I knew there wouldn't be any changing Zenimax's opinion on this considering we couldn't change Zenimax's opinion on the vMA/vDSA weapons not being automatically upgraded. Frankly, I'm surprised more people didn't.
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »Are people really so addicted to speed, that they consider this skill "essential"? Or that they'd ever in a million years consider buying those stupid crown store training books?
(and the idea that someone would skip buying a new character slot because they can't get easy Rapids - as opposed to all the other better reasons - seems crazy to me.)
full disclosure - I've played since 2016, have 8 alts, have never used Rapids or bought a training book. Regular mount speed + wayshrines has always seemed perfectly fine to me. /shrug
Imagine having met the requirements for something, to put in the work and earn it, and then be told that you have to do more of the same to get what you already had. Seems a recurrent theme since greymoor release.
I'm loving the 2020 model of the game...
CMDR_Un1k0rn wrote: »
That "work" you describe is walking into Cyrodiil and pressing E on a quest giver NPC. Literally 10 seconds after entering Cyrodiil if you skip dialogue and sprint.
Meanwhile, those of us wanting to play Stamina PvP, which is significantly more than people playing Magicka PvP, (this is across the whole spectrum of players from top tier all the way down to lvl 10 first toons), those Stamina players have to fight other players with no effective heal available until they've earned their first 98k AP.
I know ZOS described Vigor as a sought after skill, with that being the basis of the change.
Has it occurred to anyone that they were not talking about PvE players here?
I know, it's radical considering we are talking about the PvP skill line. /s
Vigor is the one skill that every Stamina PvP'er definitely has no matter what. Because without it, you die. That's why it is sought after. Because Stamina PvP is just not viable without it.
PvP without Rapids equipped? Yes, perfectly viable. As is not having it whilst riding around PvE zones picking flowers.
Any PvE achievements where Rapids is genuinely needed, only requires one group member to have it equipped, as it is a group buff.
CMDR_Un1k0rn wrote: »
That "work" you describe is walking into Cyrodiil and pressing E on a quest giver NPC. Literally 10 seconds after entering Cyrodiil if you skip dialogue and sprint.
Meanwhile, those of us wanting to play Stamina PvP, which is significantly more than people playing Magicka PvP, (this is across the whole spectrum of players from top tier all the way down to lvl 10 first toons), those Stamina players have to fight other players with no effective heal available until they've earned their first 98k AP.
I know ZOS described Vigor as a sought after skill, with that being the basis of the change.
Has it occurred to anyone that they were not talking about PvE players here?
I know, it's radical considering we are talking about the PvP skill line. /s
Vigor is the one skill that every Stamina PvP'er definitely has no matter what. Because without it, you die. That's why it is sought after. Because Stamina PvP is just not viable without it.
PvP without Rapids equipped? Yes, perfectly viable. As is not having it whilst riding around PvE zones picking flowers.
Any PvE achievements where Rapids is genuinely needed, only requires one group member to have it equipped, as it is a group buff.
CMDR_Un1k0rn wrote: »
That "work" you describe is walking into Cyrodiil and pressing E on a quest giver NPC. Literally 10 seconds after entering Cyrodiil if you skip dialogue and sprint.
Meanwhile, those of us wanting to play Stamina PvP, which is significantly more than people playing Magicka PvP, (this is across the whole spectrum of players from top tier all the way down to lvl 10 first toons), those Stamina players have to fight other players with no effective heal available until they've earned their first 98k AP.
I know ZOS described Vigor as a sought after skill, with that being the basis of the change.
Has it occurred to anyone that they were not talking about PvE players here?
I know, it's radical considering we are talking about the PvP skill line. /s
Vigor is the one skill that every Stamina PvP'er definitely has no matter what. Because without it, you die. That's why it is sought after. Because Stamina PvP is just not viable without it.
PvP without Rapids equipped? Yes, perfectly viable. As is not having it whilst riding around PvE zones picking flowers.
Any PvE achievements where Rapids is genuinely needed, only requires one group member to have it equipped, as it is a group buff.
Meanwhile, those of us wanting to play Stamina PvP, which is significantly more than people playing Magicka PvP, (this is across the whole spectrum of players from top tier all the way down to lvl 10 first toons), those Stamina players have to fight other players with no effective heal available until they've earned their first 98k AP.
Many people also knew it was only the beginning and re-grind/additional grind for things already earned was going to become common practice.
I'm speaking of a trend in general. I don't really gaf about rapids vs vigor or when or how they're unlocked, but I do worry about the mindset and approach ZOS is adopting since greymoor.
Then surely you would think it better vigor and rapids not be swapped, but rather vigor find a better home at skill 1 of Support or perhaps not even be unlocked via PvP. There are other means to approach things is the point, and many times alternatives suggest by the players are everybody wins solutions that don't leave anyone feeling as if their requirements or concerns are set aside. ZOS consistently deliver their decisions via monkey's paw logic and damn the consequences--and at the same time are shifting paradigm into what I allude to in my previous post. Regardless of arena weapons one day, long established skills the next, there is a new pattern emerging...
Please DO NOT swap this. Do the logical thing and move Vigor to the FG skill line or make it the first in support. Rapids is essential. Especially for newer players and for people who run a lot of alts. I have 12 and was planning on buying more character slots to go full 18/18. Not anymore. I'm not grinding to R5 on all my alts that don't have it currently and the new ones I planned on making. I do a lot of writs and like to switch between different play styles.
