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Playing [MMO which will not be named] Shows me how much ESO is missing.

NoireJin the Witchking
I will not put the name of the MMO down in this post as i know some will take the chance to be toxic and i dont want to be taken for baiting but im sure if you know the MMO then you'll know what I'm talking about. However this forum is made to 1) Give MY opinion. 2) Express my love for the game and how i think it's quality is going down. This may be a wall of text (I'll try shorting it)

I have played during beta for months and ultimately quit and came back currently having on my steam account 2.5k hours in ESO. I may not be a hardcore player but I've been playing since early 2019. I've been a Roleplayer, I've been a pvper and currently i just stick to PVE for the 5 minutes a day i log in. That isn't meant to be a insult, i mean it. I genuinely log in for 30 minutes, do my dailies and then go on to the unnamed MMO to actually enjoy the surroundings and systems. Is this because ESO fails at world building, quests and NPCS? No. The quests are amazing in ESO. Some really pull you in. However there are still fundamental issues ESO has yet to tackle. I write this post 100% knowing not a single ZOS member will actually read this and take anything in board and i don't even expect them to bc I'm a nobody online but i still love ESO and the ES lore and just want to see the game be the best version of it self.

This is perhaps the most discussed topic. It's no surprise Overland is boring, dead and honestly mind-numbing. Now many people will argue that overland (minus world bosses) should be easy because it'll be boring to fight a wolf with 40k HP. However I'm not talking about the actual values of NPC stats. I'm talking about more varied attacks and strats. If you go next to a group of 3 wolves, all 3 wolves will have a 75% chance (from my experience) to do the same attack at the same time. in the unnamed MMO i was fighting a group of level 4 rats, me as a level 8 got cocky and thought i could take on 5-6 of them. Because of my lack of skills and movement i died, but seeing my health get that low just in normal questing made it feel risky and exciting. However in eso i was being attacked by 6-10 skeevers and had to go afk to open the door for my GF. I live in a flat 9 stories high, so to put it in perspective i had to afk while going down 9 floor, chatting with GF and coming back, upwards of atleast 15 minutes. I thought i was dead but to my surprise i come back and I'm still alive ABOVE 50% HP mind you this is me at level 1 just having made a new char.
Just making so the environment in ESO reacts in unique ways will not only add immersion (that they're allegedly trying to incorporate more over player interaction) but actually make the environment feel actually potent. While i understand ZOS wants that aspect of the game to be newbie friendly, I would argue that valuing new player over your paying long term players and is a bit of a bad move as overland has all the making to be an integral part of actually interesting and rewarding questing. The quest bosses are literally laughable. Like, i beat the first and second boss of Blackwood in under 10 seconds. With just spamming abilities and melee, it didnt even hit me, it just went to my companion. Like i literally audibly said wow due to the insane anti-climactic feeling that washed over me, a 4 armed demon comes out of an oblivion portal and its that easy to kill???. But also the system included in group simulated content. You have 2 options really as a solo player to have player interaction. I will not count Delves as people usually just run to the end and rush it. In the unnamed MMO they have randomised content that players can just run into and decide to help. A group of rabid sheeps attacking villagers? You can help them with others. A invasive species attacking in hordes? You can cull them with others. or perhaps a group of demons are making their way to the city? You may banish them back to hell. and there 100 different versions of these cool interactions making USE of the older content areas as people can do these, get rewards and meet people. Now how does ESO handle this? can do world bosses which admittedly are fun and you can tell a lot of effort is places on them.
Other than that the other systems are boring. Dolmens? Repetitive, boring and literally function 100% the same as every other dolmens in other zones. oblivion portals? GL finding one there arent completed. Questing if not for the Story and voice acting would not be great. Average rewards that really doesn't feel like progression. Everyone is the main hero that HAVE to show up on your screen. People ruining the immersion by clearing out every delve you have a quest in or every little thing you go to. You need to sneak in someone house? Don't worry someone else is killing all the guards or you see 3 other people ruining the entire point of sneaking. You got teleported to a daedric zone? apparently no-ones been in for eons? Don't worry there already 15 people in there already so... Things like this just ruined the immersion of the new Expansion for me. Why cant you make Story quests instances. Why, why why would you make it so we can see everyone else in all the small zones we get to explore the story in. Like it's so aggravating when you go in a cool looking delve pertaining to the story but you cant enjoy it because there people in it killing everything so you just play a walking sim from point a to b . The puzzles in this game are so weak. Spinning 3 cubes until you get the right sequence is not engaging. It's mind numbing.

Unnamed MMO has a myriad of casual content to do when you don't just want to slave away at the same mobs in the same dungeons. Want to play a card games? Go ahead. Want to race mounts? Sure. Want to genuine puzzle raids that are unique every time? Queue up. I havent reached half of the max level and I've been more engage than i have been in eso for a while now despite it have close to 0 voice acting for the most part. I've just had so much to do and it feels so good. I was hasty and pre-ordered BW and decided i will use the game as to see if i wanted to say, i must say the main story was amazing but i got my answer.

But even the little things in the unnamed MMO does really well. Standing next to a bed? typing /sit will make you SIT on IT. With benches, chairs etc. What does ESO do? You pull out a chair from thin air. You cant even sleep in bed you have in you own housing unless you spend 10 minutes finding the perfect position for /sleep to work. Half the chairs in inns aren't even interactable. Why?? Mind you I'm not a role-player, I'm more of a pvp/e player but things like this just make the world free alive. Where are the card games? the racing? anything to add to player population in ways that matter other then the same thing everyone does? trails and dungeons that we get a handful of every year. ESO seems to be stuck on what direction it should take, it released companions for literal immersion/solo play but fails at that. Clones of the same companions bc for some reason we cant use helmets shattering immersion. No cloaks, no way to customise mounts unless you select another one, constant reused assets/rigs like the new gryphon mount, maintenance multiple times a week and constant server lag and issues. Just a bunch of features missing for game that's been out since 2014 and constantly excused bc "engine too weak to handle it" how is that an acceptable answer?

