Well bad news for all of you IC lovers. Zos already gave away the dlc for free which is basically them saying we give up, IC is too s***ty and nonprofitable to work on. That's what it looks like and it's a shame.
myskyrim26 wrote: »OP, you don't care about the Imperial City itself at all. You just need any place for mixed PVP and PVE - to my mind, the biggest ZOS mistake. Imperial City is a place that many lore fans wish to see, yet they can't. Because they never PVP, never play in team.
ZOS should create special PVP, PVP/PVE places for players like you. These place should have nothing to do with the LORE. Just places where you can have fun. Interesting mechanics, challenging tasks, eh? That's what you need. Leave THE LORE alone. ESO is a TES game first, MMO - second.
Says who?
KillsAllElves wrote: »Well bad news for all of you IC lovers. Zos already gave away the dlc for free which is basically them saying we give up, IC is too s***ty and nonprofitable to work on. That's what it looks like and it's a shame.
Thats a pathetic way of justifying your animosity towards IC.
IC is a small dlc from 2015, so it makes sense for Zoh$ to give it away. Every one is looking to new content not years old content.
Agreed. I believe that was the product of the original dev team. They talked about Murkmire, open world PvP/ bounty hunting via the Justice system, and spell crafting back in those days as well. This was 2014 btw.
I believe there was also talk about horse racing back then as well. Now it's just boring PvE content, and dumbing down combat. Unfortunately the game aged like milk. Hopefully it turns around one day.
MashmalloMan wrote: »KillsAllElves wrote: »Well bad news for all of you IC lovers. Zos already gave away the dlc for free which is basically them saying we give up, IC is too s***ty and nonprofitable to work on. That's what it looks like and it's a shame.
Thats a pathetic way of justifying your animosity towards IC.
IC is a small dlc from 2015, so it makes sense for Zoh$ to give it away. Every one is looking to new content not years old content.
That and ZOS finally realized how poor of a decision it is to paywall and seperate your player base when it comes to a competitive pvp setting. This isn't COD and even COD had it's issues with paywalling the limited pvp player base. It's the same reason Battlegrounds became free outside of Morrowind or did people forget it was a selling feature of that chapter? Battlegrounds probably gets more players than IC and Cyro combined because it's small digestiable pvp that suits the casual player base better.
First, with a strong PvE element alongside PvP this adds many different strategies for combat, for example perhaps you know your enemy is stronger, but if you pull a big boss on them, like Zoal the eye in Elven Gardens, or Ysenda the harvester in Arboretum, with some skill and timing, using damage and CC from the boss can give an advantage. Similarly a smartly timed ambush on an enemy player already engaged with a boss can make all the difference.
As the title says, imo, the Imperial City is the best content in the game. PvP and PvE at the same time is my favorite content in the game for many reasons, and I'm surprised ZOS hasn't made more expansions along the same lines.
Ragnarock41 wrote: »Agreed. I believe that was the product of the original dev team. They talked about Murkmire, open world PvP/ bounty hunting via the Justice system, and spell crafting back in those days as well. This was 2014 btw.
I believe there was also talk about horse racing back then as well. Now it's just boring PvE content, and dumbing down combat. Unfortunately the game aged like milk. Hopefully it turns around one day.
When the new team took over, the first thing they said was probably ''welp, PvP sucks, lets focus on PvE from now on.''
I don't blame them but seriously.. I've got really bored of the same old and same old.
Ragnarock41 wrote: »Agreed. I believe that was the product of the original dev team. They talked about Murkmire, open world PvP/ bounty hunting via the Justice system, and spell crafting back in those days as well. This was 2014 btw.
I believe there was also talk about horse racing back then as well. Now it's just boring PvE content, and dumbing down combat. Unfortunately the game aged like milk. Hopefully it turns around one day.
When the new team took over, the first thing they said was probably ''welp, PvP sucks, lets focus on PvE from now on.''
I don't blame them but seriously.. I've got really bored of the same old and same old.
The only PvE content that's been enjoyable since Maelstrom is probably Black Rose Prison honestly. I think trials are boring.
That we are still discussing a 2015 DLC in 2019 is a testament to Imperial City's excellence.
New DLCs arrive every 4 months and fade from the imaginum within the same time frame. Their cookie cutter PVE doesn't break any new ground. Whereas Imperial City pushed the envelope and as such is/was controversial. Most of us cherish our IC memories and would love more combined PVP/PVE content.
Back in 2015 we felt the future was full of possibility. Now that future is quarterly formulaic PvE content repeating until the end of time.
That we are still discussing a 2015 DLC in 2019 is a testament to Imperial City's excellence.
New DLCs arrive every 4 months and fade from the imaginum within the same time frame. Their cookie cutter PVE doesn't break any new ground. Whereas Imperial City pushed the envelope and as such is/was controversial. Most of us cherish our IC memories and would love more combined PVP/PVE content.
Back in 2015 we felt the future was full of possibility. Now that future is quarterly formulaic PvE content repeating until the end of time.
Who is "most of us" ? Because if by "us" You mean overall playerbase well then numbers in IC says that most of the playerbase is actualy not really into IC. fact it's controversial doesnt make it instantly fun. It's long dead content with occasional moments it gets some attention during events just to die the same day event ends. Even after release it died relatively quick. It's no different in that matter from any other DLC and actually there are some old DLCs that people visits up to this day more often then IC.
That we are still discussing a 2015 DLC in 2019 is a testament to Imperial City's excellence.
New DLCs arrive every 4 months and fade from the imaginum within the same time frame. Their cookie cutter PVE doesn't break any new ground. Whereas Imperial City pushed the envelope and as such is/was controversial. Most of us cherish our IC memories and would love more combined PVP/PVE content.
