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Houses you wish existed

Is there anywhere in Tamriel you wish you could live where there isn't currently a house? Or there is one but it's too big, too small, or just not right for some reason? If you had the freedom to design your own house for the game what would it be like? And where would it be?

For me it's fairly simple: Take the terrain from Forgemaster Falls, but put it right down in the southwestern corner of Southern Elseweyr (as close to where Torval would be as possible, but on the coast) and replace the 3 buildings with 1 house, roughly where the house is in Forgemaster's. Preferably using a building style which doesn't look like everything needs to be scrubbed, disinfected and repaired before it would be habitable.

I don't know if it will ever happen, but if they put a small/medium sized house with plenty of outdoor space and water deep and wide enough for swimming in that area, priced similarly to Forgemaster Falls, I'd buy it instantly.
Edited by Danikat on April 27, 2020 10:00PM
PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

"Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Defilted
    Always wanted one in Valen Harbor.
    XBOX Series X

  • Tigerseye
    First thing that springs to mind is an Artist's House in Black Heights, or the artist's village as I call it, in the North of Southern Elsweyr.

    The view over the valley is gorgeous up there and it's a cozy little village with artwork everywhere.

    The ideal position would be where the Colorworks is, overlooking the lake, or the plot Measuri's House is on, but I appreciate that those plots are already taken.

    So, it would probably have to be further West, just over the road from the waterfalls, where there is some empty space (especially if you removed a large rock, or two).

    This could be the view from the upper balcony on one side:


    ...and the view from the upper balcony, on the other:


    Actually, you would be nearer the waterfalls, on the other side, but you get the idea.

    If it could be a Large house, interior-wise, but with a Manor type furnishing limit (700), that would be ideal.

    As the best houses are big enough, but not too big and have generous allowances for their size, so you can add detail.

    It should have a wooden structure and interior and have nice, even window placement.

    More like the Northern Elsweyr inn room design (which is really nice), than the Lucky Cat interior (which, quite frankly, isn't).
    Edited by Tigerseye on April 27, 2020 10:21PM
  • Vea
    A mage tower in Eyevea, i would love that. And a snowy cottage near Morthal, in the next chapter. :)
  • AngelaWasp
    Same as I always ask for in these type of threads, a fishing shack in East Deshaan please :smile:

  • Ajaxandriel
    Some wilds of central Summerset, maybe with a mere altmer house or mansion of rough stone. Ideally in a valley of Eton Nir, near Cloudrest wich is quarantined - for obvious reasons.

    There are awesome ambiances that I'd love to "blend" within such an estate:

    1- Ebon Stadmont exterior (misty and fresh like a wood in the countryside, with hedges like in Alice's universe, so amazing!)
    2- Cloudrest raid entrance (very neat and warm place, like before a hostel in the mountain)
    3- Ebon Stadmont interior garden (great ambiance again, just the kind of garden you expect to find in Summerset)
    4- prairie like near Russafeld (sunny and blooming, and wide enought to put that windmill from luxury vendor)
    5- King's Haven Pass (streams of fresh water, wilderness, mountain flowers, pinetrees ... maybe a gryphon nest furniture?)

    (I already did something of this spirit with my Grand psijic villa but it's too much "seaside" vibe yet.
    The Colossal grotto is too much underground and sky-less, the Alinor mansion is too urban. And the Inn room is ...a inn room.)
    TESO:Triskelion - forum RP, guilde francophone
    Ajaxandriel - haut-elfe gardien 50 ;
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    Azothos Sadras - elfe noir sorcier 50 ;
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    Dorguldun gro-Arash - orque sorcier 50 ;
    Hjarnar - nordique sorcier 50 ;
    Jendaya al-Gilane - rougegarde chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Sabbathnazar Ullikummi - elfe noir chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Selvaryn Virotès - elfe noire lame noire 50 ;
    Tahajmi - khajiit sorcière 50 ;
    Telernil - haut-elfe templier 50 ;
    Zadzadak - gobelin nécromancien 50 ;
    Zandoga - rougegarde chevalier-dragon 50
  • ValorieW
    A medium to very large house in or right outside Evermore, Bangkorai. Something with a nice outdoor space.
  • Alinhbo_Tyaka
    I'm pretty open to location. I would just like to have a medium sized house with a 600 - 700 item limit, nice outdoor area and not be in total disrepair with broken tiles, rubble piles, etc all over the place. Symmetrical walls and proper wall angles would be an added bonus.
  • bluebird
    Ooh, great topic! But there are sooo many possibilites, the list would be huge, lol! :smiley:
    I'll stick with these 3 for now.

    1) I'd like a Bosmer Sky-home :smile: Like, a treehouse really really high above Valenwood, with giant rooty platforms and pathways (think the starting area of CoA, with the tall path overlooking the waterfall, with views across a lot of charming vines and branches). I really hope we get something like this, because we have no Bosmer notable homes.
    The trees would re-use the vanilla models with the winding platforms and hollowed out rooms inside the trunks, with further vine ladders leading up to rooms in the canopy (like in Silvenar). And we could see the Grahtwood temple model too, with its gorgeous lit up amber windows.
    If we want to make it super special, it could also have an Ayleid ruin beneath the roots, where the wild growth of the grahtoak has tunnelled into the the age-old white stone vaults, while magical crystals and lush flowers mingle in the caverns next to an underground pool. But this is optional.