I know there will be players that will try to counter me with points like "Who needs cloaks" or "Just do dungeons and trials as endgame" or "engine is to weak" If you think this is valid and you're having fun then more power to you. I genuinely am happy for you. but seeing a game i loved for a while based around a franchise i grew up with, i can feeling nothing but sadness at how barebones the game feels to me.

Anyways I'm sleepy now and got out what i wanted to say. So respectfully i finish my quest in Tamriel and retire my necromancer to drink mead with everyone I travelled with, in Sovngarde. I hope everyone enjoys ESO as much as I did but sadly one knows when they've lost love in something they used to deeply value. Thanks for the read. Hopefully I'll see you at a new dawn in... Eorzea ;)
  • Red_Feather
    I liked zenithar abbey a lot and wish overland enemies had abilities that I had to think about and react to as well. It would make things more entertaining!
  • NoireJin the Witchking
    I liked zenithar abbey a lot and wish overland enemies had abilities that I had to think about and react to as well. It would make things more entertaining!

  • Noctus
    mate i defeated molag baal allright..... if i die to a *** skeever there is smthing wrong :D .

    vateshran and some other content is pretty good tho and some overland bosses have a more complex mechanic.

    vateshran boss combat comes close to dark souls with all the boss attacks u have to watch out for the reason why it doesnt feel as exciting as dark souls fight is the presentation eso designers rly suck at that right now. (can also be seen in poor design of oblivion gates 0 effort in graphical presentation)

    when i think back for example vaults of madness i consider extremly well designed dungeon they even toyed with ppl that had acrophobia.

    they have some rly good designers and some are mediocre at best but its understandable its a big mmo so 1 can not handle everything.

    just sharing my opinion here of course rly subjective and even misses the point a little of the thread.
    Edited by Noctus on June 8, 2021 3:17AM
  • LeonAkando
    It took me a while to figure out what unnamed MMO you were speaking of, despite having played its hardest end game PVE mode myself, until I read about the card game.

    For some background, I have over 4,000 hours in ESO and I’ve played over a dozen of MMOs at end game levels.

    I’ll express my feelings in the same categories as you:

    Overland: My experiences in unnamed MMO haven’t quite resonated with that one. I never found the open world to be challenging but there are a lot of mobs that are Stat Checks like the olden days of MMOs.

    As much as I think overland in ESO is too easy, and could use a bump, I don’t really want it as slow, sloggish, and frankly boring as unnamed MMO.
    World Bosses in ESO are a great deal of fun to solo, I’m not saying all mobs should be like them but if things like delve bosses didn’t die in 2 globals, that would be nice.

    Roleplaying: I think roleplaying in ESO is the best role playing in the market tbh. There was one other MMO that had it beat, but unfortunately that game is not with us anymore. The housing system allows for actually interesting role play sessions. In unnamed MMO owning large property is only available for the 0.00001%. The furnishing can’t be compared either. My only complaint for ESO housing is that it’s quite expensive with real money.

    You can actually sit on most chairs with E. Don’t know many times I’ve summoner a chair before. Compare that to some other older MMOs that don’t even have interact-able furnishings or housing at all.

    Immersion: I agree immersion in ESO could use a little work, but I also understand how dangerous it is to over-shard people because then the game feels dead and you never see people.

    Aesthetics: Am I the only one who doesn’t notice that ESO has no cloaks? In every mmo that has them I just immediately hide them or try to find a way to hide. They almost never look good.
    I agree ESO is way too heavy handed with reskinning things. We want new models.

    Honeymoon: If you want my honest opinion, I’ve played A LOT of MMOs. Every time you play a new one you get a sort of high from exploring and learning about it. I think you’re in your honeymoon phase with unnamed MMO. I’ve played a lot of that game and while I enjoy it, I also have a lot of sharp criticisms for it.

    Basically the same way it goes with every MMO. You fall in love with it until you realize it’s faults because you play so much of it, and then you need some distance from the game.
    Many times I have taken a break from every MMO including ESO, but I do think there’s a lot to enjoy about both games. I hope ZOS can leverage the new Microsoft acquisition and improve on the game.
  • Amottica
    Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.
  • NoireJin the Witchking
    Amottica wrote: »
    Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.

    You don't need to know the name of the other MMO to understand what I meant. I stated all the issues i had with ESO. This was not a post to compare the two, i mentioned the other MMO only to give slight context. Knowing the name of the MMO literally has 0 effect of the rest of what I wrote. And if did you read what I wrote, you would see me say that the story and voice are amazing as those are not the issues.
  • Nowa133
    Amottica wrote: »
    Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.

    Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.
    Edited by Nowa133 on June 8, 2021 3:30AM
  • Stevie6
    Maybe the Devs can come up with separate servers for

    1. Easy overland, easy mode for all dungeons and trials ( includes vet content in same mode)

    2. Normal overland, normal mode for all dungeons and trials ( includes vet content in same mode)

    3. Hard overland, hard for all dungeons and trials (vet mode for all content)

    4. Hard mode overland, hard mode for all dungeons and trials (includes mobs and bosses) (vet hard mode for all content)

    PVP would be on it's own server and nerfed to death.
  • Amottica
    6Kyojin6 wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.

