BalticBlues wrote: »CP810 guys running FG1 as "fake tank" for fast Undaunted reward boxes are known.
As long as they take the group with them, I am ok with it.
However, I am not ok with a new breed of CP810 guys running as "fake tank",
running straight to Warchief Ozazai leaving all mobs behind for the group,
then after killing the boss running straight to Kra’gh the Dreugh King to kill the end bos.
Result: By the time the rest of the group reaches Kra’gh the Dreugh King,
sometimes the boss is already despawned/invisible and cannot be looted,
so guys lose their Event Tickets and Golden Reward Box of the day.
People trying to do their quest probably also are not able to do the quest anymore.
This way 3 people are gimped because of just one selfish guy.
Suggestion 1 (bug fix): Killed bosses should always stay lootable pls
Suggestion 2 (fake player fix): I think Veteran Players (CP160+) should only be able to run Veteran Dungeons. CP810 players speedrunning beginner content as FG1 or SC1 often are destroying the dungeon experience for beginners.
BalticBlues wrote: »CP810 guys running FG1 as "fake tank" for fast Undaunted reward boxes are known.
As long as they take the group with them, I am ok with it.
BalticBlues wrote: »Suggestion 2 (fake player fix): I think Veteran Players (CP160+) should only be able to run Veteran Dungeons. CP810 players speedrunning beginner content as FG1 or SC1 often are destroying the dungeon experience for beginners.
Salvas_Aren wrote: »Can they do it as well alone? Yes, they group for the group composition bonus. So before some genius suggests they should enter alone anyway, i suggest to remove the group composition bonus from the game entirely.
I do normal dungeons as a cp 810 player all the time. Sometimes with a premade group, sometimes by myself or with one other person, once in a blue moon with a pug.
I also know a ton of cp 810 players who are primarily in the game for questing, trading, and housing. They do normal dungeons because that's all they're interested in.
Easy content should not be gated for any reason.
The easiest and best way to solve this issue is for everyone at the beginning ask if anyone is on the quest and if anyone is opposed to a speed run for tickets. And I would advise anyone who gets paired up with 3 level 810's to actually say something when asked.
I have 10 level 810 characters and I am bringing up a new character who is only a level 22 now. I've gotten the speedos who want to run through the dungeon at break neck speed and I just got right along as I have done these dungeons so many times already. But for a new player just starting that journey I would highly recommend stating at the beginning that you are on the quest.BalticBlues wrote: »CP810 guys running FG1 as "fake tank" for fast Undaunted reward boxes are known.
As long as they take the group with them, I am ok with it.
I agree with you on this. It is in poor taste to run off and leave the slower players behind.
The easiest and best way to solve this issue is for everyone at the beginning ask if anyone is on the quest and if anyone is opposed to a speed run for tickets. And I would advise anyone who gets paired up with 3 level 810's to actually say something when asked.
The adds follow you, just run to the boss with him and the adds will come there????
SydneyGrey wrote: »I can't stand those people. If they're going to leave the rest of the group behind, then they need to just solo the dungeon and not use group finder.
Massive_Stain wrote: »I do normal dungeons as a cp 810 player all the time. Sometimes with a premade group, sometimes by myself or with one other person, once in a blue moon with a pug.
I also know a ton of cp 810 players who are primarily in the game for questing, trading, and housing. They do normal dungeons because that's all they're interested in.
Easy content should not be gated for any reason.
100% agree with this
spartaxoxo wrote: »SydneyGrey wrote: »I can't stand those people. If they're going to leave the rest of the group behind, then they need to just solo the dungeon and not use group finder.
9 out 10 times, everyone will follow you. And rushing will go smoothly. Because all the mobs will be gathered in place to be ulted down. This is faster than doing it alone.
The other time people will not follow you either because they don't understand that killing the mobs is detrimental to themselves or because they are being petty. Either way my only responsibility to them is hold off on the bosses needed for important credit. Side bosses and mobs they miss being slow are on them. Sprinting is not a difficult thing to do. Everyone can do it.