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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Godlike 1vX PvP equals broken game mechanics

  • DracoSaggitaExSole
    VoxAdActa wrote: »

    I was not advocating either of those that you described. You made them up in you mind...

    Ok, now just so we're on the same page, in a couple of short paragraphs or less (because I'm dumb):

    What ARE you arguing to change?

    In short, as magica user in light armor I would like to see better functioning tools to counter play a high burst high mobility builds. I think it would sums it up. These builds should hit me like a truck, i wear light armor, but i should have a cc and mobility option to out play them.

    You see, this is because as a magica user you have limited access to stamina, but all cc counter mechanics (Break Free, Roll Dodge, Block) are stamina based. So a stamina user will have an advantage but being able to afford higher stamina sustain builds.

    So as a light armor magcia player i get hit the highest, and have the least resource to get away, lets say roll dodge or block.

    I just don't feel that it is well balanced.
  • VoxAdActa

    In short, as magica user in light armor I would like to see better functioning tools to counter play a high burst high mobility builds. I think it would sums it up. These builds should hit me like a truck, i wear light armor, but i should have a cc and mobility option to out play them.

    You see, this is because as a magica user you have limited access to stamina, but all cc counter mechanics (Break Free, Roll Dodge, Block) are stamina based. So a stamina user will have an advantage but being able to afford higher stamina sustain builds.

    So as a light armor magcia player i get hit the highest, and have the least resource to get away, lets say roll dodge or block.

    I just don't feel that it is well balanced.

    Ok, so you're looking for some kind of magicka-based damage avoidance skill?

    Like a damage shield or something? That would be pretty cool if we had those. We'd have to put it on the Light Armor skill line though, to make sure all classes could use it. Oh, and speaking of the Light Armor skill line, what if we had a passive that reduced snare effectiveness on the player by an amount dependent on how many pieces of light armor they're wearing?

    Or maybe some kind of, say "streak", where you zoom away from attackers?

    Or how about some power that allows you to go invisible for a few seconds? That might help, if it were based on magicka. Even better if there was a light armor set that let you ignore the speed penalty for sneaking.

    It would also be cool if magicka builds had some skill that let them detect players who were sneaking up on them; it'd be doubly cool if slotting it increased their spell crit rating or something.

    A magicka-based skill that provided, say, 2.5 seconds of snare and root immunity would be really useful too, but maybe we'd have to add a longer-duration 25% reduction to area effect damage to make it worth slotting.

    And of course, we really need a magicka-based skill that removes, say 5?, negative effects on the player, to get rid of roots and snares without using stam. We should stick that somewhere in the Alliance skill lines, so everyone who PvPs can get it.
    Edited by VoxAdActa on May 26, 2020 9:01PM
  • DracoSaggitaExSole
    I feel its more about the magica or stamina resource focus. Say a higher resource value of the two would provide an option to break free, roll dodge, block cost of that particular resource. I would call them differently to make sense of course.

    Also snares like the sorc encase or the ice staff unstable wall of elements would be a circle around you that would help the CC toolset. Because in PvP they are not really viable as they are a narrow long pathway, and with all the direction changes in pvp they are not too useful.

    So yeah, stuff like that. A better toolset to be able to counter play it. So a better player would still win, but I would feel i could have done something to avoid it, instead sitting clueless on the death recap and consider not play light armor magica in pvp because i ran out of options to think about a counter play.
  • out51d3r
    You see, this is because as a magica user you have limited access to stamina, but all cc counter mechanics (Break Free, Roll Dodge, Block) are stamina based. So a stamina user will have an advantage but being able to afford higher stamina sustain builds.

    So as a light armor magcia player i get hit the highest, and have the least resource to get away, lets say roll dodge or block.

    I just don't feel that it is well balanced.

    You should probably be thinking about some stam and/or stam recovery on a mag build(stam builds should often do the same for mag). Unless you're building a pure glass cannon, use prismatic enchants. The return on investment in those is really good. Carry tri pots. Maybe use tri foods. I know your instinct is to say "BUT STAM DOESN'T DO THAT!". Many of them do. I do almost all of those things on my Stamblade and my Stamsorc, as my best escape abilities cost mag.

    Even my magicka bombblade runs with 14k stam, and it's pure glass cannon. I've been debating pushing it up to 16k stam.
    Edited by out51d3r on May 26, 2020 9:23PM
  • DracoSaggitaExSole
    out51d3r wrote: »
    You see, this is because as a magica user you have limited access to stamina, but all cc counter mechanics (Break Free, Roll Dodge, Block) are stamina based. So a stamina user will have an advantage but being able to afford higher stamina sustain builds.

