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Undaunted: People stealing Event Tickets and Reward Boxes

CP810 guys running FG1 as "fake tank" for fast Undaunted reward boxes are known.
As long as they take the group with them, I am ok with it.

However, I am not ok with a new breed of CP810 guys running as "fake tank",
running straight to Warchief Ozazai leaving all mobs behind for the group,
then after killing the boss running straight to Kra’gh the Dreugh King to kill the end bos.

Result: By the time the rest of the group reaches Kra’gh the Dreugh King,
sometimes the boss is already despawned/invisible and cannot be looted,
so guys lose their Event Tickets and Golden Reward Box of the day.
People trying to do their quest probably also are not able to do the quest anymore.
This way 3 people are gimped because of just one selfish guy.

Suggestion 1 (bug fix): Killed bosses should always stay lootable pls

Suggestion 2 (fake player fix): I think Veteran Players (CP160+) should only be able to run Veteran Dungeons. CP810 players speedrunning beginner content as FG1 or SC1 often are destroying the dungeon experience for beginners.
  • Ellimist_Entreri
    This is an issue with how the dungeon is designed and how that interacts with both the quest for that specific dungeon and the event rewards.

    Locking high level players out of low tier content won't fix this as even at champ 100 a player with the right build and malicious intent could do the exact same thing.
  • sarahthes
    I do normal dungeons as a cp 810 player all the time. Sometimes with a premade group, sometimes by myself or with one other person, once in a blue moon with a pug.

    I also know a ton of cp 810 players who are primarily in the game for questing, trading, and housing. They do normal dungeons because that's all they're interested in.

    Easy content should not be gated for any reason.
  • Starlock
    Stealing means that something already in someone's possession is being taken from their possession. In this context, stealing event tickets would be a user hacking someone's account somehow to remove event tickets from their event currency to transfer it to their own. I thought this thread was going to be about some new hack, which would be a very serious issue. What you are describing is not "stealing."
  • Salvas_Aren
    CP810 guys running FG1 as "fake tank" for fast Undaunted reward boxes are known.
    As long as they take the group with them, I am ok with it.

    However, I am not ok with a new breed of CP810 guys running as "fake tank",
    running straight to Warchief Ozazai leaving all mobs behind for the group,
    then after killing the boss running straight to Kra’gh the Dreugh King to kill the end bos.

    Result: By the time the rest of the group reaches Kra’gh the Dreugh King,
    sometimes the boss is already despawned/invisible and cannot be looted,
    so guys lose their Event Tickets and Golden Reward Box of the day.
    People trying to do their quest probably also are not able to do the quest anymore.
    This way 3 people are gimped because of just one selfish guy.

    Suggestion 1 (bug fix): Killed bosses should always stay lootable pls

    Suggestion 2 (fake player fix): I think Veteran Players (CP160+) should only be able to run Veteran Dungeons. CP810 players speedrunning beginner content as FG1 or SC1 often are destroying the dungeon experience for beginners.

    I like those speeders when i do my daily random normal on my alts. Else i would bring in

    Suggestion 3 (cry fix): Veteran players should not be able to get pugged to noobs.

    Can they do it as well alone? Yes, they group for the group composition bonus. So before some genius suggests they should enter alone anyway, i suggest to remove the group composition bonus from the game entirely.
  • Ariont
    The easiest and best way to solve this issue is for everyone at the beginning ask if anyone is on the quest and if anyone is opposed to a speed run for tickets. And I would advise anyone who gets paired up with 3 level 810's to actually say something when asked.

    I have 10 level 810 characters and I am bringing up a new character who is only a level 22 now. I've gotten the speedos who want to run through the dungeon at break neck speed and I just got right along as I have done these dungeons so many times already. But for a new player just starting that journey I would highly recommend stating at the beginning that you are on the quest.
    CP810 guys running FG1 as "fake tank" for fast Undaunted reward boxes are known.
    As long as they take the group with them, I am ok with it.

    I agree with you on this. It is in poor taste to run off and leave the slower players behind.

  • Danikat
    I agree that something should be done to fix or prevent this, as it's really annoying when one person rushes ahead of the group like that.

    I'm not sure what could be done to prevent it though. Making sure the boss is permanently lootable by everyone in the group after being killed is a step in the right direction but a way to stop one player rushing ahead would be even better.
    Suggestion 2 (fake player fix): I think Veteran Players (CP160+) should only be able to run Veteran Dungeons. CP810 players speedrunning beginner content as FG1 or SC1 often are destroying the dungeon experience for beginners.

