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Please add some realistic weapon models.

  • Asmoloma
    Vyvrhel wrote: »
    I love the photorealistic graphics of the game. Yet I miss some realistic (i.e. period) looking european style swords. We have rather good looking daito and nihonto (soul shriven models) but nothing like real longsword (a greatsword in game terms) or an arming sword (one handed sword).
    Some examples:
    Period renaissance longsword
    other swords, sadly I did not find anything with an english text, just check the images
    Modern replicas based more or less on the original swords
    A longsword model I did ages ago for Fallout 3, but since the game had not 2 handed sword animations I scaled it down and used as one handed, though IIRC some guys later modified it either for Fallout New Vegas or Skyrim.
    So please something like that. :)

    Because Earth swords don't exist in Tamriel? It's not jolly old medieval England, though you might think so listening to Cadwell prattling on.
  • StormeReigns
    Asmoloma wrote: »
    Because Earth swords don't exist in Tamriel? It's not jolly old medieval England, though you might think so listening to Cadwell prattling on.

    You do know very large portion of the swords, maces and axes have real world counter parts right, from all around the globe and different cultures.

    Although, there isn't anything wrong with wanting more subtle designs. Motifs, though, the new ones are very well designed, are showing fatigue by the artists and starting to show repeating patterns. Often time for any artist, especially studio artists to be cured from that - is to go back to the basics. Sometimes less is more.
  • Vyvrhel
    Asmoloma wrote: »
    It's not jolly old medieval England, though you might think so listening to Cadwell prattling on.

    Well but maybe it deserves some more detailed reply. So here goes:

    It is also not jolly old medieval Japan(and I will return to that later), yet we have nice Japanese sword models.
    It is also not jolly old medieval Nepal, yet we have some nice kukri models.

    Now lets look at it from the positive side and try to find what it is:
    It has a very nice renaissance lute model (only rosette is missing, otherwise it is preciselly the thing) and if you have your toon to play it, it plays pretty Elisabethan (early baroque) style tunes.
    It has a very European medieval/reinaissance/early baroque architecture seen about everywhere.
    It has Bretons who are a clone of jolly old medieval Frenchmen.
    It has Nords who are a clone of jolly old 8. century Scandinavians.
    It is a fantasy which has roots in jolly old AD&D which in turn has roots in Tolkien and Howard, who in turn have roots in old northwestern European mythology.
    To my surprise it has no Asian looking races / subccultures and yet none of the enraged wokepersons seems to be triggered about that. I personally miss the Asian face models as I would love to make myself a samurai/wushu practicioner styled toons.
    So you are wrong. ESO has a lots in common with jolly old England and even more with the jolly old medieval Europe so claim, that a request for a single realistic long sword model is misplaced, is totally ridiculous.
  • ZOS_Volpe
    Greetings all,

    After removing a few baiting and off topic posts, we would like to ask everyone to keep posts on the subject at hand, as well as keeping things civil and constructive.

    Thank you for your understanding,
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Coppes
    Eifleber wrote: »
    dazee wrote: »
    Not sure why the obsession with realism in games.

    Sure more options are better, but thus far its the non realistic ones which have been neglected.
    Not? I am still looking for a sleek 2h sword, so if you have one to spare... ;)

    The Yokudan Greatsword is close to what you’re looking for, though it’s curved it’s not overly curved.
  • Vyvrhel
    Eifleber wrote: »
    dazee wrote: »
    Not sure why the obsession with realism in games.

    Sure more options are better, but thus far its the non realistic ones which have been neglected.
    Not? I am still looking for a sleek 2h sword, so if you have one to spare... ;)

    The Yokudan Greatsword is close to what you’re looking for, though it’s curved it’s not overly curved.

    Check this:


    Pretty close to real daito / odachi and nihonto. The tsuba is of course wrong, also the tsuka should have oval crossection andthe blade is way too curved towards the boshi, but still it looks like something you would be able to use in combat and it would work with the proper techniques.

    But what is missing is something as functional / realistic looking but straight longsword / two handed sword style. I.e. slender blade (no more that some 2 inches wide at base, unlike the nord and breton models), wide plain crossguard, either straight or slightly forward bend (these have function in swordsmanship, so the typical minimalistic crossguards as seen in the game are not good), plus hilt with some profile. If you look at the draught sword model for example
    or nord swords in general, like
    My problems with that model:
    1. blade is too wide
    2. no crossguard
    3. very thin hilt, also no profile

    Compare to this for example, this is the real sword:
    Edited by Vyvrhel on February 25, 2020 8:01PM
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    tplink3r1 wrote: »
    Why do some people look legitimately bothered by this request? He is not complaining about the fantasy looking weapons or requesting ZOS to turn this game into KCD and stop making fantasy weapons, he only asked for a few realistic weapon models.

    Maybe because a lot of the weapons (unlike most of the shoulder pads, floating hip things and flaps!) are already pretty realistic?

    If I go through the motifs, a good 80%+ look realistic, to me.

    Maybe not realistic in the exact way the OP wants, but pretty realistic (read plain!), in general.

    So, asking for more, is like going into McDonald's and asking for even more burgers, while the people who want something that McDonald's don't currently make, continue to go hungry.

    I don't object to the request, personally, but I do get why some people, who have waited ages for something they want, might.