    So as a light armor magcia player i get hit the highest, and have the least resource to get away, lets say roll dodge or block.

    I just don't feel that it is well balanced.

    You should probably be thinking about some stam and/or stam recovery on a mag build(stam builds should often do the same for mag). Unless you're building a pure glass cannon, use prismatic enchants. The return on investment in those is really good. Carry tri pots. Maybe use tri foods. I know your instinct is to say "BUT STAM DOESN'T DO THAT!". Many of them do. I do almost all of those things on my Stamblade and my Stamsorc, as my best escape abilities cost mag.

    Even my magicka bombblade runs with 14k stam, and it's pure glass cannon. I've been debating pushing it up to 16k stam.

    I actually do use 3 prismatic, and have tri-pots but in no-cp since i am still 530 dont fell i can compete in the cc breaking, damage avoidence, mobility game with stam builds runnin with 30-35k stam.
  • NyassaV
    I used to be able to 1vX with off meta builds... Then ZOS started nerfing magblade and now I'm forced to use stuff I don't like.
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • catnamedwill
    out51d3r wrote: »
    You see, this is because as a magica user you have limited access to stamina, but all cc counter mechanics (Break Free, Roll Dodge, Block) are stamina based. So a stamina user will have an advantage but being able to afford higher stamina sustain builds.

    So as a light armor magcia player i get hit the highest, and have the least resource to get away, lets say roll dodge or block.

    I just don't feel that it is well balanced.

    You should probably be thinking about some stam and/or stam recovery on a mag build(stam builds should often do the same for mag). Unless you're building a pure glass cannon, use prismatic enchants. The return on investment in those is really good. Carry tri pots. Maybe use tri foods. I know your instinct is to say "BUT STAM DOESN'T DO THAT!". Many of them do. I do almost all of those things on my Stamblade and my Stamsorc, as my best escape abilities cost mag.

    Even my magicka bombblade runs with 14k stam, and it's pure glass cannon. I've been debating pushing it up to 16k stam.

    I actually do use 3 prismatic, and have tri-pots but in no-cp since i am still 530 dont fell i can compete in the cc breaking, damage avoidence, mobility game with stam builds runnin with 30-35k stam.

    Very few stamina build have 32k stamina, let alone 35k in no-CP. Also, it is intentional that stamina has better mobility. At least now, magicka can get close and magicka sorc can go beyong stamina mobility. Earlier magicka had half the mobility they have now.

    Magicka builds have to rely on class abilities and Race against Time for mobility. The advantage for magicka builds is the massive range advantage, use it right and make it hard for melee players to close up on. You have mines for magsorc, fear trap for magblade, etc.
  • out51d3r
    I actually do use 3 prismatic, and have tri-pots but in no-cp since i am still 530 dont fell i can compete in the cc breaking, damage avoidence, mobility game with stam builds runnin with 30-35k stam.

    I don't entirely agree with you there. That 30k-35k stam needs to be split between offense and defense. Your 12k stam(ballpark based on what you've said) is purely for defense. Maybe in situations where you can literally do nothing but roll and breakfree, the stam character has a massive advantage. Those situations are rare though, and you should probably be utilizing your mag somehow even then.
  • DracoSaggitaExSole
    out51d3r wrote: »
    You see, this is because as a magica user you have limited access to stamina, but all cc counter mechanics (Break Free, Roll Dodge, Block) are stamina based. So a stamina user will have an advantage but being able to afford higher stamina sustain builds.

    So as a light armor magcia player i get hit the highest, and have the least resource to get away, lets say roll dodge or block.

    I just don't feel that it is well balanced.

    You should probably be thinking about some stam and/or stam recovery on a mag build(stam builds should often do the same for mag). Unless you're building a pure glass cannon, use prismatic enchants. The return on investment in those is really good. Carry tri pots. Maybe use tri foods. I know your instinct is to say "BUT STAM DOESN'T DO THAT!". Many of them do. I do almost all of those things on my Stamblade and my Stamsorc, as my best escape abilities cost mag.

    Even my magicka bombblade runs with 14k stam, and it's pure glass cannon. I've been debating pushing it up to 16k stam.