    2) I'd also like a proper Dwemer ruin. The entrance would be an unassuming cave with some stone Dwemer pillars, but then if you pull a lever an underground passage would open up. The narrow winding cave would snake its way deeper into the mountain, the rocky walls of the path broken by occasional Dwemer pipes that exhale steam.
    Eventually the path would open up into a volcanic cavern, with a 3-tiered Dwemer tower rising from the middle. Dwemer ramps and platforms would connect the main structure to Dwemer buildings in the crater's sides, which would have stairs and large Dwemer doors that lead to a handful of small and medium-sized rooms.

    3) And a Mage's Tower would be awesome too. It could use the Psijic architectural style even, since it already exists. It would have an open cresent-shaped entry area, where a winding stair on one side leads down to the dungeon level (for everyone's favourite potions class, duh), and a stair on the other side leads up to the tower. Between those would be an alcove and a door leading to a backyard to grow alchemy reagents.
    Taking the stairs up would lead to a round room with yet more stairs further up, and another level, until we would reach the pinnacle of the tower, a great open hall with a rotunda of pillars and a balcony lining the circular walls. The outer wall of the rotunda would open up to portal rooms on two sides, which would transport you to smaller private rooms (like in Ceporah tower basically). And up on the balcony on the upper floor there would be an opening leading to an outdoors terrace for stargazing.

    Aaaand I know some of that I wish for is pretty far-fetched, but the essential idea behind most of these is possible I think, since we already have these assets and similar non-player-home spaces ingame. Anyway, one can dream, right? :wink: It's funny actually, until Thieves Oasis and Forgemasters Falls were released very recently, the Orcish longhouse and a Hews Bane house would have been near the top on my wishlist! But those are actually reality, yay!
  • Eifleber
    Just a medium sized appartment with ~ 3 rooms in Anvil, Gold Coast thank you. B)

    Playing since dec 2019 | PC EU
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    I wish I had small, "undestroyed" Xanmeer - more or less with interior size of "the basic" Hall of the Lunar Champion, very small outside area (more or less the size of Autumn's-Gate yard or The Ample Domicile yard). And of course with manor furniture limit (350).

    Also, it does not necessary need to be be a Xanmeer. Murkmire Lilmoth wooden architecture style "hut" would also be nice.
    ^ Maybe one day, with Argonian - themed chapter.... I hope game will still be around & will not die due to performance issues.
  • Zypheran
    I would love to see any of the existing homes with the houses removed!
    I could do so much with Gorinir if it were 700 hundred items and had the pods removed. Same goes for Strident Springs, Mathiisen, Stay Moist etc. But the one I would pay good coin for is the Xanmeer house. I wouldn't be able to contain myself at the excitement if I could get this house with 700 items and cleared of the pyramid.
    All my housing builds are available on YouTube
    I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.
  • ZOS_Adrikoth
    Thanks for sharing everybody, it is cool to see where you would all want your homes. :)
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  • Theryl
    A nice Ayleid or daedric ruin. Basically just one of the smaller delves in a slightly more compact form (fewer long corridors since there won't be mobs). An entrance corridor, central room, and some side rooms for bedrooms, lab space, etc.
  • Tatanko
    I want another small Nibenese home, like the Cyrodilic Jungle House, but with a larger yard and somewhere in Blackwood.
    Silvanus the Gilded
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  • Aptonoth
    Ashlander home in Skar.
  • ghastley
    +1 on the Bosmer tree-home. That would be a good location for a one-room apartment, or two rooms on different levels with an outside ramp. Only having Pods is too restrictive.

    I'm still waiting for an Orc longhouse with a door. Forgemaster Falls enclosed the wrong building, in my opinion.

  • Earrindo
    Id like to see another Telvanni tower, but this time with walls that DONT look like a tumor. Something along the lines of Tel Mithryn in TES V, but larger, with more interior spaces, and several of the exterior pods.

    Also ill throw my vote in with those saying a notable Bosmeri home, using the large tree assets with bridges and platforms up in the canopy.