    You don't need to know the name of the other MMO to understand what I meant. I stated all the issues i had with ESO. This was not a post to compare the two, i mentioned the other MMO only to give slight context. Knowing the name of the MMO literally has 0 effect of the rest of what I wrote. And if did you read what I wrote, you would see me say that the story and voice are amazing as those are not the issues.

    and I am saying that the context seems lost on me since I have no idea what the comparison actually is. For all, we know you are speaking or an awful F2P MMO that merely has the one thing going for it and will never be considered a top MMORPG in the context of WoW, FF14, or ESO.

    So I am merely pointing out that context is lost. Oh, and I think ESO's questing is fabulous.

    Adding more context here. We are all entitled to our opinions just as we are able to choose which games we want to play and which ones are not worthy of our time. In the end, I enjoy these well-made MMORPGs as I can chill to a good story then get my game on for the content designed for those who enjoy a challenge.
    Edited by Amottica on June 8, 2021 3:41AM
  • NoireJin the Witchking
    Noctus wrote: »
    mate i defeated molag baal allright..... if i die to a *** skeever there is smthing wrong :D .

    vateshran and some other content is pretty good tho and some overland bosses have a more complex mechanic.

    vateshran boss combat comes close to dark souls with all the boss attacks u have to watch out for the reason why it doesnt feel as exciting as dark souls fight is the presentation eso designers rly suck at that right now. (can also be seen in poor design of oblivion gates 0 effort in graphical presentation)

    when i think back for example vaults of madness i consider extremly well designed dungeon they even toyed with ppl that had acrophobia.

    they have some rly good designers and some are mediocre at best but its understandable its a big mmo so 1 can not handle everything.

    just sharing my opinion here of course rly subjective and even misses the point a little of the thread.
    Amottica wrote: »
    6Kyojin6 wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.

    You don't need to know the name of the other MMO to understand what I meant. I stated all the issues i had with ESO. This was not a post to compare the two, i mentioned the other MMO only to give slight context. Knowing the name of the MMO literally has 0 effect of the rest of what I wrote. And if did you read what I wrote, you would see me say that the story and voice are amazing as those are not the issues.

    and I am saying that the context seems lost on me since I have no idea what the comparison actually is. For all, we know you are speaking or an awful F2P MMO that merely has the one thing going for it and will never be considered a top MMORPG in the context of WoW, FF14, or ESO.

    So I am merely pointing out that context is lost. Oh, and I think ESO's questing is fabulous.

    Adding more context here. We are all entitled to our opinions just as we are able to choose which games we want to play and which ones are not worthy of our time. In the end, I enjoy these well-made MMORPGs as I can chill to a good story then get my game on for the content designed for those who enjoy a challenge.

    Genuinely curious as how the context can be lost on you, friend. I gave apples to apples points in the questing system, the mount system, the housing, the overland, immersion differences and even about casual content that you said you enjoy, not knowing the name wont make a difference. I literally even gave the name of the world its based in at the end..
    But I agree with you, that we all need to enjoy the game the way we want. However you're content with the game because updates have been catered to players such as yourself who, as you said, enjoying chilling. Imagine for a whole year you didn't get any meaningful content for questing and they only changed PVP and added a subpar PVP system; you'd be rightly annoyed too.
    but you need to realise that the game isn't solely for players who want to be casual or chilling. They added hardcore system for a reason, to get people invested. If you wanna compare this trend, look at SWTOR. Did exactly what ESO had been doing lately and look how well it worked out for them despite being based in the biggest entertainment universe ever.

    If you still don't get the MMO i was talking about, I'll just have to tell you i guess. It's FFXIV.
  • VampReworkFailed
    Nowa133 wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.

    Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.

    There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.

    clearly, it is that good of a game lol. PvP sucks tho 100% agree with you there. But that's the thing. The game has way more players and is way more popular than ESO despite having *** PvP. That's uh, kind of insane considering one of ESO's biggest draws is the PvP.

    Also their quest design is WAY better than ESO. You don't do 'side' quests to level, you just do the main story and it feels like you're playing a climatic single player rpg at some points. Also, their quests are actually challenging and have memorable story bosses.... where as ESO? Yeah, I don't even remember the final story boss's name from last year.
  • Amerises
    My first several months of playing ESO, I played a stamblade, didn't know about weaving until almost CP300, and didn't follow much of a build. I was wowed by people being being able to run through delves and kill everything at one time. I was about cp300 when I learned about undaunted, so doing the quest to get started, I completed Banished Cells I after several hours and thought, wow, this game is awesome, it just kicks your butt. Then I rolled a templar to become a healer, but followed alcast magplar template, and thought I was God, walking through group delves and challenging non-dlc overland bosses. Because I wanted to follow his template perfectly, I went to Scalecaller while it was the daily dlc, and got compliments on my dps for only being cp330... Im now CP900, have defeated almost all DLC HM dungeons with group finder (SCP and MHK most PUGS say no way to even try). Normal trials feel like a walk through. Vet trials are some of the only real fun content left, and although I'm in 2 endgame guilds, life usually has my attention during prime time, so vet trials are maube only a couple of times a week.

    I completed maybe 1/2 of all overland content with my original stamblade and always wanted to go back and complete the other half because it was fun, but now that it's so unbearably easy, it's just not enjoyable and feels like a chore. Poor rewards, poor gp, and poor xp makes it feel like I'm simply doing it for the sake of completing it, and there's very little joy. Mobs are a nuseasence in overland that only get in the way from running across half the map. This last set of main story quests came out and I had the same experience as OP.