    I actually do use 3 prismatic, and have tri-pots but in no-cp since i am still 530 dont fell i can compete in the cc breaking, damage avoidence, mobility game with stam builds runnin with 30-35k stam.

    Very few stamina build have 32k stamina, let alone 35k in no-CP. Also, it is intentional that stamina has better mobility. At least now, magicka can get close and magicka sorc can go beyong stamina mobility. Earlier magicka had half the mobility they have now.

    Magicka builds have to rely on class abilities and Race against Time for mobility. The advantage for magicka builds is the massive range advantage, use it right and make it hard for melee players to close up on. You have mines for magsorc, fear trap for magblade, etc.

    A massive range advantage? Umm... What about Snipe and perma roll dodge? Crit rush? My experience in the game brought me the conclusion to post about the above mentioned builds. And i even understand why they are op, I explained. But some of comments i feel are theory crafts on paper and not real working solutions in game.
  • yeyesil
    There is no 1vx in this game. There are just good solo players knowing how to LOS around the rock or tower, keeping the OP self heal and draining bad or noob players stamina by making them to run behind then they turn and kill with their OP burst skills(shalk or blastbones) and ulti. You cant do it to a good or same level player or a group of experienced players.

    The problem or the broken part of the PVP in this game is OP or p2w classes. They are stamdens or stamcros with insane mitigation healing and explosive burst. And there is no counterplay for these classes and setups except a group of experienced players.

    The man is partially right. The pvp is broken and this is not just a l2p issue. Now we have a worse problem in pvp. These 1vx players play p2w stamcros or stamdens as a group and can be immortal and kill the people without no counterplay. This is not fun at all. This has been the worst pvp experience for me in my 6 years experience of ESO PVP since Elsweyr patch.
  • catnamedwill
    out51d3r wrote: »
    You see, this is because as a magica user you have limited access to stamina, but all cc counter mechanics (Break Free, Roll Dodge, Block) are stamina based. So a stamina user will have an advantage but being able to afford higher stamina sustain builds.

    So as a light armor magcia player i get hit the highest, and have the least resource to get away, lets say roll dodge or block.

    I just don't feel that it is well balanced.

    You should probably be thinking about some stam and/or stam recovery on a mag build(stam builds should often do the same for mag). Unless you're building a pure glass cannon, use prismatic enchants. The return on investment in those is really good. Carry tri pots. Maybe use tri foods. I know your instinct is to say "BUT STAM DOESN'T DO THAT!". Many of them do. I do almost all of those things on my Stamblade and my Stamsorc, as my best escape abilities cost mag.

    Even my magicka bombblade runs with 14k stam, and it's pure glass cannon. I've been debating pushing it up to 16k stam.

    I actually do use 3 prismatic, and have tri-pots but in no-cp since i am still 530 dont fell i can compete in the cc breaking, damage avoidence, mobility game with stam builds runnin with 30-35k stam.

    Very few stamina build have 32k stamina, let alone 35k in no-CP. Also, it is intentional that stamina has better mobility. At least now, magicka can get close and magicka sorc can go beyong stamina mobility. Earlier magicka had half the mobility they have now.

    Magicka builds have to rely on class abilities and Race against Time for mobility. The advantage for magicka builds is the massive range advantage, use it right and make it hard for melee players to close up on. You have mines for magsorc, fear trap for magblade, etc.

    A massive range advantage? Umm... What about Snipe and perma roll dodge? Crit rush? My experience in the game brought me the conclusion to post about the above mentioned builds. And i even understand why they are op, I explained. But some of comments i feel are theory crafts on paper and not real working solutions in game.

    Snipe is legit weak outside of ganking so if you are getting 1vXed by snipers, it is on you. Bow is the weakest main bar offensive weapon, which is why nobody outside gankblades use it. 99% of stamina 1vXers are melee. There are some exceptions which can be ranged but often are weaker or harder to master, etc.

    Gap Closers like crit rush, is hardly used by 1vXers, who usually use sprint for closing up and even if used, it is on you to keep to keep them at range by kiting or using anti-melee like mine as I said before.

    You can't perma roll in ESO, dodge costs stack up very fast. The one comes closest are stamina nightblade, who alternate between Cloak and roll to keep up their stamina. While they can effectively avoid a lot of damage, they build for high sustain to make it possible and are usually very squishy.
    Edited by catnamedwill on May 26, 2020 10:41PM
  • coletas
    I just have get this out of my chest... Sorry for any feelz i might hurt with it.

