Just you with your army of skellies is fine, but multiply that by even 3 people and there is a problem.
I remember that for some the different NPC dialogue is there but I guess it's not the case for all of them.I support your suggestion that necromancy should bring up other ways of finishing quests or at the very least cause different npc dialogue.
The reason why Necromancers are 'limited' in comparison to what you might in games such as Divinity 2 is due to the game. In this world you're suppose to be the 'good guy' and not the bad, if you were evil you would never have had to go through a good number of questlines in the game after all. But not only that, it's also because of the limitations of the engine and servers, so the types of spells that can summon 100+ skellies is just straight outta the question. As for the talk to the spirits, yeah I don't see an issue with that but then they'll have to go and add completely new scenarios to good majority of the questlines in the game just for that class. Which considering this is Zenimax after all, the company that waited 5 years to finally fix Vampires. I don't see them going to that extent happening anytime soon.L0rdV1ct0r wrote: »Visual aside. only Dragon Age Inquisition managed to create a worst type of necromancy. The games with the best necromancy IMO are : Arcanum (You can even talk with spirits to solve quests in a different way, can animate corpses, etc), Diablo 2 (can use nasty curses, reanimate enemies, etc) and Might & Magic 8 - Day of the destroyer (can become a lich, put enemies under nasty curses, reanimate enemies, etc). Among the mmo genre, Ultima online has the best necromancy followed by Age of Conan. I don't consider AoC necromancer a top tier iteration due the high amount of cooldowns and "Wow clonification" of the game. Still much better than 99,9% of mmos..
While Halbards aren't a playable weapon in ESO and there is no way to go shirtless in the game without taking off your armor and also the options for capes not being a thing anymore. You can recreate that look ingame with the right motifs.L0rdV1ct0r wrote: »One big problem not only for necromancer but for everything on ESO is the "carnavalesque" armor.
Example? Those are necromancers on daggerfall (King of worms and a guard)And this are necromancers on ESO.
Since you talk about it so much I'd figure i'll post a video that goes into depth about the class but i couldn't find another video that does that though outside of this one:L0rdV1ct0r wrote: »One of the biggest problems that i have with 99,9% of mmos(ESO included) is that game mechanics are completely dissociated from the game lore/worldbuilding and class fantasies. The necromancer class doesn't looks like a necromancer that i would see in a novel, movie, etc. Looks like a generic "tank", generic "dps" and generic "healer"... No, i was not expecting a in deph necromancy, where you can learn some type of "daedric" language and can learn all types of dark magic, insta kill enemies who fail a save, use complex reagent to customize your pets and etc But i was expecting at least something more akin to Age of Conan.
(...)It works in its context. A class that offers a different type of gameplay experience but can still be used in ESO game roles without negatively impacting PVP.(...)
The reason why Necromancers are 'limited' in comparison to what you might in games such as Divinity 2 is due to the game.
I din't mentioned dos2. I din't liked dos2 exactly because only one summon, cooldowns, ultra limited range for weapons, mmo style itemization, in general, the game has the same problems of mmos without any benefit of the "massive" scale...
L0rdV1ct0r wrote: »One big problem not only for necromancer but for everything on ESO is the "carnavalesque" armor.
Example? Those are necromancers on daggerfall (King of worms and a guard)
And this are necromancers on ESO.
Visual aside. only Dragon Age Inquisition managed to create a worst type of necromancy. The games with the best necromancy IMO are : Arcanum (You can even talk with spirits to solve quests in a different way, can animate corpses, etc), Diablo 2(can use nasty curses, reanimate enemies, etc) and Might & Magic 8 - Day of the destroyer(can become a lich, put enemies under nasty curses, reanimate enemies, etc). Among the mmo genre, Ultima online has the best necromancy followed by Age of Conan. I don't consider AoC necromancer a top tier iteration due the high amount of cooldowns and "Wow clonification" of the game. Still much better than 99,9% of mmos.
But looks to ESO.
- Even SORCERER has more curses than the necromancer and still only one curse
- Sorcerer also has more perma pets
- Necromancy is not lore friendly. Conjuration on Skyrim allow you to reanimate corpses and the strength of the corpse that you can reanimate varies with perks and the spell. On ESO, most skills that should consume corpses are in fact generating corpses(eg - skeleton mage)
- This skills that generate corpses, there are ZERO reason to why bone armor would generate a corpse after few seconds.
- And all corpses felt the same, is not like D2 where the corpse explosion scales with corpse hp.
