follow up to the original thread.
the good:
-additional wayshrines, happy to see how fast and easy it seems to be to slap some additional wayshrines into the zone and how much of an improvement it made, it was clear the north coast needed them, areas still seem barren of convenient travel compared to previous zones, i even give the Elsweyr DLC's a bit of a break because the dragon mechanic had them move between a couple world boss point so some were inevitably going to be closer then others (the SE dragon is in the middle of nowhere) but i dont get being stingy on shrines in the first place.
still, wont detract too far, added wayshrines solved a pain point, thank you.
-1 per day, boy that certainly makes it less of a pain doesn't it.
the bad:
-1 per day, this felt a bit like a "we cannot fix that these are un fun gameplay wise, but we can at least just not make you have to interact with it"
-loot, this event and all the various bonus loot is the first time since the drop of the expansion that harrowstorms have felt worth it to do, sadly the majority of the awards only come from the daily turn in, so its still not through interaction with the storms themselves but rather the daily quest that have rewards. storms are still not worth interacting with if you want any kind of loot from them outside of the daily turn in.
-the gameplay of the storms themselves.
*they are still probably the worst group / world event we have seen implemented from a gameplay perspective*
i had to highlight that point.
now, vvardenfell didnt have any, so pass there, so we are comparing them to dragons and geysers. geysers have probably been the best implementation of the system:
-the are conveniently placed for the most part.
-they scale based on players around, you can solo a geyser pretty quick
-they reward relevant loot, even if its kind of forced in the alchemy mats
dragons were obviously new tech, but were cool, but they have their issues:
-the icon displaying relevant info at the look of a map? genius! is it in combat? is it below 50% hp? the icon changes to reflect this info, once again, genius.
-separate boss and add phases that dont overlap, dragon takes off, flies around, summons some adds, clear to see.
-dragons have direction attacks, as well as visual and audio queues, that combined with the 1v1 design of the fight allow you to actually figure out the tells of the various wing, tail, breath weapon, etc. attacks. it feels very cool to actually learn the tells of when its about to sweep its tail and dodge out of that attack / stun.
downside is lack of solo dragons, outside of events and launch, dragons are not worth trying to fight, should have done better future proofing.
and now we get to storms, and their gameplay.
-their inconvenient placing has mostly been solved, but this was a thing.
-they reward nothing of relevance or worth, and only the daily turn in has a chance at being slightly worth doing.
-the fight itself.
i really want to curse in exclamation at this point, but it would be censored.
these fights are the most terrible designed group / world fights we have ever had:
-they in no way whatsoever scale, no future proofing for when people move on.
-too many mechanics going on at the same time. kill the adds, kill the mini bosses running around, kill the spirits, kill the tentacles, get out of ALL THE RED.
-SO MUCH RED (insert your aoe color here) huge aoe, small aoe, aoe that moves, aoe that is spammed, aoe that does 10k a pop in super rapid succession.
*on topic of the shrikes silly damage spam, this feels like a bug, it reminds me of the southern elsweyr monk world boss whos disciples spam kill everyone with aoe's, that also feels like a bug that was just never fixed, because no other world boss in any DLC was or is that lethal, until these shrikes. they rapid spam various aoe's (some small bobms that rain, other large sized that follow you) and they hit for 5k-10k per tick at a super rapid pace, im sure everyone is aware of just how common it is for these to just wipe everyone around and everyone just self rez''s looking at everyone else for a few seconds.
and its impossible to distinguish between all the aoe which ones are going to do okay damage, that you can move out of or roll out of, and wich ones are going to spam 10k until your dead.
as someone who DM's this feels like a mechanic to just kill people for the sake of killing people, to instil a sense of difficulty by going "YOUR DEAD! LOOK ITS SCARY AND HARD!" . . .that just BS*
-difficulty scales in reverse, if you have an omegazerg at the storm you can zerg the pikes down, if you have only a few people not only is it just as hard as before, but it gets HARDER the fewer people you show up with, as more and more bosses and adds spawn as you fail to kill it in time, it literally has inverse scaling.
*exasperated sigh*
i still cannot believe such a poorly designed and un fun group mechanic not only got made but was the centerpiece to the "scary gothic" expansion, i can only hope that the design team learns from this, as its really not *that* hard to make a small checklist of encounter design points to make sure you hit.
the only fix being limiting the daily from 3 to 1 felt like an utter surrender and admittance that these are terrible and we should just not do them, like "yeah its not fun, here, just do one and go do something else."
hope the next iteration is better, here ill start the checklist for you.
-convenient placement, preferably close to shrines.
-scaling based on players, for future proofing and enjoyable encounters regardless of solo or zerg.
-decent rewards and loot (at launch) that remains relevant, with daily's *supplementing* the rewards, and not *being* the rewards. (alchemy mats, purple jewelry for decon mats, xp, etc.)
-clear directions and enemy attacks, insta kill / heavy damage mechanics should have readable mechanics and have reasonable responses.
-less spam (enemy and attack)
-map icon showing interaction / progress.
etc. this really is not that hard.
anyway, GL on the next one.
Edited by Wing on October 4, 2020 10:39AM
ESO player since beta.
previously full time subscriber, beta-2024, game got too disappointing.
( ^_^ )
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DK one trick