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Story Mode Dungeons: Do we want them?

  • amapola76
    YES. We want a story mode.
    Well, it certainly looks like you got your answer. A puny 19% are opposed to this idea.
  • Dusk_Coven
    YES. We want a story mode.
    Amazing how many people bother to OPPOSE something they don't want.
    Must be hellishly triggering living in a world where so many people are manufacturing and using so many products they have no personal interest in buying.
  • Paramedicus
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    Must be easy to live with telephatic abilities thus knowing motives and thoughts of other people xD
    PC EU
    /script JumpToHouse("@Paramedicus")
    ↑↑↑ Feel free to visit my house if you need to use Transmute Station or vet Trial Dummy with buffs and Aetherial Well (look for the Harrowing Reaper on the northern rock wall) ↑↑↑
  • Siohwenoeht
    Yes. Although I don’t want a story mode, let people who want it have it.
    The only caveat for me is that I want to still be able to enter group instances solo for the challenge. If this isn't done right, that aspect might be eliminated.
    "It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time saying anything in it, because we do not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to." - Treebeard
  • Kombinator
    YES. We want a story mode.
    One of the best thing about SWTOR is the ability to play tons of content solo. I prefer that way. Sure social people, and guilds should have their way of grinding the gear, but if you want to go story, and listen dialogues, chose carefuly, watch cutscenes, then that should be an option as well.

    I think, that dungeons should have a solo difficulty level, that let you. Well. Solo it. Only generic overworld drop, and bosses reduced to regular elites. But you can go solo, and take your time with the story.

    Another expansion would be, that when playing in group finder, then there is no story. So the first timer won't waste time with it.
  • Mannix1958
    Yes. Although I don’t want a story mode, let people who want it have it.
    Daimmyo wrote: »
    Oh god,

    I just started soloing dungeons, and I am enjoying it.

    I didn't tried DLC stuff though.

    So what eventually comes to mind is to diverse challenge level for dungeons for 1 player (if I can solo Vet dungeons and it seems like I can in non-DLC zones, and I still have room to progress a lot) than this would be the best solution.

    Some of them can be a little bit challenging, but challenge is good, please don't remove challenge.

    It's important part of video games.

    Who spoke of removing anything?
  • TheFM
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    snoozy wrote: »
    more than 3/4 of the respondents in favour of a story mode.

    come on, zos :innocent:

    And 90 percent of ppl who voted in other threads for a more difficult overland got flat out ignored by solo players and were told it'd be too much work, sorry, you don't get to cherry pick your polls.
  • TheFM
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    zvavi wrote: »
    snoozy wrote: »
    first of all, overland difficulty is not the topic of this thread. :# but since you're bringing it up again:

    if you want it to be more difficult, go try it without white non-set gear and without cp.
    easy fix. there is no such option for dungeons. you can't magically equip bis gear or max cp to make it easier.

    also, the most coherent argument against story mode was additional stress on the servers due to more instances.
    more difficult overland instances would have the same effect... :neutral:

    The whole point of vet zones was immersion and the ability to enjoy the story being not anticlimactic. Going naked foodless and cp less (especially when you are probably queued for a dungeon at the moment) is stupid (and annoying to take gear cp and food off just to put it back on).
    It wont make it any less anti climatic or help us enjoy the story.
    TheFM wrote: »

    Go try dungeons with people that will let you read the text and the lore. Easy fix. See how that works.

    But it wont help you enjoy the story to the fullest now will it? @snoozy

    Being in a group of like minded individuals means u can't enjoy it? So it is about easy anti social mode, and not the story. Gotcha
  • TheFM
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    NO every game that did this killed off all social and online interactions. this is an MMO dont want to play with other go play an offline game. SWTOR did this and killed its entire online dungeon running community. if you ruin eso i WILL find you.

    The New World was an open world survival full loot pvp game, not they just announced becasue some people cried in alpha they are REMOVING ALL OPEN WORLD PVP... wtf x100000000000000000000000000000000000

    SWTOR Flashpoint running is still a huge thing in the game especially since 6.0 came about. SWTORs “online interactions” are still there and haven’t decreased since the game came out either. There are still many ops groups, rpers, and pvpers.

    Solo Mode was added because people complained about them being vote kicked for watching the flashpoint cutscenes. And Solo mode was only added in with some flashpoints (ones the directly effected the story).

    Solo Mode was actually greatly welcomed in the community. And still is.


    Now, you really need to figure out the difference between Solo and Story:

    Story, normal dungeons, same rewards, but has players that are interested in watching the stories.

    Solo, just one player, greatly lessened rewards and experience.

    I’m guessing OP wants the “Story” one.

    Dunno what game you were playing, but with the introduction of solo and story mode the games raid and flashpoint population imploded. It went from being able to find a group within a minute, to finding a group maybe once every half an hour, it also caused a mass exodus of players, including myself because not only did they stop focusing on flashpoints, they started almost exclusively focusing on the solo mode flashpoints and the ludicrously easy story flashpoints. The game never recovered from that.
  • MerguezMan
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    With over 450 votes and 77% saying they wanted it for them selves or wanted them to have it...I think I have my answer.

    True... to a point. How much biased is the poll result ?