    Please don't do this. I'm above 160CP but I spend the vast majority of my time questing and exploring in open world maps. I think the majority of my CP have actually come from crafting writs, because the master writs give tons of XP. Even my main character is 'only' wearing crafted sets and using whatever skills I enjoy using.

    It works well enough for open world and normal mode dungeons but I've never tried or wanted to try veteran dungeons and I certainly don't want to annoy the rest of the group by being forced into a veteran dungeon with a character I know is not set up for it. I probably could farm new equipment and design and learn to use a new build that would be good enough and learn to complete veteran dungeon, but I'd rather not have to do all that just because some idiots think they're more important than the rest of their group.

    Also pushing the problem onto the minority of players who choose to run veteran dungeons isn't actually a solution, it just means you won't see it.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • SirAndy
    Can they do it as well alone? Yes, they group for the group composition bonus. So before some genius suggests they should enter alone anyway, i suggest to remove the group composition bonus from the game entirely.

    As a max CP player, that extra "bonus" means nothing to me. When FG1 came up in the undaunted rotation yesterday, i ported into FG1 solo on vet and cleared out the whole dungeon while *not* skipping anything.

    There is no reason to be [Snip] just for some extra XP you can easily get in minutes by just playing the game.

    [Edited for rude comment]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on December 9, 2020 6:21PM
  • vestahls
    Was PUGed with someone like that yesterday, but they couldn't finish on their own, and the rest of the group was split/dead before reaching the boss, and as one group member was in combat the rest couldn't rez.

    We ended up leaving as it was a waste of our time, and I blocked the dude so that I hopefully won't end up with him again.
    “He is even worse than a n'wah. He is - may Vivec forgive me for uttering this word - a Hlaalu.”
    luv Abnur
    luv Rigurt
    luv Stibbons

    'ate Ayrenn
    'ate Razum-dar
    'ate Khamira

    simple as
  • Massive_Stain
    sarahthes wrote: »
    I do normal dungeons as a cp 810 player all the time. Sometimes with a premade group, sometimes by myself or with one other person, once in a blue moon with a pug.

    I also know a ton of cp 810 players who are primarily in the game for questing, trading, and housing. They do normal dungeons because that's all they're interested in.

    Easy content should not be gated for any reason.

    100% agree with this
    PC: CP 1200+ DroDest, Bringer of light
    PS4: CP 1500+ Dro Dest, SoTN, Bringer of light, CragHMs, EoF, IR, TTT
    Xbox: CP 450 Fungal Grotto 1 HM
  • Danikat
    Ariont wrote: »
    The easiest and best way to solve this issue is for everyone at the beginning ask if anyone is on the quest and if anyone is opposed to a speed run for tickets. And I would advise anyone who gets paired up with 3 level 810's to actually say something when asked.

    I have 10 level 810 characters and I am bringing up a new character who is only a level 22 now. I've gotten the speedos who want to run through the dungeon at break neck speed and I just got right along as I have done these dungeons so many times already. But for a new player just starting that journey I would highly recommend stating at the beginning that you are on the quest.
    CP810 guys running FG1 as "fake tank" for fast Undaunted reward boxes are known.
    As long as they take the group with them, I am ok with it.

    I agree with you on this. It is in poor taste to run off and leave the slower players behind.

    I agree that would be the best solution, but the problem is it relies on people who are currently the problem recognising that their behaviour is having a negative impact on the rest of their group and choosing to change it, which is unlikely to happen since the root of the problem is that they aren't thinking about anyone except themselves.

    Maybe if some of them actually think they're being helpful by doing this learning that they're depriving everyone else of the reward might convince them to slow down. But I doubt most have thought about anything other than wanting to get to the end and get out again as quickly as possible.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Raideen
    The easiest solution is to do what WOW does. When you are in a dungeon, if you are not able to loot the boss or the boss despawns and you cant loot it, the loot shows up in the mail.

    Its been a feature in that game for almost a decade now. If they can do it, I am 100% confident the talent at ZOS can as well.
  • AlnilamE
    OP, if that happens to you, report the player for griefing and submit a support ticket to ask for your box and tickets.

    If I'm in a rush to do a dungeon, I'll solo it. Otherwise, I go with the group.

    But as a max CP player, I would most certainly not want to be limited to veteran dungeons only.
    The Moot Councillor
  • caperb
    Ariont wrote: »
    The easiest and best way to solve this issue is for everyone at the beginning ask if anyone is on the quest and if anyone is opposed to a speed run for tickets. And I would advise anyone who gets paired up with 3 level 810's to actually say something when asked.

