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Feelings about the final (Crimson) Indrik

As I contemplated whether I would be collecting the final indrik I realized two things:
  1. That it's well past time that the indrik thing comes to an end as it's been 2 years since Summerset was released
  2. I've collected more indriks in the past two years than I have chromium platings. lol
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Anaïs Nin

“There’s a difference between wanting to be looked at and wanting to be seen." Amanda Palmer

“A game is an opportunity to focus our energy, with relentless optimism, at something we’re good at (or getting better at) and enjoy. In other words, gameplay is the direct emotional opposite of depression.” Jane McGonigal

“They'll tell you you're too loud, that you need to wait your turn and ask the right people for permission. Do it anyway." Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  • WeerW3ir
    Its a relief
  • Nairinhe
    When I saw that indrik in-game, I realized two things:
    1. We wants it
    2. We needs it

    But yes, it's time for something new, and we are getting something new, and I'm eagerly waiting to see what it will be. Most likely another rainbow of recolors, but still.
  • daemondamian
    They should have done a rainbow indrik :\
  • Starlight_Whisper
    They should have done a rainbow indrik :\

    Please no
  • SydneyGrey
    Not sure if I'm going to get the crimson indrik or not. The only thing that kind of makes me want it is that it will probably be the rarest indrik color, since people are tired of them, now.
    Plus, it's free. I'll always take a free mount.
  • Sylvermynx
    I don't like red any better than I do yellow. So nope, not for me.
  • morrowjen
    I just wish it was a 'silent' Indrik. I'd love to know who came up with that sound effect.
  • Sylvermynx
    morrowjen wrote: »
    I just wish it was a 'silent' Indrik. I'd love to know who came up with that sound effect.

    Oh, I love the chirp!
  • SydneyGrey
    morrowjen wrote: »
    I just wish it was a 'silent' Indrik. I'd love to know who came up with that sound effect.
    There are deer in real life that make barking sounds, so it seems inspired from real life.
  • MasterSpatula
    morrowjen wrote: »
    I just wish it was a 'silent' Indrik. I'd love to know who came up with that sound effect.

    wup WUP!
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Aznarb
    I've only made the Onyx one, was my 1st no-basic mount, but barely used it, didn't like how my char stand on it.
    Now I've plenty of mount to fit each of my char theme/look and never have made other Indrik.

    I think it's nice to have more free mount in game, but c'mon, 2 years of Indrik re-skin was pretty lazy.
    I hope they'll continue to do these kind of event reward but with more variety than just color.
    I mean, skin-change is not a bad idea, but more than 3 feel a bit lazy tbh.. Their is many cool lore month that can be released that way, really hope to get surprised if they do it again.
    Edited by Aznarb on October 15, 2020 11:24PM
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  • Hapexamendios
    It's an end that is at minimum a year late.
  • JKorr
    morrowjen wrote: »
    I just wish it was a 'silent' Indrik. I'd love to know who came up with that sound effect.

    Possibly a real elk?

  • luen79rwb17_ESO
    Good riddance to Indrinks. It was about damn time.

    V16 sorc - V16 temp - V16 dk - V1 nb - V1 temp - V1 dk
  • doesurmindglow
    I love the new Crimson Indrik.

    I'm also ok with it being the last Indrik lol
    Guildmaster : The Wild Hunt (formerly Aka Baka) : AD PC/NA
  • Raideen
    morrowjen wrote: »
    I just wish it was a 'silent' Indrik. I'd love to know who came up with that sound effect.


    I love the sound, I absolutely LOVE the Indriks bark. I smile every time it makes the sound. :smile:
  • barney2525
    My feeling is that it is Red

  • daemondamian
    They should have done a rainbow indrik :\

    Please no

    Are you not a fan of rainbows or multi coloured things (aka Skald-Muse Fledgling Gryphon pet, Rainbow emote) or just of that combination of colors and an indrik?
  • TheImperfect
    I really like it. I hope that it's still possible to collect and create the indrik later as I have missed out on most of them so far for various reasons.
  • Kingslayer513
    I got the first indrik morph and then stopped because I realized I will never use those ugly mounts on any of my characters. Not feeling obligated to grind event tickets every event is a big relief.
  • BigBragg
  • WeerW3ir
    Now its time for the wamasu mount
  • Grianasteri
    My thoughts... if indeed the Indrik nightmare is over, are...

    Thank goodness Indrik are finished, its been years since Summerset and it hasnt made sense since. It was initially an innovative, enjoyable new feature to farm for new, interesting mounts. Very welcome.