    In my journey of learning to to play against players, study sets, watching youtube videos for several hours and playing in BG-s and Cyro for several hours i came to a conclusion. The PvP in ESO is broken, utterly un-enjoyable unless you do the same thing that certain players do that i seen in the videos. And before all of you reading me start smashing on the buttons of "git gud" "l2p" etc let me elaborate.

    It is very simple. Build or copy a high mobility, high sustain, and high weapon damage build, you can easily do this, plenty out there. Run around objects to line of sight your opponents, since you can and thank the CC immunity, stealth, and insane amount of self heals, and constant roll dodge and the lack of their counters. pick couple of high damage skills and there you have it.

    Just practice with it and you can be godlike too. Not because you are a good player, its because you exploit a broken PvP system in a game.

    It is broken not because they exist in my opinion, it is utterly broken because the lack of counter to this recipe described above.

    Yes learning to rotate your buffs, and learning the game, and have a tonn of experience plays a significant role in it. But after you have the learned these, and have the experience you become godlike because of the above mentioned broken PvP CC mechanics in the game.

    There are good players in this game, but the game of PvP in this game is far from good.

    And just a few things to get out of the way. I been playing games for 20 years. Seen a lot, did a lot. I can say that ESO have the most broken PvP system off the games I have had my hands on. If you don't follow the success recipe and play a certain way you are going to feed AP to the ones who follow the recipe.

    This is my opinion and experience, you are free to have yours.

    please, dont take It as an ofense, but you need watch less video, read less otherguys builds, and play more until you find that sweet spot build. Is like mixing 64 tracks. The first day you mix it sounds good to you but is completely crap, Next month is perfect for you but is crap (just only a little less crap that month before mix) and only after some years you can mix It fast, easy, good sounding for everyone and comfortable for you to do it. You feel there that you are domaining It. ESO PVP is similar. We all have the same tools and the same instruments... and there are masters nb, masters nb, masters templars, master stamcros etc. If you dont feel like in domain, just keep training, one day you will be doing perfect mixings automatically. Ah, and about 1vsX, is easy... dont play your instrument where the other guy is playing confortable, like in aaaany fight, terrain is much more important than most other things
  • Everest_Lionheart
    out51d3r wrote: »
    You see, this is because as a magica user you have limited access to stamina, but all cc counter mechanics (Break Free, Roll Dodge, Block) are stamina based. So a stamina user will have an advantage but being able to afford higher stamina sustain builds.

    So as a light armor magcia player i get hit the highest, and have the least resource to get away, lets say roll dodge or block.

    I just don't feel that it is well balanced.

    You should probably be thinking about some stam and/or stam recovery on a mag build(stam builds should often do the same for mag). Unless you're building a pure glass cannon, use prismatic enchants. The return on investment in those is really good. Carry tri pots. Maybe use tri foods. I know your instinct is to say "BUT STAM DOESN'T DO THAT!". Many of them do. I do almost all of those things on my Stamblade and my Stamsorc, as my best escape abilities cost mag.

    Even my magicka bombblade runs with 14k stam, and it's pure glass cannon. I've been debating pushing it up to 16k stam.

    I only do PvP on BG, but I will say I’m using tri stat food for that extra mag pool on my stamina character. Longfin Pastry boosts all 3 pools. The reason being my backbar has my magicka abilities. Gripping shards, Arctic Blast and Bird of Prey it takes a second to setup sometimes but when you catch someone you are dealing AOE, DOT, slowing the enemy, speeding yourself, boosting your dmg and have a chance to proc a snare. After that you bar swap and burst down.

    The magicka cost is high but the return is worth it. Works well in BG especially if I have at least 1 other player with me and everyone isn’t off freelancing.
  • Xvorg
    There's a counter: the X have to stick together and play as a group instead of stringing out to fight in a series of 1v1s. Watch an actual organized group fight a 1vXer and you'll see that "God-like" player go down in short order against a group that actually gets their damage on target because they don't spread out to chase. An "X" of random players can do the same thing if they don't spread out to chase and thus also spread out their damage.

    Common mistakes I see players make:
    A. Expecting a 1vXer or tower farmers to want a fair, stand-up duel
    B. Expecting to lock down and kill a player who's specifically built to avoid being
    locked down and killed all on your own
    C. Giving into bloodthirsty chasing to secure a kill without paying attention to the terrain or your own resources

    Its a trap.
    If you can't actually handle yourself in a 1v1 with someone who's built to run away from a 1v1 until the very moment they gain the upper hand, your best bet is to stick together and fight like an organized group.
    Maybe that hurts your pride to "zerg" or something, but it works, and then you don't look like an easy kill in someone's 1vX video.