    The stories are great, I appreciate much more of this game than OP, things like immersion, role playing, customization, and anesthetics are all very enjoyable to me, but how easy it is does not allow me to enjoy most of the game now. I fully appreciate the changes this year, as I think the floor has risen, which unfortunately is a large majority of the playerbase, and that makes the community better and I'm more willing to tank PUG dungeons or heal with an actual healer on vet dungeons... I realized after getting more experience that the compliments I recieved at cp330 in SCP were deserved, not because I was terribly good, but because the average player has historically been pretty bad.

    So what am I saying? If another game catches my attention, I'm sure I'll move on, but more importantly, what would keep me around is more vet content. Vet overland sounds like poor idea because supposedly it would detract from people being in normal overland, however when I first started, I dont believe I grouped once until I found out about undaunted. I think most people solo overland anyways, and giving people a reason to group up in overland would attract many more people. I for one would finish the other half of overland, and would even enjoy skyshard farming because trash mobs wouldn't be a nuseasence, but if they gave purple gear and decent gold and xp, it would make traveling through much more exciting. I loved being a sneaking altmer stamblade with invis so I could avoid trouble... only now I don't even get down laying down Dots on my backyard before the mobs are dead...
  • NoireJin the Witchking
    Nowa133 wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.

    Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.

    There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.

    clearly, it is that good of a game lol. PvP sucks tho 100% agree with you there. But that's the thing. The game has way more players and is way more popular than ESO despite having *** PvP. That's uh, kind of insane considering one of ESO's biggest draws is the PvP.

    Also their quest design is WAY better than ESO. You don't do 'side' quests to level, you just do the main story and it feels like you're playing a climatic single player rpg at some points. Also, their quests are actually challenging and have memorable story bosses.... where as ESO? Yeah, I don't even remember the final story boss's name from last year.

    I genuinely don't think people even read. They see the title and just post what they think is right. Ty for clearing things up. If that person read what i wrote, they'd see I said ESO quests are good, probably one of the best. But ESO makes everyone the MC, has 10 players in places that should be solo, and it takes away from the magic. Where FFXIV is better at it by miles. I never once spoke about the actual story. I was talking about the mechanics, I guess people only infer what they want to infer.

  • Merlin13KAGL
    Noctus wrote: »
    mate i defeated molag baal allright..... if i die to a *** skeever there is smthing wrong :D .

    vateshran and some other content is pretty good tho and some overland bosses have a more complex mechanic.

    vateshran boss combat comes close to dark souls with all the boss attacks u have to watch out for the reason why it doesnt feel as exciting as dark souls fight is the presentation eso designers rly suck at that right now. (can also be seen in poor design of oblivion gates 0 effort in graphical presentation)

    when i think back for example vaults of madness i consider extremly well designed dungeon they even toyed with ppl that had acrophobia.

    they have some rly good designers and some are mediocre at best but its understandable its a big mmo so 1 can not handle everything.

    just sharing my opinion here of course rly subjective and even misses the point a little of the thread.
    @Noctus , you defile DS by even hinting at a comparison.

    And when you press a button in DS, the skill actually works.

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • xeNNNNN
    LeonAkando wrote: »
    Honeymoon: If you want my honest opinion, I’ve played A LOT of MMOs. Every time you play a new one you get a sort of high from exploring and learning about it. I think you’re in your honeymoon phase with unnamed MMO. I’ve played a lot of that game and while I enjoy it, I also have a lot of sharp criticisms for it.

    Basically the same way it goes with every MMO. You fall in love with it until you realize it’s faults because you play so much of it, and then you need some distance from the game.
    Many times I have taken a break from every MMO including ESO, but I do think there’s a lot to enjoy about both games. I hope ZOS can leverage the new Microsoft acquisition and improve on the game.

    I think this basically sums it up yeah.

    I think many of us have played a lot of MMOs. Hell I was playing Cabal years back despite how awful it was, I was loving it - Until I wasn't. This is usually when I realise just how inconsistent and incoherent the game is.

    Then there was Archage, then there was WoW then there was SWTOR and so forth, its all a feeling of "omg this is cool" but when you finally reach the end you finally understand what you're playing in and the advantages and disadvantages you suddenly just stop enjoying it a realisation if you will.


    Archage; Beautiful with no direction. Nothing to grip you, you're just there.
    WoW: Too big for its own good and confusing if you started late and dont understand how the land got from A to B with a high stress end game and sweat, lots of it.
    Cabal: You understand you can move around and click things but thats it, it doesn't help you to understand what you're doing whatsoever. (I am not even sure if this game still exists)
    SWTOR: Incredible story telling and narrative, god awful endgame and almost no real way to easily raid or at least easily group for a raid that will accept new players without forcing voice coms even on the easiest difficulty.

    These are just examples and facets of more over arching problems with each game but they ones you notice when you understand them, they lose their shine and they lose their appeal. People need to understand, MMOs....any games...they're all transitory often people take breaks often people stop logging in, only to come back later. I say this for games like Warframe as well, its a game meant to be played in bursts. ESO isn't really like that of course but when you've run out of things you really want to do then perhaps its time for a break.
    Edited by xeNNNNN on June 8, 2021 4:12AM
    Ah, e-communities - the "pinnacle" of the internet............yeah, right.
  • Amerises
    I remember my first dolmen, I tried about 20 times before completing my first one. I kept thinking, "they wouldn't put something in the game where I naturally came to if I couldn't do it!" I was so proud that day...
  • VampReworkFailed
    6Kyojin6 wrote: »
    Nowa133 wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.

    Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.

    There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.

    clearly, it is that good of a game lol. PvP sucks tho 100% agree with you there. But that's the thing. The game has way more players and is way more popular than ESO despite having *** PvP. That's uh, kind of insane considering one of ESO's biggest draws is the PvP.