- There are no progression on anything "non damage" related. Instead of starting the game with a single weak skeleton and ending with an horde, you always can summon a temporary skeleton mage or suicide skeleton
I confess that it was a HUGE disappointment for me. Necromancer is my second favorite mage type on fantasy RPG's, losing only to the Frost/Water mage. And IMO Gothic 3 has the best water mage. G3 also adopted the "only one summon limit" thing that i hate(except for army of darkness dark magic spell)
One of the biggest problems that i have with 99,9% of mmos(ESO included) is that game mechanics are completely dissociated from the game lore/worldbuilding and class fantasies. The necromancer class doesn't looks like a necromancer that i would see in a novel, movie, etc. Looks like a generic "tank", generic "dps" and generic "healer"... No, i was not expecting a in deph necromancy, where you can learn some type of "daedric" language and can learn all types of dark magic, insta kill enemies who fail a save, use complex reagent to customize your pets and etc But i was expecting at least something more akin to Age of Conan.
well from the look of it, zos must have played diablo 3 and then just used half of its necro skills with small tweaks. its sad how much copy and pasted some of the skills are
(...)Also not to mention literally EVERY BASIC necromancer we fight in the MMO has cool undead curses, buffs, and summons. Why can rando necro #7689 summon 2 zombies that run at me, yet I can't do that? I really feel like all the Necro class needs is a summon for the tank skill line.
Also not having to conjure undead from corpses DESPITE HAVING A CORPSE MECHANIC is the most stupid design choice I have ever witnessed. Why even have a corpse mechanic at that point?
L0rdV1ct0r wrote: »One big problem not only for necromancer but for everything on ESO is the "carnavalesque" armor.
Example? Those are necromancers on daggerfall (King of worms and a guard)
And this are necromancers on ESO.
Visual aside. only Dragon Age Inquisition managed to create a worst type of necromancy. The games with the best necromancy IMO are : Arcanum (You can even talk with spirits to solve quests in a different way, can animate corpses, etc), Diablo 2(can use nasty curses, reanimate enemies, etc) and Might & Magic 8 - Day of the destroyer(can become a lich, put enemies under nasty curses, reanimate enemies, etc). Among the mmo genre, Ultima online has the best necromancy followed by Age of Conan. I don't consider AoC necromancer a top tier iteration due the high amount of cooldowns and "Wow clonification" of the game. Still much better than 99,9% of mmos.
But looks to ESO.
- Even SORCERER has more curses than the necromancer and still only one curse
- Sorcerer also has more perma pets
- Necromancy is not lore friendly. Conjuration on Skyrim allow you to reanimate corpses and the strength of the corpse that you can reanimate varies with perks and the spell. On ESO, most skills that should consume corpses are in fact generating corpses(eg - skeleton mage)
- This skills that generate corpses, there are ZERO reason to why bone armor would generate a corpse after few seconds.
- And all corpses felt the same, is not like D2 where the corpse explosion scales with corpse hp.
- There are no progression on anything "non damage" related. Instead of starting the game with a single weak skeleton and ending with an horde, you always can summon a temporary skeleton mage or suicide skeleton
I confess that it was a HUGE disappointment for me. Necromancer is my second favorite mage type on fantasy RPG's, losing only to the Frost/Water mage. And IMO Gothic 3 has the best water mage. G3 also adopted the "only one summon limit" thing that i hate(except for army of darkness dark magic spell)
One of the biggest problems that i have with 99,9% of mmos(ESO included) is that game mechanics are completely dissociated from the game lore/worldbuilding and class fantasies. The necromancer class doesn't looks like a necromancer that i would see in a novel, movie, etc. Looks like a generic "tank", generic "dps" and generic "healer"... No, i was not expecting a in deph necromancy, where you can learn some type of "daedric" language and can learn all types of dark magic, insta kill enemies who fail a save, use complex reagent to customize your pets and etc But i was expecting at least something more akin to Age of Conan.
I guess this is one of those times where ignorance is indeed bliss. I've not played a Necromancer in any game other than ESO so was not aware they sucked in ESO. Consequently I have been having a lot of fun on my Necromancers.
Haven't used mine in a while. Is blastbones still incredibly pointless?
Not quite sure what you expect. In your past similar thread you said, "I was thinking in purchase this expansion but honestly will skip."
It's one thing to have buyer's remorse; happens to us all. It's another to criticize something before it's released because it's not what you wanted, say you're not going to purchase it because it's not what you wanted, and then criticize it after you buy it because it's not what you wanted. ESO designed the necromancer around its approach to classes and the balance of classes, not the approach of other, different products with different teams and different objectives. It works in its context. A class that offers a different type of gameplay experience but can still be used in ESO game roles without negatively impacting PVP.
The necromancer class is not going to be revised into what you want it to be. But it's still a valid class option and fun to play. It's up to you to decide how to make peace with its competitive restraints, now that you've gone ahead and purchased it.
The only thing I dislike about Necros in ESO is their lazy skill design. What do I mean by that? Well, I just don't think we need to have 3 different beam skills that do slightly different things. Having three doesn't create any interesting play patterns that you wouldn't get with one or two and so now you just pick which of the three you happen to like the most, when they could have all been the same skill but different morphs.
The Mender, Mage and Archer are essentially the same skill too, but at least it makes sense to have one for damage and one for protection rather than having both Bitter Harvest and Restoring Tether heal you.