    Really what I am getting at is I want a real Warden themed house. Werewolves got overhauled, they got a werewolf house in Hircines domain no less. Necromancers came out, they got a necromancery home. Now Vampires get overhauled and they get a themed house as well.
    Wardens got the shaft in this regard as we never got a proper Warden themed home, and I personally would love to see something like that released.
    Edited by Earrindo on April 28, 2020 3:09PM
  • Sturmfaenger
    I want for years now these:

    - a small/medium house in Hews Bane with a bit of an garden area, such as the nice thief dunmer lady and her friend inhabit in the thieves' guild main quest

    - a small/medium house in Balmora

    - a small cozy log cabin in a snowy environment with a bit of area around it, clearing in the woods or something

    I'm very tired of:

    braggart megalomaniac houses (that one cannot think to fill with only 350/700 spaces)
  • Jaimeh
    Houses inside other realms like: the Shimmering Sands, the Coloured Rooms, Evergloam, etc. I'd love it if we could have houses (preferrably template ones, much like they did in Coldharbour) in places like those! Also, more medium-sized houses with courtyard space. For example, it'd be so nice if the Hammerdeath Bungalow in Stormhaven included the area surrounding the house, I'd love to have something like that in a zone with a temperate climate like Stormhaven or Auridon. I don't like Mathiisen Manor because the entrance part of the courtyard is narrow, so it'd be great if we could have a house with an spacious outside area in that zone. Finally, I would really like to see a wooden Elsweyr-style house (similar to the one we got inside the Lunar Hall, but a little bit more polished, like the ones in Rimmen or Riverhold), with a second floor, and a nice garden, as well as a farm in Summerset with large grounds for the Alinor greenhouse furnishing :smile:
  • Margha_Ralmoren
    So far the only player houses that I really like are Gardner and Proudspire manor: well structured, neutral enough so that any furniture style fits, 600 furniture slots for an average size so they are easy to fill, a small garden, and located in a city.

    I am a simple person. I have no need for a castle in the sky or an evil lair in the depths of Oblivion.
    This is why I am often jealous of NPCs' houses.

    They are often small, cute, well furnished, in cities (or close to) and in a style the player doesn't have access to.

    (The wall textures are so well detailed too)

    I am also jealous of their furniture sometimes. Take for example this cute ball of green potion.
    It is everywhere except en mi casa :(

  • Jaraal
    I love caves full of life such as Zainsipilu in Vvardenfell. Also, check out the Cavern Of The Incarnate. It's the perfect small, cozy cave home, with water, plants, and just enough light to make it feel alive.
  • Vea

    They are often small, cute, well furnished, in cities (or close to) and in a style the player doesn't have access to.


    Edited by Vea on April 28, 2020 5:56PM
  • Feendish
    This one:


    The interior also, as it's much warmer than any of the available Alinor builds:


    Failing that, some of that nice gray brick in a building block or the dark wood materials would be nice.
  • MechanicalMudcrab
    I too would like a stand alone home somewhere in summerset with a 700 limit. I love the Alinor Townhouse but something outside of a city would be awesome, maybe with a little stable already made.
  • katanagirl1
    A house in Balmora and a house in Sadrith Mora.

    An underground Ayleid ruin house. Not sure where this one would be, I’d love for it to be in some remote corner of Cyrodiil but pretty sure that would never work.

    These are the first few that come to mind. I’ll add more later if I think of any.

    Also, a house in an offshoot of Moonlit Cove with descending tunnels, pools of water, glowing mushrooms and other plants, and no annoying hostile brigands!
    Edited by katanagirl1 on April 30, 2020 4:39AM
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    PS5 NA
  • Danikat
    Feendish wrote: »
    This one:


    The interior also, as it's much warmer than any of the available Alinor builds:


    Failing that, some of that nice gray brick in a building block or the dark wood materials would be nice.

    Oh yeah, I'd love a house like that! And a house somewhere in Summerset which isn't Alinor.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Unij
    I want a house like this, that is connected to the outlaws refuge.
    Main char is a Strong Nord Man, Thief, Vampire, Healer, Mastercrafter. PC-EU since 2016.
  • Mysanne
    Yes, I agree, I love this one too :



    This house, near a river with a bridge, with a garden, not too big, not too small. <3

    Edited by Mysanne on April 29, 2020 11:55AM
  • MaisonNaevius
    Istirus outpost for military RP.

    I would be tempted to say: all the background places to occupy the places and do roleplay.
    > Wiki spécialisé sur Cyrodiil / en cour de rédaction <

    - Naevius-
  • chuck-18_ESO
    I want a nice, simple Ayleid ruin for a home, something along the size of Frostvault Chasm. It would be SO easy to implement, and we already have a number of Ayleid furnishing items! This has been my dream home since Homestead was announced, many years ago!

    I'd also love a proper Mage's Tower, one with a lofty balcony that we can look out from! The biggest draw-back of Tel Galen isn't the hideous mushroom appearance, it's the lack of a balcony or other means to access the top of the Tower!
    Edited by chuck-18_ESO on April 29, 2020 4:58PM
    The Exclusionary Mandates of Maruhkite Selection: All Are Equal

    1: That the Supreme Spirit Akatosh is of unitary essence, as proven by the monolinearity of Time.
    1: That Shezarr the missing sibling is Singularly Misplaced and therefore Doubly Venerated.
    1: That the protean substrate that informs all denial of (1) is the Aldmeri Taint.
    1: That the Prophet Most Simian demonstrated that monothought begets Proper-Life.
    1: That the purpose of Proper-Life is the Expungement of the Taint.
    1: That the Arc of Time provides the mortal theater for the Sacred Expungement.
    1: That Akatosh is Time is Proper-Life is Taint-Death.
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