Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10


  • essi2
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    Every event should have atleast 1 guaranteed way of getting tickets, even if it isn't all the tickets per day.
    "The Heritance are racists yes? Idiots. But dangerous, destabilizing racist idiots." - Razum-dar

    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood, Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves" - M'aiq the Liar

    ** Leyawiin Layabouts (PC-EU) - Leyawiin Layabouts (PC-NA) **

    *** - ***
  • VaranisArano
    I thought tickets are from bosses only so I didn't loot some of the trash mobs I kill on the way doing daily. Does that mean I miss out the ticket for today?

    In all likelihood, yes, you missed them. Particularly if you've been killing things since doing your dailies and haven't gotten tickets yet. The drop chance is pretty good even for basic mobs.
  • Kingpindragon
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    No a fan of this new RNG change. Turns the game into a boring grind imo.
  • Jaraal
    essi2 wrote: »
    Every event should have atleast 1 guaranteed way of getting tickets, even if it isn't all the tickets per day.

    Ahh, but they do. It's called The Crown Store.

    It's an inventive, though conniving way to drive sales. Create confusion and uncertainty regarding drops, and those who miss out, but want tickets, will be forced to pay.

    Edited by Jaraal on February 23, 2020 8:06PM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • TheDarkShadow
    I thought tickets are from bosses only so I didn't loot some of the trash mobs I kill on the way doing daily. Does that mean I miss out the ticket for today?

    In all likelihood, yes, you missed them. Particularly if you've been killing things since doing your dailies and haven't gotten tickets yet. The drop chance is pretty good even for basic mobs.

    Update about this matter. I sent a support ticket but they said they can't reset the drop for me nor give me the tickets I didnt loot so yeah, if you're in my shoes dont bother asking GMs for help.
  • ivanakamarkus
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    I thought tickets are from bosses only so I didn't loot some of the trash mobs I kill on the way doing daily. Does that mean I miss out the ticket for today?

    In all likelihood, yes, you missed them. Particularly if you've been killing things since doing your dailies and haven't gotten tickets yet. The drop chance is pretty good even for basic mobs.

    Update about this matter. I sent a support ticket but they said they can't reset the drop for me nor give me the tickets I didnt loot so yeah, if you're in my shoes dont bother asking GMs for help.

    yesterday i didnt manage to get my 3 daily tickets because game crashed before i was able to loot monster... i sent ticket still waiting for a response
  • virtus753
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    I thought tickets are from bosses only so I didn't loot some of the trash mobs I kill on the way doing daily. Does that mean I miss out the ticket for today?

    In all likelihood, yes, you missed them. Particularly if you've been killing things since doing your dailies and haven't gotten tickets yet. The drop chance is pretty good even for basic mobs.


    It just took a friend of mine 107 creatures to get tickets for the day. It really makes me wonder what "high" chance means and reinforces the idea that pure chance always screws some part of your player base in the end. As Varanis pointed out earlier, you just don't know whether something has gone wrong here.

    Besides which, it's utterly unacceptable for Support to be using this new RNG-wall as an excuse to deny support to players who need it. That's not support -- that's hanging your players out to dry if they don't pay up.

    Please reconsider all of this. Problems with this event and with trying to get Support to help with it have been predominant themes in my guild chats since it started. It's been very disappointing to see so many people here on the forums and in game struggle to enjoy what should be an exciting event. I can only hope subsequent ones will not go down the same path.
  • Solace1981
    No tickets for me today either. Wasn't in a group, did the same routine I do every morning after work. 1 hour in Murkmire, not missing a corpse, no tickets, no strong box, went on another toon just to be safe, 30 minutes nothing. I'm so pissed off at this patch and this event I'm done. Moving on to an MMO that....... you know....... works.
  • Mudcrabber
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    No tickets for me today. I killed a few dozen enemies and opened 4-5 chests. Didn't leave anything unlooted

    I killed some Kotu Gava Broodmothers, and I wonder if the adds they summon (which leave no bodies behind to loot) might have stolen my tickets.
  • Jaraal
    Logged in this evening after the daily reset, killed a troll.... but could not loot it. A new stuck in combat bug, yay! Couldn't weapon swap, harvest, or do anything for several minutes. Just a yellow outlined troll corpse with my tickets and strongbox, mocking me. Camped out and logged back in, of course it was gone. Didn't get any tickets or strongbox the rest of the evening, either.

