Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10


  • bearbelly
    Not that I have a horse Indrik in this race since I gave up chasing the mounts early-on, but random ticket drops?
    as opposed to guaranteed drop in the first eligible kill, assuming you contribute enough damage if it's a gang take-down (WB or dolmen)

    When did they start that? Or is that a new wrinkle with the upcoming return of the Murkmire event?

  • llande
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    This is Murkmire. There are TWO wb TWO delves and NO public dungeon. Now imagine this hordes camping poor four bosses and most not getting tickets because they didn't do enough damage/ heal. Tickets there have to drop from everything...
  • VaranisArano
    bearbelly wrote: »
    Not that I have a horse Indrik in this race since I gave up chasing the mounts early-on, but random ticket drops?
    as opposed to guaranteed drop in the first eligible kill, assuming you contribute enough damage if it's a gang take-down (WB or dolmen)

    When did they start that? Or is that a new wrinkle with the upcoming return of the Murkmire event?

    Its sort of a new wrinkle.
    Dragon Rise had guaranteed boss drops, but random drops from mobs. ZOS seems to have taken the random drops from mobs idea and run with it, despite the problems that caused for players.
  • PizzaCat82
    NO Its ok to miss event tickets from unlooted group kills
    Imagine having your tickets drop from a boss and you getting kicked out of the dungeon before you can loot.
  • tmbrinks
    PizzaCat82 wrote: »
    Imagine having your tickets drop from a boss and you getting kicked out of the dungeon before you can loot.

    How do you get "kicked" from a dungeon that doesn't even exist in Murkmire?

    There are delves, which are not instanced...

    There is an arena, so... maybe if you're doing Blackrose Prison for your tickets (although I'm sure there are easier ways)

    Also, one easy solution to the "group" issue everybody seems to say... maybe... don't group? Then only things you kill will be lootable.

    (Not agreeing or disagreeing with their decision on the random drops... just pointing out that many of the "issues" that people are using are completely avoidable and correctable by you yourself)
    Tenacious Dreamer - Hurricane Herald - Godslayer - Dawnbringer - Gryphon Heart - Tick Tock Tormenter - Immortal Redeemer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    The Unchained - Bedlam's Disciple - Temporal Tempest - Curator's Champion - Fist of Tava - Invader's Bane - Land, Air, and Sea Supremacy - Zero Regrets - Battlespire's Best - Bastion Breaker - Ardent Bibliophile - Subterranean Smasher - Bane of Thorns - True Genius - In Defiance of Death - No Rest for the Wicked - Nature's Wrath - Undying Endurance - Relentless Raider - Depths Defier - Apex Predator - Pure Lunacy - Mountain God - Leave No Bone Unbroken - CoS/RoM/BF/FH Challenger
    61,405 achievement points
  • VaranisArano
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    PizzaCat82 wrote: »
    Imagine having your tickets drop from a boss and you getting kicked out of the dungeon before you can loot.

    How do you get "kicked" from a dungeon that doesn't even exist in Murkmire?

    There are delves, which are not instanced...

    There is an arena, so... maybe if you're doing Blackrose Prison for your tickets (although I'm sure there are easier ways)

    Also, one easy solution to the "group" issue everybody seems to say... maybe... don't group? Then only things you kill will be lootable.

    (Not agreeing or disagreeing with their decision on the random drops... just pointing out that many of the "issues" that people are using are completely avoidable and correctable by you yourself)

    The whole "don't group" is one of those things that blows my mind a little.

    Like obviously the safest option is to not group at all until you've gotten your tickets.

    But this is an event, and its the type of event that normally encourages players to group up to kill world bosses and share dailies. And yet here ZOS is making the safest option to just avoid grouping like the plague until after you've gotten your tickets.

    The logic just doesn't compute for me.
  • PizzaCat82
    NO Its ok to miss event tickets from unlooted group kills
    I meant kicked to mean disconnected, due to ping.

