Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

How many people with lag and stutter are not using a hdmi 2.0 cable or maybe have a bad cable?

  • Lady_Linux
    I'm sure my cable isn't 2.0
    Still not sure why an older video cable limiting you to a max of 30fps (which, if you can do 60fps with your CPU/GPU, 30 should be dead stable), has anything to do with "lag" or "stutter". You're not running your broadband connection through your HDMI cable.

    hdmi 1.4 supports 30 htz

    hdmi supports 60 htz

    hdmi suports 240 htz

    for 4k
    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • Gilvoth
    I don't know if i have a bad cable, how do i test for that?
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    Oh wow, this thread is still going...

    I think some things need to be mentioned though...

    The only functional reason to ever have a refresh rate over 60 is not visual quality. It has been pretty darn conclusively proven that while humans can tell the difference between a 240hz display and a 60hz display... they can't tell it when they are PLAYING anywhere near as often.

    Refresh rate has exactly ONE impact on performance. If your refresh rate is less than your FPS in some circumstances you will have a yoyo effect with Vsync on. Beyond this, there is no effect. Higher refresh rates DO NOT IN ANY WAY INCREASE PERFORMANCE.

    The final thing is what we, as gamers, actually get high refresh rates for is INPUT LATENCY. The time between seeing, clicking, and seeing the result of the click. Higher refresh rates allow for more images to be drawn and thus allows for your eye to see and register action faster. In an FPS this is very important... In ESO less important(it helps to weave).

    Fact checks:
    A bad cable is a bad cable. Most of you probably have bad cables. You've bent them, rolled a chair over them. Abused them. Stuck them into dirty a** ports. They are "less optimal".
    Having a bad cable with a crap monitor means NOTHING! Cables are DIGITAL NOW. Digital has this really cool thing where it either works.. or it doesn't. Unless you have actual more expensive than a car hardware cable choice isn't going to bother you one whit. Rejoice at no longer having to physically shield your monitor cable from your power cable or get artifacts!

    2.0 vs 1.0 HDMI. It doesn't matter. I've seen really cheap cables handle 2.0 specs... I've seen really expensive cables fail at 2.0 spec. You can have a passing 2.0 spec cable fail by bending it wrong. Unless you are truly 100% visualphile hardcore you probably won't have a setup that cares. If you do have a setup that cares you won't use HDMI because of how finicky it is.

    1.4 hdmi supports 30 hrtz

    2.0 hdmi support 60 htz

    2.1 hdmi supports 240 htz

    for 4k

    these are facts.

    do you have a link that is from a company that states that as truth?
    i kind of doubt, i mean you could be right but ....
    the guy your quoting seems to be quite accurate (in my opinion)
    and, well, i mean he sure seems to know what he is talking about and what i would expect to hear from an employee working at or atleast involved in the sales of these types of cables and hardware we are speaking about.
  • Gilvoth
    I don't know if i have a bad cable, how do i test for that?
    Oh wow, this thread is still going...

    I think some things need to be mentioned though...

    The only functional reason to ever have a refresh rate over 60 is not visual quality. It has been pretty darn conclusively proven that while humans can tell the difference between a 240hz display and a 60hz display... they can't tell it when they are PLAYING anywhere near as often.

    Refresh rate has exactly ONE impact on performance. If your refresh rate is less than your FPS in some circumstances you will have a yoyo effect with Vsync on. Beyond this, there is no effect. Higher refresh rates DO NOT IN ANY WAY INCREASE PERFORMANCE.

    The final thing is what we, as gamers, actually get high refresh rates for is INPUT LATENCY. The time between seeing, clicking, and seeing the result of the click. Higher refresh rates allow for more images to be drawn and thus allows for your eye to see and register action faster. In an FPS this is very important... In ESO less important(it helps to weave).

    Fact checks:
    A bad cable is a bad cable. Most of you probably have bad cables. You've bent them, rolled a chair over them. Abused them. Stuck them into dirty a** ports. They are "less optimal".
    Having a bad cable with a crap monitor means NOTHING! Cables are DIGITAL NOW. Digital has this really cool thing where it either works.. or it doesn't. Unless you have actual more expensive than a car hardware cable choice isn't going to bother you one whit. Rejoice at no longer having to physically shield your monitor cable from your power cable or get artifacts!

    2.0 vs 1.0 HDMI. It doesn't matter. I've seen really cheap cables handle 2.0 specs... I've seen really expensive cables fail at 2.0 spec. You can have a passing 2.0 spec cable fail by bending it wrong. Unless you are truly 100% visualphile hardcore you probably won't have a setup that cares. If you do have a setup that cares you won't use HDMI because of how finicky it is.

    well said.
    i believe your right and sounds understandable and true.
  • Gythral
    fierackas wrote: »
    EU server must be on the wrong cable!

    So many wrong cables :expressionless:
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • SeaGtGruff
    She didn't say that the video card or cable was causing lag or stutter. She said that the symptoms she was experiencing had a visual resemblance to lag or stutter.

    And once she determined that the symptoms originated with the cable, and that replacing the cable would resolve them, she thought it might be helpful to mention it to other players in case they were unknowingly suffering from a similar issue.

    Contrary to what several people apparently thought, she never suggested that everyone's problems with lag and stutter were the result of their cables.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • nafensoriel
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    Oh wow, this thread is still going...

    I think some things need to be mentioned though...

    The only functional reason to ever have a refresh rate over 60 is not visual quality. It has been pretty darn conclusively proven that while humans can tell the difference between a 240hz display and a 60hz display... they can't tell it when they are PLAYING anywhere near as often.

    Refresh rate has exactly ONE impact on performance. If your refresh rate is less than your FPS in some circumstances you will have a yoyo effect with Vsync on. Beyond this, there is no effect. Higher refresh rates DO NOT IN ANY WAY INCREASE PERFORMANCE.

    The final thing is what we, as gamers, actually get high refresh rates for is INPUT LATENCY. The time between seeing, clicking, and seeing the result of the click. Higher refresh rates allow for more images to be drawn and thus allows for your eye to see and register action faster. In an FPS this is very important... In ESO less important(it helps to weave).