    No they do not. I have almost given up when it comes to most weapons for my outfit and just use the same ones since there is barely any of them. Realistic doesn't mean plain, despite a lot of people seem to think so.

    Realistic means we want it to look believable and functional, which has nothing to do with being plain or elaborate. Few weapons in ESO does because they are almost all oversized in some way. For example, the Order of the Hour sword was used previously as a "good example" for a realistic sword, which it could be, if it wasn't way too thick and wide for it's length.
    They have more issues like how some one handed weapons have handles that are for two handed and vice versa, and that some are designed in a way that would make the weapon more or less useless. But the main issue is that the weapons are too big. Either it's the whole weapon or it's only the blade/head, leaving the handle looking like it will snap any moment. Or it's a bit of both.

    Asking for more weapons with better proportions and realistic aka functional appearance, doesn't make others go away. The OP and others like me just want more options to also fit our taste. I'd be happy with just one nicely textured and sized longsword and greatsword. A nice flamberge and war hammer would probably make me drool.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • Vyvrhel

    No they do not. I have almost given up when it comes to most weapons for my outfit and just use the same ones since there is barely any of them. Realistic doesn't mean plain, despite a lot of people seem to think so.


    I'd be happy with just one nicely textured and sized longsword and greatsword. A nice flamberge and war hammer would probably make me drool.

    Excellently said. Here are two examples based on originals, made by Pavel Moc.
    A rather ornate longsword yet perfect in it's proportions
    and a proper flamberge for you, note that this was very likely a ceremoinal sword (judging from the broomhandle hilt) not the beast of war landsknechts used to cut through enemy pikes

    Pity that the dunmer flamberge styled sword models are so... strange.

    The oversizing you mention is something I do not understand, do you know the reason? Also sometimes it feels lke the artist who do the sword models have only a generic idea what is a sword, does not really like weapons and subconciously makes them looking more round and chubby... much like a plastic toy (note that crossguard turned the wrong way).
    this one is NOT particularly safe but the design is, well so very typical. :)
    Edited by Vyvrhel on February 26, 2020 1:48PM
  • Grianasteri
    dazee wrote: »
    Not sure why the obsession with realism in games. if I wanted realism I wouldn't be playing games. I have enough *** realism in real life. I want bigger 2h axes ffs, the ones we have are too puny.

    Sure more options are better, but thus far its the non realistic ones which have been neglected.

    I do not want more non realilstic options, there are more than enough and I think in actuality these have been rising, sadly. One of ESOs key strengths over all is its focus on "realism" in comparison say to a game like WoW. If you want anime over the top cartoony stuff that is up to you, but there are other games that cater for you.

    Same goes for skins. Its getting silly, folk running around all glowing and flaming etc.
  • Vyvrhel
    [One of ESOs key strengths over all is its focus on "realism" in comparison say to a game like WoW.

    I have nothing against blue hair - as long as they look realistic. That realism you mention helps me to immerse into the game, and the cartoon styled impossible items (fortunately, most of them being only among wearables) certainly do break the spell.
    A skinny and fragile looking female toon, armed with an enormous and bulky weapon, standing in the very real looking forest - the nature scenes look wonderful in ESO - is just... odd.
  • kind_hero

    How about this sword?


    I saw it today... I am not sure what is the motif, but we can find out.
    (Might be the new Knights of the Nine style)
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • Synaki
    When I browse weapon styles, I find a lot of weapons are almost believable, almost cool, almost elegant. But they are ruined by some unnecessary impractical dent or hook or spike-like protrusion in the blade. Kinda frustrating.
  • dazee
    I'd like more staff models that have a shiny gem thing on the top which can be colored. now, magic staves are not realistic weapons, since magic is not realistic, but it would look cool.
    Playing your character the way your character should play is all that matters. Play as well as you can but never betray the character. Doing so would make playing an mmoRPG pointless.
  • kind_hero
    dazee wrote: »
    I'd like more staff models that have a shiny gem thing on the top which can be colored. now, magic staves are not realistic weapons, since magic is not realistic, but it would look cool.

    you know... realistic in games not really about the real world, but rather about being functional and coherent with the lore and stuff you see in that game. The Psijic staff is "realistic", because you see the mark of the Psijics in its design, it belongs in the world created by the devs. Tolkien dwarves are also "not realistic" but they would also not fit in ESO because Tamriel does not have that kind of dwarves (it has almost the same kind of elves) :)
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • Vyvrhel
    dazee wrote: »
    I'd like more staff models that have a shiny gem thing on the top which can be colored. now, magic staves are not realistic weapons, since magic is not realistic, but it would look cool.

    As I said somewhere earlier, if you need a realistic quarterstaff, look at Prophet's. A solid piece of slightly twisted wood, something you can pick up at at forest.
    On my magplar, I like to use the High Elf model 1 and Breton model 1, both resemble a spear so it goes nicely with the Aedric spears theme, and they also look good. I can easily imagine a piece of wood formed that way that would feel well balanced in hand.
  • ZOS_Ragnar
    We have removed some posts that were rude and caused a disruption. Please ensure when posting you are not put other people down for their opinions, ideas, or suggestions. Remember, everyone on these forums is a real person, like you, who is here because they love ESO and want to talk about it.
    The Elder Scrolls Online - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Vyvrhel
    Something like that would be nice for those who decided to make themselves Geralt in ESO. I would love it on any stamina toon. :)
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