    I see in comments some people that voted "yes", clearly asking for skill point and loot, thus ignoring the OP statement as "no rewards mode". And I see those comments getting agrees.

    Would it be possible that some people did not read the OP, and directly voted "yes", with their own interpretation of what "story mode" should be ?

    If so, could they mean a mode where you can't skip the story, and have to group up with 4 people like now ?
    (because in the poll question, "Story Mode Dungeons: Do we want them?", you don't state a number of players requirement)

    Then... would it mean this poll is completely useless to your arguments about solo version of dungeons ?

    [Edit] Creating surveys is a full-time job for some. Check for yourself:
    Edited by MerguezMan on January 22, 2020 12:55PM
  • BejaProphet
    MerguezMan wrote: »
    With over 450 votes and 77% saying they wanted it for them selves or wanted them to have it...I think I have my answer.

    True... to a point. How much biased is the poll result ?

    I see in comments some people that voted "yes", clearly asking for skill point and loot, thus ignoring the OP statement as "no rewards mode". And I see those comments getting agrees.

    Would it be possible that some people did not read the OP, and directly voted "yes", with their own interpretation of what "story mode" should be ?

    If so, could they mean a mode where you can't skip the story, and have to group up with 4 people like now ?
    (because in the poll question, "Story Mode Dungeons: Do we want them?", you don't state a number of players requirement)

    Then... would it mean this poll is completely useless to your arguments about solo version of dungeons ?

    [Edit] Creating surveys is a full-time job for some. Check for yourself:

    There is certainly a vast gulf between data and the interpretation of that data. But I think you over state the problem if your take away is that we learned nothing from this poll. Had 77% been against a story mode I highly doubt you would be saying that this poll was ambiguous.

    And for what it’s worth I did not make this poll as an advocate for story mode. I’m a tank who likes to pug vet dungeons. I get to see all the dungeons with a 5 second queue time. So I have no personal bias. I just wanted to know where the community was. And again, I think I know now.
  • MerguezMan
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    MerguezMan wrote: »
    With over 450 votes and 77% saying they wanted it for them selves or wanted them to have it...I think I have my answer.

    True... to a point. How much biased is the poll result ?

    I see in comments some people that voted "yes", clearly asking for skill point and loot, thus ignoring the OP statement as "no rewards mode". And I see those comments getting agrees.

    Would it be possible that some people did not read the OP, and directly voted "yes", with their own interpretation of what "story mode" should be ?

    If so, could they mean a mode where you can't skip the story, and have to group up with 4 people like now ?
    (because in the poll question, "Story Mode Dungeons: Do we want them?", you don't state a number of players requirement)

    Then... would it mean this poll is completely useless to your arguments about solo version of dungeons ?

    [Edit] Creating surveys is a full-time job for some. Check for yourself:

    There is certainly a vast gulf between data and the interpretation of that data. But I think you over state the problem if your take away is that we learned nothing from this poll. Had 77% been against a story mode I highly doubt you would be saying that this poll was ambiguous.

    This poll is ambiguous.

    I would completely 100% agree on adding a mode where you can't skip the story while running 4-man dungeon.
    I don't agree on a solo non-rewarding version of dungeons.

    Would I agree on a rewarding solo ? On a non-rewarding group ? That's a different question.

    And for what it’s worth I did not make this poll as an advocate for story mode. I’m a tank who likes to pug vet dungeons. I get to see all the dungeons with a 5 second queue time. So I have no personal bias. I just wanted to know where the community was. And again, I think I know now.

    You clearly made this poll to check how many players would agree on adding a solo non-rewarding version of dungeons.
    And you created this poll in response to another thread discussing the same topic.
    Having people that agree or disagree is an argument for almost anything. Saying the contrary is just trying to fool yourself.

    Unfortunately, poll is biased. Results won't let you know much.


    [Edit#2 - cut abusive use of "you" - Désolé mec, j'améliore mon anglais comme je peux.]
    Edited by MerguezMan on January 22, 2020 4:14PM
  • theyancey
    YES. We want a story mode.
    What I want to see is more of a solo mode as we have through much of the base game where the computer fills in the remaining members of the group that we lack. There could be an assortment of class/faction NPCs that we could choose from to take the group to 4 members. While I might choose 1 tank, 1 healer, and another DPS to fill out my group you may wish to experiment with a different configuration. It would also be a great learning and testing environment. Want to check out how your skills in one role or another are working? Here is where you can do that without other players suffering the consequences of your mistakes. ZOS likes for players to try different roles and activities. This would be a good way to encourage running dungeons and other group activities. It would open more of the game to a large part of the player base thereby adding value to ESO. Imagine the financial windfall from new sales of dungeon DLCs, increased ESO+ membership, and crown store purchases.

    Moreover this type approach would be in keeping with Matt's blueprint for the game. Ignore the threads that you see about how ESO is an RPG or MMO. Instead take it from the person who developed,built, and runs the game. This quote from Matt Frior is just as true today as it was in 2016:

    ESO is not really a traditional MMO, so we don’t use that term much around the office – and it is this distinction that separates it from other games. If you want to play it solo, like you did with other Elder Scrolls games, you can do that. If you want to play it super-grindy with dungeons, Trials, and group bosses as the core of you experience, you can join up with others and do that too. It’s really up to you to figure out how you want to play it, as we don’t enforce a play style one way or the other. In fact, ESO has been super-successful at taking gamers not used to massive online games, introducing them to the concepts of group play by making it fun and optional, and turning them into online gamers.