    Fact checks:
    A bad cable is a bad cable. Most of you probably have bad cables. You've bent them, rolled a chair over them. Abused them. Stuck them into dirty a** ports. They are "less optimal".
    Having a bad cable with a crap monitor means NOTHING! Cables are DIGITAL NOW. Digital has this really cool thing where it either works.. or it doesn't. Unless you have actual more expensive than a car hardware cable choice isn't going to bother you one whit. Rejoice at no longer having to physically shield your monitor cable from your power cable or get artifacts!

    2.0 vs 1.0 HDMI. It doesn't matter. I've seen really cheap cables handle 2.0 specs... I've seen really expensive cables fail at 2.0 spec. You can have a passing 2.0 spec cable fail by bending it wrong. Unless you are truly 100% visualphile hardcore you probably won't have a setup that cares. If you do have a setup that cares you won't use HDMI because of how finicky it is.

    1.4 hdmi supports 30 hrtz

    2.0 hdmi support 60 htz

    2.1 hdmi supports 240 htz

    for 4k

    these are facts.

    Facts yes. Though there is no such thing as a 1.4 cable or a 2.0 cable. Those are port specs.
    For cables, HDMI is one of the most finicky cable systems known to mankind. If you bend them.. they are no longer in spec. Add an extender... no longer in spec. Also, your numbers are a bit off. The only limit for HDMI is bandwidth. They are not rated in hertz. Yes, this is a bit pedantic but its also, as you put it, "facts" and if someone, later on, uses compression at either end of the chain it will violate your statement.

    Additionally, the OUTPUT refresh rate is NOT PERFORMANCE.
    If your hardware cannot push past 30FPS on the content you are using then a 2.0 spec cable is going to provide exactly no performance gain for you and is a waste of your money.

    The fact is you could have solid gold wires and it won't change performance one tiny iota. All it will do is let your hardware perform to spec. I will bet money that maybe .01% of these forums have the hardware to actually use 2.1 spec. maybe .05% has the hardware to use 2.0 spec... and if any of those setups actually has the RIGHT hardware... I would be truly amazed.

    Chances are they bought their cables from BestBuy and use a Chinese knockoff from amazon.
  • ZonasArch
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    lagrue wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    There's no such a thing as a 2.0 cable. All HDMI cable are equal, it's the devices that need to support it. Please don't spread this misinformation. Google it first, learn about why all cables are the same, and what's HDMI 2.0 and you'll know that it's not your cable that's a problem.

    Not all cables support 2.0 and that's just a fact. Technically they are called Highspeed Cables, the ones that support 2.0. But Standard HDMI cords do not support the full potential of transfer offered by 2.0 ports and will function as 1.4 even in a 2.0 port. Thankfully it's not as easy to get ahold of Standard cables anymore, as most are made Highspeed these days.

    Alrighty then.

    In fact there are 4k 2.0 cables and 8k 2.1 cables for hdmi

    hdmi 2.0 for 4k on the cheap:

    hdmi 2.1 for 8k:

    2.1 are indeed different, but up to 2.0, you won't find anything that's not supported by a 1.4 cable.

    Either way, not my problem. I do my research before spending my money, trying to help seems pointless.

    And posting links to a seller saying it's proof of cable difference is silly. Of course the seller will say there's a difference, so they can justify an upcharge. "4k ready" and "vr ready" and "Ray tracing ready" are. Things you see on PSUs, computer cases, LEDs strips... I mean... Wtf?

    So yeah... Of course there will be a sticker "4k ready" on a HDMI cable... It's irrelevant obvious info, but still.

    Anyway, I'm done here. I keep forgetting that I'm not supposed to try to help people out of the kindness of my heart. I need to get better at being selfish and just enjoying people being ignorant and wasting their money. Not my chair, not my problem.

    hdmi 1.4 only supports 30 htz

    hdmi 2.0 supports 60 htz

    at 4k

    That's not the cable spec, ffs. That's the HDMI spec. A 2.0 monitor, with a 2.0 GPU, on a "1.4 cable", will run 4k 60. See the difference?

    There's HDMI cable, and there's HDMI spec, and there's a gap of knowledge in between over here, apparently.
  • MJallday
    Couple of things

    1) the gfx card you are using isn’t great. You might get 60fps on a low or mid setting in the middle of the night in a dead zone, but you’ll be lucky to get 30 with any good setting and in the middle of the town,

    2) the hdmi version will affect it, use display port if you can, you can get 60hz mini dp adaptors, I’ve got one on my pc for when I use oculus . They can be Pricy though

    3) the general performance issues with this game are nothing to do with your gfx card

  • Lady_Linux
    I'm sure my cable isn't 2.0
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    She didn't say that the video card or cable was causing lag or stutter. She said that the symptoms she was experiencing had a visual resemblance to lag or stutter.

    And once she determined that the symptoms originated with the cable, and that replacing the cable would resolve them, she thought it might be helpful to mention it to other players in case they were unknowingly suffering from a similar issue.

    Contrary to what several people apparently thought, she never suggested that everyone's problems with lag and stutter were the result of their cables.

    So true! TY!
    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • Lady_Linux
    I'm sure my cable isn't 2.0
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    lagrue wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    There's no such a thing as a 2.0 cable. All HDMI cable are equal, it's the devices that need to support it. Please don't spread this misinformation. Google it first, learn about why all cables are the same, and what's HDMI 2.0 and you'll know that it's not your cable that's a problem.

    Not all cables support 2.0 and that's just a fact. Technically they are called Highspeed Cables, the ones that support 2.0. But Standard HDMI cords do not support the full potential of transfer offered by 2.0 ports and will function as 1.4 even in a 2.0 port. Thankfully it's not as easy to get ahold of Standard cables anymore, as most are made Highspeed these days.

    Alrighty then.

    In fact there are 4k 2.0 cables and 8k 2.1 cables for hdmi

    hdmi 2.0 for 4k on the cheap:

    hdmi 2.1 for 8k:

    2.1 are indeed different, but up to 2.0, you won't find anything that's not supported by a 1.4 cable.

    Either way, not my problem. I do my research before spending my money, trying to help seems pointless.

    And posting links to a seller saying it's proof of cable difference is silly. Of course the seller will say there's a difference, so they can justify an upcharge. "4k ready" and "vr ready" and "Ray tracing ready" are. Things you see on PSUs, computer cases, LEDs strips... I mean... Wtf?