    You know what I have to agree with the logic, but we are not talking about a dungeon or a trial to bring my pocket zerg with me to defeat a boss. The very fact that you write this, and make sense prove my point. That the CC immunity, damage avoidance, and insane self heals and the lack proper counter measures in one players kit is what make it broken.
    Qbiken wrote: »
    Lmao someone got X'd

    Of course, otherwise I would not be writing this post. Even if it was just 1v1 against the above mentioned recipe I would keep loosing over and over, since I am not playing the same setup. My issue is not that i get beaten by a better player. I can accept and live with that. My issue is that i see the pattern in what make these kind of players good. And it is the same thing over and over that a broken CC mechanics in the game.

    My point was exactly was being God tier should not be exploiting a poorly developed aspect of a game.

    If you are in a 1vX, you have the X with you. That's your "pocket zerg."
    Its when the "X" decides to fight like they are a bunch of solo players out for their own glory that they run into trouble.

    ESO is pretty well balanced for skilled players to 1v1, 1v2, and 1v3. All the 1vXer is doing is using Line of Sight to break up the "X" into smaller groups or solo players as they chase the 1. When they can't do that, as with organized groups or an "X" of randoms that don't break apart and chase the moment the 1vXer tries to bait them, the 1vXer goes down in short order.

    Of course, ESO can't really teach the value of cooperation and situational awareness except via experience, practice, and the school of hard knocks.
    Pretty much this. It is easy to see what the zergers are lacking to secure the kill. Most of the time is the incapacity to count until six (or it used to be some patches ago). Other times you see the 1vXer has no dots on him. Some are so focused on the enemy's health bar they forget no stamina, no way out. Not to mention those who doesn't even run heals

    It takes one 1vXer to kill a mindless zerg group. It takes only 1 cerebrate working with the mindless zerg do to take down the 1vXer. All puns intended
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Xvorg
    out51d3r wrote: »
    Everytime I watch a 1vX video I just think about how awful the X are. They make a ton of mistakes that I personally would hope not to. Thats the only reason 1vX is even possible, bad players. 2 good players will easily take out 1 good player. There's no way around that, no amount of meta sets will beat the odds of 2 to 1 on an even playing field.

    For anybody that doubts this and chooses to believe things like op sets make the difference, consider this:

    In a 1v4, the 1 probably has a pretty good build with resources something like this:
    6-7k weapon/spellpower.
    25k health.
    1 ability per gcd.

    The 4 probably has garbage builds with something like this:
    2.5k weapon/spellpower(ie 10k for entire group)
    15k health(ie 60k for entire group)
    1 ability per gcd(ie 4 abilities per gcd for the group)

    No matter how powerful the build on the 1, or even how garbage the builds on the X, the X in 1vX has WAY more resources at their disposal. They are using them TERRIBLY. Most importantly, they are completely squandering their advantage on the abilities per gcd side.

    There are many ways to put some barriers to the 1vXer which do not require you to increase your weapon dmg. Among them them a guy who knows how to heal, or a guy who know how to tank.
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Mr_Walker
    idk wrote: »
    With that, when someone is not taking damage just move on. They cannot gain AP, or have any fun if people just leave them alone.


    If you really want to hurt them, don't play their game. What they play is a boring game anyway.
  • Kadoin
    VoxAdActa wrote: »

    I was not advocating either of those that you described. You made them up in you mind...

    Ok, now just so we're on the same page, in a couple of short paragraphs or less (because I'm dumb):

    What ARE you arguing to change?

    In short, as magica user in light armor I would like to see better functioning tools to counter play a high burst high mobility builds. I think it would sums it up. These builds should hit me like a truck, i wear light armor, but i should have a cc and mobility option to out play them.

    You see, this is because as a magica user you have limited access to stamina, but all cc counter mechanics (Break Free, Roll Dodge, Block) are stamina based. So a stamina user will have an advantage but being able to afford higher stamina sustain builds.

    So as a light armor magcia player i get hit the highest, and have the least resource to get away, lets say roll dodge or block.

    I just don't feel that it is well balanced.

    If you mean in PvP, nothing stops you from slotting more stam and taking the damage loss. I run 24-29K stam on my mag builds because the game is balanced like an elephant on a toothpick.

