New vampire changes: keeping? Curing?

  • This_0ne
    I fully understand and accept this changes. It used to be the temptation to turn my khajiit into a vampire freak, for the sake of 10% regen. Now, with a clear conscience, you can become a vampire for RP and plaing in the style of a vampire.
  • Vea
    Lintashi wrote: »
    Cure. I will use my Arctic rime skin, and just pretend, that I am vampire. RP as if I am vamp. I refuse to gimp my healer, just to be useless only-good-for-sneaking vampire after patch, that dies, if it trips on rock in the middle of a road.

    @lintashi Feel bad about this ...well they can at least give us a stage one vamp skin so we can pretend to be one, without the option on feeding will be a bit weird ...but hey, better than arctic skin at least.
    Edited by Vea on May 21, 2020 2:09AM
  • dakkiii
    Curing all of them, except for one just to bite people for free.
  • Thannazzar
    Although have changed my Vamp Stamblade to a Magblade and wont be slotting the ultimate.
  • Saubon
    Previously vampirism was a no brainer for me for passives, now I'm gonna keep it only on classes who can make any use of it. I summed my reasons before but:

    Stage 1 is only 3% increase

    Blood for blood is really good spammable in encounters where you can go melee. And it cost hp instead of magicka, which is really good for sustain (no need for false god)

    Strike from shadows+new master staff (and maybe toggle if I can find a place on my bars) can set you up for some nasty burst combos

    I'm not happy with all the changes, but I think vamp will be far better than it was before
  • ThePedge
    Where is "GETTING" option?

    Keeping - Magblade PvE
    Curing - Everyone else
    Getting - Stamblade PvP, dark stalker and 300 WD from stealth for 3% cost? No brainer.
  • Merca
    One way or another, new vampires are slightly better than those acting. Most likely an ultimatic ability I will rarely use, and a couple of skills are in doubt. But I still only had one vampire for RP. And I 'm glad vampires are going to be rare now, which is where you don 't look every other vampire.
  • Sasha1378
    I've actually went out of the path and got a vampire lvled to 10 before update to keep it after patchin case someone want a bite. That gave me the achievement and possibility to level one up to 10 right away with crowns. But I don't intend to play with it too much after that patch falls... I'm on the cure side, but will keep the only one I have, just in case...
  • MercilessnVexed
    I'm furious. She's basically good for nothing now except writs. So I guess I'll either cure her or park her so I can do writs every day. Guess I should have made her a crafter so she'd have some use.

    1. NO HEALING at vamp level 4 even with food? So what, I gotta run with a healer? Change out end game gear for some blood stealing or somehow healing gear? Change out my glyphs? RIDICULOUS. Fall off a high spot and come face-to-face with a bear before no matter what vampirism level and boom! Bear 0, Me 1. I was good to go. Now? Pfft.
    2. Oh sell and repair is fun. Citizen refuses to interact with a monstrous vampire so now I have to use a potion from a hard-to-get recipe - which will drive the prices on both the potion and the recipe sky high. Good luck baby vamps and new people to AFFORD being a vampire.
    3. Where the heck is my bat swarm that I used to be??? I hate this pink/purple cloud.
    4. Turn OFF the ability or it will kill you. WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?
    5. Buffed the werewolves I see. Pfft.
    6. Have to really pay attention to the vampire level you're at - which destroys immersion. I get into this game to IGNORE the clock.

    Nope. She's getting cured. I wonder if I'll have my skill points back from the skyshards after curing, or will I get screwed out of that too.

    Hellhathnofury. I am disgusted.

    (Edited to remove original swear to "furious")
    Edited by MercilessnVexed on May 27, 2020 9:48PM
  • Jayroo
    stats will be flawed considering the fact literally no one used vampire skills at all whatsoever. only for one single passive skill
    Edited by Jayroo on May 29, 2020 9:55AM
  • Mr_Wolfe
    I got vampirism on a few characters primarily for roleplay reasons, so that won't be changing. In fact one of the characters I had been thinking of curing is going to stay a vampire now, because the new abilities open up some interesting build options.

    I can see people being mad if they got vampirism just for the passives, but honestly that was a problem which has thankfully been fixed. Before you could just drop some crowns and slap vamp on any build to make it better. Now it's more like werewolf: a unique playstyle that requires a different approach to optimize. That's more interesting to me than a "pay to win" button. :p
    Edited by Mr_Wolfe on May 29, 2020 4:10PM
  • Dusk_Coven
    Definitely seeing a rise in guild chat of people asking for Vampire bites. Even seeing new toons made and they want a bite right away.
    From what im seeing on all the build sites weve swapped vamp being something everybody picks up for the passives to vamp being something everybody picks up for the spammable.

    I really do feel like these accessory skill lines should be tuned to certain classes.

    Like, if werewolf, the natural class to play it on should be warden, vamp to nightblade, and maybe eventually get lich skill lines that would work best on necros, then retoon psijic skill line to work best for sorcs, and maybe get a thuum skill line that works best for dks or something along those lines

    Because i dont think the vamp overhaul really accomplished any of zos intended purpose from what ive been hearing.

    I actually think its cool and hope revisions in future patches make it really special, i just dont think it accomplished the task zos set out to do with the revamp.
  • Noxavian
    Dusk_Coven wrote: »
    Definitely seeing a rise in guild chat of people asking for Vampire bites. Even seeing new toons made and they want a bite right away.

    You *are* aware most people want to give it a shot and generally don't know too much about the rework, right?

    Obviously people will be asking in guild chats and stuff for bites....

    Once they see how trash it is though, most of them will be curing.
  • idk
    Glurin wrote: »
    OWLTHEMAD wrote: »
    Just trying to get a feel for where the player base is at.

    Yeah, not sure how much stock we can put into polls like this. A lot of the "no" votes are going to be from overreaction. The same overreaction we see each and every time something gets the slightest nerf that says anything even remotely associated with it is now beyond useless.

    As such, I honestly think you'd be better off waiting at least a few weeks or even longer after Greymoor goes live to give everyone a chance to calm down. There's still going to be a few stubborn ones who will never change their mind no matter what, but at least then you might get a more level headed reading.

    True. Forum polls are pretty much entertainment value only. Zos gets the real numbers for the number of active vampire characters. More importantly, they will see how many active vampire characters will use vampire skills vs before this update. That is the most meaningful stat as I expect many will cure their characters if they were vamps merely for the passives.
  • Cronopoly
    Keeping one which is my NB Speed gatherer...She used to PVP in Cyrodiil 😐
  • ThePlayer
    It can be keep only for some magicka DDs -> NB, Templar and DK.
    Not sure about the stage, i think max stage 2 coz the cost for the no vampire skills otherwise is too high.
  • Feizao
    main is only keeping b/c that part of theme. the rest cure
    PS4 NA lsoSO4P
    EP - Dark Elf - MagBlade Vamp
    EP - Nord - Stam/MagDk
    EP - Argonian - StamCro
    EP - Nord - StamPlar/Hybrid Healer
    AD - Khajit - StamBlade/Tank
    AD - Khajit - StormSorc/Hybrid WW
    DC - Breton - MagDen
  • TheImperfect
    Keeping my Magicka dragonknight as she has always been a vampire and is enjoying the changes so far.
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