    I believe that such a solo mode for group content would be the easiest way to make the game as accessible to the many without placing any undue burden on the few. Instead of a cost it is a moneymaker. It holds true to both the history of the TES franchise and to the vision of the creator of ESO. I'm all for it.

  • iiYuki
    They could add them but there should be limited or no rewards other than the quest.
    "Play how you want... unless its not how we intended you to play in which case we'll nerf it".
    - ZO$

    - The ZO$ Theme Song:
  • BejaProphet

    You are making up a narrative. Ignoring everything actually said. Then sticking your fingers in your ears so as to not hear anything else.

    Your claims about ambiguity in the poll is obvious to every person who reads the original post.

    However what is ludicrous is that I am telling you who I am and what my motives are, yet you are telling me you know better about that!

    I actually argued AGAINST story mode in one of the previous threads. Granted at the time I thought they were asking for the removal of all story from dungeons.

    I have said more than once in this thread that I identify with the hardcore, challenge seeking MMO-loving crowd.

    I have said multiple times that I only was curious if the people arguing were a minority or not.

    I have never anywhere ever advocated for a story mode, other than to admit the results of this poll.

    Yet you know better than all that. You create a narrative about who I am and my motives in your own mind and consider that to define me. And you do this so you can pretend that this poll was something other than an over whelming disagreement with your view.

    Pretty pathetic.
    Edited by BejaProphet on January 22, 2020 2:25PM
  • MEBengalsFan2001
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    Mannix1958 wrote: »
    I'm not sure what the downside of this proposal would be.

    This is a MMO and removing the GROUP UP feature makes it a solo player game. You want solo dungeon you have Delvs and most Public dungeons to run.
  • MerguezMan
    NO. Do not add a story mode.

    I don't pretend to know who you-BejaProphet are better than you do.
    And I'm not upset with poll results at all.

    I said in other topics that english is not my native language, so one can easily understand that the way I turn my phrases may be misinterpreted.

    I said in previous post that "you" was not specifically personal to "you-BejaProphet" (about 20min before you-BejaProphet tried to ashame me).

    I said your poll is ambiguous and its results are biased, because people answer without reading the OP.

    I said you can't really trust the results, as people say "yes" to "story mode" with their own interpretation of it, ignoring the "solo & no-reward" requirement. Which you can easily check by reading the comments in this thread.

    Though you-BejaProphet still say you can know or admit something from those same results. There we disagree.

    I never meant to say you-BejaProphet intentionally created an ambiguous poll to prove that lots of people here want a solo non-rewarding version of dungeons.

    See the difference ?

    [Edit] Back on topic,

    - How many players would want a rewarding solo mode for dungeons ?
    - How many would want a repeatable quest/story in dungeons for 1-4 players ?
    - How many would want a scaled difficulty depending on the number of players in dungeon ?
    - How many would want bots to replace missing players in current dungeons ?
    - How many would want the story not to be skippable in current dungeons ?

    How many players would find one or a combination of the above suggestions more suitable than a non-rewarding solo mode ?
    Edited by MerguezMan on January 22, 2020 4:33PM
  • BejaProphet
    MerguezMan wrote: »
    MerguezMan wrote: »
    With over 450 votes and 77% saying they wanted it for them selves or wanted them to have it...I think I have my answer.

    True... to a point. How much biased is the poll result ?

    I see in comments some people that voted "yes", clearly asking for skill point and loot, thus ignoring the OP statement as "no rewards mode". And I see those comments getting agrees.

    Would it be possible that some people did not read the OP, and directly voted "yes", with their own interpretation of what "story mode" should be ?

    If so, could they mean a mode where you can't skip the story, and have to group up with 4 people like now ?
    (because in the poll question, "Story Mode Dungeons: Do we want them?", you don't state a number of players requirement)

    Then... would it mean this poll is completely useless to your arguments about solo version of dungeons ?

    [Edit] Creating surveys is a full-time job for some. Check for yourself:

    There is certainly a vast gulf between data and the interpretation of that data. But I think you over state the problem if your take away is that we learned nothing from this poll. Had 77% been against a story mode I highly doubt you would be saying that this poll was ambiguous.

    This poll is ambiguous.

    I would completely 100% agree on adding a mode where you can't skip the story while running 4-man dungeon.
    I don't agree on a solo non-rewarding version of dungeons.

    Would I agree on a rewarding solo ? On a non-rewarding group ? That's a different question.

    And for what it’s worth I did not make this poll as an advocate for story mode. I’m a tank who likes to pug vet dungeons. I get to see all the dungeons with a 5 second queue time. So I have no personal bias. I just wanted to know where the community was. And again, I think I know now.

