It had its merits, as nowadays all overland is mind-numbingly easy and boring. I would argue that for all its downsides, pre-1T was better.
Certainly not - without One Tamriel I wouldn't have stayed - I wanted to see Tamriel without being forced to do all the quests and regions one by one. Now I can pick what I want to do and avoid everything I dislike or have no urge in trying out. It is by far better than before.
Back in my day, you could use the vampire shrine at Riften to parkour outside the game boundarySpoiler
Back in my day to become a low level vampire I had to kill 10 level 42 worm assassins as a level 3 NB with no level scaling, a bow and one skill. Slowly but surely kiting the assassins one at a time up and down a staircase over and over hitting them for a couple points of damage. then repeat 10 times. I used this video to learn how to do it -
Ohhh, I remember doing this! It was like soloing 10 bosses and took me ages! Managed to do it though and felt really proud of myself! That character is still a vampire, now one of the oldest player vampires still in the game.
I'm with you, buddy. The thrill when you finally got that you could interrupt her and use AoE skills to kill the healing orbs (back when you didn't know what an AoE skill was).
Also, in my day you paid a monthly sub to play the game, so ZOS had to keep you interested in playing. Now they just need a few suckers who'll pony up for pixels and fluff, even if they just come and go to be replaced by new suckers.
MEBengalsFan2001 wrote: »Back in my day, before Everquest, MMO were MUD. Text based games. Those were fun. Than Everquest, Runescape, WoW, etc...
As for ESO back in my day I remember how easy overland bosses were when you out leveled them.
i sooo remember her. died and died and died. finally beat her with like 1 life left. i had no idea what to do for quite some time. was still all confused about playing, period. new to mmos. did i say i died?
she was especially hard in glenumbra as there was really no room to kite her.