    It cuts my damage, sure, but sacrificing mag regen and making other changes to build and CP can reduce that. And in no-CP, proc sets.

    I honestly have most of my mag chars hybrid builds that can also use vigor because negate is a desyncing POS skill when the server starts to lag and I rather heal with stam than waste my time trying to roll out of an invisible negate OR a negate that lingers far after you exit its radius.

    I honestly don't think mag is too far behind stam. However, that mag has to make trade-offs and stam seemingly does not in PvP because of things like increased mag cost , roll, block, etc. and weapon damage v. spell damage scaling is a problem for balance when it comes to damage output that ZOS should eventually address.

    My prediction though is that they won't. They don't seem to care about balance. Just look at stam warden and stam necro on live right now for a good example of ZOS balance.
  • Kadoin
    coletas wrote: »
    please, dont take It as an ofense, but you need watch less video, read less otherguys builds, and play more until you find that sweet spot build.

    I used to offer advice like this, until every patch my builds all got nerfed and caught in the corssfire or ZOS introducing "new" sets that blow them out of the water and would be broken in combination with them.

    Ex. Arch-Mage and Grundwulf getting nerfed because of Spell Parasite.

    It's really a meme at this point.
  • Appo
    There's a counter: the X have to stick together and play as a group instead of stringing out to fight in a series of 1v1s. Watch an actual organized group fight a 1vXer and you'll see that "God-like" player go down in short order against a group that actually gets their damage on target because they don't spread out to chase. An "X" of random players can do the same thing if they don't spread out to chase and thus also spread out their damage.

    Common mistakes I see players make:
    A. Expecting a 1vXer or tower farmers to want a fair, stand-up duel
    B. Expecting to lock down and kill a player who's specifically built to avoid being
    locked down and killed all on your own
    C. Giving into bloodthirsty chasing to secure a kill without paying attention to the terrain or your own resources

    Its a trap.
    If you can't actually handle yourself in a 1v1 with someone who's built to run away from a 1v1 until the very moment they gain the upper hand, your best bet is to stick together and fight like an organized group.
    Maybe that hurts your pride to "zerg" or something, but it works, and then you don't look like an easy kill in someone's 1vX video.

    Exactly this put any 2 players of similar level and skill against that 1 guy who X's and the Xer will loose.
  • eKsDee
    It literally just boils down to not taking the bait. 1vX'rs rely on you overextending and leaving the safety of your group to try and duel them, so don't do that. Make the 1vX'r come to you, or go to the 1vX'r in a tight group where they can't just dunk each player individually.

    This is the case and every other PvP game I've played, just to varying degrees. Some games give the 1vX'r the tools to survive and pick off targets, some games make the 1vX'r drag the fight out and play around LoS to naturally separate and pick off targets. ESO used to be the former, but falls more and more into the latter category as time goes on.
  • Mankeyyyyy
    I have a feeling that OP would still have the same results if they were playing one of these supposed 1vx God stam builds. This game has more to do with knowledge and playing smart than what gear you're wearing in 1vx scenarios.
  • Alchimiste1
    I don’t think some of you realize how hard it actually is to 1vX now. You can through on all the meta sets you want and go practice but I don’t think you’ll have the success you expect. Experience plays such a big part and just being able to recognize your opponents group composition and being able to determine an effective course of action isn’t something you’re going to acquire from putting on meta sets.

    That being said yes I think there are certain classes that it’s easier to do on.
  • Pelican
    Lmao you guys make it sound like 1vX'ers are some vet HM trial bosses that require good coordination and knowledge of mechanics to defeat.
    PC NA - EP Solo PvP Player
  • UrbWzrd
    I just have get this out of my chest... Sorry for any feelz i might hurt with it.

    In my journey of learning to to play against players, study sets, watching youtube videos for several hours and playing in BG-s and Cyro for several hours i came to a conclusion. The PvP in ESO is broken, utterly un-enjoyable unless you do the same thing that certain players do that i seen in the videos. And before all of you reading me start smashing on the buttons of "git gud" "l2p" etc let me elaborate.

    It is very simple. Build or copy a high mobility, high sustain, and high weapon damage build, you can easily do this, plenty out there. Run around objects to line of sight your opponents, since you can and thank the CC immunity, stealth, and insane amount of self heals, and constant roll dodge and the lack of their counters. pick couple of high damage skills and there you have it.

    Just practice with it and you can be godlike too. Not because you are a good player, its because you exploit a broken PvP system in a game.