    You clearly made this poll to check how many players would agree with you ([Edit]"you" or people that want it - nothing personal here[/Edit])

    Hmmmmmm. 👍
  • Iccotak
    Yes. Although I don’t want a story mode, let people who want it have it.
    For a trade off if we got a Group Dungeon Mode for Final Bosses in a Story then I would be fine with the Solo that is proposed in the OP
  • Linaleah
    YES. We want a story mode.
    TheFM wrote: »
    snoozy wrote: »
    more than 3/4 of the respondents in favour of a story mode.

    come on, zos :innocent:

    And 90 percent of ppl who voted in other threads for a more difficult overland got flat out ignored by solo players and were told it'd be too much work, sorry, you don't get to cherry pick your polls.

    I always vote FOR more difficult OPTION for overland, provided current overland remains as is and new option is added as its own set of shards. kinda like we used to have regular and vet zones. I also don't think it would be that much work to implement a zone wide battlespirit of sort. what i am against is making overland harder for everyone, REMOVING current difficulty. and the argument I've seen levied against me over. and over. and over. is that

    1. it will split the player base (which is a silly notion, as we already have multiple shards in overland, we are not all playing in the same instance. don't beleive me? haven't you ever experienced being in the same zone as someone else but not seeing them, and when you group up, you get a prompt that they are in a different instance of that zone and would you like to travel to them now? if you say "no" a and go to their location - you will only see their nametag moving around but not them - cause they are in a different instance. ergo - having a separate vet instance would NOT split the playerbase any more than its already split via sharding. however - if its still some how an issue, having vet versions of delves and public dungeons and instanced story pieces is a compromise

    2. just making things have more life and hit harder is not going to make it more fun. maybe. maybe not. depends on what your specific issues with overland are. for a lot of people its the fact that nothing can kill them, and things they attack - die to quickly. increasing health and damage of mobs? addresses THAT. with minimum effort, as all you need to do is adjust player scaling when they zone into vet overland. even traveling to it - can be easily solved but offering the same drop down menu we get right now when you are traveling to a wayshrine that is next to a house you own or when you are manually traveling to a group dungeon that has 1 and 2 variant.

    I know I'm not the only one with similar opinions, far from it. like i said, the disagreement starts when people who want harder overland - want it harder for everyone. THEY are the ones often claiming that balancing 2 overlands is too much work, so ZoS should just make it harder for all.

    and battlespirit sort of solution if you are zoning into a solo version of dungeon is a fast solution that will not require much balancing. removing certain mechanics that are group only (like having to step onto 2 plates that are in opposite corners of the room - at the same time) - will not change mechanics of actual fight, but it will be beneficial for people who solo content right now already, AND help with less then coordinated pugs.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Linaleah
    YES. We want a story mode.
    Mannix1958 wrote: »
    I'm not sure what the downside of this proposal would be.

    This is a MMO and removing the GROUP UP feature makes it a solo player game. You want solo dungeon you have Delvs and most Public dungeons to run.


    /rub temples.

    no one is asking to REMOVE group feature.

    we are asking to ADD solo option to already existing group feature.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Linaleah
    YES. We want a story mode.
    TheFM wrote: »
    NO every game that did this killed off all social and online interactions. this is an MMO dont want to play with other go play an offline game. SWTOR did this and killed its entire online dungeon running community. if you ruin eso i WILL find you.

    The New World was an open world survival full loot pvp game, not they just announced becasue some people cried in alpha they are REMOVING ALL OPEN WORLD PVP... wtf x100000000000000000000000000000000000

    SWTOR Flashpoint running is still a huge thing in the game especially since 6.0 came about. SWTORs “online interactions” are still there and haven’t decreased since the game came out either. There are still many ops groups, rpers, and pvpers.

    Solo Mode was added because people complained about them being vote kicked for watching the flashpoint cutscenes. And Solo mode was only added in with some flashpoints (ones the directly effected the story).

    Solo Mode was actually greatly welcomed in the community. And still is.


    Now, you really need to figure out the difference between Solo and Story:

    Story, normal dungeons, same rewards, but has players that are interested in watching the stories.

    Solo, just one player, greatly lessened rewards and experience.

    I’m guessing OP wants the “Story” one.

    Dunno what game you were playing, but with the introduction of solo and story mode the games raid and flashpoint population imploded. It went from being able to find a group within a minute, to finding a group maybe once every half an hour, it also caused a mass exodus of players, including myself because not only did they stop focusing on flashpoints, they started almost exclusively focusing on the solo mode flashpoints and the ludicrously easy story flashpoints. The game never recovered from that.

    but.. that is not what happened O_O they introduced solo flashpoints originally - back in shadow of revan. and the raiding community as well as flashpoint community - THRIVED back then.

    group running community in swtor imploded, NOT because they added solo versions, it imploded becasue despite promising after a year's wait to get new trials - they would never, EVER make people wait for so long to get new content to run... and instead... they made people wait for TWO years or so, and when they added a new raid - it was a single boss with no trash. and the next raid added was added one boss at a time over the course of months. they also, instead of proper flashpoints - started adding shorter, less interesting versions of them in form of uprisings.

    and last but most important. GALACTIC COMMAND XP system happened. command xp system literally removed upgrade loot from all content, group AND solo and made it ONLY fall from rng boxes you get as you grinded command xp. and the difference between running something in a group vs running it solo when it came to command xp was too small. it was also extremely alt unfriendly. they eventually fixed it more or less, made the loot drop directly from bosses again, but by the time they got around to it - the damage was done.

    but it was NOT solo versions of story based flashpoints that did it. it was combination of lack of new content and galactic command system. people STILL ran flashpoints when solo version were available. they just got slightly more impatient about spacebaring through cutscenes, since you could just do the story solo on your own time, but people still ran flashpoints.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • idk
    snoozy wrote: »
    more than 3/4 of the respondents in favour of a story mode.

    come on, zos :innocent:

    And considering the stories from zones are now being brought through the dungeons it makes sense.