    So yeah... Of course there will be a sticker "4k ready" on a HDMI cable... It's irrelevant obvious info, but still.

    Anyway, I'm done here. I keep forgetting that I'm not supposed to try to help people out of the kindness of my heart. I need to get better at being selfish and just enjoying people being ignorant and wasting their money. Not my chair, not my problem.

    hdmi 1.4 only supports 30 htz

    hdmi 2.0 supports 60 htz

    at 4k

    That's not the cable spec, ffs. That's the HDMI spec. A 2.0 monitor, with a 2.0 GPU, on a "1.4 cable", will run 4k 60. See the difference?

    There's HDMI cable, and there's HDMI spec, and there's a gap of knowledge in between over here, apparently.

    Clearly there is because : i have a 2.0 hdmi gpu card and a 2.0 hdmi tv but the refresh rate my computer defaults to is 30 hrtz. So logically - the cable is the issue esp since it isn't hdmi 2.0 cable.

    See how that works? It's logic.

    And when i do get a correct cable, i will show the xrandr output that proves it.
    Edited by Lady_Linux on November 16, 2019 8:08PM
    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • MJallday
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    lagrue wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    There's no such a thing as a 2.0 cable. All HDMI cable are equal, it's the devices that need to support it. Please don't spread this misinformation. Google it first, learn about why all cables are the same, and what's HDMI 2.0 and you'll know that it's not your cable that's a problem.

    Not all cables support 2.0 and that's just a fact. Technically they are called Highspeed Cables, the ones that support 2.0. But Standard HDMI cords do not support the full potential of transfer offered by 2.0 ports and will function as 1.4 even in a 2.0 port. Thankfully it's not as easy to get ahold of Standard cables anymore, as most are made Highspeed these days.

    Alrighty then.

    In fact there are 4k 2.0 cables and 8k 2.1 cables for hdmi

    hdmi 2.0 for 4k on the cheap:

    hdmi 2.1 for 8k:

    2.1 are indeed different, but up to 2.0, you won't find anything that's not supported by a 1.4 cable.

    Either way, not my problem. I do my research before spending my money, trying to help seems pointless.

    And posting links to a seller saying it's proof of cable difference is silly. Of course the seller will say there's a difference, so they can justify an upcharge. "4k ready" and "vr ready" and "Ray tracing ready" are. Things you see on PSUs, computer cases, LEDs strips... I mean... Wtf?

    So yeah... Of course there will be a sticker "4k ready" on a HDMI cable... It's irrelevant obvious info, but still.

    Anyway, I'm done here. I keep forgetting that I'm not supposed to try to help people out of the kindness of my heart. I need to get better at being selfish and just enjoying people being ignorant and wasting their money. Not my chair, not my problem.

    hdmi 1.4 only supports 30 htz

    hdmi 2.0 supports 60 htz

    at 4k

    That's not the cable spec, ffs. That's the HDMI spec. A 2.0 monitor, with a 2.0 GPU, on a "1.4 cable", will run 4k 60. See the difference?

    There's HDMI cable, and there's HDMI spec, and there's a gap of knowledge in between over here, apparently.

    Clearly there is because : i have a 2.o hdmi gpu card and a 2.0 hdmi monitor but the refresh rate my computer default 20 is 3o hrtz. So logically - the cable is the issue esp since it isn't hdmi 2.0 cable.

    See how that works? It's logic.

    Not necessarily, you can still get hdmi2 ports on a monitor which can’t support the refresh rate at the resolution you are outputting from your gfx

  • Lady_Linux
    I'm sure my cable isn't 2.0
    MJallday wrote: »
    Couple of things

    1) the gfx card you are using isn’t great. You might get 60fps on a low or mid setting in the middle of the night in a dead zone, but you’ll be lucky to get 30 with any good setting and in the middle of the town,

    2) the hdmi version will affect it, use display port if you can, you can get 60hz mini dp adaptors, I’ve got one on my pc for when I use oculus . They can be Pricy though

    3) the general performance issues with this game are nothing to do with your gfx card


    as previously stated, i looked up display port to hdmi cables (as was recommended to me) but i couldnt find any that were rated beyond 30 hrtz.
    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • Lady_Linux
    I'm sure my cable isn't 2.0
    MJallday wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    lagrue wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    There's no such a thing as a 2.0 cable. All HDMI cable are equal, it's the devices that need to support it. Please don't spread this misinformation. Google it first, learn about why all cables are the same, and what's HDMI 2.0 and you'll know that it's not your cable that's a problem.

    Not all cables support 2.0 and that's just a fact. Technically they are called Highspeed Cables, the ones that support 2.0. But Standard HDMI cords do not support the full potential of transfer offered by 2.0 ports and will function as 1.4 even in a 2.0 port. Thankfully it's not as easy to get ahold of Standard cables anymore, as most are made Highspeed these days.

    Alrighty then.

    In fact there are 4k 2.0 cables and 8k 2.1 cables for hdmi

    hdmi 2.0 for 4k on the cheap:

    hdmi 2.1 for 8k:

    2.1 are indeed different, but up to 2.0, you won't find anything that's not supported by a 1.4 cable.

    Either way, not my problem. I do my research before spending my money, trying to help seems pointless.

    And posting links to a seller saying it's proof of cable difference is silly. Of course the seller will say there's a difference, so they can justify an upcharge. "4k ready" and "vr ready" and "Ray tracing ready" are. Things you see on PSUs, computer cases, LEDs strips... I mean... Wtf?

    So yeah... Of course there will be a sticker "4k ready" on a HDMI cable... It's irrelevant obvious info, but still.

    Anyway, I'm done here. I keep forgetting that I'm not supposed to try to help people out of the kindness of my heart. I need to get better at being selfish and just enjoying people being ignorant and wasting their money. Not my chair, not my problem.

    hdmi 1.4 only supports 30 htz

    hdmi 2.0 supports 60 htz

    at 4k

    That's not the cable spec, ffs. That's the HDMI spec. A 2.0 monitor, with a 2.0 GPU, on a "1.4 cable", will run 4k 60. See the difference?

    There's HDMI cable, and there's HDMI spec, and there's a gap of knowledge in between over here, apparently.

    Clearly there is because : i have a 2.o hdmi gpu card and a 2.0 hdmi monitor but the refresh rate my computer default 20 is 3o hrtz. So logically - the cable is the issue esp since it isn't hdmi 2.0 cable.

