Imagine being that worried about what people in a PUG are wearing. You either play with a PUG or have expectations, not both, and it's essentially solo play, because you can't count on a tank having a taunt, or a healer not being just a very impatient DD, or a DD having a clue what they are doing.
And if it's not a PUG, as said above, use words.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »
Being snarky, are we? I enjoy pugging as a healer. But beyond a hello, not many people say anything. I do a good job keeping everyone alive while helping dps, too. I'm sure once I see someone's health drop low and my heals are doing nothing, I'll catch on that they must be using the ring. But I sure blew a lot of Magicka spamming burst heals.
Most gear have animations of effects when they are being used. There's nothing wrong with asking for an animation / effect / even slight color change to indicate they are wearing it. It would be a good thing. And as someone mentioned, there are players who don't speak English in this game, too.
If someone health is not going up after one burst heal then you know and no need to spam it after that, and you used what, 2 combat prayers and one whatever class skill you use ? Not even the third of your magica bar. If you are pugging, then people are using strange sets and builds all over anyhow. Tanks with 14k health. DDs with 30k health. I main a healer. Not one pug knows what the gold olorime ring on the ground is. One ranged attacker is on the other side of the room, behind the tank, light attacking and spamming the matriarch just in case. The other one is pew pewing the boss standing behind my back. Not getting any buffs, any heals, must use rapid regen all the time. The ring is going to change things ? Well, yes, I hope, at least the pug will get some healing and I can swich to dps gearI pug to practice , guild runs are too fast and smooth and you learn nothing, the bosses are melting. Pugs are fun ! And the ring is fine.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »
Being snarky, are we? I enjoy pugging as a healer. But beyond a hello, not many people say anything. I do a good job keeping everyone alive while helping dps, too. I'm sure once I see someone's health drop low and my heals are doing nothing, I'll catch on that they must be using the ring. But I sure blew a lot of Magicka spamming burst heals.
Most gear have animations of effects when they are being used. There's nothing wrong with asking for an animation / effect / even slight color change to indicate they are wearing it. It would be a good thing. And as someone mentioned, there are players who don't speak English in this game, too.
If someone health is not going up after one burst heal then you know and no need to spam it after that, and you used what, 2 combat prayers and one whatever class skill you use ? Not even the third of your magica bar. If you are pugging, then people are using strange sets and builds all over anyhow. Tanks with 14k health. DDs with 30k health. I main a healer. Not one pug knows what the gold olorime ring on the ground is. One ranged attacker is on the other side of the room, behind the tank, light attacking and spamming the matriarch just in case. The other one is pew pewing the boss standing behind my back. Not getting any buffs, any heals, must use rapid regen all the time. The ring is going to change things ? Well, yes, I hope, at least the pug will get some healing and I can swich to dps gearI pug to practice , guild runs are too fast and smooth and you learn nothing, the bosses are melting. Pugs are fun ! And the ring is fine.
I guess your karma with pugs is much worse than mine. I often meet players who know what they are doing. And....Me, too, lol. I'm okay with the ring. I repeat. I'm okay with the ring. Just asking for some visual clue perhaps. Wouldn't that be helpful?
Imagine being that worried about what people in a PUG are wearing. You either play with a PUG or have expectations, not both, and it's essentially solo play, because you can't count on a tank having a taunt, or a healer not being just a very impatient DD, or a DD having a clue what they are doing.
And if it's not a PUG, as said above, use words.
I have rather good runs with pugs. Sure, occasionally, there are some that are not pulling their weight. But overall, good players.
Imagine being that worried about what people in a PUG are wearing. You either play with a PUG or have expectations, not both, and it's essentially solo play, because you can't count on a tank having a taunt, or a healer not being just a very impatient DD, or a DD having a clue what they are doing.
And if it's not a PUG, as said above, use words.
I have rather good runs with pugs. Sure, occasionally, there are some that are not pulling their weight. But overall, good players.
I'm not saying they aren't good, I'm saying that one cannot and shouldn't expect them to be good. You can get me in your group and I'm not really good, lolAnyway, I don't think that there will be that much people who have the ring and need outside healing for that to be a problem. Like, the ring means selfish build, selfish build means self-heals.
I agree! My light attackers and I were raiding the mournhold guild traders and one doofus accidently stole a piece of gear from the merchants stall. Said doofus was wearing this ring, in a GROUP merchant raid!!
Our light attacks were powerless against the guards advance, and we lost our comrade was mercilessly cut down before our eyes.
We lost a good one today. Pls ban this ring
MirandaSharp wrote: »What you are asking is for gear checks to be programmed into the game. This isn't something that currently exists. Do you want gear checks to be introduced into the game?
Gear checks are everywhere in the game, pretty much every single set is gear checking. It's is just another condition. If in group [disable] else [enable]. Same as player vs enemy in set conditions.
MirandaSharp wrote: »
MirandaSharp wrote: »
MirandaSharp wrote: »
MirandaSharp wrote: »
MirandaSharp wrote: »warsteheineub17_ESO wrote: »Well, suppose there is a fake healer....
Then the players using the ring will be fine. It's double edge argument.
-So how do fake healers make the game better? -I think it's pretty well established that fake tanks made it worse, and now you propose fake healers?
