honeymoon phase with unnamed MMO. I’ve played a lot of that game and while I enjoy it, I also have a lot of sharp criticisms for it.
Basically the same way it goes with every MMO. You fall in love with it until you realize it’s faults because you play so much of it, and then you need some distance from the game.
Many times I have taken a break from every MMO including ESO, but I do think there’s a lot to enjoy about both games. I hope ZOS can leverage the new Microsoft acquisition and improve on the game.
VampReworkFailed wrote: »Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.
Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.
There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.
clearly, it is that good of a game lol. PvP sucks tho 100% agree with you there. But that's the thing. The game has way more players and is way more popular than ESO despite having *** PvP. That's uh, kind of insane considering one of ESO's biggest draws is the PvP.
Also their quest design is WAY better than ESO. You don't do 'side' quests to level, you just do the main story and it feels like you're playing a climatic single player rpg at some points. Also, their quests are actually challenging and have memorable story bosses.... where as ESO? Yeah, I don't even remember the final story boss's name from last year.
I genuinely don't think people even read. They see the title and just post what they think is right. Ty for clearing things up. If that person read what i wrote, they'd see I said ESO quests are good, probably one of the best. But ESO makes everyone the MC, has 10 players in places that should be solo, and it takes away from the magic. Where FFXIV is better at it by miles. I never once spoke about the actual story. I was talking about the mechanics, I guess people only infer what they want to infer.
VampReworkFailed wrote: »Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.
Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.
There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.
clearly, it is that good of a game lol. PvP sucks tho 100% agree with you there. But that's the thing. The game has way more players and is way more popular than ESO despite having *** PvP. That's uh, kind of insane considering one of ESO's biggest draws is the PvP.
Also their quest design is WAY better than ESO. You don't do 'side' quests to level, you just do the main story and it feels like you're playing a climatic single player rpg at some points. Also, their quests are actually challenging and have memorable story bosses.... where as ESO? Yeah, I don't even remember the final story boss's name from last year.
VampReworkFailed wrote: »Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.
Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.
There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.
clearly, it is that good of a game lol. PvP sucks tho 100% agree with you there. But that's the thing. The game has way more players and is way more popular than ESO despite having *** PvP. That's uh, kind of insane considering one of ESO's biggest draws is the PvP.
Also their quest design is WAY better than ESO. You don't do 'side' quests to level, you just do the main story and it feels like you're playing a climatic single player rpg at some points. Also, their quests are actually challenging and have memorable story bosses.... where as ESO? Yeah, I don't even remember the final story boss's name from last year.
Yes, side quests are meaningless there. And most of the time the way they write the quests are just terrible... Some of those steps on the quests... "I dropped a bucket full of water, kupo! Could you pick it up for me?" (MSQ quest btw) I feel more engaged doing side quests here. I followed all the way through shb. And the story is not THAT good. Its ok-ish. They need to change the way to implement quests, its not good.
mate i defeated molag baal allright..... if i die to a *** skeever there is smthing wrong.
vateshran and some other content is pretty good tho and some overland bosses have a more complex mechanic.
vateshran boss combat comes close to dark souls with all the boss attacks u have to watch out for the reason why it doesnt feel as exciting as dark souls fight is the presentation eso designers rly suck at that right now. (can also be seen in poor design of oblivion gates 0 effort in graphical presentation)
when i think back for example vaults of madness i consider extremly well designed dungeon they even toyed with ppl that had acrophobia.
they have some rly good designers and some are mediocre at best but its understandable its a big mmo so 1 can not handle everything.
just sharing my opinion here of course rly subjective and even misses the point a little of the thread.Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.
You don't need to know the name of the other MMO to understand what I meant. I stated all the issues i had with ESO. This was not a post to compare the two, i mentioned the other MMO only to give slight context. Knowing the name of the MMO literally has 0 effect of the rest of what I wrote. And if did you read what I wrote, you would see me say that the story and voice are amazing as those are not the issues.
and I am saying that the context seems lost on me since I have no idea what the comparison actually is. For all, we know you are speaking or an awful F2P MMO that merely has the one thing going for it and will never be considered a top MMORPG in the context of WoW, FF14, or ESO.
So I am merely pointing out that context is lost. Oh, and I think ESO's questing is fabulous.
Adding more context here. We are all entitled to our opinions just as we are able to choose which games we want to play and which ones are not worthy of our time. In the end, I enjoy these well-made MMORPGs as I can chill to a good story then get my game on for the content designed for those who enjoy a challenge.
Genuinely curious as how the context can be lost on you, friend. I gave apples to apples points in the questing system, the mount system, the housing, the overland, immersion differences and even about casual content that you said you enjoy, not knowing the name wont make a difference. I literally even gave the name of the world its based in at the end..