    This is usually the problem. A lot of players don't even say "hey", even when the rest of the group does.

    A lot of players also don't respond when they are asked if they are doing the quest.

    Even less respond when "skip x boss" is said/asked.

    Not going to wait anymore on people you ask thrice but keep their mouth shut.
    Edited by caperb on December 9, 2020 4:56PM
  • jaws343
    You realize in FG1, you can just sprint along with the player doing this and kill the same bosses they are killing and get your tickets, and then just go backwards through the dungeon and kill the other bosses if you want. It literally changes nothing about the dungeon. And it sounds like the rest of the group did the worthless boss fights without the 4th guy anyway, so it isn't like it will be any harder to go backwards through the dungeon without them.
  • KaGaOri
    The moment high level speedruner completly ditches the group - kick him. With luck game will get him out of the instance before he kills the final boss and even if he does it shouldn't count as group kill, at least giving everyone else another go for golden box + tickets on the next run.

    That said, I'm against locking normal dungeons for above 160 CP players. It's where one goes for quests, to learn layouts and mechanics and to help low level guildies and friends. Have been 300 CP+ already before even trying dungeons at all and in no way vet-worthy. There are likely people even higher who just went around questing to that point and would like to try dungeon for first time. Throwing them directly to vet will make both them and their group miserable.
  • Hark_Angel
    Soul Shriven
    We had this happen to us the future if we get someone running ahead from now on they will be kicked, one selfish individual is not going to spoil it for the group.
  • defcon.dealer1b14_ESO
    Join a guild or 5, shout out in zone....make some gaming friends....roll with them. Easy fix to what u claim is an issue.

    Yw. 👍
    I'm offended that ur offended....

    PC NA
    PSN NA
  • VaranisArano
    CP is account wide. My level 30 tank technically has 810 CP. So lets be precise here: you want all level 50+, CP 160+ characters stuck in Veteran dungeons because some CP 810 players are jerks during an event.


    Its not even a matter of personal preference. That's not how the Groupfidner works. There's a ton of normal dungeons that don't unlock until level 45.

    So by your suggestion, you've got from level 45 to CP 160 to experience every normal dungeon on your first character (or from level 45 to level 50 for your other characters)...or the first time you do City of Ash II, Crypt of Hearts II, or the DLC dungeons will be on Vet difficulty. Good luck, newbie!

    (Easy player-based suggestion: trying running Spindleclutch or Banished Cells instead of Fungal Grotto. Sure, it takes longer because you can't skip half the dungeon with the waterfall jump and you can't pull all the mobs without stopping. But both of those are easy enough for level 10s and don't generally attract the same level of jerk speedrunners.

    Personally, I just do the Random Normal Dungeon and so far my CP 810 DD-with-a-taunt Tank has successfully run FG1, Spindleclutch 1, Blackheart Haven, and City of Ash 2. No jerks so far.)
  • Jeirno
    The adds follow you, just run to the boss with him and the adds will come there????
  • spartaxoxo
    If someone is rushing this way, FOLLOW THEM. Do NOT kill the other mobs, you can actually go back and kill them later if you so choose. If you FOLLOW them, this will not interrupt any quest unless you wanted to hear the dialogue. In which case, now is NOT the time to try to use group finder for that.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on December 9, 2020 5:13PM
  • phileunderx2
    As soon as you see the jerk take off initate a vote kick. Other wise you will have to try and keep up with them.
  • LalMirchi
    I think OP had the best solution as #1 Let the boss stay lootable (until the entire group is finished).
  • spartaxoxo
    Jeirno wrote: »
    The adds follow you, just run to the boss with him and the adds will come there????

    This. That said anyone who doesn't wait for the group before killing the final boss is a jerk. That said, there is nothing wrong with big pulls. And going out of your way to ruin their big pulls actually just makes things worse for everyone. If everyone stays together the adds will follow and you can ult everything down at once, with zero negative side effects to the quest.

    I kill this dungeon in 2 pulls. I rush to first boss, ult. Rush to second boss, ult. And then drop down to the waterfall and wait on the bridge. If you don't follow behind me by literally just sprinting, that's just you ruining things for the both of us. Wasting both of our times out of spite for rushing.

    That's not on the person doing the pulling, that's on you.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on December 9, 2020 5:27PM
  • driosketch
    FYI: You will still get your box and tickets from running another dungeon if this happens to you.

