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ESO Trader System needs to go, Immediately

  • kargen27
    Amunari wrote: »
    JKorr wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Amunari wrote: »
    What 10% tax?
    The Guild Tax is 7% as mandated by ZOS. 3.5% of that vanishes as a gold sink (required to reduce inflation in a game where gold appears out of thin air into mob inventories) and 3.5% of it goes into the guild bank. That's why most guilds use fees, donations, raffles, and sales requirements to fund their guild bid (which is another big gold sink).

    No WTB/WTS in Guild Chat
    I can only speak for my guilds here, but we did this for two reasons:
    1. We tried not to spam our members with sale offers in guild chat, letting it be more a place for socializing or organizing activities.
    2. Our members had thirty slots in the trader on a regular basis, and access to selling through the in-guild store when we didn't (we were encouraged to "shop at home" first during those weeks). Using the store was the most appropriate and effective way of selling to guild members.

    2. translation: we want gold to horde in the guild bank/officer wallet. I am not ignorant of officers "skimming" off the top in eso, i have heard its a very common practice.

    It's probably not just a coincidence that some of the richest players in ESO also just happen to be the leaders and officers of the largest trade guilds. ^^

    Yes, of course. They are only rich because they embezzle, skim profits, and scam guild members. It couldn't possibly be they got rich because they actually worked for it, being as they are in trade guilds and might be the people who like to play Elderscrolls Trading as their endgame, right?

    Anyone who heard from someone who knows someone who heard from other people who knew people who said in chat that this is absolutely true actually have any real evidence?

    Lets assume those said leaders and officers skimmed. Even if they skimmed 10k, that they needed to buy something for 100k and re-post for 200k, their money becomes corrupted and over time, large amounts of their wealth as a result were due to skimming, cheating, and so forth.

    Its unreasonable to believe that every human is free of these things, no, almost for sure they have all cheated or skimmed at one time or another, so Yes, they are doing things that are not so good, and yes, its unlikely/probably the case they are cheaters.

    You make an incorrect assumption. You assume leaders must have taken something because hey the gold was right there ready for the taking. You then immediately assume that 10K was used in part to double their investment and somehow that taints any profit they would make from here on out.
    You try to justify your wrong assumption by first saying that there are a few people out there that would be tempted to take the gold and in the very next sentence go onto claim since a few might have done it then all must have done it. Your line of reasoning is there are bots in the game so we are all bots.
    I know there was one player that would start a trade guild and just as it got going good he would take everything and disappear. Players were warned about him and I would like to think ZoS dealt with him. I don't know that though. So yeah there are bad guild masters out there. That is across the spectrum. I was in one trial guild where members were expected to give officers first choice of gear after runs. I was in that guild for one run. Now I am in a much better trial guild. If I thought like you I would not have ventured into another trail guild thinking that all of them would be as toxic as that one.

    There are a heck of a lot more decent guild masters than bad. With trade guilds the officers dedicate all kinds of time and effort just to make sure things run smooth for the guild. As I stated in an earlier post all the ones I have known contribute more to the guild than they take out. That isn't an assumption. It is something I know to be true.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • VoxAdActa
    JKorr wrote: »
    Amunari wrote: »
    nukk3r wrote: »
    Amunari wrote: »
    nukk3r wrote: »
    Amunari wrote: »
    The cause of the problem seems to be the 10% tax system that is generated off sales in a guilds trader.

    Tbh, this statement invalidated your whole point. The tax is 7% and the guild keeps 3.5%.
    Amunari wrote: »
    If we magnify this up to 500 players we will get up to 500k a week income.

    Well, it would be an ideal situation. About a third of any guild can't meet the quota no matter how low it is.

    The tax could be 1% and it does not matter. the fact that its even lower proves that it is more toxic then thought. If 3.5% Could breed that much toxicity, its event worse.

    Our guild focus's on building players up and uses a concept "if the player is strong, the guild is strong, if the player is wealthy, so to is the guild", most guilds fall in the "if the guild is wealthy, the players are" which is not even close to being true.

    This is why our guild events are made in the aspect of teaching people how and where to get gold, and exchanging some of that activity for the guilds benefit as an entity. It is a far better system significantly more efficient for player and guild, then the current 3.5, 7, or 10% what ever tax nonsense.

    Any trading guild gives you the access to a certain kiosk. Wealthy guild means better place. Your guildies are your competitors, they will undercut you at any given moment. But everyone agrees to these terms in order to sell their goods at better places.

    So you're basically taking gold for something that can be googled?

    No, a wealthy guild does not mean a better price. It may depending on the item, mean a faster sell, but that is all. The price is set by TTC/MT, not a traders location.

    Everyone that posts on a store is a competitor. that is why i trade in chat, and encourage others to do so. It's faster, has no tax, and has no underbidding nonsense to deal with.

    Why people have not caught on to how abusive the trade guilds are in this respect alone is beyond me, but i am dead-set on spreading this to such a point that it completely invalidates traders, and subsequently your abusive trader-guild culture.

    Okay, I missed this. TTC sets the prices? Oh boy. You just did a "I reject reality and substitute my own" thing here.

    Nobody in this thread who is against the trading system has shown any evidence that they know how TTC works or what it does. They seem to think it sends a hireling immediately to the spot with the item for the lowest price and then teleports it instantly into their inventory. Some of them seem to think it can do that while the player isn't even logged in.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Soul Shriven
    Hello everyone,

    With this thread derailing a bit with baiting, flaming and bashing, we're going to go ahead and close it down. For further posts be sure to stay constructive and respectful with the Forum Rules in mind to avoid thread derailment or action on one's own account.

    Thank you for understanding.
    Staff Post
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