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Was Mount Stamina Messed With?

  • DrSlaughtr
    My mount stamina is draining in Cyrodiil in about 5 seconds. Even on characters with War Mount. I submitted a ticket. I suggest everyone do the same so we can get a hot fix.
    I drink and I stream things.
  • skyrimfantasy
    I can't find any consistency in what affects it. I've tried moving toons to different slots, porting zones, logging out and back in. Only the 2 who have full riding training done will have stamina for a long time. The rest is a crap shoot, doesn't seem to matter if they have CP points, or all Stamina attributes, or stamina riding skill or not. A couple get 30 seconds, the rest riding stamina is depleted in about 5 seconds. I don't pvp but I can't imagine trying to keep up in cyro with this crappy of mount stamina, it's frustrating enough in pve.
  • SpiritofESO
    Edited by SpiritofESO on June 29, 2024 6:40PM
    • "Adapt or Die"
  • BrokenGameMechanics
    Same. My old, main Stam toon that has been 60/60/60 will run out of mount stam appox. 1/2 between Bleaks and Ales. My primary Alt Mag toon currently has something like 43/21/0 or something like that makes it with mount stam to spare.

    I also agree with the other poster, in that my toon's stamina is also depleting noticeably faster as well. It is linked.
    Mount Stam depletion => Toon Stam depletion.

    In summary Stam Toon -> Broken Stam Depeletion
    Mag Toon -> Seems ok
  • Nicole94
    In patch v5.2.5 & Update 24
    In our continuing efforts to improve server performance, we have refactored how Sprint functions on the backend and have made some changes to the design.

    On-foot sprint will largely function the same as it has in the past, though we’ve decreased the Stamina cost of sprinting which will result in being able to sprint longer. You’ll also notice the Stamina drain is more fluid in the UI.
    Like on-foot sprint, mounts will now stop sprinting when their Stamina is fully drained. However, we’ve decreased the Stamina cost of mounted sprint and greatly increased both base Stamina and base Recovery for mounts.
    We will be closely monitoring how these changes affect your ability to traverse Tamriel.
    That fact that you no longer have Rapids as you once did might allow the above adjustments to be more noticeable.

    Not so, but thank you for your input.
    Since ZoS has taken away our rapid maneuver I am forced to do things differently. Yes, I know you can get it at rank 5 that means NOTHING to a level 10 character. I am building my next two alts, which consists of them training for at least 50 days in speed.
    I have two wardens, both are level 11. One is a Magicka Warden with 12 or 13% riding speed, the other is a Stamina Warden with riding speed of 10%. As I said I will get them to at least 50 speed before I even play them. When I reach level 6 I get certified for writs and "pay for their training" via crafting writs.

    My Magicka Warden with 13% riding speed literally runs out of stamina when mounted in Vivic City from the stable master to the stone wall entrance. My Stamina Warden, same level 10% riding speed can "sprint" on her mount from the stable master almost all the way to where you turn in the crafting writs. This is a bug and they should ALREADY be fixing it. Instead they do nothing and say they are "investigating" it.

    One day they will be "investigating" where their player base went.
  • Tsar_Gekkou
    I had this bug happen once yesterday and checked the patch notes to see if I missed anything. Since restarting the game it hasn't happened since.
    Xbox NA healer main
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+3 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA HM | vRG HM |
    Flawless Conqueror | Spirit Slayer | Dro-mA'thra Destroyer | Tick-Tock-Tormentor | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Planesbreaker |
  • Nicole94
    I had this bug happen once yesterday and checked the patch notes to see if I missed anything. Since restarting the game it hasn't happened since.

    Thank you. I should have included I also do that in mine. But it does happen again to me, almost daily, and so far, only to my magicka warden
  • Pauwer
    I have fully upgrated horse stamina on two toons for pvp. On templar, the issue is fine, works ok. On my nb, the horse stamina is drained in few seconds. Is this another nb nerf :/ on ps4 eu, started after the latest update. The bug is constant for me daily, never happens on templar, always on nb.
  • Flaaklypa
    WHY does it take so long to fix this?? it has been going on for weeks now.
  • SpiritofESO
    Edited by SpiritofESO on June 29, 2024 6:39PM
    • "Adapt or Die"
  • Hurbster
    Khatou wrote: »
    We’ve been looking into this issue, which wasn’t a deliberate change, but as some of you have noted it’s been difficult to pinpoint what’s causing it. We’re continuing to investigate though, and will let you know if we need any additional info.

    How is it that on TESO, there are so many problems after an update?

    Like many players here (well, I think), I've had the opportunity to play a number of MMORPGs and online games in different categories and in all my experience, I've never seen (major) updates as bad as the one on TESO.

    I don't want to be mean, but shouldn't there be some change in the team in charge of the game?

    Because after 6 years of TESO's existence, it's really not normal for players to still have as many problems as this, not to mention the probably comfortable income that TESO provides.

    Like many players here (well, I think), I've had the opportunity to play a number of MMORPGs and online games in different categories, and in all my experience, I've never seen (major) updates as bad as TESO.

    I don't want to be mean, but shouldn't there be some change in the team in charge of the game?

    Because after 6 years of TESO's existence, it's really not normal for players to still have as many problems as this, not to mention the probably comfortable income that TESO provides.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Otherwise, finally, finally an answer from you ((well of course, when I say "you" it's in a general way)), I almost have tears in my eyes, following this act a cross on the calendar is imposed (this one would even deserve to be in gold :D) !