The slippery sloped hysteria over this ring is HILARIOUS.I guess the bigger question is why does OP care if anyone uses this ring in group content?
It's mostly because people (mostly healers) are paranoid that they'll no longer be needed. At least that's been the general consensus in zone and in the majority of "NERF PALE ORDER NAO" threads.
ghost_bg_ESO wrote: »managed to get overcrowded with mobs and couple of something like daedroths (don't know the name but was looking like it)
ghost_bg_ESO wrote: »*people blaming healers
ghost_bg_ESO wrote: »*people forgot they are wearing it
ghost_bg_ESO wrote: »*newbies don't knowing what they even doing in this dungeon
ghost_bg_ESO wrote: »*probably there is more
The slippery sloped hysteria over this ring is HILARIOUS.I guess the bigger question is why does OP care if anyone uses this ring in group content?
It's mostly because people (mostly healers) are paranoid that they'll no longer be needed. At least that's been the general consensus in zone and in the majority of "NERF PALE ORDER NAO" threads.
That is not the reason healers are not in significant demand for a lot of content in the game.
The slippery sloped hysteria over this ring is HILARIOUS.I guess the bigger question is why does OP care if anyone uses this ring in group content?
It's mostly because people (mostly healers) are paranoid that they'll no longer be needed. At least that's been the general consensus in zone and in the majority of "NERF PALE ORDER NAO" threads.
The slippery sloped hysteria over this ring is HILARIOUS.I guess the bigger question is why does OP care if anyone uses this ring in group content?
It's mostly because people (mostly healers) are paranoid that they'll no longer be needed. At least that's been the general consensus in zone and in the majority of "NERF PALE ORDER NAO" threads.
That is not the reason healers are not in significant demand for a lot of content in the game.
No, but it is over the ring. Looking at several of the threads in the last few weeks, including the PTS, healers have been trying to get the ring nerfed because it makes them and I quote,
"Makes healers more useless than what we already are."
So yes, it's not the reason healers are not in significant demand, but they believe that this furthers that narrative and it clearly does not. I think you misunderstood, my friend. Because that's the reason why they care if people use it in group content - they think it makes them that much more useless when it really doesn't affect their performance at all, and quite frankly, none of their business as to why someone runs the ring.
The slippery sloped hysteria over this ring is HILARIOUS.I guess the bigger question is why does OP care if anyone uses this ring in group content?
It's mostly because people (mostly healers) are paranoid that they'll no longer be needed. At least that's been the general consensus in zone and in the majority of "NERF PALE ORDER NAO" threads.
That is not the reason healers are not in significant demand for a lot of content in the game.
No, but it is over the ring. Looking at several of the threads in the last few weeks, including the PTS, healers have been trying to get the ring nerfed because it makes them and I quote,
"Makes healers more useless than what we already are."
So yes, it's not the reason healers are not in significant demand, but they believe that this furthers that narrative and it clearly does not. I think you misunderstood, my friend. Because that's the reason why they care if people use it in group content - they think it makes them that much more useless.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »
Being snarky, are we? I enjoy pugging as a healer. But beyond a hello, not many people say anything. I do a good job keeping everyone alive while helping dps, too. I'm sure once I see someone's health drop low and my heals are doing nothing, I'll catch on that they must be using the ring. But I sure blew a lot of Magicka spamming burst heals.
Most gear have animations of effects when they are being used. There's nothing wrong with asking for an animation / effect / even slight color change to indicate they are wearing it. It would be a good thing. And as someone mentioned, there are players who don't speak English in this game, too.
If someone health is not going up after one burst heal then you know and no need to spam it after that, and you used what, 2 combat prayers and one whatever class skill you use ? Not even the third of your magica bar. If you are pugging, then people are using strange sets and builds all over anyhow. Tanks with 14k health. DDs with 30k health. I main a healer. Not one pug knows what the gold olorime ring on the ground is. One ranged attacker is on the other side of the room, behind the tank, light attacking and spamming the matriarch just in case. The other one is pew pewing the boss standing behind my back. Not getting any buffs, any heals, must use rapid regen all the time. The ring is going to change things ? Well, yes, I hope, at least the pug will get some healing and I can swich to dps gearI pug to practice , guild runs are too fast and smooth and you learn nothing, the bosses are melting. Pugs are fun ! And the ring is fine.
I guess your karma with pugs is much worse than mine. I often meet players who know what they are doing. And....Me, too, lol. I'm okay with the ring. I repeat. I'm okay with the ring. Just asking for some visual clue perhaps. Wouldn't that be helpful?
Visual effect on no heal can enter must be done. For vamp skill and this.
Just like black shine or something else. It will be very good solution and idea.
It even can help player who use it, by may be not turn off the effect before start fight.
+ some times HP bugs and you can not see it correct, so visual effect is really needed !
starkerealm wrote: »The slippery sloped hysteria over this ring is HILARIOUS.I guess the bigger question is why does OP care if anyone uses this ring in group content?
It's mostly because people (mostly healers) are paranoid that they'll no longer be needed. At least that's been the general consensus in zone and in the majority of "NERF PALE ORDER NAO" threads.
Which, of course, they're already not. At least not to the groups they're worried about getting excluded from. The players who have the experience and confidence to work without a net aren't going to be scared back into line by this ring disappearing. That just leaves the groups that actually need healers, and this won't change anything for them either.