    Not kicked by group mates. My bad.
  • Anotherone773
    Open inventory
    Go to currency tab
    Observe your current amount of tickets( you should be doing this anyway to make sure it is not full)
    Kill stuff
    Loot dead stuff
    Check tickets for changes

  • redgreensunset
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    I actually feel kinda sorry for Support, they're going to get inundated with tickets about people not having their tickets drop and have to explain ad nauseam that it's rng.
  • Fentras
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    I concur with many previous responses; Event Tickets should be guaranteed and NOT RNG dependent.

    As some others have posted, for me it will take 2-3 days of lost event time just to re-download the game due to slow download speeds, so I have that to look forward to ... not.

  • Galwylin
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    XIIICaesar wrote: »
    Tying then to dailies would've made perfect sense, as they've done in most previous events. HOWEVER a lot of new threads/posts have been being made in recent weeks about every event/ticket being the same where you just do x dailies for x tickets. ZOS heard people, listened, & changed the format. I've said it before & I'll say it again, people should be real careful when going on forum crusades.

    I think ZOS should have simply done the actual reasonable thing. Make the tickets work has they have been doing and expand it so sure some random critter can drop them too. Not make it so its possible (I still think unlikely but still possible) that folks like myself that have completed this area and really the only thing that's doable without just random murder spree is the dailies. What happens if some player (again I think its unlikely) does all the dailies and no tickets ever drop? ZOS clearly should have thought of this and simply been clear this action will give you tickets no matter what. As well as this other action will.

    Like I've said in so many cases where RNG is involved, its designed to have people lose out. That's what RNG encourages because if you didn't get it this time maybe you will next. Its why the perfect monster helm doesn't drop for most people. Its RNG. Its made so that it doesn't drop for most. To now tie that to event tickets just opens the door to more people being disappointed which will in turn make more people uninterested in an event that is wanting more participation. Its dumb to do this change and its even dumber to leave in this cloud of uncertainty how this is actually is working. And it really brings to mind why would anyone implement a system to randomly penalize the players on something that cannot in any fashion be rectified later that day. You miss that one mob with your tickets and you are done for the day. How on earth is that something you want to put before players and ask them to play your game. Where else is that mindset seeping in? Some of those upcoming patch changes make me think for whatever reason players aren't the first thing being considered which is so odd for this company to keep investing in trying.
  • Rex-Umbra
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • AlienSlof
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    This company has become truly obsessed with RNG. Chance of a chance of a chance, gamble, gamble, blah, blah blah.i'm just going to get the 2 tickets I need for the next berry then sit this one out. I find most dailies boring, grinding is boring - seems more and more like work than playing a game.
    Bionic Crazy Cat Lady
  • DreadDaedroth
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    They should be guaranteed or nothing.
  • Contaminate
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    They want you to have to buy tickets with real money, that’s why it’s RNG, by-design easy to miss out on tickets, and capped so low.
  • Starlock
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    Considering how simple it is to activate the daily quests for this region, tickets should have been tied to dailies like they have been for so many other events in the past.

    But this is, of course, part of a continued experiment on the customer base. They'll gather data, analyze it, see if this randomization drives more cash shop sales, and make this more onerous the next time if it does. At this point I'd say something about cash shop boycotts, but we all know how game boycotts go, so... nevermind on that.
  • Mr_Walker

    The logic just doesn't compute for me.

    That's the beauty of zos logic. It computes for someone, somewhere, but that man/woman shall forever remain a singularity. An oddity in the realm of thought.
  • spartaxoxo
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    Make it from a daily quest in the zone. This way dcs can't stop you from getting them either. You'll know if you did it because the blue arrow will be gone.
  • barney2525
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    They tell you in Advance how things are going to work.

    If the Player does Not listen and adapt accordingly, THAT is the Player's own fault.

    So, First thing every day, you check your ticket total, and then go do a delve, killing everything and looting everything, until that ticket drops.

    Then just go play the rest of the time for fun, doing whatever.

    Players gotta take some responsibility for their own actions.


  • virtus753
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    barney2525 wrote: »
    They tell you in Advance how things are going to work.

    If the Player does Not listen and adapt accordingly, THAT is the Player's own fault.

    So, First thing every day, you check your ticket total, and then go do a delve, killing everything and looting everything, until that ticket drops.