    But that quickly changed because it was just more and more of the same, EVERY SINGLE EVENT. I mean sure I like stags/deer, but I don't have a fetish for goodness sake. I have 1 of my 18 characters using one and its not even an Indrik, its the blue ghostly one for one of my Necros.

    Zos implementation missed a massive massive opportunity here. The system of grinding for a mount at events is sound, it allowed players to focus on something, if they like, during an event and to gain new, groovy mounts... but we dont all have an Indrik fettish! So why the hell they didnt just make it so that we were able to CHOOSE what type of mount we wanted, horse, camel, bear, sench, Inrik, etc, is beyond me. Its literally just skins so this is a really really easy change or system to implement.

    So, change it so its not a grind for an Indrik, its a grind for whatever kind of mount you want, with that events skin.
    Edited by Grianasteri on October 16, 2020 9:23AM
  • Guyle
    I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it. Final Indrik? I have the impression that there is no finality to the word final when it comes from ZOS. I am sure we will see an ultimate indrik, a pen ultimate indrik, a final ultimate indrik, and then some weird amalgamation of the words, perhaps penuberfinultimate indrik. Final Indrik of 2020 I believe, but if mounts in this game have taught us anything, its that ZOS has horrible creativity, and loves to reskin things. There are literally less than 10 base mount types in the game, with tons of reskins, compared to other games that have dozens of different mounts. Don't believe the hype, they may shelf the indrik for awhile, bit it'll be back, round about the same time they've reskinned the next event mount 8 or 9 times and ppl are so tired of it, they decide to play the indrik nostalgia card.

    edit - I'll believe them using the word final for things when they actually push a performance improvement patch that accomplishes anything besides making performance worse.
    Edited by Guyle on October 16, 2020 10:00AM
  • Nairinhe
    Guyle wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it. Final Indrik? I have the impression that there is no finality to the word final when it comes from ZOS. I am sure we will see an ultimate indrik, a pen ultimate indrik, a final ultimate indrik, and then some weird amalgamation of the words, perhaps penuberfinultimate indrik. Final Indrik of 2020 I believe, but if mounts in this game have taught us anything, its that ZOS has horrible creativity, and loves to reskin things. There are literally less than 10 base mount types in the game, with tons of reskins, compared to other games that have dozens of different mounts. Don't believe the hype, they may shelf the indrik for awhile, bit it'll be back, round about the same time they've reskinned the next event mount 8 or 9 times and ppl are so tired of it, they decide to play the indrik nostalgia card.

    edit - I'll believe them using the word final for things when they actually push a performance improvement patch that accomplishes anything besides making performance worse.

    Did they ever said about something that it's the last one and then went like "oopsie, have some more"? Honest question, as I cannot remember.
  • Danikat
    I'm going to get it just because I've got all the others (and a nascent and 3 feathers) and I'd like to finish the collection if I can, but I'm not sure I'll use it as the colour doesn't really work for any of my characters.

    I'm curious about what they'll offer to replace them. I like some of the indriks (the Dawnwood, the first one, was and still is my favourite) so for me it was a good incentive to join in with events and collect the tickets. Whether I continue to do that will depend entirely on what's on offer next.

    I hope they keep the feathers and berries available in future for people who don't have them yet. Maybe they could include them in the grab bags they're introducing, since those specifically give out past rewards?
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • SeaGtGruff
    For me, the last indrik will also be the first indrik-- the nascent indrik, which I'll summon with four feathers after evolving my next-to-last nascent indrik into the crimson indrik. I know some players have already given up on collecting indriks, but I plan to have all 9 of them.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Radiance
    I don't like it but I still have to get it bc I am compelled by satan.
  • Radiance
    Guyle wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it. Final Indrik? I have the impression that there is no finality to the word final when it comes from ZOS. I am sure we will see an ultimate indrik, a pen ultimate indrik, a final ultimate indrik, and then some weird amalgamation of the words, perhaps penuberfinultimate indrik. Final Indrik of 2020 I believe, but if mounts in this game have taught us anything, its that ZOS has horrible creativity, and loves to reskin things. There are literally less than 10 base mount types in the game, with tons of reskins, compared to other games that have dozens of different mounts. Don't believe the hype, they may shelf the indrik for awhile, bit it'll be back, round about the same time they've reskinned the next event mount 8 or 9 times and ppl are so tired of it, they decide to play the indrik nostalgia card.

    edit - I'll believe them using the word final for things when they actually push a performance improvement patch that accomplishes anything besides making performance worse.

    Bear, Camel, Durzog, Elk, Goat, Guar, Horse, Indrik, Nix-Ox, Robot Spider, Senche, Senche-raht, Wolf...

    Not sure if I missed anything but it's at least 13 now.
  • xclassgaming
    Give us clannfear mounts!
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