But I agree with you, that we all need to enjoy the game the way we want. However you're content with the game because updates have been catered to players such as yourself who, as you said, enjoying chilling. Imagine for a whole year you didn't get any meaningful content for questing and they only changed PVP and added a subpar PVP system; you'd be rightly annoyed too.
but you need to realise that the game isn't solely for players who want to be casual or chilling. They added hardcore system for a reason, to get people invested. If you wanna compare this trend, look at SWTOR. Did exactly what ESO had been doing lately and look how well it worked out for them despite being based in the biggest entertainment universe ever.
If you still don't get the MMO i was talking about, I'll just have to tell you i guess. It's FFXIV.
VampReworkFailed wrote: »Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.
Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.
There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.
clearly, it is that good of a game lol. PvP sucks tho 100% agree with you there. But that's the thing. The game has way more players and is way more popular than ESO despite having *** PvP. That's uh, kind of insane considering one of ESO's biggest draws is the PvP.
Also their quest design is WAY better than ESO. You don't do 'side' quests to level, you just do the main story and it feels like you're playing a climatic single player rpg at some points. Also, their quests are actually challenging and have memorable story bosses.... where as ESO? Yeah, I don't even remember the final story boss's name from last year.
mate i defeated molag baal allright..... if i die to a *** skeever there is smthing wrong.
vateshran and some other content is pretty good tho and some overland bosses have a more complex mechanic.
vateshran boss combat comes close to dark souls with all the boss attacks u have to watch out for the reason why it doesnt feel as exciting as dark souls fight is the presentation eso designers rly suck at that right now. (can also be seen in poor design of oblivion gates 0 effort in graphical presentation)
when i think back for example vaults of madness i consider extremly well designed dungeon they even toyed with ppl that had acrophobia.
they have some rly good designers and some are mediocre at best but its understandable its a big mmo so 1 can not handle everything.
just sharing my opinion here of course rly subjective and even misses the point a little of the thread.Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.
You don't need to know the name of the other MMO to understand what I meant. I stated all the issues i had with ESO. This was not a post to compare the two, i mentioned the other MMO only to give slight context. Knowing the name of the MMO literally has 0 effect of the rest of what I wrote. And if did you read what I wrote, you would see me say that the story and voice are amazing as those are not the issues.
and I am saying that the context seems lost on me since I have no idea what the comparison actually is. For all, we know you are speaking or an awful F2P MMO that merely has the one thing going for it and will never be considered a top MMORPG in the context of WoW, FF14, or ESO.
So I am merely pointing out that context is lost. Oh, and I think ESO's questing is fabulous.
Adding more context here. We are all entitled to our opinions just as we are able to choose which games we want to play and which ones are not worthy of our time. In the end, I enjoy these well-made MMORPGs as I can chill to a good story then get my game on for the content designed for those who enjoy a challenge.
Genuinely curious as how the context can be lost on you, friend. I gave apples to apples points in the questing system, the mount system, the housing, the overland, immersion differences and even about casual content that you said you enjoy, not knowing the name wont make a difference. I literally even gave the name of the world its based in at the end..
But I agree with you, that we all need to enjoy the game the way we want. However you're content with the game because updates have been catered to players such as yourself who, as you said, enjoying chilling. Imagine for a whole year you didn't get any meaningful content for questing and they only changed PVP and added a subpar PVP system; you'd be rightly annoyed too.
but you need to realise that the game isn't solely for players who want to be casual or chilling. They added hardcore system for a reason, to get people invested. If you wanna compare this trend, look at SWTOR. Did exactly what ESO had been doing lately and look how well it worked out for them despite being based in the biggest entertainment universe ever.
If you still don't get the MMO i was talking about, I'll just have to tell you i guess. It's FFXIV.
dont get me wrong i wasnt trying to guess the game ur talking about. besides final fantasy and for example gw 2 are great at what i described as presentation.
those designers have the talent to make things look big and epic. meanwhile our oblivion gates are just slightly bigger fireballs -.-
VampReworkFailed wrote: »Let's also not forget that said unnamed MMO gets 1-2 new races, 2 new classes, and every existing class gets new abilities every. single. expansion. Oh, and every expansion is connected in story and each lasts 2 years with steady updates throughout.... So the ride feels meaningful.
That's the main thing I think people are missing. This unnamed MMO gets, I'll say it again, 1-2 new races, 2 new classes, and every existing class gets MORE abilities every single expansion.
They do in 1 expansion what it's taken ESO 4+ years to do.(Which is add more variety to existing classes and add more options for players.)
VampReworkFailed wrote: »Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.
Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.