    Then just go play the rest of the time for fun, doing whatever.

    Players gotta take some responsibility for their own actions.



    And what happens when a player reads the announcement, understands what to do, diligently keeps track, and still doesn’t get tickets? What if RNG keeps saying “sorry, maybe next time” — or some group member kills something and not everyone can see there’s a body to check for loot? There is much more that can go wrong with this system than a guaranteed ticket system, because we are losing a great deal of control over when tickets drop, and there is no reasonable justification for the change.

    If they want us to spend more time in Murkmire (or any other event zone), they should make the zone itself and its activities more compelling — not make tickets less and less reliable, thereby serving increasingly as a stick to inflate their internal statistics and drive players to the crown store to make up for the RNG-dependent grind. If they want us to buy more tickets, they can do it in a more honest way (like offering more at the Impresario, such as the Imperial furniture she once had) instead of making previously guaranteed currency a gamble, even a high-chance one like this. They’ve moved tickets from fully guaranteed to semi-guaranteed/semi-RNG to now totally RNG dependent. When the solution to avoid this newly engineered problem resides in the crown store, the optics, if not the actual purpose, are just terrible.

    I’m not absolving players of the responsibility of learning what to do to get tickets and being diligent about doing it. I’m saying that by leaving tickets completely up to RNG in this way, ZOS is making it so that being diligent and taking responsibility are no longer guaranteed to be enough to get tickets — and now there may well be no recourse when that fails. With a guarantee, you know when you have fulfilled the requirements and so you know if something has gone wrong. Now you won’t. You’ll only be left wondering whether you missed tickets or whether ZOSNG hasn’t graced you with them yet. It’s only going to cause needless frustration for a lot of players, increase an already overwhelming workload for Support, and serve as a potential excuse for Support not to provide support to players whose tickets bug out — all while discouraging grouping in a multiplayer RPG centered on, well, gaming with other players.

    How can this kind of thing be justified? It’s not just about the tickets in the end, either. This is just another in a long line of missteps that are bit by bit eroding our control over how we play and enjoy the game unless we’re willing to spend to make up for it. That’s an extremely concerning trend.
  • marius_buys
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    virtus753 wrote: »
    barney2525 wrote: »
    They tell you in Advance how things are going to work.

    If the Player does Not listen and adapt accordingly, THAT is the Player's own fault.

    So, First thing every day, you check your ticket total, and then go do a delve, killing everything and looting everything, until that ticket drops.

    Then just go play the rest of the time for fun, doing whatever.

    Players gotta take some responsibility for their own actions.



    And what happens when a player reads the announcement, understands what to do, diligently keeps track, and still doesn’t get tickets? What if RNG keeps saying “sorry, maybe next time” — or some group member kills something and not everyone can see there’s a body to check for loot? There is much more that can go wrong with this system than a guaranteed ticket system, because we are losing a great deal of control over when tickets drop, and there is no reasonable justification for the change.

    If they want us to spend more time in Murkmire (or any other event zone), they should make the zone itself and its activities more compelling — not make tickets less and less reliable, thereby serving increasingly as a stick to inflate their internal statistics and drive players to the crown store to make up for the RNG-dependent grind. If they want us to buy more tickets, they can do it in a more honest way (like offering more at the Impresario, such as the Imperial furniture she once had) instead of making previously guaranteed currency a gamble, even a high-chance one like this. They’ve moved tickets from fully guaranteed to semi-guaranteed/semi-RNG to now totally RNG dependent. When the solution to avoid this newly engineered problem resides in the crown store, the optics, if not the actual purpose, are just terrible.

    I’m not absolving players of the responsibility of learning what to do to get tickets and being diligent about doing it. I’m saying that by leaving tickets completely up to RNG in this way, ZOS is making it so that being diligent and taking responsibility are no longer guaranteed to be enough to get tickets — and now there may well be no recourse when that fails. With a guarantee, you know when you have fulfilled the requirements and so you know if something has gone wrong. Now you won’t. You’ll only be left wondering whether you missed tickets or whether ZOSNG hasn’t graced you with them yet. It’s only going to cause needless frustration for a lot of players, increase an already overwhelming workload for Support, and serve as a potential excuse for Support not to provide support to players whose tickets bug out — all while discouraging grouping in a multiplayer RPG centered on, well, gaming with other players.