    GG, ZOS. So done with this RNG based ticket crap. Not spending a dime on them, either.

    Edited by Jaraal on February 26, 2020 7:01AM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Scootsies
    Soul Shriven
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    No tickets/strongbox for me yesterday PC NA. Did dailies, killed additional delve boss, progressed story and side quests (killed mobs for these.) No groups, solo style. Maybe today?
    Edited by Scootsies on February 26, 2020 1:31PM
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    Who cares about the event, we just want a working game. Priorities ppl :)
  • Daviiid_ESO
    Drop rates are really high, every day since start of event now I have just TP'd to anywhere in murkmire, and never had to kill more than 3-4 random mobs before I got them, idk why ppl think you need to camp bosses and stuff. Just go kill some normal mobs.
  • L_Nici
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    I have gotten every Eventticket on first try by killing a world boss. So if you don't get them it is propanbly your lack of damage.
    Edited by L_Nici on February 26, 2020 1:43PM
    A very special girl

  • LiesySchwarz
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    RNG is right...
    I have got tickets on:
    - 1st solo kill - logged in with first character, travel to a player inside Teeth of Sithis, killed one salamander, got loot, strongbox and tickets... I’m out the swamp!
    - 5th mob - doing dailies with 3 friends, in delve, killed by group (not me at all!), and I got loot, strongbox and tickets...

    Now I am concerned and angry that since yesterday, Saturday 29th Feb, NO TICKETS or strongbox AT ALL! What is going on @ZOS_GinaBruno?

    Liesy | PS4 EU
    Liesy Schwarz | PS5 | EU
    Guildmaster @ Death Express
  • marius_buys
    With significant lowered drop rate in gold materials, constant need to farm alchemy materials,ongoing grind in acquiring set pieces when 8 of 10 are training, invigorating or well-fitted the grinding never ends, its exhausting.

    So now comes an EVENT which by now most players know is not going to be much fun because to get anything out of it is going to be a grind on top of your daily grinding and as expected RNG is being added to ticket drops.

    Is it possible to just make a fun event fun? I don't need to do a kill a WB in murkier 25 times to get tickets. And nothing says fun like when your friend gets his tickets in his first 3 attempts each day that when you don't even get any tickets 2 of the days.
  • OtarTheMad
    Okay, so you realize that if tickets ONLY drop from delve and world bosses in a small zone like Murkmire that it would be worse right? There are only 4 bosses in the entire zone, that would mean the whole server would be camping those 4 bosses. LOL no one would get tickets. So THAT'S a bad way to go, it would involve more forum posts and more heat than they got. You already had people whining about not getting drops from delve and world bosses, now imagine MORE players on those bosses and throughout the WHOLE day... yeah... bad.

    As for the daily rewards giving it out, that would be okay but I can also see why they chose to not do that. In Murkmire you have to do some of the main murkmire quest to unlock dailies and I believe you must finish the entire main quest of the zone to unlock Root-Whisper dailies. That would be forcing people to do content, that has created uproars in the past. I, personally, don't think it's a big deal... I think it's only like 2 or 3 easy first quests to unlock the dailies but some players won't see it that way and we all know that.

    I thought the RNG way was the easiest way, but players didn't read the Event post on the main website or any event tutorials on the forums/other websites or any posts from ESO devs and missed some, they got mad. With such a small zone how do you guarantee everyone gets a drop without forcing the whole server on 4 bosses or "forcing" players to do content to unlock dailies? Well you have it drop from ANYONE. Maybe it should have been guaranteed on your first mobs/monster/boss instead of RNG but the drop rate was pretty high. I never missed a day, in total when the event was over probably only spent 5 minutes in the zone. Not trying to be an a$$ but this was the easiest way and it was plastered in a few different locations to "turn on auto-loot" "don't group until you get tickets" I mean that crap was spammed in zone, you saw it here on these amazing forums and by some devs. Wasn't exactly hard to understand really.

    No matter what path ZOS takes this poll exists, just with different wording.
  • Grandma
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    this event was so poorly designed i gave up trying to get my first set of tickets 4 days in. it's actually, in my opinion, the worst event zos has held yet. I sincerely hope this method of ticket distribution is not the standard for the future, because if it is, i guess i won't be getting tickets anymore.
    GH / 3/04/2021 / Elemental Catalyst Necromancer
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