I would have liked to see ZOS create a class that's not actually summoning its own corpses but I can understand why they didn't, since there are a ton of fights with just a boss and no adds to leave corpses behind.
Not complaining about the nonpermanent pets or small number of them though. That's accurate because you need more preparation for more minions in TES, which you don't have, unless the BBEG of the day comes into your player home to threaten you.
The part about curses
They gave sorcerer and Nightblade the curse skills. When they did that at launch they weren’t planning on releasing necromancer. They only released necro because the homework was mostly done for them already and they need a big selling point. Look at this current chapter, and what they came up with when the homework wasn’t already done.
EverQuest easily had the best necro class.
L0rdV1ct0r wrote: »One big problem not only for necromancer but for everything on ESO is the "carnavalesque" armor.
Example? Those are necromancers on daggerfall (King of worms and a guard)
And this are necromancers on ESO.
Visual aside. only Dragon Age Inquisition managed to create a worst type of necromancy. The games with the best necromancy IMO are : Arcanum (You can even talk with spirits to solve quests in a different way, can animate corpses, etc), Diablo 2(can use nasty curses, reanimate enemies, etc) and Might & Magic 8 - Day of the destroyer(can become a lich, put enemies under nasty curses, reanimate enemies, etc). Among the mmo genre, Ultima online has the best necromancy followed by Age of Conan. I don't consider AoC necromancer a top tier iteration due the high amount of cooldowns and "Wow clonification" of the game. Still much better than 99,9% of mmos.
But looks to ESO.
- Even SORCERER has more curses than the necromancer and still only one curse
- Sorcerer also has more perma pets
- Necromancy is not lore friendly. Conjuration on Skyrim allow you to reanimate corpses and the strength of the corpse that you can reanimate varies with perks and the spell. On ESO, most skills that should consume corpses are in fact generating corpses(eg - skeleton mage)
- This skills that generate corpses, there are ZERO reason to why bone armor would generate a corpse after few seconds.
- And all corpses felt the same, is not like D2 where the corpse explosion scales with corpse hp.
- There are no progression on anything "non damage" related. Instead of starting the game with a single weak skeleton and ending with an horde, you always can summon a temporary skeleton mage or suicide skeleton
I confess that it was a HUGE disappointment for me. Necromancer is my second favorite mage type on fantasy RPG's, losing only to the Frost/Water mage. And IMO Gothic 3 has the best water mage. G3 also adopted the "only one summon limit" thing that i hate(except for army of darkness dark magic spell)
One of the biggest problems that i have with 99,9% of mmos(ESO included) is that game mechanics are completely dissociated from the game lore/worldbuilding and class fantasies. The necromancer class doesn't looks like a necromancer that i would see in a novel, movie, etc. Looks like a generic "tank", generic "dps" and generic "healer"... No, i was not expecting a in deph necromancy, where you can learn some type of "daedric" language and can learn all types of dark magic, insta kill enemies who fail a save, use complex reagent to customize your pets and etc But i was expecting at least something more akin to Age of Conan.
People who are like "they had to take MulTiPlaYeR" into consideration are the same people that don't know Death Knights in WoW can get up to like 12-15 undead at once. Yet it's a....multiplayer game :thinking: It seems people have forgotten that us being able to temporary summon a little army (maybe 5-8, and that's being generous.) undead for like 20 seconds would not break the game.
L0rdV1ct0r wrote: »Necromancy is not lore friendly. Conjuration on Skyrim allow you to reanimate corpses and the strength of the corpse that you can reanimate varies with perks and the spell. On ESO, most skills that should consume corpses are in fact generating corpses(eg - skeleton mage)
L0rdV1ct0r wrote: »Anyway, one thing that i love on older games is the design. Enemies aren't "carnavalesque" wow like.
Nemesis7884 wrote: »while the corpse mechanic is innovative i do say that more curses and a constant undead thrall is something i really expected... im especially still salty about the later to be honest - i get the lore reasoning but there would be ways to get around it...
I would have loved for example one ultimate being a constant undead thrall that you can then evolve in either a lich (magic) or draugr death lord (stamina)
berzerkdethb14_ESO1 wrote: »I agree. It's the first time I played a necromancer in a game I didn't like. The entire concept is silly.
where are the zombies? the rot? the decay?
Nemesis7884 wrote: »to me the core of a necromancer has always been about summoning and debuffing...coupled with ice magic in elder scrolls...while i have levelled 3 necromancers, i never play them...
They had to take into consideration the multiplayer aspect.
Just you with your army of skellies is fine, but multiply that by even 3 people and there is a problem.
I support your suggestion that necromancy should bring up other ways of finishing quests or at the very least cause different npc dialogue.
L0rdV1ct0r wrote: »Necromancer is my second favorite mage type on fantasy RPG's, losing only to the Frost/Water mage.