    How can this kind of thing be justified? It’s not just about the tickets in the end, either. This is just another in a long line of missteps that are bit by bit eroding our control over how we play and enjoy the game unless we’re willing to spend to make up for it. That’s an extremely concerning trend.

    What he said.
  • doomette
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    I’m not going to stress about it until I see what kind of drop rate they’ve got. I think they’ve made tickets easy to acquire in pretty much all previous events (heck, you just have to eat cake for Jubilee), so I don’t think it’s going to be a real grind to get them. Yeah they do like their grindy RNG, but that’s usually for other event items, not the tickets themselves.

    I think it’s a bit premature to get this stressed out about it, but meh.
  • darthgummibear_ESO

    With Murkmire, what do you do? Keep grinding until you give up and send a ticket to Support?

    The last time I contacted support about a loot-related issue I got a bunch of canned responses saying they couldn't help me even after reopening the ticket like 6 or 7 times. Then they just started ignoring me completely.
  • Starlock
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses

    With Murkmire, what do you do? Keep grinding until you give up and send a ticket to Support?

    The last time I contacted support about a loot-related issue I got a bunch of canned responses saying they couldn't help me even after reopening the ticket like 6 or 7 times. Then they just started ignoring me completely.

    Did you know customer service agents are deliberately designed to be unhelpful and obstinate because that saves companies money? They know that most customers will just get fed up and give up rather than continue to pursue that which they are owed.

    See -
  • TempPlayer
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    This is going to be eso 2014 all over again, where millions of player will camp at delve boss just to farm ticket instead of exp this time.
  • peacenote
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    I feel that this change is an example of where ZOS had their heart (intention?) in the right place, with unintended consequences.

    It's not a good trade-off to make tickets slightly more accessible for folks where completing "more difficult" content (and I use this term very loosely) is problematic, considering there is little to no barrier of entry for said content and folks willing to assist are plentiful, while the amount of people who are capable of said content but will miss a ticket due to a looting error is much, much higher.

    Good idea, bad execution, unnecessary accommodation.
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • Sylvermynx
    I don't have a horse in this race. I'm not interested in stuff like the Murkmire event. I've got tickets saved up, and I don't care about the indrik - again. It's ugly and creepy. SO not interested.

    However. This just smacks of ZOS doing their level best to make things so difficult people have no option but buy tickets on the store. Yeah.... I bought tickets to get one particular indrik - because I wanted it for a specific character.... and because I was NOT going to pvp to get tickets.

    But this.... it's just a very bad setup. RNG for tickets is designed to work out very badly for most players who want the spectral indrik.

    Shame on you ZOS.
  • marius_buys
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    Starlock wrote: »

    With Murkmire, what do you do? Keep grinding until you give up and send a ticket to Support?

    The last time I contacted support about a loot-related issue I got a bunch of canned responses saying they couldn't help me even after reopening the ticket like 6 or 7 times. Then they just started ignoring me completely.

    Did you know customer service agents are deliberately designed to be unhelpful and obstinate because that saves companies money? They know that most customers will just get fed up and give up rather than continue to pursue that which they are owed.

    See -

    I can honestly say ZOS has had fantastic customer service whenever I had dealings with them, down to doing things that was above and beyond what I expected, or frankly was entitled to. Except this one time about tickets when I forgot to loot the boss, 100% mhown fault.
  • Aptonoth
    I have a feeling this event is going to be a mess. As bad as mid year last year. It’s a gut instinct every time eso team gets full of themselves and tries to force new grind on players it backfires with a horrible update and bad performance.
  • Guyle
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    Pretty sure this was the developers deciding to take a massive deuce all over their customer support division. What could go wrong, change the way ppl earn rewards so that there will be a massive number of ppl submitting tickets about not getting rewards, at the exact same time as a forced redownload of the entire game in a game that is notorious for having connectivity issues. Someone in that department seriously pissed someone in the development team off.
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