    Also their quest design is WAY better than ESO. You don't do 'side' quests to level, you just do the main story and it feels like you're playing a climatic single player rpg at some points. Also, their quests are actually challenging and have memorable story bosses.... where as ESO? Yeah, I don't even remember the final story boss's name from last year.

    I genuinely don't think people even read. They see the title and just post what they think is right. Ty for clearing things up. If that person read what i wrote, they'd see I said ESO quests are good, probably one of the best. But ESO makes everyone the MC, has 10 players in places that should be solo, and it takes away from the magic. Where FFXIV is better at it by miles. I never once spoke about the actual story. I was talking about the mechanics, I guess people only infer what they want to infer.

    Exactly. ESO quests aren't bad! They're quite entertaining. But they are no where near FFXIV's level. One actually feels like a cinematic RPG with actual IN-GAME cutscenes where ESO, quite literally, does not have a single in game cut scene.
  • Nowa133
    Nowa133 wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.

    Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.

    There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.

    clearly, it is that good of a game lol. PvP sucks tho 100% agree with you there. But that's the thing. The game has way more players and is way more popular than ESO despite having *** PvP. That's uh, kind of insane considering one of ESO's biggest draws is the PvP.

    Also their quest design is WAY better than ESO. You don't do 'side' quests to level, you just do the main story and it feels like you're playing a climatic single player rpg at some points. Also, their quests are actually challenging and have memorable story bosses.... where as ESO? Yeah, I don't even remember the final story boss's name from last year.

    Yes, side quests are meaningless there. And most of the time the way they write the quests are just terrible... Some of those steps on the quests... "I dropped a bucket full of water, kupo! Could you pick it up for me?" (MSQ quest btw) I feel more engaged doing side quests here. I followed all the way through shb. And the story is not THAT good. Its ok-ish. They need to change the way to implement quests, its not good.
    Edited by Nowa133 on June 8, 2021 4:13AM
  • VampReworkFailed
    Let's also not forget that said unnamed MMO gets 1-2 new races, 2 new classes, and every existing class gets new abilities every. single. expansion. Oh, and every expansion is connected in story and each lasts 2 years with steady updates throughout.... So the ride feels meaningful.

    That's the main thing I think people are missing. This unnamed MMO gets, I'll say it again, 1-2 new races, 2 new classes, and every existing class gets MORE abilities every single expansion.

    They do in 1 expansion what it's taken ESO 4+ years to do.(Which is add more variety to existing classes and add more options for players.)
  • VampReworkFailed
    Nowa133 wrote: »
    Nowa133 wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.

    Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.

    There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.

    clearly, it is that good of a game lol. PvP sucks tho 100% agree with you there. But that's the thing. The game has way more players and is way more popular than ESO despite having *** PvP. That's uh, kind of insane considering one of ESO's biggest draws is the PvP.

    Also their quest design is WAY better than ESO. You don't do 'side' quests to level, you just do the main story and it feels like you're playing a climatic single player rpg at some points. Also, their quests are actually challenging and have memorable story bosses.... where as ESO? Yeah, I don't even remember the final story boss's name from last year.

    Yes, side quests are meaningless there. And most of the time the way they write the quests are just terrible... Some of those steps on the quests... "I dropped a bucket full of water, kupo! Could you pick it up for me?" (MSQ quest btw) I feel more engaged doing side quests here. I followed all the way through shb. And the story is not THAT good. Its ok-ish. They need to change the way to implement quests, its not good.

    Well, that's your opinion. The fact of the matter is the story is one of the main reasons people play the game. And statistically, it is more popular than ESO and adds more each expansion than ESO adds in 4 years.

    I honest to god find the story boring cause I don't care about the FF world. BUT, I can at least appreciate it's written well and has its humorous moments such as the 'kupo' ones. The Ishgard aka heavensward story line is excellent writing full of suspense and twists.

    Basically, what I'm saying is just cause you don't like something doesn't mean it lacks quality. In your eyes, it might lack quality, but the statistics say otherwise. It's like saying the Harrypotter books are horribly written. That's fine as a personal opinion, but is false when you consider they're some of the best selling books of all time and many people's favorite novel series. It has quality, even if you yourself don't see it.
  • Noctus
    6Kyojin6 wrote: »
    Noctus wrote: »
    mate i defeated molag baal allright..... if i die to a *** skeever there is smthing wrong :D .

    vateshran and some other content is pretty good tho and some overland bosses have a more complex mechanic.

    vateshran boss combat comes close to dark souls with all the boss attacks u have to watch out for the reason why it doesnt feel as exciting as dark souls fight is the presentation eso designers rly suck at that right now. (can also be seen in poor design of oblivion gates 0 effort in graphical presentation)

    when i think back for example vaults of madness i consider extremly well designed dungeon they even toyed with ppl that had acrophobia.

    they have some rly good designers and some are mediocre at best but its understandable its a big mmo so 1 can not handle everything.

    just sharing my opinion here of course rly subjective and even misses the point a little of the thread.
    Amottica wrote: »
    6Kyojin6 wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.

    You don't need to know the name of the other MMO to understand what I meant. I stated all the issues i had with ESO. This was not a post to compare the two, i mentioned the other MMO only to give slight context. Knowing the name of the MMO literally has 0 effect of the rest of what I wrote. And if did you read what I wrote, you would see me say that the story and voice are amazing as those are not the issues.

    and I am saying that the context seems lost on me since I have no idea what the comparison actually is. For all, we know you are speaking or an awful F2P MMO that merely has the one thing going for it and will never be considered a top MMORPG in the context of WoW, FF14, or ESO.

    So I am merely pointing out that context is lost. Oh, and I think ESO's questing is fabulous.

