Araneae6537 wrote: »I’m grateful to those on PTS who alerted us to this impending change! I bought and completed extra writs to get the furnishing patterns I wanted most before this latest patch.
At the very least there needs to be a way to preview the contents of each pack in-game!
Alinhbo_Tyaka wrote: »I don't understand the need to change something that wasn't broken.
The contents of the folios are listed in the patch notes.
When we can't get rid of these folios, because otherwise there will be too many offers in the list, then it would at least be good if you had the option to choose certain things. A complete folio with Alinor furnishing plans e.g. costs the full price and accordingly less if you only select 3 plans from it. That should not be too difficult to implement.
Alinhbo_Tyaka wrote: »Yep the folios are dead end for those of us that are casual about doing crafting writs. The older method allowed me to find furnishing I had a use for and work towards buying the plan in a reasonable time frame. The new way increases the time required to get a plan and worse sticks me with a bunch of stuff I will never use. I don't understand the need to change something that wasn't broken. If it was an attempt to shorten the lists, although there are better ways, I don't see why they couldn't have gone to collapsible headings like we have in the provisioning menu.
I believe that there is a limit to the number of items that a vendor can stock, which is why Rolis needed an assistant in the first place...
Thanks, sort's an actually helpful link and list.
Which confirms that there's little rhyme or reason to the groupings. The Clothier's Form is a dwarven item, should be in Morrowind if anywhere...they could have put the Dark Elf Tent in there instead, but no, that's in Ebonheart...universal items in Crafter's except the Alchemical Apparatus, you'll need to learn Dark Elf for that. This is just seriously stupid, what drunken intern came up with this?
Why not have a writ furnishing vendor in the appropriate zone? E.g. a writ vendor who sells only Summerset plans in Alinor. That would reduce the lengthy list problem, and perhaps allow them to sell more non-legendary patterns.
The contents of the folios are listed in the patch notes.
Thanks, sort's an actually helpful link and list.
Which confirms that there's little rhyme or reason to the groupings. The Clothier's Form is a dwarven item, should be in Morrowind if anywhere...they could have put the Dark Elf Tent in there instead, but no, that's in Ebonheart...universal items in Crafter's except the Alchemical Apparatus, you'll need to learn Dark Elf for that. This is just seriously stupid, what drunken intern came up with this?
Crafter's Furnishing Folio
Diagram: Apparatus, Boiler
Formula: Case of Vials
Diagram: Apparatus, Gem Calipers
Blueprint: Podium, Skinning
Blueprint: Tools, Case
Formula: Bottle, Poison Elixir
Design: Mortar and Pestle
Blueprint: Cabinet, Poisonmaker's
Praxis: Orcish Table with Fur
Pattern: Orcish Tapestry, Spear
Design: Orcish Skull Goblet, Full
Morrowind Furnishing Folio
Formula: Mages Apparatus, Master
Diagram: Dwarven Gyroscope, Masterwork
Pattern: Dres Sewing Kit, Master's
Praxis: Hlaalu Bath Tub, Masterwork
Design: Mammoth Cheese, Mastercrafted
Blueprint: Telvanni Candelabra, Masterwork
Dark Elf Furnishing Folio
Formula: Alchemical Apparatus, Master
Diagram: Hlaalu Gong
Pattern: Clothier's Form, Brass
Praxis: Hlaalu Trinket Box, Curious Turtle
Design: Miniature Garden, Bottled
Blueprint: Hlaalu Gaming Table, "Foxes & Felines"
Summerset Furnishing Folio
Sketch: Alinor Ancestor Clock, Celestial
Sketch: Figurine, The Dragon's Glare
Diagram: Relic Vault, Impenetrable
Pattern: Alinor Bed, Levitating
Blueprint: Alinor Bookshelf, Grand Full
Praxis: Alinor Gaming Table, Punctilious Conflict
Formula: Artist's Palette, Pigment
Design: Alinor Grape Stomping Tub
Ebonheart Furnishing Folio
Sketch: Silver Kettle, Masterworked
Blueprint: Frog-Caller, Untuned
Design: Pottery Wheel, Ever-Turning
Formula: Alchemical Apparatus, Condenser
Praxis: Hlaalu Salt Lamp, Enchanted
Pattern: Dark Elf Tent, Canopy
Diagram: Hlaalu Stove, Chiminea
Elsweyr Furnishing Folio
Diagram: Elsweyr Gate, Masterwork
Pattern: Elsweyr Chaise Lounge, Upholstered
Blueprint: Elsweyr Cart, Masterwork
Praxis: Elsweyr Statue, Shrine Lion
Formula: Elsweyr Incense, Fragrant
Design: Provisioning Station, Elsweyr Grill
Sketch: Elsweyr Cage, Filigree
So I've been grinding Master Writs to get access to the furnishing plans sold by Faustina Curio.
I saved up ~600 Writ Vouchers so I could get some of the furnishing plans costing 100 Writ Vouchers each.
Now with Update 29, all of those furnishing plans have been packed together in different 'Folios', costing 600 - 1100 Writ Vouchers per Folio.
This is just stupid and what makes it even worse, is that I can't see in-game what furnishing plans are contained in a Folio.
Instead of getting the furnishing plans I want, I have to spend loads of Writ Vouchers on Folios that contain furnishing plans I don't even want.
I really hope this gets reverted in some way or form, or have the ability back to just buy them separately.
On the one hand a good idea, but on the other hand it also means that you have to travel around a lot, but above all that you don't have a real overview. So maybe I'll be in Alinor and I'm not sure whether I really want to spend my writ vouchers on something in particular, if I can't compare whether there is perhaps something else that I would rather have.
But of course you have at the moment also no real comparison, if you can not see what is in these folios. Hopefully this will be changed.