Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

PC EU Current Status & Login Queues

  • SmukkeHeks
    SmukkeHeks wrote: »
    If you are still encountering an issue loading into the PC-EU server, could you please provide the following info?
    • Account name (UserID)
    • Names of the characters you're trying to play
    • Where those characters are in the game

    Thank you!

    This has taken an absurd road.

    Account: SmukkeHeks
    Name: Calaein
    Location: Betnikh

    Account: SmukkeHeks
    Name: Vølve
    Location: Cyrodiil

    Account: SmukkeHeks
    Name: Aurora Måneskin
    Location: Grahtwood

    Fifth attempt and I came through to Betnikh.

    Trying the rest later. But this needs fixing.
  • Paramedicus

    Got error 307 booted from server and now i cant log in (timeout or booted message).

    Didnt know that doing alchemy is so demanding on server.
    PC EU
    /script JumpToHouse("@Paramedicus")
    ↑↑↑ Feel free to visit my house if you need to use Transmute Station or vet Trial Dummy with buffs and Aetherial Well (look for the Harrowing Reaper on the northern rock wall) ↑↑↑
  • NightravenG
    Account Name: NightravenG
    Charakter: Melody Corvus
    Last Map: Ruins of Mazzathun - But have nomally port to Grathwood after finish instance
    Edit: Ok, I am in. Thanks for the quick reaction.
    Edited by NightravenG on July 28, 2020 6:24PM
  • Xebov
    Once we were able to open, we were right in the middle of EU primetime, and the server was flooded with people trying to log in.

    Which is no suprise. Europe is your biggest community and biggest server but has the elast tiem for maintenance before prime time is hit. On days like yesterday that is what kicks you and i have yet to see how you come up with a solution.

    Let me show this to you:
    The maintenance always starts at 4am EDT/8am UTC.
    For the US this means that you have a total of 12 hours until its 16:00, or a total of 14 hours until its 18:00. No matter what you put in as a worst case duration its not a problem since this is also the eastern most time zone, so in the western areas you have an additional (!) up to 3 hours time. This means that there is enought time to conduct a maintenance.
    Now for Europe (leaving Island out) you take the western most time zone in UTC. This means the maintenance starts at 9:00 in the western most areas and at 11:00 in russia which would be the eastern most area. Counting to 16:00 this means you have 5 hours of time, counting till 18:00 you have 7. To give the same amount of maintenance time to europe like US has maintenance has to start at 1am UTC.

    Everyone with some basic knowledge can look this up within minutes and still we always run into this issue, which proves that Europe might be your bigegst market, but ppl in your offices dont realy care about us because starting maintenance earlier is to inconvenient for you.

    The overtime situation wouldnt be that bad if you would at least have a plan for opening up the servers. But its everytime the same. You open up, ppl nearly crash the server and get stuck. Then sometimes you come up with queues that dont do anything.

    I dont see any improvement there. There is also not a single plan behind how you want to react to tickets missing in ongoing events etc. There are no plans how to react. If i would work as clueless as your folks in the office i would have been fired by now. Getting some basic emergency planning in place is the absolut minimum that can be expected.

  • Greenback
    Soul Shriven
    If you are still encountering an issue loading into the PC-EU server, could you please provide the following info?
    • Account name (UserID)
    • Names of the characters you're trying to play
    • Where those characters are in the game

    Thank you!

    Rogath Rush

    Edit: With another Char the Login work.
    Edited by Greenback on July 28, 2020 7:16PM
  • Lunerdog
    Oh c'mon ZOS !

    Spent the last two nights playing on the NA Server to give you time to get things sorted and I still can't get on the EU server.

    Just get an endless load screen after character select.

    Stiff upper lip and all that but I'm very dischuffed with your apparent lack of ability on this...

    Edit: Finally got in after multiple attempts and looooong load screen.

    *Shakes head, walks off muttering*
    Edited by Lunerdog on July 29, 2020 2:49AM
  • Thoragaal
    ops.. wrong thread..
    Edited by Thoragaal on July 29, 2020 12:42AM
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
    "I've always wanted to kick a duck up the arse" -Karl Pilkington, on the question what he'd do if it was the last day on earth.
  • Auldjohn
    I logged into PC EU on July 27 1830 PDT from the San Francisco Bay Area. Account @Auldjohn, Character Veteranis Magistersage loading to Vvardenfell, Morrowind for Guild Admin and solo PvE.

    Normally play on PC NA, but I'm a Guild Admin alternate for our EU branch and needed to update our Message of the Day, revise Guild Description text, and send a Guild Invite.

    Sign-in was quick, although the login from a different IP address authentication PIN took a couple minutes to arrive.

    After authentication, about 90 seconds to character select, no queue. 30 seconds more to arrive in Tamriel.

    Once there response and movement were quick with no noticable lag.

    Lots of unclaimed Crown Crates to open and Inventory to manage, then on to Guild Admin.

    Accepted pending bonuses for Greymoor purchase, accepted initial Solitude Quest, Fast Travel to Solitude Docks Wayshrine.

    No problems throughout lengthy session > 1 hour.

    I have 255 MB Cable modem Broadband to my 500 MB router (Fiber to our Demarc less than 150 yards away). High speed internet eliminates throughput issues.

    Hope this input is helpful.

    The Elder Sages Guild EU
    Guild Admin
    Edited by Auldjohn on July 29, 2020 8:47AM
    @AuldjohnThe Elder Sages' GuildMaster Sage &
    "Old gamers never die; they just respawn and game on!" • Our Slogan: Have Fun!!