    Adding more context here. We are all entitled to our opinions just as we are able to choose which games we want to play and which ones are not worthy of our time. In the end, I enjoy these well-made MMORPGs as I can chill to a good story then get my game on for the content designed for those who enjoy a challenge.

    Genuinely curious as how the context can be lost on you, friend. I gave apples to apples points in the questing system, the mount system, the housing, the overland, immersion differences and even about casual content that you said you enjoy, not knowing the name wont make a difference. I literally even gave the name of the world its based in at the end..
    But I agree with you, that we all need to enjoy the game the way we want. However you're content with the game because updates have been catered to players such as yourself who, as you said, enjoying chilling. Imagine for a whole year you didn't get any meaningful content for questing and they only changed PVP and added a subpar PVP system; you'd be rightly annoyed too.
    but you need to realise that the game isn't solely for players who want to be casual or chilling. They added hardcore system for a reason, to get people invested. If you wanna compare this trend, look at SWTOR. Did exactly what ESO had been doing lately and look how well it worked out for them despite being based in the biggest entertainment universe ever.

    If you still don't get the MMO i was talking about, I'll just have to tell you i guess. It's FFXIV.

    dont get me wrong i wasnt trying to guess the game ur talking about. besides final fantasy and for example gw 2 are great at what i described as presentation.
    those designers have the talent to make things look big and epic. meanwhile our oblivion gates are just slightly bigger fireballs -.-
  • xeNNNNN
    Nowa133 wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.

    Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.

    There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.

    clearly, it is that good of a game lol. PvP sucks tho 100% agree with you there. But that's the thing. The game has way more players and is way more popular than ESO despite having *** PvP. That's uh, kind of insane considering one of ESO's biggest draws is the PvP.

    Also their quest design is WAY better than ESO. You don't do 'side' quests to level, you just do the main story and it feels like you're playing a climatic single player rpg at some points. Also, their quests are actually challenging and have memorable story bosses.... where as ESO? Yeah, I don't even remember the final story boss's name from last year.

    You are forgetting something here on the matter of popularity; Regional population.

    Final Fantasy while having a rather large following in the western market is completely dwarfed by the popularity in the Asian market, in fact I would wager that a large swath perhaps majority are from the Asian region. The reason being is the game is built around Asian video game and cultural designs and appeals to them far more than it does to most western MMO players.

    The Asian gaming market is absolutely enormous do not underestimate the full scope of potential and popularity that market of the world can generate, hell that region has one of the largest concentrations of internet cafes in the world specifically for games.

    EDIT: I would also add that had WoW not started when it did and FF instead came first its very likely that the roles would be reversed right now for this very reason.
    Edited by xeNNNNN on June 8, 2021 4:20AM
    Ah, e-communities - the "pinnacle" of the internet............yeah, right.
  • VampReworkFailed
    Noctus wrote: »
    6Kyojin6 wrote: »
    Noctus wrote: »
    mate i defeated molag baal allright..... if i die to a *** skeever there is smthing wrong :D .

    vateshran and some other content is pretty good tho and some overland bosses have a more complex mechanic.

    vateshran boss combat comes close to dark souls with all the boss attacks u have to watch out for the reason why it doesnt feel as exciting as dark souls fight is the presentation eso designers rly suck at that right now. (can also be seen in poor design of oblivion gates 0 effort in graphical presentation)

    when i think back for example vaults of madness i consider extremly well designed dungeon they even toyed with ppl that had acrophobia.

    they have some rly good designers and some are mediocre at best but its understandable its a big mmo so 1 can not handle everything.

    just sharing my opinion here of course rly subjective and even misses the point a little of the thread.
    Amottica wrote: »
    6Kyojin6 wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.

    You don't need to know the name of the other MMO to understand what I meant. I stated all the issues i had with ESO. This was not a post to compare the two, i mentioned the other MMO only to give slight context. Knowing the name of the MMO literally has 0 effect of the rest of what I wrote. And if did you read what I wrote, you would see me say that the story and voice are amazing as those are not the issues.

    and I am saying that the context seems lost on me since I have no idea what the comparison actually is. For all, we know you are speaking or an awful F2P MMO that merely has the one thing going for it and will never be considered a top MMORPG in the context of WoW, FF14, or ESO.

    So I am merely pointing out that context is lost. Oh, and I think ESO's questing is fabulous.

    Adding more context here. We are all entitled to our opinions just as we are able to choose which games we want to play and which ones are not worthy of our time. In the end, I enjoy these well-made MMORPGs as I can chill to a good story then get my game on for the content designed for those who enjoy a challenge.

    Genuinely curious as how the context can be lost on you, friend. I gave apples to apples points in the questing system, the mount system, the housing, the overland, immersion differences and even about casual content that you said you enjoy, not knowing the name wont make a difference. I literally even gave the name of the world its based in at the end..
    But I agree with you, that we all need to enjoy the game the way we want. However you're content with the game because updates have been catered to players such as yourself who, as you said, enjoying chilling. Imagine for a whole year you didn't get any meaningful content for questing and they only changed PVP and added a subpar PVP system; you'd be rightly annoyed too.
    but you need to realise that the game isn't solely for players who want to be casual or chilling. They added hardcore system for a reason, to get people invested. If you wanna compare this trend, look at SWTOR. Did exactly what ESO had been doing lately and look how well it worked out for them despite being based in the biggest entertainment universe ever.