    The argument that this is an MMORPG falls flat and lacks logic because these stories are stemming from what is intended to be a story line intended and designed so players can do it solo.
  • TheFM
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    theyancey wrote: »
    What I want to see is more of a solo mode as we have through much of the base game where the computer fills in the remaining members of the group that we lack. There could be an assortment of class/faction NPCs that we could choose from to take the group to 4 members. While I might choose 1 tank, 1 healer, and another DPS to fill out my group you may wish to experiment with a different configuration. It would also be a great learning and testing environment. Want to check out how your skills in one role or another are working? Here is where you can do that without other players suffering the consequences of your mistakes. ZOS likes for players to try different roles and activities. This would be a good way to encourage running dungeons and other group activities. It would open more of the game to a large part of the player base thereby adding value to ESO. Imagine the financial windfall from new sales of dungeon DLCs, increased ESO+ membership, and crown store purchases.

    Moreover this type approach would be in keeping with Matt's blueprint for the game. Ignore the threads that you see about how ESO is an RPG or MMO. Instead take it from the person who developed,built, and runs the game. This quote from Matt Frior is just as true today as it was in 2016:

    ESO is not really a traditional MMO, so we don’t use that term much around the office – and it is this distinction that separates it from other games. If you want to play it solo, like you did with other Elder Scrolls games, you can do that. If you want to play it super-grindy with dungeons, Trials, and group bosses as the core of you experience, you can join up with others and do that too. It’s really up to you to figure out how you want to play it, as we don’t enforce a play style one way or the other. In fact, ESO has been super-successful at taking gamers not used to massive online games, introducing them to the concepts of group play by making it fun and optional, and turning them into online gamers.

    I believe that such a solo mode for group content would be the easiest way to make the game as accessible to the many without placing any undue burden on the few. Instead of a cost it is a moneymaker. It holds true to both the history of the TES franchise and to the vision of the creator of ESO. I'm all for it.

    That quote has been refuted 304929042 times, and the game is even labeled as an mmo. What you are describing is EXACTLY what they did in swtor and it ABSOLUTE BUTCHERED the dungeon population. No thanks, a solo version, without any form of reward would be ok, but absolutely nothing more.
  • TheFM
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    Linaleah wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    snoozy wrote: »
    more than 3/4 of the respondents in favour of a story mode.

    come on, zos :innocent:

    And 90 percent of ppl who voted in other threads for a more difficult overland got flat out ignored by solo players and were told it'd be too much work, sorry, you don't get to cherry pick your polls.

    I always vote FOR more difficult OPTION for overland, provided current overland remains as is and new option is added as its own set of shards. kinda like we used to have regular and vet zones. I also don't think it would be that much work to implement a zone wide battlespirit of sort. what i am against is making overland harder for everyone, REMOVING current difficulty. and the argument I've seen levied against me over. and over. and over. is that

    1. it will split the player base (which is a silly notion, as we already have multiple shards in overland, we are not all playing in the same instance. don't beleive me? haven't you ever experienced being in the same zone as someone else but not seeing them, and when you group up, you get a prompt that they are in a different instance of that zone and would you like to travel to them now? if you say "no" a and go to their location - you will only see their nametag moving around but not them - cause they are in a different instance. ergo - having a separate vet instance would NOT split the playerbase any more than its already split via sharding. however - if its still some how an issue, having vet versions of delves and public dungeons and instanced story pieces is a compromise

    2. just making things have more life and hit harder is not going to make it more fun. maybe. maybe not. depends on what your specific issues with overland are. for a lot of people its the fact that nothing can kill them, and things they attack - die to quickly. increasing health and damage of mobs? addresses THAT. with minimum effort, as all you need to do is adjust player scaling when they zone into vet overland. even traveling to it - can be easily solved but offering the same drop down menu we get right now when you are traveling to a wayshrine that is next to a house you own or when you are manually traveling to a group dungeon that has 1 and 2 variant.

    I know I'm not the only one with similar opinions, far from it. like i said, the disagreement starts when people who want harder overland - want it harder for everyone. THEY are the ones often claiming that balancing 2 overlands is too much work, so ZoS should just make it harder for all.

    and battlespirit sort of solution if you are zoning into a solo version of dungeon is a fast solution that will not require much balancing. removing certain mechanics that are group only (like having to step onto 2 plates that are in opposite corners of the room - at the same time) - will not change mechanics of actual fight, but it will be beneficial for people who solo content right now already, AND help with less then coordinated pugs.