    See how that works? It's logic.

    Not necessarily, you can still get hdmi2 ports on a monitor which can’t support the refresh rate at the resolution you are outputting from your gfx

    i posted the specs for the tv. it is clearly supporting hdmi 2.0 aka 60 hrtz for 4x resolution. please read the thread
    Edited by Lady_Linux on November 16, 2019 8:32PM
    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • MJallday
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    Couple of things

    1) the gfx card you are using isn’t great. You might get 60fps on a low or mid setting in the middle of the night in a dead zone, but you’ll be lucky to get 30 with any good setting and in the middle of the town,

    2) the hdmi version will affect it, use display port if you can, you can get 60hz mini dp adaptors, I’ve got one on my pc for when I use oculus . They can be Pricy though

    3) the general performance issues with this game are nothing to do with your gfx card


    as previously stated, i looked up display port to hdmi cables (as was recommended to me) but i couldnt find any that were rated beyond 30 hrtz.

    Amazon have loads

    Edited by MJallday on November 16, 2019 8:34PM
  • Lady_Linux
    I'm sure my cable isn't 2.0
    MJallday wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    Couple of things

    1) the gfx card you are using isn’t great. You might get 60fps on a low or mid setting in the middle of the night in a dead zone, but you’ll be lucky to get 30 with any good setting and in the middle of the town,

    2) the hdmi version will affect it, use display port if you can, you can get 60hz mini dp adaptors, I’ve got one on my pc for when I use oculus . They can be Pricy though

    3) the general performance issues with this game are nothing to do with your gfx card


    as previously stated, i looked up display port to hdmi cables (as was recommended to me) but i couldnt find any that were rated beyond 30 hrtz.

    Amazon have loads

    that cable is not dp to hdmi cable. that cable is dp to dp cable. please read the thread.
    Edited by Lady_Linux on November 16, 2019 8:35PM
    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • MJallday
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    lagrue wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    There's no such a thing as a 2.0 cable. All HDMI cable are equal, it's the devices that need to support it. Please don't spread this misinformation. Google it first, learn about why all cables are the same, and what's HDMI 2.0 and you'll know that it's not your cable that's a problem.

    Not all cables support 2.0 and that's just a fact. Technically they are called Highspeed Cables, the ones that support 2.0. But Standard HDMI cords do not support the full potential of transfer offered by 2.0 ports and will function as 1.4 even in a 2.0 port. Thankfully it's not as easy to get ahold of Standard cables anymore, as most are made Highspeed these days.

    Alrighty then.

    In fact there are 4k 2.0 cables and 8k 2.1 cables for hdmi

    hdmi 2.0 for 4k on the cheap:

    hdmi 2.1 for 8k:

    2.1 are indeed different, but up to 2.0, you won't find anything that's not supported by a 1.4 cable.

    Either way, not my problem. I do my research before spending my money, trying to help seems pointless.

    And posting links to a seller saying it's proof of cable difference is silly. Of course the seller will say there's a difference, so they can justify an upcharge. "4k ready" and "vr ready" and "Ray tracing ready" are. Things you see on PSUs, computer cases, LEDs strips... I mean... Wtf?

    So yeah... Of course there will be a sticker "4k ready" on a HDMI cable... It's irrelevant obvious info, but still.

    Anyway, I'm done here. I keep forgetting that I'm not supposed to try to help people out of the kindness of my heart. I need to get better at being selfish and just enjoying people being ignorant and wasting their money. Not my chair, not my problem.

    hdmi 1.4 only supports 30 htz

    hdmi 2.0 supports 60 htz

    at 4k

    That's not the cable spec, ffs. That's the HDMI spec. A 2.0 monitor, with a 2.0 GPU, on a "1.4 cable", will run 4k 60. See the difference?

    There's HDMI cable, and there's HDMI spec, and there's a gap of knowledge in between over here, apparently.

    Clearly there is because : i have a 2.o hdmi gpu card and a 2.0 hdmi monitor but the refresh rate my computer default 20 is 3o hrtz. So logically - the cable is the issue esp since it isn't hdmi 2.0 cable.

    See how that works? It's logic.

    Not necessarily, you can still get hdmi2 ports on a monitor which can’t support the refresh rate at the resolution you are outputting from your gfx

    i posted the specs for the tv. it is clearly supporting hdmi 2.0 aka 60 hrtz for 4x resolution. please read the thread

    Then something your posting isn’t true

    If the monitor is 60hz, you are using hdmi 2 Or above and your gfx card is capable enough - you’ll get 60hz

    Otherwise you won’t . It’s quite simple
  • Lady_Linux
    I'm sure my cable isn't 2.0
    MJallday wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    lagrue wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    There's no such a thing as a 2.0 cable. All HDMI cable are equal, it's the devices that need to support it. Please don't spread this misinformation. Google it first, learn about why all cables are the same, and what's HDMI 2.0 and you'll know that it's not your cable that's a problem.

    Not all cables support 2.0 and that's just a fact. Technically they are called Highspeed Cables, the ones that support 2.0. But Standard HDMI cords do not support the full potential of transfer offered by 2.0 ports and will function as 1.4 even in a 2.0 port. Thankfully it's not as easy to get ahold of Standard cables anymore, as most are made Highspeed these days.

    Alrighty then.

    In fact there are 4k 2.0 cables and 8k 2.1 cables for hdmi

    hdmi 2.0 for 4k on the cheap:

    hdmi 2.1 for 8k:

    2.1 are indeed different, but up to 2.0, you won't find anything that's not supported by a 1.4 cable.

    Either way, not my problem. I do my research before spending my money, trying to help seems pointless.

    And posting links to a seller saying it's proof of cable difference is silly. Of course the seller will say there's a difference, so they can justify an upcharge. "4k ready" and "vr ready" and "Ray tracing ready" are. Things you see on PSUs, computer cases, LEDs strips... I mean... Wtf?

    So yeah... Of course there will be a sticker "4k ready" on a HDMI cable... It's irrelevant obvious info, but still.