    If you still don't get the MMO i was talking about, I'll just have to tell you i guess. It's FFXIV.

    dont get me wrong i wasnt trying to guess the game ur talking about. besides final fantasy and for example gw 2 are great at what i described as presentation.
    those designers have the talent to make things look big and epic. meanwhile our oblivion gates are just slightly bigger fireballs -.-

    dont forget our oblivion gates end in 0.3 seconds due to there being literally 0 difficulty in overland.
  • Nowa133
    Let's also not forget that said unnamed MMO gets 1-2 new races, 2 new classes, and every existing class gets new abilities every. single. expansion. Oh, and every expansion is connected in story and each lasts 2 years with steady updates throughout.... So the ride feels meaningful.

    That's the main thing I think people are missing. This unnamed MMO gets, I'll say it again, 1-2 new races, 2 new classes, and every existing class gets MORE abilities every single expansion.

    They do in 1 expansion what it's taken ESO 4+ years to do.(Which is add more variety to existing classes and add more options for players.)

    Well, you know that there's a subscription to even have access to download the game, cash shop and expacs every 2 years at full price... And you can get almost everything on eso for gold? And its not only the new healer this expac? And didn't they said that they'll stop releasing new races?
    Edited by Nowa133 on June 8, 2021 4:24AM
  • VampReworkFailed
    xeNNNNN wrote: »
    Nowa133 wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.

    Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.

    There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.

    clearly, it is that good of a game lol. PvP sucks tho 100% agree with you there. But that's the thing. The game has way more players and is way more popular than ESO despite having *** PvP. That's uh, kind of insane considering one of ESO's biggest draws is the PvP.

    Also their quest design is WAY better than ESO. You don't do 'side' quests to level, you just do the main story and it feels like you're playing a climatic single player rpg at some points. Also, their quests are actually challenging and have memorable story bosses.... where as ESO? Yeah, I don't even remember the final story boss's name from last year.

    You are forgetting something here on the matter of popularity; Regional population.

    Final Fantasy while having a rather large following in the western market is completely dwarfed by the popularity in the Asian market, in fact I would wager that a large swath perhaps majority are from the Asian region. The reason being is the game is built around Asian video game and cultural designs and appeals to them far more than it does to most western MMO players.

    The Asian gaming market is absolutely enormous do not underestimate the full scope of potential and popularity that market of the world can generate, hell that region has one of the largest concentrations of internet cafes in the world specifically for games.

    Popularity is popularity is all I'm getting from this. It's ESO's fault if they don't want to invest in being able to run effectively over-seas and yet another reason why FFXIV is just flat out better. FFXIV is world-wide. ESO is barely able to be played in EU.

    The fact that such an asian-inspired game can still beat out ESO in terms of western population is pretty insane. Keep in mind if we take the world-wide population of FFXIV and compare it to ESO, it isn't even a close contest. If we compared *just* the western populations? It's certainly closer, but FFXIV still pulls ahead.
    Edited by VampReworkFailed on June 8, 2021 4:27AM
  • VampReworkFailed
    Nowa133 wrote: »
    Let's also not forget that said unnamed MMO gets 1-2 new races, 2 new classes, and every existing class gets new abilities every. single. expansion. Oh, and every expansion is connected in story and each lasts 2 years with steady updates throughout.... So the ride feels meaningful.

    That's the main thing I think people are missing. This unnamed MMO gets, I'll say it again, 1-2 new races, 2 new classes, and every existing class gets MORE abilities every single expansion.

    They do in 1 expansion what it's taken ESO 4+ years to do.(Which is add more variety to existing classes and add more options for players.)

    Well, you know that there's a subscription to even have access to download the game, cash shop and expacs every 2 years at full price... And you can get almost everything on eso for gold? And its not the new healer this expac? And didn't they said that they'll stop releasing new races?

    Nope, the game has a free trial of up to lvl 60 and includes the entire first DLC. You can play every single class (except for the ones that dont unlock till pass 60) up to level 60 and this also includes life-skills too. Also if we're really going to be upset about a $12 monthly sub after that to just play the game, I feel like if you can't afford to spend $12 a month to have access to such a large game then you probably shouldn't be playing an MMO in general imo. Also don't forget that having a sub in ESO provides you with a lot of content and a very OP crafting bag.

    You can get almost anything in FFXIV for gold, where as in ESO the best cosmetics are locked behind the crownstore. I'm sorry, but are you seriously trying to argue that FFXIV has a worse cashshop than ESO? Seriously? Lol.

    ESO's cashshop is quite literally so bad it's the only MMO in the top 5 list that has loot boxes. But go on, feel free to explain in full clarity how FFXIV's cash shop is even comparable.

    Like, you do know all of the good mounts in FFXIV and cosmetics can be obtained in game, right? And aren't sold on the cash shop? Like, bruh. Ur really comparing a game where you can get at max 3-ish unique mounts in game from various methods (eso) to FFXIV where they have hundreds of collectable in-game mounts and minions. Each one changes the travel music based on mount thematic btw (:
    Edited by VampReworkFailed on June 8, 2021 4:29AM
  • LeonAkando

    There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.

    Well.. I mean.. not quite. They have roughly the same amount of players (after ESO's big year of 2020), and one would argue they have less for us (Western players) because ESO has literally no eastern servers, while FF's biggest playerbase is in the East.

    Both games have significantly less players than THE biggest mmo.

    1-2 new races, 2 new classes, and every existing class gets new abilities every. single. expansion.

    This isn't an entirely fair point either. 1-2 Races, but the races lately were GENDER locked lol like some cheap chinese knock off.
    And "Classes" is a bit of a stretch since each "Class" is closer to 1 spec if compared to WOW or a Weapon Line if like in eso. It's application is very limited and it can only do one thing (plus you can't customize it).

    I agree ESO should actually revamp the classic classes and expand ability sets on all of them, that would be really cool.