Back in 2015 we felt the future was full of possibility. Now that future is quarterly formulaic PvE content repeating until the end of time.
Who is "most of us" ? Because if by "us" You mean overall playerbase well then numbers in IC says that most of the playerbase is actualy not really into IC. fact it's controversial doesnt make it instantly fun. It's long dead content with occasional moments it gets some attention during events just to die the same day event ends. Even after release it died relatively quick. It's no different in that matter from any other DLC and actually there are some old DLCs that people visits up to this day more often then IC.
Lol, I'd love to see these numbers which render my personal experience and anecdotal feedback from guildees null & void.
Heck, by your logic we might as well delete Hews Bane and Gold Coast cos last time I went skyshard hunting in those zones they were a wasteland population wise.
If I have misunderstood your point and was unesscarily defensive then I am genuinely apologetic.
In re-reading your comment I still feel you are equating active population ("numbers") as a means to measure a DLCs value/worth. If it that is your metric I think it unfair that other DLCs of that era are not put to the same measurement.
Emma_Overload wrote: »IC is the best content in the game, but it has some serious flaws and shortcomings that ZOS needs to address:
1) Rewards need to be better. Please put some new gear in the TV store, along with all upgrade tempers, Kutas, etc.
2) There needs to be at least one district or area where all three factions can respawn at will. This will bring back massive 3-way brawls like we used to have in the Arboretum.
3) There need to be some "cloak proof" zones that players can retreat to when they are being harassed by nightblades. This will give poor PvE carebears a fighting chance to save their stones from scummy gankers. I realize this will be difficult to balance, but IC is way too biased towards NBs right now.
Found the gankblade, which is the only class IC is actually “fun” for.
Well, it's off-topic so I don't really want to bump your post, but it seems to be a common concern so: No, and for two reasons:
1. Nightblades are a class built into the game, they have deep lore and a unique playstyle. Just because you dont like the way another person is playing the game doesn't mean they're wrong. Diversity of builds and playstyles is one of the greatest strengths of the game.
2. I play Stamden and Magplar. If you had read more closely you would see that I said I *like* being hunted by nightblades. Why? Because it raises the stakes and makes it more fun. Also I almost always win, so that feels even better to tea bag a would-be ganker.
Before you go hating on another person's playstyle realize that it's a MMO, that means massively multiplayer, not CCO cookie cutter. If you dying a lot here's a serious tip: change your jewelry to protective. You're welcome.
If I have misunderstood your point and was unesscarily defensive then I am genuinely apologetic.
In re-reading your comment I still feel you are equating active population ("numbers") as a means to measure a DLCs value/worth. If it that is your metric I think it unfair that other DLCs of that era are not put to the same measurement.
I was more reffering to a fact that because PvE+PvP content is not really popular in ESO as the numbers and history of Imperial City DLC shows it's highly unlikely ZoS will add more of that type of content. It costed them lot of work during the production and long after that when they were tweaking it multiple times and still it did not got popular. And it's only 1 DLC of that type so if people would like that type of content we should've seen some decent number of players visiting it on regular basis. It's simply not worth for ZoS to make another DLCs like that.
TheRealPotoroo wrote: »Found the gankblade, which is the only class IC is actually “fun” for.
Well, it's off-topic so I don't really want to bump your post, but it seems to be a common concern so: No, and for two reasons:
1. Nightblades are a class built into the game, they have deep lore and a unique playstyle. Just because you dont like the way another person is playing the game doesn't mean they're wrong. Diversity of builds and playstyles is one of the greatest strengths of the game.
2. I play Stamden and Magplar. If you had read more closely you would see that I said I *like* being hunted by nightblades. Why? Because it raises the stakes and makes it more fun. Also I almost always win, so that feels even better to tea bag a would-be ganker.
Before you go hating on another person's playstyle realize that it's a MMO, that means massively multiplayer, not CCO cookie cutter. If you dying a lot here's a serious tip: change your jewelry to protective. You're welcome.
Smug much? We'll all go on hating other players' play styles when those play styles wreck our enjoyment of the game. The fundamental problem with IC, which is why it is a dead zone and will be until the end of time, is that most players hate the fact that other players can attack them without permission. As much as I one day hope ZOS will give people like me a PVP-free way to do the IC quests, people like you make me wish they'd never touch it again so it remains dead forever.
I love the IC, doing PvP there feels like you are in some Spec Ops mission. You sneak by some trash mobs, take out the boss, dispose of any enemy faction units who also infiltrated the city.
spartaxoxo wrote: »I always felt that killing someone with Telvar shouldn't make them lose it, but still reward you with (new) Telvar equal to half their loot if they died to you.
spartaxoxo wrote: »As a PvE person, the primary reason I don't go there is that you lose your telvar. I don't care about dying, I play BGs and Cyrodiil whenever I want to transmute something. But I don't bother with IC because I'm gonna lose my telvar anyway. And that's really the only reason to go in there. If I actually had incentive to go in there, that I could actually progress (albeit at a slower rate than people good at pvp) then I would go.
I always felt that killing someone with Telvar shouldn't make them lose it, but still reward you with (new) Telvar equal to half their loot if they died to you. This way being good at PVP allowed you to farm Telvar faster that people who weren't, but people aren't good feel like they can make progress too. Similar to how BGs and Cyrodiil are more rewarding to good players but not unrewarding to those are average or bad.
IDK. I always felt this mechanic is what killed IC. And I also think double telvar is why you see so many people in during events. It helps alleviate this problem, however briefly, by making Telvar so plentiful that losing it doesn't set you back nearly as much. And with groups so plentiful you also die less and can't be total shutdown from earning.