    Anyway, I'm done here. I keep forgetting that I'm not supposed to try to help people out of the kindness of my heart. I need to get better at being selfish and just enjoying people being ignorant and wasting their money. Not my chair, not my problem.

    hdmi 1.4 only supports 30 htz

    hdmi 2.0 supports 60 htz

    at 4k

    That's not the cable spec, ffs. That's the HDMI spec. A 2.0 monitor, with a 2.0 GPU, on a "1.4 cable", will run 4k 60. See the difference?

    There's HDMI cable, and there's HDMI spec, and there's a gap of knowledge in between over here, apparently.

    Clearly there is because : i have a 2.o hdmi gpu card and a 2.0 hdmi monitor but the refresh rate my computer default 20 is 3o hrtz. So logically - the cable is the issue esp since it isn't hdmi 2.0 cable.

    See how that works? It's logic.

    Not necessarily, you can still get hdmi2 ports on a monitor which can’t support the refresh rate at the resolution you are outputting from your gfx

    i posted the specs for the tv. it is clearly supporting hdmi 2.0 aka 60 hrtz for 4x resolution. please read the thread

    Then something your posting isn’t true

    If the monitor is 60hz, you are using hdmi 2 Or above and your gfx card is capable enough - you’ll get 60hz

    Otherwise you won’t . It’s quite simple

    the cable is not rated for hdmi 2.0. as stated in the op, that is the problem. please read the thread. ty.
    Edited by Lady_Linux on November 16, 2019 8:38PM
    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • MJallday
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    lagrue wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    There's no such a thing as a 2.0 cable. All HDMI cable are equal, it's the devices that need to support it. Please don't spread this misinformation. Google it first, learn about why all cables are the same, and what's HDMI 2.0 and you'll know that it's not your cable that's a problem.

    Not all cables support 2.0 and that's just a fact. Technically they are called Highspeed Cables, the ones that support 2.0. But Standard HDMI cords do not support the full potential of transfer offered by 2.0 ports and will function as 1.4 even in a 2.0 port. Thankfully it's not as easy to get ahold of Standard cables anymore, as most are made Highspeed these days.

    Alrighty then.

    In fact there are 4k 2.0 cables and 8k 2.1 cables for hdmi

    hdmi 2.0 for 4k on the cheap:

    hdmi 2.1 for 8k:

    2.1 are indeed different, but up to 2.0, you won't find anything that's not supported by a 1.4 cable.

    Either way, not my problem. I do my research before spending my money, trying to help seems pointless.

    And posting links to a seller saying it's proof of cable difference is silly. Of course the seller will say there's a difference, so they can justify an upcharge. "4k ready" and "vr ready" and "Ray tracing ready" are. Things you see on PSUs, computer cases, LEDs strips... I mean... Wtf?

    So yeah... Of course there will be a sticker "4k ready" on a HDMI cable... It's irrelevant obvious info, but still.

    Anyway, I'm done here. I keep forgetting that I'm not supposed to try to help people out of the kindness of my heart. I need to get better at being selfish and just enjoying people being ignorant and wasting their money. Not my chair, not my problem.

    hdmi 1.4 only supports 30 htz

    hdmi 2.0 supports 60 htz

    at 4k

    That's not the cable spec, ffs. That's the HDMI spec. A 2.0 monitor, with a 2.0 GPU, on a "1.4 cable", will run 4k 60. See the difference?

    There's HDMI cable, and there's HDMI spec, and there's a gap of knowledge in between over here, apparently.

    Clearly there is because : i have a 2.o hdmi gpu card and a 2.0 hdmi monitor but the refresh rate my computer default 20 is 3o hrtz. So logically - the cable is the issue esp since it isn't hdmi 2.0 cable.

    See how that works? It's logic.

    Not necessarily, you can still get hdmi2 ports on a monitor which can’t support the refresh rate at the resolution you are outputting from your gfx

    i posted the specs for the tv. it is clearly supporting hdmi 2.0 aka 60 hrtz for 4x resolution. please read the thread

    Then something your posting isn’t true

    If the monitor is 60hz, you are using hdmi 2 Or above and your gfx card is capable enough - you’ll get 60hz

    Otherwise you won’t . It’s quite simple

    the cable is not rated for hdmi 2.0. as stated in the op, that is the problem. please read the thread. ty.

    there’s 3 different convos going on here So it’s Difficult to follow but my point above stands As does your cable point.

  • MJallday
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    Couple of things

    1) the gfx card you are using isn’t great. You might get 60fps on a low or mid setting in the middle of the night in a dead zone, but you’ll be lucky to get 30 with any good setting and in the middle of the town,

    2) the hdmi version will affect it, use display port if you can, you can get 60hz mini dp adaptors, I’ve got one on my pc for when I use oculus . They can be Pricy though

    3) the general performance issues with this game are nothing to do with your gfx card


    as previously stated, i looked up display port to hdmi cables (as was recommended to me) but i couldnt find any that were rated beyond 30 hrtz.

    Amazon have loads

    that cable is not dp to hdmi cable. that cable is dp to dp cable. please read the thread.

    Yes I edited it I posted wrong link So I edited it I’m on my phone at moment .

    Please drop the sanctimonious attitude
  • ATomiX69
    Doesnt matter at all, consoles wont even reach 30 fps at 4k res. no matter if you use hdmi 1.4 or 2.0 thanks to ESO's poor optimization.
    And if you use HDMI instead of display port for a 4k 60fps or 1080/1440p 144hz+ on a PC, then you clearly dont know wtf youre doing.
    And if you use a TV as a monitor for your PC ill just laugh at you.
    smurf account
    New PvP content when?
    Better cyro performance when?
    Farmed about 3 GO's worth of AP
    world 3rd immortal redeemer (22.02.18) and other not noteworthy trifectas
  • Lady_Linux
    I'm sure my cable isn't 2.0
    MJallday wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    Couple of things

    1) the gfx card you are using isn’t great. You might get 60fps on a low or mid setting in the middle of the night in a dead zone, but you’ll be lucky to get 30 with any good setting and in the middle of the town,

    2) the hdmi version will affect it, use display port if you can, you can get 60hz mini dp adaptors, I’ve got one on my pc for when I use oculus . They can be Pricy though

    3) the general performance issues with this game are nothing to do with your gfx card


    as previously stated, i looked up display port to hdmi cables (as was recommended to me) but i couldnt find any that were rated beyond 30 hrtz.

    Amazon have loads

    that cable is not dp to hdmi cable. that cable is dp to dp cable. please read the thread.