    And that's just a few criticisms as a savage trial player.
  • Nowa133
    Nowa133 wrote: »
    Nowa133 wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Considering the unnamed MMO is, well, unnamed, then we cannot really consider it relevant to the discussion as we cannot discuss it. It would be interesting to know what the discussion is about since I think the regular questing in this game is superior to most MMORPGs I have played. Very well written, voiced. and drawn. As I get better geared and more CP I look forward to getting into the more challenging aspects of the game such as the more serious dungeons and the raids. I have already started working on vet Maelstrom which I find to be a worthy challenge at my lower CP level.

    Its final fantasy xiv. And its not THAT good of a game. Its overland is empty, side quests are terrible, and etc. I would trade ffxiv sides quests for eso side quests anytime of the day. And they have such a poor quest design imo. Did i mentioned nobody group up there? It even worse than eso. And c'mon, as a pvp player, how can you say ffxiv is better than eso? ffxiv pvp is terrible.

    There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.

    clearly, it is that good of a game lol. PvP sucks tho 100% agree with you there. But that's the thing. The game has way more players and is way more popular than ESO despite having *** PvP. That's uh, kind of insane considering one of ESO's biggest draws is the PvP.

    Also their quest design is WAY better than ESO. You don't do 'side' quests to level, you just do the main story and it feels like you're playing a climatic single player rpg at some points. Also, their quests are actually challenging and have memorable story bosses.... where as ESO? Yeah, I don't even remember the final story boss's name from last year.

    Yes, side quests are meaningless there. And most of the time the way they write the quests are just terrible... Some of those steps on the quests... "I dropped a bucket full of water, kupo! Could you pick it up for me?" (MSQ quest btw) I feel more engaged doing side quests here. I followed all the way through shb. And the story is not THAT good. Its ok-ish. They need to change the way to implement quests, its not good.

    Well, that's your opinion. The fact of the matter is the story is one of the main reasons people play the game. And statistically, it is more popular than ESO and adds more each expansion than ESO adds in 4 years.

    I honest to god find the story boring cause I don't care about the FF world. BUT, I can at least appreciate it's written well and has its humorous moments such as the 'kupo' ones. The Ishgard aka heavensward story line is excellent writing full of suspense and twists.

    Basically, what I'm saying is just cause you don't like something doesn't mean it lacks quality. In your eyes, it might lack quality, but the statistics say otherwise. It's like saying the Harrypotter books are horribly written. That's fine as a personal opinion, but is false when you consider they're some of the best selling books of all time and many people's favorite novel series. It has quality, even if you yourself don't see it.

    Despite all its flaws, eso keeps making me come back, since the WORLD its completely void of people there. Eso will not have the great trinity system that ffxiv has, but its life, i guess. Being a healer or a tank means next to nothing outside vet content here or trials and pvp. its what makes me go there from time to time.
  • VampReworkFailed
    LeonAkando wrote: »

    There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.

    Well.. I mean.. not quite. They have roughly the same amount of players (after ESO's big year of 2020), and one would argue they have less for us (Western players) because ESO has literally no eastern servers, while FF's biggest playerbase is in the East.

    Both games have significantly less players than THE biggest mmo.

    1-2 new races, 2 new classes, and every existing class gets new abilities every. single. expansion.

    This isn't an entirely fair point either. 1-2 Races, but the races lately were GENDER locked lol like some cheap chinese knock off.
    And "Classes" is a bit of a stretch since each "Class" is closer to 1 spec if compared to WOW or a Weapon Line if like in eso. It's application is very limited and it can only do one thing (plus you can't customize it).

    I agree ESO should actually revamp the classic classes and expand ability sets on all of them, that would be really cool.

    And that's just a few criticisms as a savage trial player.

    a single class in FFXIV has more variety than an entire class + weapon skill line in ESO. At least there's a unique feel and no homogenizing of classes to basically function exactly the same. Also, you have more abilities to mess around with than in ESO by a crap ton. That's part of the reason why classes feel so diverse and unique.

    Also, will agree on specs in WoW. I just really enjoy the spec system from WoW, but we're comparing ESO to FFXIV so WoW is irrelevant here.

    Also the races being genderlocked I'm pretty sure is a lore thing and they are also adding the other genders of the two gender locked races. While I'll agree releasing a couple of races that are genderlocked is a bit wack, that's still more than ESO has ever gotten in the race department. So, eso isn't even on [snip]-knock off levels.

    Let's not forget FFXIV also has. . . .

    free on-demand class changing and you can level each class like a proper skill line. That's where this argument is undoubtedly in my favor. Where in ESO you have weapon skill lines, in FFXIV you literally just straight up have access to every single class. That in turn makes the amount you're able to mess around with in FFXIV when it comes to skills and classes way more than ESO.

    [Edited to remove Offensive Content]
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on June 8, 2021 10:24AM
  • xeNNNNN
    LeonAkando wrote: »

    There's a reason FFXIV is the second most popular MMO behind WoW and far ahead of ESO.

    I agree ESO should actually revamp the classic classes and expand ability sets on all of them, that would be really cool.

    And that's just a few criticisms as a savage trial player.

    Expanding ability sets would be really cool, me and friends have been theory crafting on this as well for example you know the vampire boss in DSA? She now does that disappear in fire and then reappears at the target and slams her weapons down on it (obviously the tank or 4th dd lol)

    It would be really cool if DK's had that built into their whip if they chose to improve it in that way. I know it would be horribly broken but giving a player the power to do that would be visually awesome. PvP wise it would probably be quite broken though and then in PvE probably ehhhh useless in raids due to it taking you off your rotation for a flat 2 seconds. Unless a DK tank wants to use it for repositioning on adds or something I guess lol
    Ah, e-communities - the "pinnacle" of the internet............yeah, right.
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