    The engine is slapped together with spit and sawdust?
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • Kaivalya
    Sometimes, my mount's stamina bar depletes at what I suppose is the correct rate, but it doesn't change what actually happens with my mount. It still stops sprinting after a couple seconds.
  • CuChulainn91
    Im having this issue aswel, but also it randomly changes the drain speed. Sometimes i can sprint of 30 secs or more, then same character a little later loses all stam in 10 seconds or less, thought i was imagining it while levelling so I kept a close eye on it, definately drains at different rates
    Edited by CuChulainn91 on September 7, 2020 6:02PM
  • Ri_Khan
    So now, several of my fully leveled characters can't even sprint while mounted most of the time. I'll hold the button down, get the audio cue for spurring it on, the mounts animation appears to speed up for a second but there's no actual speed change happening. Unlike what others are saying, the stamina still appears to drain normally.

    4 months of mount training on each character has been rendered completely useless. :|
  • Jpk0012
    Yes. Mounts are worthless now. I run much faster with medium armor and the PvP buff.

    I can't believe a fix has not been patched, yet. I guess they aren't making enough money on gambling boxes to spend resources on fixing it.
  • Pauwer
    Yesterday logging out and back in didn't help. What it did was that first the stam on mount seemed work normally, then suddenly it drops really low, i'm guessing to the point where it would be with the bugged mount stam and then after that... i run faster than my horse goes.
  • GenjiraX
    Why is there a two-week gap between PC and Xbox releases when the bugs identified and acknowledged on PC are not fixed before the console release? Why is the console version released with known bugs, especially of this magnitude?
  • Ryath_Waylander
    Ratinira wrote: »
    With rapid stolen and stamina burning in 5 second the horse became nearly useless😑

    This. I've resorted to Darloc Brae and sprinting in sneak with my Orc Vamp NB. It's just more reliable :(
  • HeroSchoolDropout
    Soul Shriven
    not sure if this was fixed, but I had it on two different characters, and it was intermittent. Driving me insane. After trying numerous experiments, i ended up spending a champion point in green on sprint. Suddenly it fixed. no way! I said..So i relogged, and tried, still fixed. Switched characters and applied and tried it again, it worked again. Both have never had an issue again.... coincedance...or a fix I dunno.
  • Iselin2
    Soul Shriven
    Good to hear it's a bug. I'm just back after an 18 month break and I thought this was the new normal :)

    It's also hit and miss for me: sometimes it takes a good long while to drain the horse stamina and other times it drains super fast. I even tried it on one character using the 120 point no stamina drain CP perk (I forget the name) and that wasn't working properly either unless the game thought I was in combat when I wasn't.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hi everyone, just to update, we're currently testing a fix for this issue and hope to include it in our next PC incremental patch.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Flaaklypa
    Hi everyone, just to update, we're currently testing a fix for this issue and hope to include it in our next PC incremental patch.

    and how long is it to the next update?
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    frontend wrote: »
    Hi everyone, just to update, we're currently testing a fix for this issue and hope to include it in our next PC incremental patch.

    and how long is it to the next update?

    Tentatively scheduled for September 21.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • KappaKid83
    frontend wrote: »
    Hi everyone, just to update, we're currently testing a fix for this issue and hope to include it in our next PC incremental patch.

    and how long is it to the next update?

    Tentatively scheduled for September 21.

    I feel like you guys have turned into any company that can process your payment in 3 seconds flat but asking for a refund takes 4-6 weeks. Like, you guys break something, the player base has to deal with it for 3-5 weeks and then you guys can finally fix it, it is becoming an old song and dance and a frustrating one at that.
  • Wavek
    frontend wrote: »
    Hi everyone, just to update, we're currently testing a fix for this issue and hope to include it in our next PC incremental patch.

    and how long is it to the next update?

    Tentatively scheduled for September 21.

    Leaving a major bug in the game for a month is not acceptable. You guys need to do better than that.
  • Octopuss
    What mount stamina bug are we talking about here? I have no problems with my mounts.
  • Pandorii
    Octopuss wrote: »
    What mount stamina bug are we talking about here? I have no problems with my mounts.

    In some instances, mount stamina is depleting faster than it should be.
  • Varana
    I mean, this has become standard now.

    They're running a PvP event while important PvP skills are unusable in exactly that content (gap closers in IC).
    Fix: no one knows but guaranteed to be after the event ended.

    They're running Cyrodiil tests, hoping for high participation, while the supposed incentive doesn't work, and mobility across the vast expanses of exactly that Cyrodiil has been severely reduced.
    Fix: no one knows but guaranteed to be after the first (and probably second) round of tests ended.

    This is ridiculously stupid and borders on actively insulting their players.
    Edited by Varana on September 11, 2020 10:26PM
  • phil.maricel08ub17_ESO
    We have to option to enter Cyrodill at level 10. Imagine this bug, at level 10, in Cyrodill. Why would you put the community through such a thing? There are some bugs that can obviously be put off until a later time, but one such as this is unacceptable. You literally have taken any player that wants to participate in Cyrodill at the start, completely out of the game. And to tell us to deal with it for multiple weeks? Wow :/
  • renne
    THis bug is present on console too. I have two toons on PS4 EU with fully levelled mount stam, and when I use the one that no longer has rapids (with 10 in stam) the mount stam ALWAYS drains super fast. It doesn't matter if I port around or what. I was getting skyshards for skill points last week and it was infuriating.

    My other toon on the other hand, has rapids (with 7 in stam) and has them slotted, but even when I wasn't using rapids on them their mount stam NEVER drained fast, and technically they have less stam than the others.

    If you're looking at patching PC on 21/09, do you know when can console expect a fix, @ZOS_GinaBruno?
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