    It is broken not because they exist in my opinion, it is utterly broken because the lack of counter to this recipe described above.

    Yes learning to rotate your buffs, and learning the game, and have a tonn of experience plays a significant role in it. But after you have the learned these, and have the experience you become godlike because of the above mentioned broken PvP CC mechanics in the game.

    There are good players in this game, but the game of PvP in this game is far from good.

    And just a few things to get out of the way. I been playing games for 20 years. Seen a lot, did a lot. I can say that ESO have the most broken PvP system off the games I have had my hands on. If you don't follow the success recipe and play a certain way you are going to feed AP to the ones who follow the recipe.

    This is my opinion and experience, you are free to have yours.

    Why don't you just go play CoD or Starcraft if what you are looking is a "balanced" experience? A couple of minutes ago I wrote to a Nightblade hater that what he is asking Pong MMO and because of all the whining about "balance" Zenimax exactly going in that direction, even in the expense of whipping a pillar RPG character like rogue.

    This is an RPG, and believe it or not, mostly shaped around PvE. Although I enjoy PvP, the "balance" obsession ruins the RPG aspect of the game. There should not be that much focus on "balance". If people are copying others, fine, you can do the same, and go in your way. What do you think all these balances will end up? Still there will be people copying others - which is not something I am against by the way - but you will also loose any variety, diversity, because everything is balanced, nerfed and all you will have moving bland blocks!

    I want options, I want to feel God-like, and if somebody kicks my ass in Battle Grounds, I am fine with that, I don't want an experience who will push X button better decides the fate of the battle, because every char is the same with X amount of defense, Y amount of offence, no matter you name them Templar, Mage or Nightblade. This is what you are asking.

    Again, this is an RPG and heavily relies on PvE, that is the reason I play, that is the reason I pay. You cannot ruin it for a "balanced" PvP experience. This is not a battle royale. But sadly, developers also think like you.
  • DracoSaggitaExSole
    UrbWzrd wrote: »
    I just have get this out of my chest... Sorry for any feelz i might hurt with it.

    In my journey of learning to to play against players, study sets, watching youtube videos for several hours and playing in BG-s and Cyro for several hours i came to a conclusion. The PvP in ESO is broken, utterly un-enjoyable unless you do the same thing that certain players do that i seen in the videos. And before all of you reading me start smashing on the buttons of "git gud" "l2p" etc let me elaborate.

    It is very simple. Build or copy a high mobility, high sustain, and high weapon damage build, you can easily do this, plenty out there. Run around objects to line of sight your opponents, since you can and thank the CC immunity, stealth, and insane amount of self heals, and constant roll dodge and the lack of their counters. pick couple of high damage skills and there you have it.

    Just practice with it and you can be godlike too. Not because you are a good player, its because you exploit a broken PvP system in a game.

    It is broken not because they exist in my opinion, it is utterly broken because the lack of counter to this recipe described above.

    Yes learning to rotate your buffs, and learning the game, and have a tonn of experience plays a significant role in it. But after you have the learned these, and have the experience you become godlike because of the above mentioned broken PvP CC mechanics in the game.

    There are good players in this game, but the game of PvP in this game is far from good.

    And just a few things to get out of the way. I been playing games for 20 years. Seen a lot, did a lot. I can say that ESO have the most broken PvP system off the games I have had my hands on. If you don't follow the success recipe and play a certain way you are going to feed AP to the ones who follow the recipe.

    This is my opinion and experience, you are free to have yours.

    Why don't you just go play CoD or Starcraft if what you are looking is a "balanced" experience? A couple of minutes ago I wrote to a Nightblade hater that what he is asking Pong MMO and because of all the whining about "balance" Zenimax exactly going in that direction, even in the expense of whipping a pillar RPG character like rogue.

    This is an RPG, and believe it or not, mostly shaped around PvE. Although I enjoy PvP, the "balance" obsession ruins the RPG aspect of the game. There should not be that much focus on "balance". If people are copying others, fine, you can do the same, and go in your way. What do you think all these balances will end up? Still there will be people copying others - which is not something I am against by the way - but you will also loose any variety, diversity, because everything is balanced, nerfed and all you will have moving bland blocks!

    I want options, I want to feel God-like, and if somebody kicks my ass in Battle Grounds, I am fine with that, I don't want an experience who will push X button better decides the fate of the battle, because every char is the same with X amount of defense, Y amount of offence, no matter you name them Templar, Mage or Nightblade. This is what you are asking.