    Yes I edited it I posted wrong link So I edited it I’m on my phone at moment .

    Please drop the sanctimonious attitude

    you falsely accused me of lying. i have been told repeatedly i am wrong despite showing repeated evidence. and i have been bombarded with false info and assertions.

    Sorry the thread is hard to follow.

    Sanctimonious? That's a bit strong of a word i think.
    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • Lady_Linux
    I'm sure my cable isn't 2.0
    ATomiX69 wrote: »
    Doesnt matter at all, consoles wont even reach 30 fps at 4k res. no matter if you use hdmi 1.4 or 2.0 thanks to ESO's poor optimization.
    And if you use HDMI instead of display port for a 4k 60fps or 1080/1440p 144hz+ on a PC, then you clearly dont know wtf youre doing.
    And if you use a TV as a monitor for your PC ill just laugh at you.

    What do i care about that? Thanks for the elitism. Have a nice day.
    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • MJallday
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    Couple of things

    1) the gfx card you are using isn’t great. You might get 60fps on a low or mid setting in the middle of the night in a dead zone, but you’ll be lucky to get 30 with any good setting and in the middle of the town,

    2) the hdmi version will affect it, use display port if you can, you can get 60hz mini dp adaptors, I’ve got one on my pc for when I use oculus . They can be Pricy though

    3) the general performance issues with this game are nothing to do with your gfx card


    as previously stated, i looked up display port to hdmi cables (as was recommended to me) but i couldnt find any that were rated beyond 30 hrtz.

    Amazon have loads

    that cable is not dp to hdmi cable. that cable is dp to dp cable. please read the thread.

    Yes I edited it I posted wrong link So I edited it I’m on my phone at moment .

    Please drop the sanctimonious attitude

    you falsely accused me of lying. i have been told repeatedly i am wrong despite showing repeated evidence. and i have been bombarded with false info and assertions.

    Sorry the thread is hard to follow.

    Sanctimonious? That's a bit strong of a word i think.

    Well ok In the interests of clarity let’s go back to my post

    Is the monitor is 60hz capable
    Is the hdmi cable 2 plus
    Is the gfx card capable of 60hz
    Is the resolution set to 60hz

    If all the above is true then you’ll get 60hz
    Otherwise you won’t and one of the above cannot be true.


  • Lady_Linux
    I'm sure my cable isn't 2.0
    MJallday wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    Couple of things

    1) the gfx card you are using isn’t great. You might get 60fps on a low or mid setting in the middle of the night in a dead zone, but you’ll be lucky to get 30 with any good setting and in the middle of the town,

    2) the hdmi version will affect it, use display port if you can, you can get 60hz mini dp adaptors, I’ve got one on my pc for when I use oculus . They can be Pricy though

    3) the general performance issues with this game are nothing to do with your gfx card


    as previously stated, i looked up display port to hdmi cables (as was recommended to me) but i couldnt find any that were rated beyond 30 hrtz.

    Amazon have loads

    that cable is not dp to hdmi cable. that cable is dp to dp cable. please read the thread.

    Yes I edited it I posted wrong link So I edited it I’m on my phone at moment .

    Please drop the sanctimonious attitude

    you falsely accused me of lying. i have been told repeatedly i am wrong despite showing repeated evidence. and i have been bombarded with false info and assertions.

    Sorry the thread is hard to follow.

    Sanctimonious? That's a bit strong of a word i think.

    Well ok In the interests of clarity let’s go back to my post

    Is the monitor is 60hz capable
    Is the hdmi cable 2 plus
    Is the gfx card capable of 60hz
    Is the resolution set to 60hz

    If all the above is true then you’ll get 60hz
    Otherwise you won’t and one of the above cannot be true.


    of all those things, as stated in op, the cable is not hdmi 2.0 so the resolution can not be set to 60 htz as the cable doesnt support it.
    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • Gilvoth
    I don't know if i have a bad cable, how do i test for that?
    ATomiX69 wrote: »
    Doesnt matter at all, consoles wont even reach 30 fps at 4k res. no matter if you use hdmi 1.4 or 2.0 thanks to ESO's poor optimization.
    And if you use HDMI instead of display port for a 4k 60fps or 1080/1440p 144hz+ on a PC, then you clearly dont know wtf youre doing.
    And if you use a TV as a monitor for your PC ill just laugh at you.

    why would you laugh?
    please tell us how using a television as a PC monitor is laughable or laughter inducing or laughter persuading or influencing.

    Edited by Gilvoth on November 16, 2019 9:02PM
  • Lady_Linux
    I'm sure my cable isn't 2.0
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    ATomiX69 wrote: »
    Doesnt matter at all, consoles wont even reach 30 fps at 4k res. no matter if you use hdmi 1.4 or 2.0 thanks to ESO's poor optimization.
    And if you use HDMI instead of display port for a 4k 60fps or 1080/1440p 144hz+ on a PC, then you clearly dont know wtf youre doing.
    And if you use a TV as a monitor for your PC ill just laugh at you.

    why would you laugh?
    please tell us how using a television as a PC monitor is laughable or laughter inducing or laughter persuading or influencing.

    I could kiss you! I wont because sexual harassment is a thing and you might have a SO who would be jealous... but the sentiment is genuine anyway... :-*
    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • ZonasArch
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    lagrue wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    There's no such a thing as a 2.0 cable. All HDMI cable are equal, it's the devices that need to support it. Please don't spread this misinformation. Google it first, learn about why all cables are the same, and what's HDMI 2.0 and you'll know that it's not your cable that's a problem.

    Not all cables support 2.0 and that's just a fact. Technically they are called Highspeed Cables, the ones that support 2.0. But Standard HDMI cords do not support the full potential of transfer offered by 2.0 ports and will function as 1.4 even in a 2.0 port. Thankfully it's not as easy to get ahold of Standard cables anymore, as most are made Highspeed these days.

    Alrighty then.

    In fact there are 4k 2.0 cables and 8k 2.1 cables for hdmi

    hdmi 2.0 for 4k on the cheap:

    hdmi 2.1 for 8k:

    2.1 are indeed different, but up to 2.0, you won't find anything that's not supported by a 1.4 cable.

    Either way, not my problem. I do my research before spending my money, trying to help seems pointless.