    Absolutely no one advocating for overland difficulty increase is asking it to be forced on everyone, it has always been we want 2 instances. You are basing everything on assumptions, I am basing on real world observations that were demonstrated on multiple games.

    As for battle spirit, double no, this game already hand holds enough.

    Solo story mode without any rewards - Yes
    Anything else - No.
  • Linaleah
    YES. We want a story mode.
    TheFM wrote: »
    theyancey wrote: »
    What I want to see is more of a solo mode as we have through much of the base game where the computer fills in the remaining members of the group that we lack. There could be an assortment of class/faction NPCs that we could choose from to take the group to 4 members. While I might choose 1 tank, 1 healer, and another DPS to fill out my group you may wish to experiment with a different configuration. It would also be a great learning and testing environment. Want to check out how your skills in one role or another are working? Here is where you can do that without other players suffering the consequences of your mistakes. ZOS likes for players to try different roles and activities. This would be a good way to encourage running dungeons and other group activities. It would open more of the game to a large part of the player base thereby adding value to ESO. Imagine the financial windfall from new sales of dungeon DLCs, increased ESO+ membership, and crown store purchases.

    Moreover this type approach would be in keeping with Matt's blueprint for the game. Ignore the threads that you see about how ESO is an RPG or MMO. Instead take it from the person who developed,built, and runs the game. This quote from Matt Frior is just as true today as it was in 2016:

    ESO is not really a traditional MMO, so we don’t use that term much around the office – and it is this distinction that separates it from other games. If you want to play it solo, like you did with other Elder Scrolls games, you can do that. If you want to play it super-grindy with dungeons, Trials, and group bosses as the core of you experience, you can join up with others and do that too. It’s really up to you to figure out how you want to play it, as we don’t enforce a play style one way or the other. In fact, ESO has been super-successful at taking gamers not used to massive online games, introducing them to the concepts of group play by making it fun and optional, and turning them into online gamers.

    I believe that such a solo mode for group content would be the easiest way to make the game as accessible to the many without placing any undue burden on the few. Instead of a cost it is a moneymaker. It holds true to both the history of the TES franchise and to the vision of the creator of ESO. I'm all for it.

    That quote has been refuted 304929042 times, and the game is even labeled as an mmo. What you are describing is EXACTLY what they did in swtor and it ABSOLUTE BUTCHERED the dungeon population. No thanks, a solo version, without any form of reward would be ok, but absolutely nothing more.

    and once again. NO. it did NOT. what butchered dungeon population was combination of lack of new raid content, uprisings being inferior to proper full length dungeons and most importantly - galactic command.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Linaleah
    YES. We want a story mode.
    TheFM wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    snoozy wrote: »
    more than 3/4 of the respondents in favour of a story mode.

    come on, zos :innocent:

    And 90 percent of ppl who voted in other threads for a more difficult overland got flat out ignored by solo players and were told it'd be too much work, sorry, you don't get to cherry pick your polls.

    I always vote FOR more difficult OPTION for overland, provided current overland remains as is and new option is added as its own set of shards. kinda like we used to have regular and vet zones. I also don't think it would be that much work to implement a zone wide battlespirit of sort. what i am against is making overland harder for everyone, REMOVING current difficulty. and the argument I've seen levied against me over. and over. and over. is that

    1. it will split the player base (which is a silly notion, as we already have multiple shards in overland, we are not all playing in the same instance. don't beleive me? haven't you ever experienced being in the same zone as someone else but not seeing them, and when you group up, you get a prompt that they are in a different instance of that zone and would you like to travel to them now? if you say "no" a and go to their location - you will only see their nametag moving around but not them - cause they are in a different instance. ergo - having a separate vet instance would NOT split the playerbase any more than its already split via sharding. however - if its still some how an issue, having vet versions of delves and public dungeons and instanced story pieces is a compromise

    2. just making things have more life and hit harder is not going to make it more fun. maybe. maybe not. depends on what your specific issues with overland are. for a lot of people its the fact that nothing can kill them, and things they attack - die to quickly. increasing health and damage of mobs? addresses THAT. with minimum effort, as all you need to do is adjust player scaling when they zone into vet overland. even traveling to it - can be easily solved but offering the same drop down menu we get right now when you are traveling to a wayshrine that is next to a house you own or when you are manually traveling to a group dungeon that has 1 and 2 variant.

    I know I'm not the only one with similar opinions, far from it. like i said, the disagreement starts when people who want harder overland - want it harder for everyone. THEY are the ones often claiming that balancing 2 overlands is too much work, so ZoS should just make it harder for all.

    and battlespirit sort of solution if you are zoning into a solo version of dungeon is a fast solution that will not require much balancing. removing certain mechanics that are group only (like having to step onto 2 plates that are in opposite corners of the room - at the same time) - will not change mechanics of actual fight, but it will be beneficial for people who solo content right now already, AND help with less then coordinated pugs.

    Absolutely no one advocating for overland difficulty increase is asking it to be forced on everyone, it has always been we want 2 instances. You are basing everything on assumptions, I am basing on real world observations that were demonstrated on multiple games.

    As for battle spirit, double no, this game already hand holds enough.

