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Trading morals

I completed a dolmen in Deshaan and one of the NPC’s dropped a purple lighting Mother’s Sorrow staff with the sharpened trait and the damage/regen enchant.

However, it was only a level 36 staff. I knew I could put this into the guild store and make double digits in gold by tricking someone thinking it was a 160CP. I deconstructed the staff as I would feel guilty knowing I caused someone’s upset.

I just want to see how many people would try to sell the staff as a level 160.

This is an anonymous poll.

What would you do?
Edited by WildRaptorX on July 28, 2020 10:10PM

Trading morals 136 votes

Sell the staff
11% 16 votes
80% 109 votes
8% 11 votes
  • VaranisArano
    Sell it priced appropriately for the purple mastic from deconstruction, since I've got plenty already, or appropriately for the level 36.

    There are options for selling that don't require being a con man, you know?
  • WildRaptorX
    @VaranisArano I know, I just couldn’t be bothered to make it a poll option
  • Ectheliontnacil
    Selling is a lose lose situation:
    Either it doesn't sell and you lose gold from the expensive listing or it does and you're a complete ***.
  • UntilValhalla13
    I'm not sure how much you'd get for a weapon that literally is a free quest reward.
  • rotaugen454
    The Morales family does not wish to be traded.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • doomette
    Whoops, nevermind. Carry on, I know how I read, honest 😳
    Edited by doomette on July 28, 2020 10:30PM
  • WildRaptorX
    @doomette No? If you can read, I said I wouldn’t do it. Just want to see how many people would.
  • SidraWillowsky
    It would not even cross my mind to try to trick someone like that.
  • WildRaptorX
    @SidraWillowsky Normally, it wouldn’t for me neither. However, I fell for a similar trick recently and lost a lot of gold and it made me curious to see how many people would do it
  • Dusk_Coven
    I'm surprised the "sell" choice isn't more voted on. Tons of people list common style stones at way higher prices than the NPC vendor. Sometimes in the 100's.

    That said, listing it and trying to pass it off as cp160 might be unfeasible since people might well filter out results that are not cp160 during their search, either in the guild store or on the TTC website.
  • WildRaptorX
    @Dusk_Coven Same, I’m glad to see most people voting they wouldn’t. Maybe Xbox EU is just toxic, this happens a lot
  • Athyrium93
    I'd sell it priced appropriately for only being level 36, either someone would buy for the decon or the trait, or as a gear peice for leveling, if someone was dumb enough to buy it thinking they were getting a steal at 2-3k* gold they deserve to lose the gold....
    (*I have no idea what the going rate for the mats are)
  • Radiance
    You wouldn't do it but the thought crossed your mind?

    Would your opinion on the matter have changed if this poll was different? I don't understand the point of this other than a morbid curiosity.
    Edited by Radiance on July 28, 2020 10:23PM
  • WildRaptorX
    @Radiance Late night morbid curiosity. I knew I would never do it, but I knew I could do it if that makes sense. Just want to see who would
  • LuxLunae
    you not gonna trick anybody...

    I always put lvl cp160...

    if someone is tricked.. well they leaned just then...

    Now what got me was not knowing a certain trait ring could not be deconned.
  • Jayman1000
    What you describe is scamming really; intentionally trying to to trick people to buy item lvl36 by fooling them into thinking it is a cp160 item. So no, I would not do that, especially because scamming is against the spirit of the game and against the ToS. had this been EVE it would have been an entirely different ballgame.
  • doomette
    Keylun wrote: »
    @doomette No? If you can read, I said I wouldn’t do it. Just want to see how many people would.

    Oh jeez, I totally misread that, sorry. That’s what I get for reading with my attention divided, apologies.
  • WildRaptorX
    @LuxLunae Yeah, I’ve been tricked before and learnt my lesson. Now I use the filter
  • JKorr
    Dusk_Coven wrote: »
    I'm surprised the "sell" choice isn't more voted on. Tons of people list common style stones at way higher prices than the NPC vendor. Sometimes in the 100's.