There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.
clearly, it is that good of a game lol. PvP sucks tho 100% agree with you there. But that's the thing. The game has way more players and is way more popular than ESO despite having *** PvP. That's uh, kind of insane considering one of ESO's biggest draws is the PvP.
Also their quest design is WAY better than ESO. You don't do 'side' quests to level, you just do the main story and it feels like you're playing a climatic single player rpg at some points. Also, their quests are actually challenging and have memorable story bosses.... where as ESO? Yeah, I don't even remember the final story boss's name from last year.
You are forgetting something here on the matter of popularity; Regional population.
Final Fantasy while having a rather large following in the western market is completely dwarfed by the popularity in the Asian market, in fact I would wager that a large swath perhaps majority are from the Asian region. The reason being is the game is built around Asian video game and cultural designs and appeals to them far more than it does to most western MMO players.
The Asian gaming market is absolutely enormous do not underestimate the full scope of potential and popularity that market of the world can generate, hell that region has one of the largest concentrations of internet cafes in the world specifically for games.
VampReworkFailed wrote: »Let's also not forget that said unnamed MMO gets 1-2 new races, 2 new classes, and every existing class gets new abilities every. single. expansion. Oh, and every expansion is connected in story and each lasts 2 years with steady updates throughout.... So the ride feels meaningful.
That's the main thing I think people are missing. This unnamed MMO gets, I'll say it again, 1-2 new races, 2 new classes, and every existing class gets MORE abilities every single expansion.
They do in 1 expansion what it's taken ESO 4+ years to do.(Which is add more variety to existing classes and add more options for players.)
Well, you know that there's a subscription to even have access to download the game, cash shop and expacs every 2 years at full price... And you can get almost everything on eso for gold? And its not the new healer this expac? And didn't they said that they'll stop releasing new races?
VampReworkFailed wrote: »
There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.
VampReworkFailed wrote: »1-2 new races, 2 new classes, and every existing class gets new abilities every. single. expansion.
VampReworkFailed wrote: »VampReworkFailed wrote: »Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.
Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.
There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.
clearly, it is that good of a game lol. PvP sucks tho 100% agree with you there. But that's the thing. The game has way more players and is way more popular than ESO despite having *** PvP. That's uh, kind of insane considering one of ESO's biggest draws is the PvP.
Also their quest design is WAY better than ESO. You don't do 'side' quests to level, you just do the main story and it feels like you're playing a climatic single player rpg at some points. Also, their quests are actually challenging and have memorable story bosses.... where as ESO? Yeah, I don't even remember the final story boss's name from last year.
Yes, side quests are meaningless there. And most of the time the way they write the quests are just terrible... Some of those steps on the quests... "I dropped a bucket full of water, kupo! Could you pick it up for me?" (MSQ quest btw) I feel more engaged doing side quests here. I followed all the way through shb. And the story is not THAT good. Its ok-ish. They need to change the way to implement quests, its not good.
Well, that's your opinion. The fact of the matter is the story is one of the main reasons people play the game. And statistically, it is more popular than ESO and adds more each expansion than ESO adds in 4 years.
I honest to god find the story boring cause I don't care about the FF world. BUT, I can at least appreciate it's written well and has its humorous moments such as the 'kupo' ones. The Ishgard aka heavensward story line is excellent writing full of suspense and twists.
Basically, what I'm saying is just cause you don't like something doesn't mean it lacks quality. In your eyes, it might lack quality, but the statistics say otherwise. It's like saying the Harrypotter books are horribly written. That's fine as a personal opinion, but is false when you consider they're some of the best selling books of all time and many people's favorite novel series. It has quality, even if you yourself don't see it.
LeonAkando wrote: »VampReworkFailed wrote: »
There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.
Well.. I mean.. not quite. They have roughly the same amount of players (after ESO's big year of 2020), and one would argue they have less for us (Western players) because ESO has literally no eastern servers, while FF's biggest playerbase is in the East.
Both games have significantly less players than THE biggest mmo.VampReworkFailed wrote: »1-2 new races, 2 new classes, and every existing class gets new abilities every. single. expansion.
This isn't an entirely fair point either. 1-2 Races, but the races lately were GENDER locked lol like some cheap chinese knock off.
And "Classes" is a bit of a stretch since each "Class" is closer to 1 spec if compared to WOW or a Weapon Line if like in eso. It's application is very limited and it can only do one thing (plus you can't customize it).
I agree ESO should actually revamp the classic classes and expand ability sets on all of them, that would be really cool.
And that's just a few criticisms as a savage trial player.
LeonAkando wrote: »VampReworkFailed wrote: »
There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.
I agree ESO should actually revamp the classic classes and expand ability sets on all of them, that would be really cool.
And that's just a few criticisms as a savage trial player.