    And posting links to a seller saying it's proof of cable difference is silly. Of course the seller will say there's a difference, so they can justify an upcharge. "4k ready" and "vr ready" and "Ray tracing ready" are. Things you see on PSUs, computer cases, LEDs strips... I mean... Wtf?

    So yeah... Of course there will be a sticker "4k ready" on a HDMI cable... It's irrelevant obvious info, but still.

    Anyway, I'm done here. I keep forgetting that I'm not supposed to try to help people out of the kindness of my heart. I need to get better at being selfish and just enjoying people being ignorant and wasting their money. Not my chair, not my problem.

    hdmi 1.4 only supports 30 htz

    hdmi 2.0 supports 60 htz

    at 4k

    That's not the cable spec, ffs. That's the HDMI spec. A 2.0 monitor, with a 2.0 GPU, on a "1.4 cable", will run 4k 60. See the difference?

    There's HDMI cable, and there's HDMI spec, and there's a gap of knowledge in between over here, apparently.

    Clearly there is because : i have a 2.0 hdmi gpu card and a 2.0 hdmi tv but the refresh rate my computer defaults to is 30 hrtz. So logically - the cable is the issue esp since it isn't hdmi 2.0 cable.

    See how that works? It's logic.

    And when i do get a correct cable, i will show the xrandr output that proves it.
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    lagrue wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    There's no such a thing as a 2.0 cable. All HDMI cable are equal, it's the devices that need to support it. Please don't spread this misinformation. Google it first, learn about why all cables are the same, and what's HDMI 2.0 and you'll know that it's not your cable that's a problem.

    Not all cables support 2.0 and that's just a fact. Technically they are called Highspeed Cables, the ones that support 2.0. But Standard HDMI cords do not support the full potential of transfer offered by 2.0 ports and will function as 1.4 even in a 2.0 port. Thankfully it's not as easy to get ahold of Standard cables anymore, as most are made Highspeed these days.

    Alrighty then.

    In fact there are 4k 2.0 cables and 8k 2.1 cables for hdmi

    hdmi 2.0 for 4k on the cheap:

    hdmi 2.1 for 8k:

    2.1 are indeed different, but up to 2.0, you won't find anything that's not supported by a 1.4 cable.

    Either way, not my problem. I do my research before spending my money, trying to help seems pointless.

    And posting links to a seller saying it's proof of cable difference is silly. Of course the seller will say there's a difference, so they can justify an upcharge. "4k ready" and "vr ready" and "Ray tracing ready" are. Things you see on PSUs, computer cases, LEDs strips... I mean... Wtf?

    So yeah... Of course there will be a sticker "4k ready" on a HDMI cable... It's irrelevant obvious info, but still.

    Anyway, I'm done here. I keep forgetting that I'm not supposed to try to help people out of the kindness of my heart. I need to get better at being selfish and just enjoying people being ignorant and wasting their money. Not my chair, not my problem.

    hdmi 1.4 only supports 30 htz

    hdmi 2.0 supports 60 htz

    at 4k

    That's not the cable spec, ffs. That's the HDMI spec. A 2.0 monitor, with a 2.0 GPU, on a "1.4 cable", will run 4k 60. See the difference?

    There's HDMI cable, and there's HDMI spec, and there's a gap of knowledge in between over here, apparently.

    Clearly there is because : i have a 2.0 hdmi gpu card and a 2.0 hdmi tv but the refresh rate my computer defaults to is 30 hrtz. So logically - the cable is the issue esp since it isn't hdmi 2.0 cable.

    See how that works? It's logic.

    And when i do get a correct cable, i will show the xrandr output that proves it.

    Sorry, I've ran out of energy. Good luck getting an expensive cable and having no benefit from it when it still outputs 30hz. Am I authorized to laugh when that happens? Thanks!
    Edited by ZonasArch on November 16, 2019 9:18PM
  • Lady_Linux
    I'm sure my cable isn't 2.0
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    lagrue wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    There's no such a thing as a 2.0 cable. All HDMI cable are equal, it's the devices that need to support it. Please don't spread this misinformation. Google it first, learn about why all cables are the same, and what's HDMI 2.0 and you'll know that it's not your cable that's a problem.

    Not all cables support 2.0 and that's just a fact. Technically they are called Highspeed Cables, the ones that support 2.0. But Standard HDMI cords do not support the full potential of transfer offered by 2.0 ports and will function as 1.4 even in a 2.0 port. Thankfully it's not as easy to get ahold of Standard cables anymore, as most are made Highspeed these days.

    Alrighty then.

    In fact there are 4k 2.0 cables and 8k 2.1 cables for hdmi

    hdmi 2.0 for 4k on the cheap:

    hdmi 2.1 for 8k:

    2.1 are indeed different, but up to 2.0, you won't find anything that's not supported by a 1.4 cable.

    Either way, not my problem. I do my research before spending my money, trying to help seems pointless.

    And posting links to a seller saying it's proof of cable difference is silly. Of course the seller will say there's a difference, so they can justify an upcharge. "4k ready" and "vr ready" and "Ray tracing ready" are. Things you see on PSUs, computer cases, LEDs strips... I mean... Wtf?

    So yeah... Of course there will be a sticker "4k ready" on a HDMI cable... It's irrelevant obvious info, but still.

    Anyway, I'm done here. I keep forgetting that I'm not supposed to try to help people out of the kindness of my heart. I need to get better at being selfish and just enjoying people being ignorant and wasting their money. Not my chair, not my problem.

    hdmi 1.4 only supports 30 htz

    hdmi 2.0 supports 60 htz

    at 4k

    That's not the cable spec, ffs. That's the HDMI spec. A 2.0 monitor, with a 2.0 GPU, on a "1.4 cable", will run 4k 60. See the difference?

    There's HDMI cable, and there's HDMI spec, and there's a gap of knowledge in between over here, apparently.

    Clearly there is because : i have a 2.0 hdmi gpu card and a 2.0 hdmi tv but the refresh rate my computer defaults to is 30 hrtz. So logically - the cable is the issue esp since it isn't hdmi 2.0 cable.

    See how that works? It's logic.

    And when i do get a correct cable, i will show the xrandr output that proves it.
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    lagrue wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    There's no such a thing as a 2.0 cable. All HDMI cable are equal, it's the devices that need to support it. Please don't spread this misinformation. Google it first, learn about why all cables are the same, and what's HDMI 2.0 and you'll know that it's not your cable that's a problem.