    Solo story mode without any rewards - Yes
    Anything else - No.

    you are basing your ideas on extreme amount of confirmation bias coupled with cherry picking. becasue what you claim happened in those games vs what actualy happened? are very different things.

    battlespirit as a simple to implement solution to solo dungeon difficulty adjustment - works perfectly fine. it could also incorporate changes in loot to drop in solo vs group version of a dungeon, much in the same way as the game is somehow capable of reading the difference between you entering vet and entering normal and changing the loot tables accordingly.

    yes plenty of people asked for harder overland, period. so no, don't say that absolutely no one advocates for it, because YES. YES THEY DO.

    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • TheFM
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    Linaleah wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    snoozy wrote: »
    more than 3/4 of the respondents in favour of a story mode.

    come on, zos :innocent:

    And 90 percent of ppl who voted in other threads for a more difficult overland got flat out ignored by solo players and were told it'd be too much work, sorry, you don't get to cherry pick your polls.

    I always vote FOR more difficult OPTION for overland, provided current overland remains as is and new option is added as its own set of shards. kinda like we used to have regular and vet zones. I also don't think it would be that much work to implement a zone wide battlespirit of sort. what i am against is making overland harder for everyone, REMOVING current difficulty. and the argument I've seen levied against me over. and over. and over. is that

    1. it will split the player base (which is a silly notion, as we already have multiple shards in overland, we are not all playing in the same instance. don't beleive me? haven't you ever experienced being in the same zone as someone else but not seeing them, and when you group up, you get a prompt that they are in a different instance of that zone and would you like to travel to them now? if you say "no" a and go to their location - you will only see their nametag moving around but not them - cause they are in a different instance. ergo - having a separate vet instance would NOT split the playerbase any more than its already split via sharding. however - if its still some how an issue, having vet versions of delves and public dungeons and instanced story pieces is a compromise

    2. just making things have more life and hit harder is not going to make it more fun. maybe. maybe not. depends on what your specific issues with overland are. for a lot of people its the fact that nothing can kill them, and things they attack - die to quickly. increasing health and damage of mobs? addresses THAT. with minimum effort, as all you need to do is adjust player scaling when they zone into vet overland. even traveling to it - can be easily solved but offering the same drop down menu we get right now when you are traveling to a wayshrine that is next to a house you own or when you are manually traveling to a group dungeon that has 1 and 2 variant.

    I know I'm not the only one with similar opinions, far from it. like i said, the disagreement starts when people who want harder overland - want it harder for everyone. THEY are the ones often claiming that balancing 2 overlands is too much work, so ZoS should just make it harder for all.

    and battlespirit sort of solution if you are zoning into a solo version of dungeon is a fast solution that will not require much balancing. removing certain mechanics that are group only (like having to step onto 2 plates that are in opposite corners of the room - at the same time) - will not change mechanics of actual fight, but it will be beneficial for people who solo content right now already, AND help with less then coordinated pugs.

    Absolutely no one advocating for overland difficulty increase is asking it to be forced on everyone, it has always been we want 2 instances. You are basing everything on assumptions, I am basing on real world observations that were demonstrated on multiple games.

    As for battle spirit, double no, this game already hand holds enough.

    Solo story mode without any rewards - Yes
    Anything else - No.

    you are basing your ideas on extreme amount of confirmation bias coupled with cherry picking. becasue what you claim happened in those games vs what actualy happened? are very different things.

    battlespirit as a simple to implement solution to solo dungeon difficulty adjustment - works perfectly fine. it could also incorporate changes in loot to drop in solo vs group version of a dungeon, much in the same way as the game is somehow capable of reading the difference between you entering vet and entering normal and changing the loot tables accordingly.

    yes plenty of people asked for harder overland, period. so no, don't say that absolutely no one advocates for it, because YES. YES THEY DO.

    Whatever you gotta tell yourself. Its always hilarious how the pve / story players are absolutely against anything more difficult or pvp related, but always demand more story, more pve, more more more, when most of the game is already doable by -everyone.
  • TheFM
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    Linaleah wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    theyancey wrote: »
    What I want to see is more of a solo mode as we have through much of the base game where the computer fills in the remaining members of the group that we lack. There could be an assortment of class/faction NPCs that we could choose from to take the group to 4 members. While I might choose 1 tank, 1 healer, and another DPS to fill out my group you may wish to experiment with a different configuration. It would also be a great learning and testing environment. Want to check out how your skills in one role or another are working? Here is where you can do that without other players suffering the consequences of your mistakes. ZOS likes for players to try different roles and activities. This would be a good way to encourage running dungeons and other group activities. It would open more of the game to a large part of the player base thereby adding value to ESO. Imagine the financial windfall from new sales of dungeon DLCs, increased ESO+ membership, and crown store purchases.

    Moreover this type approach would be in keeping with Matt's blueprint for the game. Ignore the threads that you see about how ESO is an RPG or MMO. Instead take it from the person who developed,built, and runs the game. This quote from Matt Frior is just as true today as it was in 2016:

    ESO is not really a traditional MMO, so we don’t use that term much around the office – and it is this distinction that separates it from other games. If you want to play it solo, like you did with other Elder Scrolls games, you can do that. If you want to play it super-grindy with dungeons, Trials, and group bosses as the core of you experience, you can join up with others and do that too. It’s really up to you to figure out how you want to play it, as we don’t enforce a play style one way or the other. In fact, ESO has been super-successful at taking gamers not used to massive online games, introducing them to the concepts of group play by making it fun and optional, and turning them into online gamers.