This game has made so many strides in being alt friendly, but this is a huge step back. A lot of people utilize Rapids for alts/farming. Newer Pvp'rs can experience cyrodiil and not at a snails pace while they wait for their mount to get somewhat usable. If your main goal (which I think it isn't ) is to have stamina based classes have access to a heal early on then move it to the first skill line in Support, or move it to the FG skill which can be leveled much faster than Assault.
I think the real reason this is being done is so you can have people purchase these riding training from the crown store more often. That may occur..but you will lose out on the people buying character slots.
Imagine actually thinking you have earned rapids by putting work into it.
It is given to you for free when you go to Cyrodiil and talk to alliance warlord as a reward you know that right?
So you haven't earned anything, but now you have to and that makes people angry for some reason. Literally the most reliable stam heal in the game needs to be earned by putting work into it (98k is not much of a work while you can just participate in some zerg def of a keep) and people have audacity to defend their free skill over it.
So see you in Cyrodiil soon I suppose.
I knew there wouldn't be any changing Zenimax's opinion on this considering we couldn't change Zenimax's opinion on the vMA/vDSA weapons not being automatically upgraded. Frankly, I'm surprised more people didn't.
Switching Vigor with Rapids seems like a good move to me. New players need a way to heal themselves, while rapids is just a QoL skill. It would also disallow low level farming bots from using rapids.
Personally I never use(d) rapids, and in my opinion they should even remove it fully. Level playing field and all.
CMDR_Un1k0rn wrote: »
The funny thing is that the zerg they could join to get Rapids will have at least a couple of people running Rapids already because you know, people are always running PvP content, and this means that as Rapids is a group buff, they'll get their speed boost in Cyrodiil anyway! Couple hours later and you'll have Rapids yourself for it.
Remember, all these arguments (by the same people, btw) are caused by a problem that is totally of ZoS's making. So many ways that they could have done this, and they chose the way that will inconvenience the most people and will cause the most aggro.
The difference between Rapid Maneuvers and Vigor is that the former is a utility skill useful to any character, while the latter is a survival skill useful to some characters. I run Rapid Maneuvers on 60+ characters. I run Vigor on 2 characters, and only because they are running group DPS builds in solo content. The majority of my solo stamina builds never use, nor need Vigor.
Just because some people enjoy moving slowly through zones doesn’t mean everyone else should have to. The difference in time to get from place to place with or without Rapid Maneuvers is significant. This is a very poor change by ZOS designed to push crown store offerings on alt-loving players.
There's a difference between keeping something as is and putting out a better version and taking something away that you already had.
If they decided to create a "Super-Rapids" skill that unlocks at Assault 10, but left the regular rapids as is, I would have saved myself a lot of typing.
But why not swap Vigor with Siege Shield instead? Like, low level characters usually haven't even unlocked the stamina morph of their abilities, so if they are using a heal, it would be a magicka heal anyway.
The same thing can be said of heals, though. If you join a zerg, there will be healers there and they can heal you.
While being in a group would help, it depends on someone staying back and applying rapids on the stragglers, because it doesn't have a lot of range.
Whereas for heals, you are usually fairly close together when you are at a keep or resource, and it's easier to heal group members.
CMDR_Un1k0rn wrote: »
I'd disagree.
As nice as Rapids is, once you reach your destination it is 100% useless. There's better ways to get expedition buffs in combat.
Thing about PvP is that if you can't heal yourself, you are asking for trouble. Sure there might be healers? But remember, PuG zergs, which I really figured was implied because that's how Cyrodiil PvP often goes, especially for newcomers.
"Type +zerg for group."
Issue with PuG zergs is that you're not guaranteed a healer, and if you do get a healer, there is every chance that they just aren't very good. At this level of PvP, which is very low, a selfish heal like vigor is often all one has. As for Rapids? You can count on the lead having it and you should be following the crown anyway.
Having a bit of self-reliance in healing goes a very long way.
No one had answered my questions in every thread about this change. Why do you need rapids on every toon that you have? Especially the ones with multiple maxed accounts.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
You guys do realize the reasons you are stating for wanting rapids early on, is exactly the reason they are taking away rapids early on... bots!
New players shouldn't have to compete against bots and experienced players for resources. By making rapids being worked for, it evens out the gamespeed for most players on the starting islands, atleast till level 10.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
This is why I said atleast till level 10. And punishing real players.... isn't it more punishing for someone who just installed the game, to have the resources they are walking to be taken by others who have a speed advantage?
are you seriously... defending them punishing actual REAL players, REAL people.... to slow down bots instead of just you know... continuing to BAN bots? really?
and guess what? speaking of even playing fields and all. normal player who does things through gameplay rather then cash shop? is not getting rapids until lvl 10. a bot account can buy that skill line and have rapids ON starting islands. a normal player who is willing to open a check books can have rapids ON starting islands. and that brings us to the crux of the issue.
this. change. has little. to NOTHING. to do with leveling playing field. on the contrary.
because imagine having all those characters and how much time you add to travel cumulatively WITHOUT rapids. you think, oh its just a few seconds longer to get from here to there. on one character. once. but you add every day, on multiple characters and that's multiple extra hours spend on travel that you didn't have to spend, that you could have used to do something else.
THAT is why we need rapids. to have more time to do things at point be, because it took less time to get to it from point A thanks to rapids.