    Not all cables support 2.0 and that's just a fact. Technically they are called Highspeed Cables, the ones that support 2.0. But Standard HDMI cords do not support the full potential of transfer offered by 2.0 ports and will function as 1.4 even in a 2.0 port. Thankfully it's not as easy to get ahold of Standard cables anymore, as most are made Highspeed these days.

    Alrighty then.

    In fact there are 4k 2.0 cables and 8k 2.1 cables for hdmi

    hdmi 2.0 for 4k on the cheap:

    hdmi 2.1 for 8k:

    2.1 are indeed different, but up to 2.0, you won't find anything that's not supported by a 1.4 cable.

    Either way, not my problem. I do my research before spending my money, trying to help seems pointless.

    And posting links to a seller saying it's proof of cable difference is silly. Of course the seller will say there's a difference, so they can justify an upcharge. "4k ready" and "vr ready" and "Ray tracing ready" are. Things you see on PSUs, computer cases, LEDs strips... I mean... Wtf?

    So yeah... Of course there will be a sticker "4k ready" on a HDMI cable... It's irrelevant obvious info, but still.

    Anyway, I'm done here. I keep forgetting that I'm not supposed to try to help people out of the kindness of my heart. I need to get better at being selfish and just enjoying people being ignorant and wasting their money. Not my chair, not my problem.

    hdmi 1.4 only supports 30 htz

    hdmi 2.0 supports 60 htz

    at 4k

    That's not the cable spec, ffs. That's the HDMI spec. A 2.0 monitor, with a 2.0 GPU, on a "1.4 cable", will run 4k 60. See the difference?

    There's HDMI cable, and there's HDMI spec, and there's a gap of knowledge in between over here, apparently.

    Clearly there is because : i have a 2.0 hdmi gpu card and a 2.0 hdmi tv but the refresh rate my computer defaults to is 30 hrtz. So logically - the cable is the issue esp since it isn't hdmi 2.0 cable.

    See how that works? It's logic.

    And when i do get a correct cable, i will show the xrandr output that proves it.

    This absolutely feels like an interface problem. Interface between the chair and the computer.

    Sorry, I've ran out of energy. Good luck getting an expensive cable and having no benefit from it when it still outputs 30hz. Am I authorized to laugh when that happens? Thanks!

    sure! if that happens, by all means laugh at me... poke fun, even ridicule me for what it's worth

    but it's the same in linux and windows 10 on that cable.
    Edited by Lady_Linux on November 16, 2019 9:18PM
    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • JumpmanLane
    I use display port and get a constant 60hrz everywhere even in cities. It drops in Cyro if a huge Zerg happens by.

    However I crashed in normal Vaults of Madness solo last night. It’s the game dude not your connection or your rig.
  • nafensoriel
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    lagrue wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    There's no such a thing as a 2.0 cable. All HDMI cable are equal, it's the devices that need to support it. Please don't spread this misinformation. Google it first, learn about why all cables are the same, and what's HDMI 2.0 and you'll know that it's not your cable that's a problem.

    Not all cables support 2.0 and that's just a fact. Technically they are called Highspeed Cables, the ones that support 2.0. But Standard HDMI cords do not support the full potential of transfer offered by 2.0 ports and will function as 1.4 even in a 2.0 port. Thankfully it's not as easy to get ahold of Standard cables anymore, as most are made Highspeed these days.

    Alrighty then.

    In fact there are 4k 2.0 cables and 8k 2.1 cables for hdmi

    hdmi 2.0 for 4k on the cheap:

    hdmi 2.1 for 8k:

    2.1 are indeed different, but up to 2.0, you won't find anything that's not supported by a 1.4 cable.

    Either way, not my problem. I do my research before spending my money, trying to help seems pointless.

    And posting links to a seller saying it's proof of cable difference is silly. Of course the seller will say there's a difference, so they can justify an upcharge. "4k ready" and "vr ready" and "Ray tracing ready" are. Things you see on PSUs, computer cases, LEDs strips... I mean... Wtf?

    So yeah... Of course there will be a sticker "4k ready" on a HDMI cable... It's irrelevant obvious info, but still.

    Anyway, I'm done here. I keep forgetting that I'm not supposed to try to help people out of the kindness of my heart. I need to get better at being selfish and just enjoying people being ignorant and wasting their money. Not my chair, not my problem.

    hdmi 1.4 only supports 30 htz

    hdmi 2.0 supports 60 htz

    at 4k

    That's not the cable spec, ffs. That's the HDMI spec. A 2.0 monitor, with a 2.0 GPU, on a "1.4 cable", will run 4k 60. See the difference?

    There's HDMI cable, and there's HDMI spec, and there's a gap of knowledge in between over here, apparently.

    Clearly there is because : i have a 2.0 hdmi gpu card and a 2.0 hdmi tv but the refresh rate my computer defaults to is 30 hrtz. So logically - the cable is the issue esp since it isn't hdmi 2.0 cable.

    See how that works? It's logic.

    And when i do get a correct cable, i will show the xrandr output that proves it.

    I repeat. There is no such thing as a rated HDMI cable. Cables are only designed around bandwidth. A cable doesnt care what goes through it. It is a pipe. There is no Hertz rating standard for HDMI. There is bandwidth required for media. When a cable is manufactured its engineering design only cares about bandwidth. Period. Dot. End.

    All HDMI specs apply at port level.

    I have a gen1 cable(pre1.4) that can run 2.0 hardware just fine and dandy.

    Cables are SPEED LIMITS. Not Engines. If you have a sports car hardware and you drive it on city streets it will naturally be limited. Most people do not have sports car grade hardware.

    Additionally, I've mentioned it 3 times now. Cables can change spec by bending or abusing. Since most people buy cables that are in figure 8 with a twist tie they come pre-bent. Most cables are garbage.
    Most people don't have top-end 2000+ dollar panels that can actually use 2.1 spec. An IPS panel with a bad GtG isn't going to refresh fast enough to USE higher hertz. A cheaper panel that "says 4k" doesn't mean it isn't compressed, uncompressed, and run though hardware/software before its displayed. Basically a cable upgrade is the worst possible advice to ever give anyone.
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