    I believe that such a solo mode for group content would be the easiest way to make the game as accessible to the many without placing any undue burden on the few. Instead of a cost it is a moneymaker. It holds true to both the history of the TES franchise and to the vision of the creator of ESO. I'm all for it.

    That quote has been refuted 304929042 times, and the game is even labeled as an mmo. What you are describing is EXACTLY what they did in swtor and it ABSOLUTE BUTCHERED the dungeon population. No thanks, a solo version, without any form of reward would be ok, but absolutely nothing more.

    and once again. NO. it did NOT. what butchered dungeon population was combination of lack of new raid content, uprisings being inferior to proper full length dungeons and most importantly - galactic command.

    Yes, it did, what do you think the uprisings were? Solo friendly missions, and when they allowed you to take companions into flashpoints, everyone started doing that, instead of inviting other people. But yeah, lets just keep beating this dead horse because a skyrim expansion came out. You want a story mode, sure, a compromise would be story without ANY help or ANY rewards, I dont want it, but that would be a compromise.
  • Linaleah
    YES. We want a story mode.
    TheFM wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    snoozy wrote: »
    more than 3/4 of the respondents in favour of a story mode.

    come on, zos :innocent:

    And 90 percent of ppl who voted in other threads for a more difficult overland got flat out ignored by solo players and were told it'd be too much work, sorry, you don't get to cherry pick your polls.

    I always vote FOR more difficult OPTION for overland, provided current overland remains as is and new option is added as its own set of shards. kinda like we used to have regular and vet zones. I also don't think it would be that much work to implement a zone wide battlespirit of sort. what i am against is making overland harder for everyone, REMOVING current difficulty. and the argument I've seen levied against me over. and over. and over. is that

    1. it will split the player base (which is a silly notion, as we already have multiple shards in overland, we are not all playing in the same instance. don't beleive me? haven't you ever experienced being in the same zone as someone else but not seeing them, and when you group up, you get a prompt that they are in a different instance of that zone and would you like to travel to them now? if you say "no" a and go to their location - you will only see their nametag moving around but not them - cause they are in a different instance. ergo - having a separate vet instance would NOT split the playerbase any more than its already split via sharding. however - if its still some how an issue, having vet versions of delves and public dungeons and instanced story pieces is a compromise

    2. just making things have more life and hit harder is not going to make it more fun. maybe. maybe not. depends on what your specific issues with overland are. for a lot of people its the fact that nothing can kill them, and things they attack - die to quickly. increasing health and damage of mobs? addresses THAT. with minimum effort, as all you need to do is adjust player scaling when they zone into vet overland. even traveling to it - can be easily solved but offering the same drop down menu we get right now when you are traveling to a wayshrine that is next to a house you own or when you are manually traveling to a group dungeon that has 1 and 2 variant.

    I know I'm not the only one with similar opinions, far from it. like i said, the disagreement starts when people who want harder overland - want it harder for everyone. THEY are the ones often claiming that balancing 2 overlands is too much work, so ZoS should just make it harder for all.

    and battlespirit sort of solution if you are zoning into a solo version of dungeon is a fast solution that will not require much balancing. removing certain mechanics that are group only (like having to step onto 2 plates that are in opposite corners of the room - at the same time) - will not change mechanics of actual fight, but it will be beneficial for people who solo content right now already, AND help with less then coordinated pugs.

    Absolutely no one advocating for overland difficulty increase is asking it to be forced on everyone, it has always been we want 2 instances. You are basing everything on assumptions, I am basing on real world observations that were demonstrated on multiple games.

    As for battle spirit, double no, this game already hand holds enough.

    Solo story mode without any rewards - Yes
    Anything else - No.

    you are basing your ideas on extreme amount of confirmation bias coupled with cherry picking. becasue what you claim happened in those games vs what actualy happened? are very different things.

    battlespirit as a simple to implement solution to solo dungeon difficulty adjustment - works perfectly fine. it could also incorporate changes in loot to drop in solo vs group version of a dungeon, much in the same way as the game is somehow capable of reading the difference between you entering vet and entering normal and changing the loot tables accordingly.

    yes plenty of people asked for harder overland, period. so no, don't say that absolutely no one advocates for it, because YES. YES THEY DO.

    Whatever you gotta tell yourself. Its always hilarious how the pve / story players are absolutely against anything more difficult or pvp related, but always demand more story, more pve, more more more, when most of the game is already doable by -everyone.

    amazing. simply amazing.

    we are not against anything more difficult or pvp related (and i'm in particular is pretty pissed off about upcoming BG change, because casual pvpers who like to play with friends, do exist, its not all sweaty premades slaughtering soloers) we are against something more "difficult" to the exclusion of all else. we are against story being held hostage behind significantly harder group dungeons and being told that we should just "find friends" in patronizing fashion, as if many of us haven't already done that and found experience of story in a group to STILL be lacking.

    but I see now that i'm wasting my time on you.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
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