    That said, listing it and trying to pass it off as cp160 might be unfeasible since people might well filter out results that are not cp160 during their search, either in the guild store or on the TTC website.

    You've never noticed blue normal motifs listed for hundreds of gold before? If it isn't a new player, I usually get the idea someone is either intentionally screwing prices to mess with TTC, or they're doing hinky things with gold selling.

    There will always be players willing to cheat people. There was one person who came to the forum to ask if making a guild, getting the people to put high cost mats and gold in the guild bank, and then cleaning out the bank and disbanding the guild was breaking rules they might be banned for....
    Edited by JKorr on July 29, 2020 10:28PM
  • Ilsabet
    I would sell it to someone who wanted it for their level 36-ish character.

    I'm not sure why the automatic judgment is that anyone selling it is trying to cheat people. There are people who want nice gear for their alts and don't mind dropping some coin on it. I might not charge as much as I know I could get for a CP160 version, but that doesn't mean it's trash.
  • peacenote
    I would d/e it. Not worth trying to sell it to the limited audience at the appropriate level.

    I'm also curious whenever I see a listing like this if people are doing it on purpose or don't know any better.
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  • BisDasBlutGefriert
    I would either decon it, or give it away for free in zone chat since I’m not in any guilds to sell stuff at. Hopefully make someone’s day better
    ~There’s a positive in every negative. Sometimes the positive is harder to find than other times, but there is ALWAYS one there~
  • FrancisCrawford
    Sell it priced appropriately for the purple mastic from deconstruction, since I've got plenty already, or appropriately for the level 36.

    There are options for selling that don't require being a con man, you know?

    It's worth a bit more than decon value. I sell random green and blue leveling set pieces is the 3-500 gold range, and they go quickly. A nice purple weapon like that I'd put up for 999.
  • mairwen85
    We can trade morals, but my scruples are off the table.
  • Sylvermynx
    So wait.... how would you even go about pretending that a level 36 purple staff was CP 160? I mean.... I don't normally go looking for weapons and armor on the traders - I craft what I want and let it go at that - but seriously....
  • idk
    Selling is a lose lose situation:
    Either it doesn't sell and you lose gold from the expensive listing or it does and you're a complete ***.

    You get your listing gold back if it does not sell and you allow the listing period to expire. Someone just might buy it for an alt. While I tend to level alts in the gear that droops some might want set bonus. To each their own.
  • VoxAdActa
    JKorr wrote: »
    Dusk_Coven wrote: »
    I'm surprised the "sell" choice isn't more voted on. Tons of people list common style stones at way higher prices than the NPC vendor. Sometimes in the 100's.

    That said, listing it and trying to pass it off as cp160 might be unfeasible since people might well filter out results that are not cp160 during their search, either in the guild store or on the TTC website.

    You've never noticed blue normal motifs listed for hundreds of gold before? If it isn't a new player, I usually get the idea someone is either intentionally screwing prices to mess with TTC, or they're doing hunny things with gold selling.

    There will always be players willing to cheat people. There was one person who came to the forum to ask if making a guild, getting the people to put high cost mats and gold in the guild bank, and then cleaning out the bank and disbanding the guild was breaking rules they might be banned for....

    I remember not too long ago a big thread where there were multiple people defending the practice of joining a guild just to wipe out the guild bank if they were "stupid enough" to not set the permissions right, then leave.
  • volkeswagon
    it's okay to sell it as long as the selling price is relevant to the level. Conning someone on purpose just paints an L on the sellers forehead.
    Edited by volkeswagon on July 29, 2020 3:59AM
  • Narvuntien
    I wasted 100K on a lvl 25 staff once... I refuse to ever buy from that guild ever again.

    They are a major PC-NA Mournhold guild that always has their spot.
    Edited by Narvuntien on July 29, 2020 5:27AM
  • Dojohoda
    Shortly after the Vicious Death set came out, I bought a piece from a guild. It was pricey and it was level 16; I thought it was 160. :/ I never made that mistake again. :|
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
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