Solution #1:
Each time the game detects that too many players are fighting in one place there is a 50% chance each minute that a dragon arrives and kills everybody in that overcrowded area.
Solution #2:
War is all about logistics. When the game detects that there are more players in Cyrodiil than the server can handle, which is usually during prime time, the following rule of engagement should govern how people can attack and defend keeps: around the keep, the attackers must set up three camps with supplies, while defenders must protect supplies within the three resources surrounding the keep. The more resources are sabotaged by the attackers, the easier it is to break down the gates and walls of the keep. The defenders, on the other hand, can strengthen gates and keep walls by sabotaging the supply camps of the attackers.
Solution #3:
During prime time gaming, attackers can only do damage to keep gates and walls as long as they have captured each flag placed on top of the three resource buildings surrounding the keep.
The hp bar of the keep gate/wall can be divided into three colors, one for each resource building surrounding the keep. A color is highlighted when the attackers have captured the top flag of one of the resource buildings. All three colors of the keep's hp bar must be highlighted in order to do damage to the gate or wall.
Once inside the keep, a dragon or some kind of monster will start to randomly kill players if defenders and attackers don't protect their supplies in the resource buildings and logistic camps surrounding the keep.
The map can show how many players from each faction are at each resource, like this for example: 5/2/8, each number having the color of each faction (red, blue, yellow). Players can then check the map to see where they must ride to attack/defend a resource.
Those fighting to attack or defend their supply areas outside the keep get the same amount of alliance points as those fighting inside the keep, after winning the battle for the keep.
Solution #4:
Integrate IC and Cyrodiil in such a way that players can sneak into a keep in Cyrodiil by attacking from the sewers in IC.
Solution #5:
In addition to IC and Cyrodiil, create one or two new maps for large-scale PvP fighting.
Edited by ChaosWotan on August 1, 2020 3:03AM