    I had this happen to me. A couple inexperienced players, and a CP player. We had killed the first boss before one of the other players realized we had started. After the second boss, CP player ran to the final boss while the others two took the long path. I stuck with them, figuring the three of us might finish third boss off and get close enough for credit before the other player soloed the final boss.

    As it turned out, we didn't. (Though I did get random dungeon completion credit.) The player did back track to help us kill boss 4. However, when I arrived at the final boss it was stuck in animation with a little health left. I couldn't damage it or loot it. I tried travel to player and then took the portal back, but it was now just dead with no yellow glow.

    This was just after the roll over, so I thought I had lost the next day's tickets. Thankfully, that was not the the case when I ran a dungeon the next night and got my gold box and tickets. The next time I encountered FG1, I pointed the rest of the group to the waterfall so they wouldn't miss out. One player almost couldn't make it up the bank on the other side. I was trying to hit him with regen so he would get marked present, and directing them to the shore on the left. I think they did get their loot in the end, but the whole thing is crazy.
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • SydneyGrey
    I can't stand those people. If they're going to leave the rest of the group behind, then they need to just solo the dungeon and not use group finder.
  • Melivar
    Driosketch is correct if you can't loot the boss your next dungeon will still give you the rewards.

    Had this happen on my EU account yesterday I stayed to help the level 20ish player and the other level 30ish player followed the max level character. Couldn't loot the final boss so joined the que again and was happy to find the gold event box at the end of the dungeon.

  • spartaxoxo
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    I can't stand those people. If they're going to leave the rest of the group behind, then they need to just solo the dungeon and not use group finder.

    9 out 10 times, everyone will follow you. And rushing will go smoothly. Because all the mobs will be gathered in place to be ulted down. This is faster than doing it alone.

    The other time people will not follow you either because they don't understand that killing the mobs is detrimental to themselves or because they are being petty. Either way my only responsibility to them is hold off on the bosses needed for important credit. Side bosses and mobs they miss being slow are on them. Sprinting is not a difficult thing to do. Everyone can do it.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on December 9, 2020 5:33PM
  • croakie
    sarahthes wrote: »
    I do normal dungeons as a cp 810 player all the time. Sometimes with a premade group, sometimes by myself or with one other person, once in a blue moon with a pug.

    I also know a ton of cp 810 players who are primarily in the game for questing, trading, and housing. They do normal dungeons because that's all they're interested in.

    Easy content should not be gated for any reason.

    100% agree with this

    And in addition, to fill my sticker book I need to farm for the items, and it's faster to do it in normal instead of vet dungeons (depending on the dungeon). But then I don't run ahead of my group.
  • VaranisArano
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    I can't stand those people. If they're going to leave the rest of the group behind, then they need to just solo the dungeon and not use group finder.

    9 out 10 times, everyone will follow you. And rushing will go smoothly. Because all the mobs will be gathered in place to be ulted down. This is faster than doing it alone.

    The other time people will not follow you either because they don't understand that killing the mobs is detrimental to themselves or because they are being petty. Either way my only responsibility to them is hold off on the bosses needed for important credit. Side bosses and mobs they miss being slow are on them. Sprinting is not a difficult thing to do. Everyone can do it.

    There's been times I stopped following the rushing player because someone else got left behind. I was playing healer, and when the lower level player gets stuck with the mobs, well, the nice thing to do is to get them out of the mess and explain what's going on.

    But when you simplify it down to "they aren't following me because they are ignorant or petty", its a lot easier to believe you are 100% doing your teammates a favor, isn't it?

    If you wanna actually do your team a favor, slow your roll enough to explain that you'll be rushing and everyone should follow. (But that would take precious seconds, and besides, that's just not your responsibility.)
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Suggestion 2 is terrible. Most people at 160 CP are nowhere near ready to run Vet Content. Heck, most of the 810 CP I see in GF cant handle vet.

    I never queue as a fake tank, but I sure do queue as a fairly glassy Tank for an event like this for random normals. I will go either on my sorc or nightblade. starting in trial DPS gear. Swap my monster set out for iceheart, use False God over Siroria, use tri stat food, and slot Inner Fire to taunt. I got pulled into a Cradle of Shadows run last night where they had either already kicked or lost a tank. They questioned my health, I told them if there was any issues I would swap to my normal tank. We cleared without issue and I pulled approximately 70% of Group DPS while taunting boss. 2 of the other three were 810, one was like 790. They never would have cleared even normal with a proper tank doing no DPS, so here we are.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on December 9, 2020 5:48PM
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