Always wanted one in Valen Harbor.
Ooh, great topic! But there are sooo many possibilites, the list would be huge, lol!
I'll stick with these 3 for now.
1) I'd like a Bosmer Sky-homeLike, a treehouse really really high above Valenwood, with giant rooty platforms and pathways (think the starting area of CoA, with the tall path overlooking the waterfall, with views across a lot of charming vines and branches). I really hope we get something like this, because we have no Bosmer notable homes.
The trees would re-use the vanilla models with the winding platforms and hollowed out rooms inside the trunks, with further vine ladders leading up to rooms in the canopy (like in Silvenar). And we could see the Grahtwood temple model too, with its gorgeous lit up amber windows.
If we want to make it super special, it could also have an Ayleid ruin beneath the roots, where the wild growth of the grahtoak has tunnelled into the the age-old white stone vaults, while magical crystals and lush flowers mingle in the caverns next to an underground pool. But this is optional.
2) I'd also like a proper Dwemer ruin. The entrance would be an unassuming cave with some stone Dwemer pillars, but then if you pull a lever an underground passage would open up. The narrow winding cave would snake its way deeper into the mountain, the rocky walls of the path broken by occasional Dwemer pipes that exhale steam.
Eventually the path would open up into a volcanic cavern, with a 3-tiered Dwemer tower rising from the middle. Dwemer ramps and platforms would connect the main structure to Dwemer buildings in the crater's sides, which would have stairs and large Dwemer doors that lead to a handful of small and medium-sized rooms.
3) And a Mage's Tower would be awesome too. It could use the Psijic architectural style even, since it already exists. It would have an open cresent-shaped entry area, where a winding stair on one side leads down to the dungeon level (for everyone's favourite potions class, duh), and a stair on the other side leads up to the tower. Between those would be an alcove and a door leading to a backyard to grow alchemy reagents.
Taking the stairs up would lead to a round room with yet more stairs further up, and another level, until we would reach the pinnacle of the tower, a great open hall with a rotunda of pillars and a balcony lining the circular walls. The outer wall of the rotunda would open up to portal rooms on two sides, which would transport you to smaller private rooms (like in Ceporah tower basically). And up on the balcony on the upper floor there would be an opening leading to an outdoors terrace for stargazing.
Aaaand I know some of that I wish for is pretty far-fetched, but the essential idea behind most of these is possible I think, since we already have these assets and similar non-player-home spaces ingame. Anyway, one can dream, right?It's funny actually, until Thieves Oasis and Forgemasters Falls were released very recently, the Orcish longhouse and a Hews Bane house would have been near the top on my wishlist! But those are actually reality, yay!
One of the problems with ESO is that ZOS has tended to treat housing as a special marketing system, rather than as a real part of the game, so I have watched as they focused a lot of their efforts on single, big houses, rather than several small houses. I have to think that the amount of effort that goes into the grand mansions could be used to make a couple smaller places.
.. and please no appartments without windows ..
Oh, yes! Especially those really nice ones with the cool spiral staircasekaisernick wrote: »Id prefer a smaller clockwork house.
not because i cant afford the current one, just that i dont have a good idea on how to make the current one good, so a smaller one that would be preferable.
Ooh, great topic! But there are sooo many possibilites, the list would be huge, lol!
I'll stick with these 3 for now.
1) I'd like a Bosmer Sky-homeLike, a treehouse really really high above Valenwood, with giant rooty platforms and pathways (think the starting area of CoA, with the tall path overlooking the waterfall, with views across a lot of charming vines and branches). I really hope we get something like this, because we have no Bosmer notable homes.
The trees would re-use the vanilla models with the winding platforms and hollowed out rooms inside the trunks, with further vine ladders leading up to rooms in the canopy (like in Silvenar). And we could see the Grahtwood temple model too, with its gorgeous lit up amber windows.
If we want to make it super special, it could also have an Ayleid ruin beneath the roots, where the wild growth of the grahtoak has tunnelled into the the age-old white stone vaults, while magical crystals and lush flowers mingle in the caverns next to an underground pool. But this is optional.
michiganteacher_ESO wrote: »
3. A Bandaari caravan home with entrances and exits at every wagon/caravan travel hub in the game. So when you're in the caravan home, you're out in the middle of nowhere, "on the road" so to speak, in your own location on the rim of the map like Artaeum or Clockwork City. When you're in the home, you appear to be in the middle of nowhere, in the hills of Craglorn, with a rolling river and a series of five Bandaari wagons of varying sizes that you can go in and decorate. And because this is wishful thinking, the carvan comes with its own NPCs, like a driver and a captain and some rapscallion hangers-on and a few caravan guards. And then when you leave, you go to the captain and tell him where to drop you off, which again, could be any city with a wagon/travel option - or maybe just any city in your alliance with a wagon. Oh, and if ZOS really wants the Hero of the Pandemic award, they could do all of that plus also put in a minigame with the caravan so that you could make or lose a thousand gold a day depending on where you directed your caravan, what cargo you told them to buy, etc. Don't hate, just wishing out loud.
BrownChicken wrote: »