secondrowforward wrote: »
How to transfer pitches to URL for use on ESO Forum. See this link for the answer. go to method 4 using Imgur which is what I did to get my Orc posted. I had to fool around with it a bit to I got the hang of it, so don't give up.
Monte_Cristo wrote: »3 shots of my delicious little Sweet Troll
And one of Angel le Fey
Monte_Cristo wrote: »
I'm think I'm still doing something wrong here, but thanks. Wouldn't have gotten this far otherwise.
secondrowforward wrote: »
Hi, I had problems as well. I used edit to play around with it. I found there were 3 different web address, so i selected each one in turn until the image showed in the forum. You need to edit your post and delete each unsuccessful result until you get what you want. Frustrating I know.
Monte_Cristo wrote: »3 shots of my delicious little Sweet Troll
My husband and I decided to play orsimer sisters. They are not pretty. They are hot, and I have the screenshots to prove it:
We are calling this the Sports Ilustrated Orsimer Swimsuit Edition
First in full garb:
Lash gra Sharn (on the left in dunmer plate) and Urgash gra Sharn (on the right in a mix; the chest is redguard) out for fun - which in their opinion is pretty much involved with a lot of combat and bloodshed (the public version of 'fun' anyway):
and then in the desert:
And then what the heck - dancing in the desert (while getting the screenshots for this - we had a few "visitors" and at one point someone in zone chat wondered if we were part of a guild.
Then a few by a waterfall (... near Daggerfall)
I'm still not 100% satisfied with my Orc, Nahzgra gra-Shatur. She still needs some tweaking. I wish it was possible to give her a more softer looking face. But alas, i've not succeeded in thatSpoiler
General_Zeranth wrote: »@Vanathil
Absolutely love your Orc lady! That outfit, the facial tattoos, and the hair make me really think Orc. Well done!