Sylvermynx wrote: »*SIGH* Libraries are what enable the functions of many addons. You have to have the libraries to actually keep the addons working.
If you don't want to download the libraries, then you won't be able to use the addons.
This is actually a feature, not a drawback.
Just download the dependency as well.
Unlike certain other games with addons where people package in the dependency... you don't end up with 5 addons here all using different versions of the same dependency, all loaded into memory, and at least one of them having some critical flaw that spikes up your lag but hasn't been updated since Disco was a thing...
If a dependency does fail to get updated... all the addons using it suffer that fate equally - and there's usually more pressure when 5 addon makers are bugging the dependency maker, than when 4 addons and a dependency have been updated, but addon #5 was made by someone who left the game.
Plus... I imagine it's less overlapping code for your system to be running multiple copies of - but could be wrong, it might actually load up 5 instances of it.
Sylvermynx wrote: »
AFAIK, the libraries, once loaded, are available to every addon which requires them. It's a very common situation these days, not like it's something.... unusual.... in software.
Sylvermynx wrote: »
AFAIK, the libraries, once loaded, are available to every addon which requires them. It's a very common situation these days, not like it's something.... unusual.... in software.
Yeah that's what I was assuming. I was just wondering if by some chance they did not do it that way...
You could for example, have each addon load up an instantiation of all of it's dependencies, rather than loading the dependency itself and making calls to it... doing that... would be highly inefficient... but a developer could make that choice...
Without libraries, addon creation and installation would be utter chaos. Every addon would have its own way of doing a particular thing, and none of those ways would be cross-compatible, at best meaning that addons can't interact with each other to provide extended functionality, or at worst meaning that having two or more addons that each implement the same functionality are outright not compatible with each other, causing conflicts and maybe even crashes when you try to use them together.
Minion could handle libraries more elegantly, especially during addon updates, but the libraries themselves are fine, and without them we'd all be worse off.
Thevampirenight wrote: »Then is there an addon that puts all these together that way I don't have to bother with it?
Just download everything required and have it work on that one addon?
To illustrate the counter point. Over in a certain other MMO where the addons had their libraries bundled in... sloppy addon configuration allowed for a situation where each addon loaded in the library...
And one addon I had was up to date, but using a library that was extremely out of date... and the game was loading it over the newer versions because someone in there had misconfigured things... So in the end I had to get rid of that entire addon and find something which was actually from a prior expansion but not using that library...
So yeah... glad they do it this way here.
Thevampirenight wrote: »Minion could handle libraries more elegantly, especially during addon updates, but the libraries themselves are fine, and without them we'd all be worse off.
Its not the libraries that are the issue its that, I have to download them all independently and then have an addon that requires more dependencies that should have been included in the one addon.
Thevampirenight wrote: »Minion could handle libraries more elegantly, especially during addon updates, but the libraries themselves are fine, and without them we'd all be worse off.
Its not the libraries that are the issue its that, I have to download them all independently and then have an addon that requires more dependencies that should have been included in the one addon.
I see... then your issue would actually be with Minion right?
As in, it should auto-detect the libraries you need and go and grab them for you? I think it does - sometimes... Not sure...
If so that means the addond authors maybe have a config somewhere that lets them tell Minion what to grab...
But I'd have to wipe my addon directory and then regrab my addons to test that.
That said I do NOT want addond to bundle in their libraries... see my last post... if they bundled in their libraries then what happens if one addon developer insists on bundling in an older version of the library... and your game loads that one over the other ones - breaking all your other addons...
"Single source of truth" works best - having the libraries be separated out.
Thevampirenight wrote: »Without libraries, addon creation and installation would be utter chaos. Every addon would have its own way of doing a particular thing, and none of those ways would be cross-compatible, at best meaning that addons can't interact with each other to provide extended functionality, or at worst meaning that having two or more addons that each implement the same functionality are outright not compatible with each other, causing conflicts and maybe even crashes when you try to use them together.
Minion could handle libraries more elegantly, especially during addon updates, but the libraries themselves are fine, and without them we'd all be worse off.
Its not the libraries that are the issue its that, I have to download them all independently and then have an addon that requires more dependencies that should have been included in the one addon. Then having it bug out once they are all installed into the point it breaks the Ui itself so the ui doesn't work. That is my issue.
People are making addons which are free for you and here you are QQ'n because youre too lazy to learn how to use them. Nice attitude.
Thevampirenight wrote: »Without libraries, addon creation and installation would be utter chaos. Every addon would have its own way of doing a particular thing, and none of those ways would be cross-compatible, at best meaning that addons can't interact with each other to provide extended functionality, or at worst meaning that having two or more addons that each implement the same functionality are outright not compatible with each other, causing conflicts and maybe even crashes when you try to use them together.
Minion could handle libraries more elegantly, especially during addon updates, but the libraries themselves are fine, and without them we'd all be worse off.
Its not the libraries that are the issue its that, I have to download them all independently and then have an addon that requires more dependencies that should have been included in the one addon. Then having it bug out once they are all installed into the point it breaks the Ui itself so the ui doesn't work. That is my issue.
Thevampirenight wrote: »Without libraries, addon creation and installation would be utter chaos. Every addon would have its own way of doing a particular thing, and none of those ways would be cross-compatible, at best meaning that addons can't interact with each other to provide extended functionality, or at worst meaning that having two or more addons that each implement the same functionality are outright not compatible with each other, causing conflicts and maybe even crashes when you try to use them together.
Minion could handle libraries more elegantly, especially during addon updates, but the libraries themselves are fine, and without them we'd all be worse off.
Its not the libraries that are the issue its that, I have to download them all independently and then have an addon that requires more dependencies that should have been included in the one addon. Then having it bug out once they are all installed into the point it breaks the Ui itself so the ui doesn't work. That is my issue.
Don't think you get it. If each add on had to make and maintain its own library, add ons would bloat your system even more. When things change, you would now have to wait for each add ons to update their library. With the current system, add ons that have not been updated in years still work because the libraries are still getting updated by someone. If each add on needed it's own library, about 1/2 of the add ons would no longer function.