    Again, this is an RPG and heavily relies on PvE, that is the reason I play, that is the reason I pay. You cannot ruin it for a "balanced" PvP experience. This is not a battle royale. But sadly, developers also think like you.

    I don't mean that player A's gear and skills should do X amount of damage and player B's also should do X amount of damag, and everyone should move the same speed.

    I mean by balance is if player A with a melee and medium armor can run fast and hit hard with a 2h than player B with a light armor and magica build should have better CC, and CC avoidance simply because its a squishier build with limited stamina. That is what i mean by balance. That bot players play a different role but their skill level decides who will win. Right now player A will win mostly on equal skill levels simply due to the fact that anti CC mechanics require stamina, and light armor magica user will have limited amount, and gets hit harder than other armor types.

    Just take a look how many times you can break free and roll dodge on for example no CP on a medium armor 2h build, and a light armor magica build.

    I just made this up, but here is my train of thought
    Now if i could "phase out" similarly to roll dodge "arcane shatter" similar to break free with my magica on a light armor build than i would use my main resource pool for damage and avoidance, similar to stamina classes, but i could do it as much as they can so i would feel it more balanced.

    In my mind the weakest armor should be the most nimble, and the heavy armor should be turtle like but can take the most beating. And medium armor should be the middle ground decent mobility and decent damage.

    Right now my impression is that medium armor high stamina high stamina recovery, and high damage builds are superior to the other armor types, they can move the fastest, and hit the hardest, and avoid the most damage.

    Thats is how i see it.
  • Imryll
    your best bet is to stick together and fight like an organized group.

    Lots of good advice in your post, but I have to disagree with this. The best way to deal with such folks is often not to bother fighting them at all. They're there to waste your time.

  • technohic
    Imryll wrote: »
    your best bet is to stick together and fight like an organized group.

    Lots of good advice in your post, but I have to disagree with this. The best way to deal with such folks is often not to bother fighting them at all. They're there to waste your time.

    Once a week, I go out with a huge group. It's a lot more for drinking, fun, and getting people who dont PVP usually, out there earning some AP.

    When there is LOS and stuff around for someone to run around, it definitely is best to just move on; but the person leading the masses has a hard time getting people off the tunnel vision and can get quite frustrated.

    If you see someone in an open field, its often best to just zerg them down though; as they see some juicy kills and will sit there picking off stragglers.

  • Noctus

    Allright where do i start. yes ur not that wrong with ur post if it comes to cp pvp. most 1vsx players use the same setups. the longest running meta set was seventh legion untill it got nerfed. these days for sorcs many ppl use alfique. Also bloodspawn is never a bad choice idk how it is now heard it got nerfed.

    however if u want balanced play where any build can be good u should try nocp. in no cp pvp u dont need specific builds and there is alot room to theorycraft.

    thats also why 1vs x in no cp is considered harder becouse the effectivity of sets are balanced while in cp pvp u wanna go for high resources / survivability. now there are ppl in no cp 1 vs x but those guys are just exceptionally good.

    if u let me know ur class i can help u out in beeing more effective. but be aware there are bottom tier classes like in every game which are currently magblade magcro
    Edited by Noctus on May 29, 2020 5:02PM
  • Noctus
    VoxAdActa wrote: »

    In short, as magica user in light armor I would like to see better functioning tools to counter play a high burst high mobility builds. I think it would sums it up. These builds should hit me like a truck, i wear light armor, but i should have a cc and mobility option to out play them.

    You see, this is because as a magica user you have limited access to stamina, but all cc counter mechanics (Break Free, Roll Dodge, Block) are stamina based. So a stamina user will have an advantage but being able to afford higher stamina sustain builds.

    So as a light armor magcia player i get hit the highest, and have the least resource to get away, lets say roll dodge or block.

    I just don't feel that it is well balanced.

    Ok, so you're looking for some kind of magicka-based damage avoidance skill?

    Like a damage shield or something? That would be pretty cool if we had those. We'd have to put it on the Light Armor skill line though, to make sure all classes could use it. Oh, and speaking of the Light Armor skill line, what if we had a passive that reduced snare effectiveness on the player by an amount dependent on how many pieces of light armor they're wearing?

    yeh u know stuff like these

  • NightSquirrel
    Sir, did you just refer to using terrain fo tactical advantage as an exploit?

    ~nAiLeD iT~
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