    Moot Envoy • Tamriel Foundry Adept • Steam ID Auldjohn
    YouTube auldjohnmastersage • Twitch AuldjohnPCGamer• Steam Group TESGs
  • Harti4ever
    Login Error:
    An unexpected internal error has occurred.
    Please contact customer service at

    have fun...

    Tried it several times on 2 PCs

  • MyNameIsElias
    PC EU seems to be having issues again right now. I got stuck on an endless loadingscreen to Stormhaven. I crashed my game and tried to log back in, and it tells me my password/account name may be incorrect or that my account could be deactivated right now. I can't log in to check my account on the website either. Just getting "Page not found" error on the website.

    Edited by MyNameIsElias on July 29, 2020 9:20AM
  • joerginger
    Yes, no login possible on PC EU. The error message I get is different, though. The game claims that password / username are incorrect, which they aren't. I tried logging in on PC NA and got he same error. Unsurprisingly, my second account on PC EU doesn't work either.
  • Trao


    Schon wieder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    MACHT MAL ENDLICH WAS"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

  • Brander12
    Can't log in to game and account website.
    solved by itself.
    Edited by Brander12 on July 29, 2020 9:38AM
  • Ydrisselle
    Auldjohn wrote: »
    I logged into PC EU on July 27 1830 PDT from the San Francisco Bay Area. Account @Auldjohn, Character Veteranis Magistersage loading to Vvardenfell, Morrowind for Guild Admin and solo PvE.

    Normally play on PC NA, but I'm a Guild Admin alternate for our EU branch and needed to update our Message of the Day, revise Guild Description text, and send a Guild Invite.

    Sign-in was quick, although the login from a different IP address authentication PIN took a couple minutes to arrive.

    After authentication, about 90 seconds to character select, no queue. 30 seconds more to arrive in Tamriel.

    Once there response and movement were quick with no noticable lag.

    Lots of unclaimed Crown Crates to open and Inventory to manage, then on to Guild Admin.

    Accepted pending bonuses for Greymoor purchase, accepted initial Solitude Quest, Fast Travel to Solitude Docks Wayshrine.

    No problems throughout lengthy session > 1 hour.

    I have 255 MB Cable modem Broadband to my 500 MB router (Fiber to our Demarc less than 150 yards away). High speed internet eliminates throughput issues.

    Hope this input is helpful.

    The Elder Sages Guild EU
    Guild Admin

    @Auldjohn 1830 PDT means 0330 CEST. Everybody was sleeping here, it would be very strange if you had any problems...
  • CharlieWednesday
    Soul Shriven
    I had the same issues as everyone else on Monday but was able to login fine yesterday (Tuesday 28th). Today (29th) however the 'Requesting Login' message appears for a while and then either it tells me that it has timed out, or it tells me that my userID or password may be incorrect or inactive (which they definitely are not).

    Account: CharlieWednesday
    Name: Sagat R
    Location: Murkmire
  • kingsforged
    Yay, massively extende maintenance just for everything to get broken again!
  • UberNix
    Soul Shriven
    cann't login to EU server - time is out, US server login give me error
  • Benawaw89
    AOE cooldown will fix this!!!
  • PandooZa
    Soul Shriven
    Benawaw89 wrote: »
    AOE cooldown will fix this!!!

    For sure it will! Hopefully I know how to write my password by then and it won't be incorrect!
  • Gythral
    "It's dead, Jim"
    Yet again...
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Banana
    Make a bigger server
  • 0lbertikus
    Banana wrote: »
    Make a bigger server

    Make a working server
  • Futard
    0lbertikus wrote: »
    Banana wrote: »
    Make a bigger server

    Make a working server

    Make a server with more cool downs
    HäNdLeR sInD pAy2WiN!!!1!11 - RE 2021
  • Olupajmibanan
    Futard wrote: »
    0lbertikus wrote: »
    Banana wrote: »
    Make a bigger server

    Make a working server

    Make a server with more cool downs

    Make a server with more variations of crown crates.
  • Abletone69
    Soul Shriven
    Futard wrote: »
    0lbertikus wrote: »
    Banana wrote: »
    Make a bigger server

    Make a working server

    Make a server with more cool downs

    Make a server with more variations of crown crates.

    Make a server with more indriks
  • curtis337
    i have two accounts that can't get past login screen
  • Technica
    I can't log in again now
    I was online, had been for a while, but I was alt-tabbed doing something else for a bit and I got kicked for inactivity eventually.
    I tried logging back in and it said user name/password might be wrong. Tried again, same thing. So I tested logging in on the website, and the "submit" button would literally not work.

    Then I saw the banner saying "we know there are issues"... sigh... not again
    You will know me by my eye. | Adventuring since beta | PC EU | ESO+ | I recommend this reshade (Example Screenshots)
  • Thavie
    Same here, "Connection to server timed out".
    "We grew under a bad sun"
  • Bine2019
    Oh wow, but ok

    Account: Serafina2019
    Name: Leoni Duchamps
    Location: Linchal Grand Manor, Gold Coast
  • Bine2019
    Bine2019 wrote: »
    Oh wow, but ok

    Account: Serafina2019
    Name: Leoni Duchamps
    Location: Linchal Grand Manor, Gold Coast

    Sorry forgot my new twink:

    Account: Serafina2019
    Name: Lilli Duchamps
    Location: Linchal Grand Manor, Gold Coast or Hall of the Lunar Champion, Nothern Elsweyr
    (I#M sorry but i'm not sure any longer where exactly she was.)
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